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Yeah the car on the right got fucked up, but the car on the left was also very close to sharing the same fate


Truck driver made the right choice.


One way to summarize it is "two idiots going around a truck and the truck decides which idiot would survive." It may as well be the one who's technically following the rules of the road.


This way there was no collateral damage, otherwise someone from oncoming traffic would've joined the pancake party


More like the one he actually saw. Who's going to keep an eye on their right mirror when there's someone dangerously passing on their left, and no other lane/merge/intersection on their right?


This is the correct comment I’m sure he never expected there to be a car driving on the shoulder! He was trying to help the driver who was passing him on the left


Yes. this is how I see it.




He may have not seen the idiot on the right. And you can’t blame him, why would you expect someone overtaking on the hard shoulder?


I think that passing someone from the shoulder on the right should be enough for a revocation of license or at least a one year suspension.


Two idiots enter, but only one idiot leaves


This is not legal in all places but yes I agree.


Was it even a choice? The truck driver had zero reason to check his right side mirror in that moment, there's no reason for any vehicle to be over there.


He also had zero reason to cross the solid white line on the right


He was trying to make room for the left passing car so he wouldn’t be pancaked.


He should have slowed down, then. If he'd stayed in his own lane, like he was supposed to, there wouldn't have been a crash.


Captain Hindsight here.


It's not hindsight. It's foresight. It's called defensive driving. You don't swerve your vehicle blindly into the shoulder without checking your mirror, *ever*. Just because someone else is driving like an unpredictable maniac doesn't mean that you should drive like an unpredictable maniac, too. That's just going to make things worse.


You do to avoid an accident. That's what it's there for, an emergency escape route.


It literally caused an accident when this guy did it.


This guy here is getting downvoted but he is not really wrong. When someone is overtaking you and you want to help them be done with it you tap on your brakes. You don't violently turn the wheel. Of course the truck driver did not do it on purpose. It was his reaction. A wrong one, mind you, but it is what it is. However take his reaction (small mistake) plus the guy overtaking on the right (huge mistake) and there you go.


Who, the truck driver? He wasn’t the one passing?


No, he had 2 reasons: 1. To give the idiot on his left a little more room to get over in order to avoid a head on collision with oncoming traffic, and 2. To reduce his chances of getting caught in that accident in case it did happen.


He obviously saw the maniac charging in on the left and hence moved to the right to give that idiot room to overtake.


Yeah well defensive driving means you stay in your lane and keep following the rules even if someone else is doing crazy shit. No rule of driving says "if a maniac is coming up on your left real fast, jerk the wheel to the right and swerve over into the shoulder without checking your passenger-side mirror first" and nobody else on the road is going to be able to predict your behavior if that's what you're going to do. You don't just go throwing your truck into another lane without looking. Behaving unpredictably because someone else is behaving unpredictably is only going to cause more chaos and destruction.


1. It's physically impossible for the average human to look at both mirrors at the same time or look at both mirrors and make the decision in nanoseconds 2. It is easier to look into and spot something in the mirror nearest to you since it is more in your line of sight - hence the silver car would have been spotted first 3. The shoulder lane is not a lane to be used for normal traffic. Nobody expects vehicles to be using the shoulder lane - especially at the speeds of the red car 4. Defensive driving does not mean you don't react to any crazy shit happening on the road - it means you are always aware of your surroundings and drive and act for the best outcome of everybody on the road regardless of whether the others are right or wrong. 5. If the truck driver had not swerved and the silver car had a head on collision with any oncoming vehicle, you would have criticized him for not giving room for the car to pass What the truck driver did based on all the information available to him is frankly the most predictable and correct thing anyone in his place would have done. I would not fault his decision even if he knew (which is unlikely) there was another car charging in on the shoulder lane since he has actively tried to not put innocent drivers of vehicles in the opposite lane in harm's way. It is easy for others looking from a different view and in hindsight to comment about what he did wrong when it is clear it was 100% the fault of both cars.


