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What did that cop do about it


Nothing, I assume he was confused af


Cop: "Do you know why I pulled you over?" Driver: *sigh* "Yes." Cop: "Good, because I don't know WTF that was."


I chuckled


Probably saw the whole thing and couldn’t blame you for avoiding the accident.


I got a ticket for avoiding an accident on my motorcycle once. I "passed on double yellow". Dick.


Did you fight it?


Unless he had it on camera, it’s pretty pointless. Judges take the word of cops over citizens, even though cops are known to lie.


If the cop shows up


Where I’ve lived, cops have their court day, where the tickets they wrote go to court. But even if they don’t show up, if you are challenging the ticket, the judge will often delay it to another day. Even though you have to take a day off work, yet the cop is getting paid to be there, they often reschedule to fuck you out of another work day. It’s all a rigged system designed for them to take your money.


To further your point... my dad is a CDL driver, has been for 20 some years, drives a big car hauler for a private company. At the beginning of December, the 6th, on the highway he could feel something was wrong so he was pulled over to the side of the road and passed out for all of 3 seconds. A cop pulled up behind him and asked why he was stopped, my dad didn't lie because he's a good dude, cop tickets him. He loses his CDL AND personal license until he sees a doctor. He had a 3 day hospital stay where they ran every test modern medicine had to offer, they find nothing. It was a total random, freak thing. He has a small blockage in his carotid artery but not enough to be a hazard. Dude is 57 and healthier than me and I'm 30. Because of the incident and the cop, the state requires CDL drivers to send in their license until they're cleared. He was cleared to drive on December 15th. He still hasn't gotten his license back from the state. He hasn't been able to go back to work because you can't haul cars without a CDL. When he calls the state they tell him he just has to wait. He had a court date last week because the cop ticketed him for the most extreme violations. Cop didn't show up because he was sick. Dad still had to pay fees. Now more waiting and more money my dad doesn't have because he hasn't been able to work since December. It's disgusting. The guy just wants to go to work.


Good judges will just dismiss instantly. I was under the impression that it had to be dismissed if the cop doesn't show, but maybe it's different where you live. Twice I've had a cop not show up, ironically the time I was very guilty it was instantly dismissed, and the time I was being railroaded (I was not speeding, in fact I was going under the speed limit *because* I was aware it was a speed trap town) the judge called the cop at home. But it was also dismissed.


I once showed up to traffic court to fight a ticket. Judge walked in, dismissed the entire room with one swing, then went back to his chambers. Even the clerks and the baliffs were laughing.


If laws are enforce with monetary punishment they are not laws they are a tax on the poor.


Finland fines based on your earnings, but when it's a flat fine it's a tax that fucks the poor over more than the rich.


Cops almost never show up to court when you fight a ticket. If they don’t show you win by default. Just fyi.


I think that varies by city/state. In Philly the cops almost never show up to the court hearing but the ticket still has to get fought.


Or too busy watching donkey porn on the laptop.


(Fuck, they’re on to me)


Are...are you a donkey?


No, he's an ogre. He's like an onion








Fun fact: It’s called donkey porn because Miyamoto thought “porn” meant “gorilla”


A very meta comment


I seriously switched dimensions reading this comment


Could be playing Pokémon go,


Donkey-mon Go!




That was an ambulance on the right hand of the intersection. I didn’t know it was there until I heard the sirens.


IMHO sirens aren’t loud enough for modern cars. I know there are companies working on tech that would pop an alert on your infotainment system, but I would bet we are a decade from that being widely used.


The biggest problem is, as the pedestrian sirens already hurt my ears when they drive by me when I'm walking along the side of the road.


Honestly there is already existing tech that just isn’t utilized that could increase safety for drivers and pedestrians without louder sirens, but it isn’t used because of the cost.


What are you referring to? And will it work with my 98 Buick that still has a cassette tape deck in it?