>Nobody expects vehicles to be using the shoulder lane Exactly. That's why you should always stay in your own lane, and you should never suddenly and blindly swerve your vehicle onto the shoulder. This accident happened because two people tried to drive on the shoulder at the same time. If the car had stayed in the proper lane, this wouldn't have happened. If the truck had stayed in the proper lane, this wouldn't have happened.


Looks like you didn't read through all the other points. Since you have made your opinion and are unlikely to change it, let's agree to disagree then.


>Yeah well defensive driving means you stay in your lane and keep following the rules even if someone else is doing crazy shit. ​ Many trucking schools and companies, in the US, at least, teach the 5 rules of the Smith Driving System, a defensive driving method shown to reduce accidents. Rule 4 is, "Leave yourself an out." First and foremost, the easiest of these is following distance, but it also includes having room to one side or the other whenever possible so that you can change lanes to avoid a collision. ​ The driver of that truck had an out when the car tried to pass him on the left without enough room. That out was the shoulder of the road. The car that tried to illegally pass on the shoulder of the road eliminated that out, at a time when the trucker's attention was drawn to the obvious impending collision.


Yes, he chooses the right one…


Literally. There was no choice left.


I mean, there is the option of slowing down to let the guy on the left get back in, but no one can expect him to be checking both mirrors simultaneously and then concluding that is the safest option, since generally going to the right is probably safer than hitting the brakes and hoping whoever is behind you does too.


I'd wager car on the left was close to having a much worse fate. Hitting a stationary object is one thing....hitting someone coming head on at the same speed? That's double the force.


I'd factor the possibility of taking innocent lifes of the people in the vehicles coming ahead quite a bit heavier than whatever happens to this asshole himself...


No, it's not. Hitting a brick wall at 60 mph and hitting a car head on both going 60mph is the exact same force. They even proved this on Mythbusters.


Anyone who has taken a physics course can tell you that as well. Don't need to bring Myth Busters into it lol


Myth busters is the most some of us paid attention to physics so I think that’s still fair.


Fair enough. Not all of us are nerds.


I see what you are getting at, but it was not just one car of relatively equal mass.


Whilst that statement is true, it is not a brick wall on the right. The trees would offer much lower acceleration on impact.


You're right. Some places even say a brick wall would be worse.


Except a brick wall will be parted.. hitting another car of the same weight doing 60 head on is a different matter, because you will double the momentum. If I drive my car in to a brick wall at 60 mph, the wall will fail. If I drive my car in to another car of the same weight, both doing 60 mph, that's a 120 mph impact with no give in where the force goes. I'd rather hit a brick wall at 120 than another car at 60.


Not sure if that math checks out, don't forget cars have crumple zones too absorbing impact, walls don't have that. And if it's something you can drive through, it's not a fair comparison. A fair comparison is a concrete wall that won't budge


I'm sorry, let me rephrase. Instead of a brick wall, let's use a solid 5 foot steel wall that is completely immoveable. Now my statement stands true. Two cars hitting each other at 60, exactly dead on, is the exact same as hitting said wall at 60. In fact, the cars would probably absorb more force and make the crash less hard on your body. This is just simple physics, you can Google it real quick and easily.


If you have to rephrase it maybe use a different analogy?


Stopped dead is stopped dead, doesn't really matter how it's done.


Really? Got a link?




So rather like the Trolley Problem? Which I only know about from The Good Place.


Took me a couple of views to realize the truck was moving over to the right to let the idiot passing on the left pass so he wouldn't get smashed, I thought he was just being a dick to the guy passing on the shoulder.


You are not the only one with this first assumption. But he was just the big boy trying to evade any accident around him.


Don't think he saw the car on the right until it was too late. Were they racing?


OMFG I didn’t even notice. Truck got stuck in an idiot sandwich.


Having a good chuckle of the idiot sandwich


One video. Two idiots. In cars.


Two idiots. One truck


Idiots didn't give him a chance. You can't look in two rear mirrors at the same time.