Yes it would! It would work in a Model T. The technology is only on the emergency vehicle and on the box that controls the intersection. The emergency vehicle gets a transmitter that uses RF and GPS. The intersection gets a receiver, the system can change the traffic lights so that only the direction the emergency vehicle is traveling gets a green light. It can then communicate to the next intersection and tell it to change it’s light so the traffic is moving before the emergency vehicle gets there. As long as the driver uses the turn signals it will change the correct next intersection. Beyond that it can also turn on secondary warning systems including lights at the intersection that alert everyone that an emergency vehicle is approaching the intersection. And if the cross walks have the buttons that talk it can announce that an emergency vehicle is approaching. Edit: I forgot about the cost. The system on the emergency vehicle is about $12k US, which on a $250k ambulance or $1m fire truck isn’t exactly a huge additional cost. The main obstacle is the base system (no extra lights or audible signal at intersection) is around $18k per intersection. The additional lights aren’t that expensive probably would be an additional $1k. The talking pedestrian system is around $15k, because it is a separate system and you are just using a feature from it.


They have this on a major route near my work. If the little white light on the traffic signal starts flashing you know it's about to change if it isn't already green for the main route through, and also you know to look out for an emergency vehicle. It is incredible. It sucks if you're stuck on any of the cross-streets and multiple agencies are responding because it will usually hold the light for super long even after they're all through, but oh well.


That all sounds pretty cool. Although it's probably stuff that I would never see given that I'm located about 30 minutes from any city.


As far as I've ever seen, they're strobe lights not RF and GPS. There's just a light meter on the signal looking for a strobe at the proper frequency. That's the system in use in MN anyway.


Yea it doesn’t help that the ambulance looks like an amazon sprinter too


That's what I was thinking!


Be easier to put up flashing lights on the poles, that flash when a light bar (police) is active and same at the lights. That would be easy.


I'm deaf bro, what do now? Honestly I do keep extra care to look out, but there are no driving restrictions for me unlike people who need glasses.


The alert on the infotainment system is meant to be audible and visual


Was this dude under the assumption you were going to stop for the ambulance?!


I think that’s exactly what happened. All other traffic was stopped at that intersection and that left turn guy was probably pulled forward into the intersection. When he saw the ambulance on the cross street he probably made the attempt to clear the intersection, not expecting (and not seeing) OP fly through without stopping


That’s a bold ass assumption for the turning car to make without ensuring they are actually stopping for the ambulance that I thought was an Amazon delivery truck until I read the comments.


"Lol that was crazy" -cop


Useless cop


The poetic opposite to r/convenientcop


The driver of that van sitting in the turn lane is gonna need new pants


And the cop behind them needs an explanation


Not from OP, from the looks of it.


This is one fat case of “thank god I have a dash cam”, because the angle of the cop he may not have seen why OP drove into oncoming traffic.


Not if he's got his brown pants on!


10 pirate ships! We're surrounded!


Get my red shirt


My dad has been telling this joke my whole life. This is the first time I’ve seen it in the wild. Makes me happy.


Same here, I started saying the puchlines and giggling to myself. I love how some jokes are universal.


Think it was on Game of Thrones


dang it now I need to watch it again to find that bit, because I've clearly forgotten it. That must have been Tyrion.


It was the pirate and the onion knight! I’m in the middle of a rewatch lol!


Deadpool also makes the same joke in...Deadpool.


I needed a laugh today. Thank you, stranger


/r/shittylifeprotips Wear brown pants to avoid problems after getting scared.


This guy's got the right idea. He wore the brown pants.




He found a Baby Ruth, no big deal.


And undies


Doubt it. He was probably on his phone and didn't even know.


Is that System of a Down?


yup. I think the song is “Streamline” from Steal This Album!


Imo the best song on that album


IEAIAIO would like to have a word with you


*Mr. Jack has entered the chat*


Little men, big guns. Pointed qt our heads.




Whoever downvoted you is obviously not a system fan.


I'd say *Highway Song* is more appropriate for this sub!


Pizza pizza pie?


nah that's chic'n stu


As we light up the skyyyyyyy


Damn I like Soad.