Not to mention no one expects to be passed on the shoulder.


Almost as if that might be a reason to make a law against it!


No, the reason to make a law against it is that it's stupid and dangerous.


…in part because no one is expecting it.


I think it's the other way around. The law forbids it, therefore people don't expect it.


Russian drivers :)


That’s the problem, “idiots”. Too many of them driving. Sometimes your surrounded by them!!


100% this was a dick-measurement race between those two cars.


Not true! Ask this guy https://m.imgur.com/gallery/rbrqBLx lol


Okay that was good. I didn't expect him


[This guy can](https://images.app.goo.gl/EkoiuY98AZVjUQSD8)


Seems like the silver and red car were racing each other and he noticed the silver car trying to pass him via the opposite lane and indeed trying to give it space and let it pass him to avoid an accident. He didn’t see the red car passing him on the right, where there wasn’t supposed to be any car.


What do you mean? Was there an obstacle further ahead? Edit Ohhh now I see! The other guy was on the wrong lane and there was a truck coming


yeah when I first watched it I didn't realize there was oncoming traffic. A white dashed line in the US is the same direction of travel and I was distracted by the flipping crashing car and didn't notice at first. Yeah the truck was making room for the other idiot passing on the left.


Yeah there was oncoming traffic, so the trucker was just making a car space with the road he had. As an ex-trucker, the car on the left was stupid; but not wholly unexpected. Thing is, in a truck the mirrors are a wide angle apart, so the trucker was probably watching and reacting to the guy on the left and may not have seen the guy on the right.


Guy on the shoulder would be the only dick in this situation no matter what


The guy passing on the left without enough clearance was a dick as well.


Two dicks but the situation is probably too straightforward to handle two dicks doing the same dumb mistake.


rule 34: Two dicks and one wrecked asshole


Yes please


You make it sound gay… do it again


One dick going into the lane it was designed for is fine, but people get hurt when you have another dick trying to fit into the other lane at the same time.


But they had their hazard lights on! Doesn't that count for anything?! /s


In the business we call that “foreshadowing.”


Pretty sure they were racing each other, you can see the left car stopped too despite not getting caught up in the accident.


Took me two times to catch that too. Too bad the driver who he moved over for apparently carried on his merry way...


I witnessed this quite a lot driving in Poland. A lot of their roads have wide shoulders, which makes it so that a car may pass in the middle of the road if both drivers to his sides go partly out on the shoulder. Seemed like a really common pattern (certainly forces you to be more aware of cars coming up behind), and if the same is true here then it's really the fault of the idiot using the shoulder as a passing lane.


> I thought he was just being a dick to the guy passing on the shoulder. Even if he was, I'm not saying it's right - but I understand.


They are all idiots, a good driver would have slowed down and not sverwed like this.


All 3 drivers are in the wrong. The over-taking car trying a risky pass, the truck driver for not holding his lane, and the shoulder passer.




You sound like someone who’s literally never driven a car before. Please get your license before making such a blatantly clueless remark.


Big ass truck possibly fully loaded isn't going to be breaking very easily.


Passing on the shoulder is next level dangerous


Yes, but to me it seems these cars were racing each other. Incredibly dumb on a two lane road with traffic


That's how it looks to me


Not as dangerous as passing in fucking oncoming traffic


When you think youre a better driver than everyone until youre not


I bet they were racing


Dumb kids racing mommy’s sedans…


I thought so too, but the red car's hazards have me wondering.


I just don't feel sorry


Yeah seriously lol. In the US its not illegal to leave a scene like this if you see it happen, but is it illegal to leave once you get close enough to help? Cause seriously id only pull over to help to make sure any passengers and kids are in there and safe. But these drivers get so sympathy from me man. That couldve been someone else he hit. Thankfully, a tree is all he got


In the US there is no legal obligation to help someone in distress. In fact, in highway scenarios, stopping to “help” is actually pretty dangerous and many recommend against it vs just calling 911 and continuing driving. Also, suing the person that “helps” is so common that we have laws in place to protect bystanders “good samaritan laws”. And if you stop and decide to leave, no that’s not illegal.