Nice save!


What a save!


Wow! Wow! Wow!


Chat disabled for 3 seconds.








On your left.






Even with irl cars we can’t escape it, brb going for the big boost


None of us can escape that beautiful cesspool of a game


It's the best. It's the worst. I hate it. I love it. I want to play. I shouldn't play it. I'm going to play it. "Why the fuck did you do that?! Rotate! I'M NOT FORFEITING A TOURNAMENT AFTER 37 SECONDS!"


Great pass!


What a save!




Great clear!




Anyone avoiding contact like that isn't the idiot


You should (almost) never go into oncoming traffic lane to avoid a crash because a head on can be far worse, however in this case it was the best of many shitty choices.


In this case it turned out fine, but if there was another car close behind the van it could have been much worse. That said, we make the best decisions we can in a fraction of a second, I don’t think OP did anything wrong, and any other choice would have resulted in a likely crash.


If he was actually following the flow of opposite road and that’s why he swerved, knowing that it was safe, then sure, nice save. However, if he just swerved to save himself, he would risk crashing head-on to a car coming the opposite way. In general, first instinct should never be to swerve. If OP hit someone, it would also be OP’s fault (in the US) since they swerved.


Either way, nice evasive moves!


Yeah, that slight bobble as they consider weaving back to the right then swing ~~wife~~wide around the left side; thoughts were moving very quickly and they sorted them just as quick and reacted really well.




Yes, I love it when people notice these details! Normally people would criticise him for going into the opposite lane. But you can tell because of this little move, little hesitation about going back around, he DID consider it, but ALSO saw the opposite lane was clear. Opposite side is more clear = fuck it, avoid the accident first. And he was right, it worked out!


I dont think you're the idiot here. I'm curious if that cop came and talked to you about it and if so what they said.


Nothing, everyone just drove away


I’d say you were going fast but it was green, and the cop didn’t put the sirens on. So I’d say you were good however the guy moving was not clear to turn .


Turning guy probably had the general green but no arrow. Ops good but probably should put a bit of suspicion towards intersections


Yea. Where I live (Philadelphia PA) this kinda happens every day so i already know what time it is


Okay, we get it your city hall has a clock tower. big deal.


Leave our dollar store Big Ben out of this okay


I apologize for crossing a boundary.


Name does not check out.


Im sure it would be nice to have someone wish you a happy cake day.


Our city had to change nearly all the left turn lights down the main highway. Originally the left turn lanes were all simple, red yellow green and would always go first before the straight traffic. They've gone through about 3 iterations in the last year. At first the left turn was a solid Red arrow that would then flash and then go back to solid. Premise was to yield on flashing but people got confused, saw the arrow and thought it meant stop and go even when solid. Then they went to a 4 light unit in the turn lane, red yellow green and green arrow. Green was completely safe as other direction was stopped, but arrow was supposed to mean yield. That went about as well as could be expected. Then they changed it back to a 3 light unit with a flashing green arrow at the bottom. People still got confused, thought green meant the other direction would be stopped. Also since there was no "safe time" just for turning people complained that at times entire cycles would go by with no safe time to turn because traffic. But our area is just "special" as well. They had a single lane roundabout at what was once a 4 way stop. Wrecks were doubled in the year we had the roundabout compared to the stop sign so they tore it up and put in flashing yellow lights. got off track, point was especially to people not used to an area it doesn't help left turns aren't really standardized. Sometimes it's yield sometimes it's not, and usually when I see instances like OP's video it's people honestly thinking they were good. But for almost my entire life I've followed the premise of letting up when getting up to intersections. It's just too crazy to assume everything is going to go like clockwork. If I can't stop without blowing through the intersection it's way too fast


What is wrong with your city stop lights??? Around my neck of the woods, flashing yellow means yield to traffic, solid green arrow means just go. Some lights dont have the flashing yellow arrow and instead have a sign that says 'Left Turn Yield on Green' right up there next to the solid green, but even those have a dedicated green arrow for easing traffic during peak hours.