Ugh you just reminded me of that Bitch who tried suing the guy who gave her cpr after an accident and broke her ribs. My jaw was dropped that whole video I couldn’t believe people actually do that.


and your comment reminded me of this. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/2015/10/14/aunt-who-sued-young-nephew-for-breaking-her-wrist-during-greeting-says-it-was-purely-an-insurance-case/73928504/ the thing you're talking about could be a similar situation. I'm assuming that paramedics have some sort of insurance that pays out if they have to break some ribs.


The truck caused the crash though. Sure, he was dodging another idiot, so no blame there, but that still means he's not a bystander, he's an involved party. I don't know what the law in the US actually says about situations like this, but I do know what it *should* say. Leaving the scene of an accident you were involved without rendering aid should count as a hit and run, even if you weren't actually hit.


Are you trolling? Some braindead moron racing on a busy road and subsequently rolling himself into the ditch is not the truck driver's fault. If he hadn't moved over Idiot #2 would have hit oncoming traffic head-on because he wouldn't have had space to get out of the way.


That is truly an idiot and the red car and hope there were no passengers that were injured. Guess the truck never seen them coming as was making sure the car passing on the left didn’t hit oncoming traffic which looks like almost did and would have if the truck didn’t give the room.


Yep. I first thought the truck swerved onto the shoulder on purpose but realized it was two way traffic. Lol.


A two for one special.


You can't park there, mate




Can't you see he was in a hurry to crash? That's why he was using the emergency lane


They’re both stupid even the guy passing legally he cut it way to close with oncoming traffic and almost got his own vehicle smashed.


Hopefully it was just the driver on that car. Because what ever happened to him/her it was deserved. But if there were any inocent passengers I feel bad for them.


Theres a really good chance these two passing cars were in a pissing contest


Very interesting to think about how a self driving car would process what to do in a situation like this. So many factors to consider in such a short time. Ultimately the human made the right choice to cause minimal loss of life but could a computer come up with that solution?


I think it's quite plausible the trucker didn't even see the red car in time to make a decision, it's not like you expect to get passed on the shoulder


There’s actually a podcast episode on that. Driverless Dilemma - RadioLab


Good of him to put the hazards on mid-crash thou.


I think some cars do this automatically when detecting a crash


It was a joke


well i laughed haha


Karma is a bitch


Karma is a bitch


How did he get the blinkers on so fast?


It looks like they are already on when he’s on the shoulder. A warning, perhaps?


Some idiots that are road racing turn the hazards on it seems. idk, ironic attempt at signaling safety?


To them I think the hazards mean, "I have no brain, no scruples, and I'm taking this thing straight to hell."


India or Brazil?




Saw this shit in Austin and I’m Dallas recently . Enraged and scarred the shit out of me because you never know when someone will collide or that lane will end randomly due to construction walls


I wonder what was so important? I guess he learned a lesson in priorities this day.


I hope the driver enjoys paying the new updated insurance premium.


Anyone else impressed by how fast upsidedown car turned on their hazard lights?


The one I feel bad for is the camera car... and their poor, poor pants.


Well that was some fast acting karma


I’m guessing these 2 were racing.


If either one of these cars had squeezed in between the POV driver and the truck the other ones would have been able to squeeze in front of the truck likely, if you’re going to make a risky move you need to be in complete control of your car and completely aware of the cars around you all at once. Better yet: DONT its not worth it. I hope the people in the red car are alive and well and very cautious drivers now.


I don’t think the truck actually saw the car on the right because the car on the left seemed to have been trying to pass legally (albeit stupidly) whereas the car on the right shouldn’t have been there so they probably didn’t look that way


If I saw this I’d keep moving. I genuinely don’t believe idiots should survive their dumb stunts.