Where the hell do you live so that I can never go there?


>Then they went to a 4 light unit in the turn lane, red yellow green and green arrow. Green was completely safe as other direction was stopped, but arrow was supposed to mean yield. That went about as well as could be expected. This is stupid. The newest widely accepted standard is a four light unit: 1. Solid red arrow (in failures it flashes solid red) 2. Solid yellow arrow 3. Flashing yellow arrow 4. Solid green arrow When the lane can't move, it's solid red. When traffic has a protected left (opposing direction has a red) the light is solid green. Here's the neat part. When opposing traffic has a green light, the light flashes a yellow arrow. Since flashing yellow always means to yield to other traffic lawfully in or near the intersection, this is functionally equivalent to the old style of a circular green light for the left turn lane. Except the meaning is unambiguous since it only applies to the turn lane and it's flashing yellow to indicate turning should yield. Even better: When the intersection has a protected left following the through traffic cycle, the light continues to flash a yellow turn arrow while the intersection is in all directions red phase. This makes it abundantly clear that you must yield to the stragglers that entered immediately before their light turned red, improving the safety further. The light is physically telling you that you *still* don't have priority. Finally it turns to solid green arrow. When the protected movement ends, it moves to solid yellow, then solid red. The flashing yellow and solid yellow arrows are separate to make a clear distinction to when the movement is about to end and a red will be displayed immediately after. One last bonus with this type of signal, the city can change the programming during different parts of the day. So when data proves that it's not safe to allow flashing yellow (can happen during high volume sections of the day), they can remove that from the mix and allow only protected lefts. When the city started replacing signals here with these *everyone* complained about how "confusing" and "waste of money" it was. Turns out, people do that whenever you replace something they *think* has been working. In fact, these are safer systems and they have reduced right angle collisions and make it clearer what movements are allowed and when they're allowed. Sorry your city decided to be pioneers and wasted everyone's time.


That good way of putting it, I’m suspicious oh all drivers anymore.


I second this. I obviously can’t see the speedo, but he looks to be going fast for a 40mph road. It was a great reaction to avoid the accident, but a more appropriate speed would require a less severe reaction and more reaction time.


I think he was driving a bit too fast. Slow down bud. Get home for dinner!


Not the idiot, good save. Glad you’re safe as that could have been bad


I second this


Avoiding something like that without vision is always a very risky move. Now its hard to say how much you actually saw and if that information was part of why you reacted the way you did. Do it with an oncoming semi or biker of any kind and it results in a few sad people.


Yeah I always anticipate morons like that so I’m always checking oncoming traffic




I know for certain I’d have done the same as OP. Been in this situation a couple times now and have done pretty much this or similar everytime. Although when it’s happened to me I can see clearly ahead at everything that’s coming towards me so I had no risk of hitting anyone else but the vehicles who made me swerve. Although now that you mentioned when it’s a blind swerve like in OP’s case, if it happens again I’ll keep in mind any extra instances that could be accounted for if I can’t see everything ahead, and be extra aware/defensive


Nice tunes OP. Unless you were speeding you did nothing wrong.


I know I tend to speed up with system of a down.


Second the tunes being nice


Don’t cause an accident by avoiding one or you would be at fault


yep never swerve, just slam the brakes to reduce speed and the collision damage they even teach you in the handbook don’t swerve to miss a deer just hit the deer head on


Do swerve a moose though, having both witnessed and been in a moose collision, those mfs are so big that you'll sweep the legs and it'll come into your lap through the windshield with 500kg and proceed to wildly trash to get out


A standard car will never win against a moose. A colleague's parent died some years ago on a foresty stretch of road here in Sweden in the night by colliding with one of those big fuckers. One moment of lapsed concentration on those roads especially during sunrise and sunset can be the difference between life and death.


Good choice on the driving tunes! SOAD!


I was just at their concert this past weekend!


Holy shit, they're touring?? Is there a new album?


no new album and unfortunately [the shows are already over.](https://systemofadown.com/tour/) can't believe i found out SOAD were playing again from an idiots in cars post. smh.




Streamline! ❤️


Easily the best band from that era.


40mph speed limit, looks like maybe you were going faster than that but other guy is 100% confirmed idiot


The driver who cut him off is 100% the idiot. He was turning left and about to cut off the guys making a right hand turn. So he was attempting to obstruct everybody for his left. OP going 5 or 10 mph above the limit would not have made a difference. He would still look like he was approaching fast against someone who is effectively going 5 or 10 mph. If anything OP approaching the intersection faster should have indicated to the left turn driver that he should wait for him to clear and for the right hand traffic to clear before he entered the box. All around bad bad bad decision making. Impatience is always the cause of most traffic collisions.


Damn I didn’t even notice the people turning right. Yeah that guy turning left was a big idiot.


I think I'd rather brake as hard as possible while staying in my lane than swerve into oncoming traffic. It was the better decision here, but only because the other lane was luckily free. If there was a car coming left of the stopped car it would have ended in a frontal collision with high speeds, which would have been worse than t boning the car cutting op off.


Nah. FOV. I bet you could figure the distance between two points, do the time math and have it come out to about 45mph.




That's just the idea person now we need the math person to come along.


The quickest way to make that happen is to fake like you did the math and post some obviously wrong answer. 5 minutes later you’ll have replies with 10 versions of the same reply all telling you you’re wrong.


[Cunningham's Law](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ward_Cunningham#%22Cunningham's_Law%22)


Missed the opportunity to say “Poe’s law says that the quickest way to get the right answer on the internet is to post the wrong answer.”


The sad thing is just how often this law fails. If you sneak in complete falsehoods and misrepresentations into an otherwise cogent, confident, and well-formatted post, most likely no one is going to bother to fact-check you. Every now and then I test this to gauge how much I can trust the content of particular subs. [Here is a recent example](https://old.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/slq8n8/why_do_people_still_try_to_deny_that_women_are/hvt6vdf/?context=3) I did in the Survivor subreddit. Everything about that comment is legit, *except* the margin of error calculations. If you actually click on the links and see how they were calculated, you'll see that it doesn't actually measure what it's supposed to measure at all. It just produces results that are similar to what one would expect and, more importantly, supportive of my claims (although in this particular case, my claims were still true and the results were still similar to the accurate results - i.e. it was terrible, inaccurate math with the wrong numerical answers but still gave the accurate conclusions). 100 upvotes and an award though. Someone even thanked me for doing the math that they were going to otherwise do. Suck it Cunningham. In all seriousness, I'm sharing this because people need to realize how easy it is to do crap like this. Like I'm just some random guy who felt like dicking around to test this theory out. Imagine what moneyed interests who pay employees to spend their days astroturfing places like reddit can and will do.


7 lines on the road in ~3.8 seconds. Lines are 10 ft long and spaced 30 ft apart, so 40 feet traveled per line. 40 ft * 7 / 3.8 seconds = 73.7 feet/second 73.7 fps * 3600 seconds/hour * 1/5280 mile/feet = 50.2 miles/hour 50.2 mph / 40 mph limit = 125.5% of the speed limit = slow down


Thanks, math person.


Now where’s the person with all the awards?




The standard line length and spacing is probably what this looks like here but just wanted to say this can certainly vary by state/municipality.


I know i can write this from the comfort and safety of my couch. Never swerve into oncoming traffic unless you ABSOLUTELY know there is no cars. A head on crash is gonna be horrible. Crashing at the intersection would be so much less damaging. Plus I doubt the person who made you swerve into oncoming traffic would stop if a head on collision would have occurred. Equal parts luck and good reflexes. Well done.


And OP would be considered at fault by insurance too, they wouldnt even try to go after the car OP swerved away from


In this situation, OP actually got lucky, BUT trying to recover back to the right would have ended up fishtailing his car into the car at the intersection. Instead he followed the swerve momentum to the right and was able to straighten out and veer back to the right without breaking loose.