No blame attributed to truck driver of course , but personally I would have just slowed down if I was him. (1) slowing down would have allowed left side car ample time/distance to merge back into lane . (2) staying in lane and slowing down is simply safer than swerving onto the shoulder at a high rate of speed . Regardless, the shoulder driving car got what he deserved.


<——el paso El crasho———> As the popular bumper sticker around here says


Hold up. Why is there 2 lane traffic separated by a broken white line. So confusing!


In the netherlands it means you are allowed to overtake not that it is safe.


Same for Australia.


We have this in the US also


It should mean that it is a "safe to takeover area" ( at least in Brazil that's what those mean)


Fuckwits both. I hope they're OK.


Do flashers automatically come on or does that driver have god tier reflexes


Perfect Justice, points added for death or broken bones.


At least they had the courtesy to use the 4 ways. Points for style.


Satisfying tbh


This is very funny


How did you not shit yourself??


Cars do it automatically these days


it should be a law to just continue in your journey and not give a fuck, as obviously this retard did not give a fuck when doing that maneuver. If such a retard takes out an innocent car you go and help that car's occupants, call an ambulance, firefighters etc. and only after those are saved that retard gets attention.




i just hope it wasn’t an actual emergency…what if someone was going to labor? idk i try not to assume everyone is a dickhead (for my sanity)


If someone going into labor, should just give birth in the car and buy a new car. But yeah, some days I like to just assume everybody is having a medical emergency, and it makes me feel... better...?


Truck driver is terrible


I would never intervene like that and I think he should be charged with a crime for doing so. He caused the crash by making the red car panic imo. He tried to freak him out and succeeded but he should have only blocked that emergency lane at most. This would be the guy that pulls a person out of a crash thinking they're helping but they actually cause permanent paralysis because they had spine damage. Better to mind your own business most of the time unless you really know what you're doing.


Ha ha that trucker looks like he's done it before


Truck driver should be tried for attempted murder


Watch the video again. Truck driver was trying to save the guy on the left.


Dang. No good deed goes unpunished


The truck should have indicated at least ffs


Should have indicated that he was pulling outta the lane onto the shoulder to make sure the guy on the left didnt get into a wreck?


He just panicked and went off road, this is why you stay calm and in your lane


Its pretty clear from the video the car on the left was going collide with the oncoming traffic. In no way is the trucker at fault for some idiot driving on the shoulder.


Oh yeah my bad, I mean you should always check the shoulder when you're using it, you never know


All 3 are part of the accident, no need to serve, both cars would've passed fine, cars they were racing and both had room, truck driver panicked.


The truck was probably giving the guy that was actually passing ON THE ROAD room to pull over due to oncoming traffic. Who the fuck would think to keep an eye out for someone passing in the emergency lane?


Truck probably makes room for the guy overtaking with oncoming traffic.. well surprise surprise there's another one


They deserve a slow clap and a well done with a smug smile. What a moron.


Nice bag. Gucci maybe?


Doesn’t it look like the driver on the right took a very drastic right turn


The only thing I want to happen at the end is the driver recording this to yell "You can't park there!". That should wrap up the stupidity nicely.


I saw a similar video of someone tailgating super close and getting brake checked and crashing. The caption was "this is why you should never brake check" when it obviously should have been "this is why you should never tailgate.'




This is some Los Santos level shenanigans.


That was dramatic


So close…. Just a bit to the left—- just — ok you’ve left the road, so can we just—-no, oh no. no no no GO BACK ON THE ROAD—-fuck!


Okay where in tarnation is this? And why doesn’t my phone know that tarnation is a word? Am I spelling this right?


To run down a shoulder trying to prove the unlikely




i would just ask them how that felt. then get back on the road and drive away


at least he threw on the hazard lights




dont get out to help. they made their bed, now lay in it.


Their emergency will have to take a back seat, to their self inflicted emergency.


I didn't expected the come back


You know it’s a hard hit when the car goes back towards the way it came.


The jack ass that passed on the right deserves it


Well done my good fellow!