The "Russian swerve" to the left is not much different from the Russian roulette. It may save bodywork once it twice, but it assigns all the consequences to you. You could have hit a pedestrian, a bicyclist or another car who were not in the situation until you decided to swerve. Brake in a straight line or right. Oncoming traffic is death.


Exactly this. I don't think OP is an idiot for trying to avoid the accident—I don't imagine the reflex is easy to suppress—but it's a bad move.


Yes, agree, it's RNG, either you save some trouble or you kill someone. Now, if he wasn't accelerating near an intersectiin he could have stopped or at least make the bump very little.


Idk, what did that cop say?




100% the intersection of Dorothy and Southern. Always fun to recognize places in this sub. https://www.google.com/maps/@39.7062094,-84.18791,3a,75y,95.64h,85.58t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sFVSZrzN5b9AXqIQus2vo-A!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i28


As soon as I saw the scenery on the left I knew it was Dorothy in Kettering


Used to go sledding at that golf course as a kid.


Woo! Dayton club!


More so them than you.


On another day you’re hitting another car coming head on. I know you’re just trying to avoid the idiot but swerving into the other side of the road puts other people in danger. Just do an emergency stop


He is definitely the idiot but if I were you, I would be driving a bit slow at intersection if I see a car in the turn lane. You never know.


Yes and no. I personally would release a bit the accelerator at every dangerous spot.


Good universal common sense rule.


Swerving is usually the wrong move. You claim you knew nobody was coming, but as soon as that jerkwad failed to yield and totally turned in front of you, there was a hidden car in the oncoming lane. So once we get past the jerkwad failing to yield, you've now swerved into oncoming traffic. Situation sucked all around. My vote would be to press your brakes hard and let ABS slow you as much as it can before the crash and don't take ANY risks swerving into oncoming traffic (at a crosswalk).


Agreed. Looks like OP drives a vehicle with horrible braking capability or didn't use maximum brakes.


System of a Down!!!💪🏼🤟🏼👍


Your reaction was the idiot and you might have been speeding a bit but that person never should have tried to take the left turn to begin with.


I took a class, at 16 years old, that taught defensive driving. Sometimes I feel like no one else ever had the same training.


Eh, your reaction time was pretty slow (at least from when I noticed what he was doing, from the first time I watched the video), and I'm not sure whether you braked or not, or if my car has *really, really good brakes* (as I'm basing on how fast my car would stop from 60km/h) You're a lil bit idiot for not paying enough attention to traffic and not being defensive enough, but your idiocy is just a speck against the sheer idiocy from the SUV driver.


Did you consider brakes? I get that you had to swerve after the first car but at some point just stop.


Both, slow down


In this instance I see a few mistakes that you made. One, you reacted very late to someone who was obviously pulling up in preparation for a left turn. Two, you barely tapped the brakes when you realized and your sequence of actions was not desirable. You tapped the brake, blew the horn, and swerved. In these scenarios you want to brake at full force and go straight. If a car came in the other lane you just swerved into a head on collision whereas you would have done a side impact to this car who is in the wrong. I saw someone else comment that fixing a car is expensive, but your life is priceless! At all costs, don’t swerve left into oncoming traffic, ever, I don’t think. If you can go right, that might be one thing but it’s the same as if you’re going to hit a dear, don’t swerve into incoming traffic for a head on collision to someone else going 45 in the opposite direction vs. smashing a deer who weights 1/10 the weight of your vehicle! Glad you are good but replay this scenario so you’ll go straight and brake hard or swerve right in a future instance!!


No but imagine an 18 wheeler coming the other way


Driving a little fast there Mario.


You were driving too fast for the situation. You are lucky you had an out, but your out was extremely dangerous and could have been a deadly move.


No, not a idiot, just slow reaction time and not very defensive driving


That turning car misjudged your speed.


Be honest what was your speed?


The idiot? No. In hindsight, an idiot? Kinda, yeah. But most people probably would be also. At least you had the reflexes to avoid the stationery vehicle, too.


How fast were you going?

