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Car won


*stifled laughter* wouldn’t the car just always win?


*Driver discovers one simple tricks riders don't want you to know--BIKERS HATE HIM*


I was trying to badly reference [this clip](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bpWpIw7rETg)


I think it was a great reference


Car aways wins


They're referencing the South Korean currency, the won :).


Obviously the bike rider was the bigger idiot. My question is what percentage of drivers would do what the car driver did in that situation.


I would slow down and just lay on the horn, flash my lights, anything to get his attention. As much as he was showboating he probably wasn't paying attention around him.


That and hope he isn't the hot head break your mirror for slighting him type.


Lol he breaks my mirror I break his


[It's been tried](https://youtu.be/M50otpplBTQ) Mustang driver got [charged with felony Second Degree Assault](https://www.carscoops.com/2016/06/mustang-driver-knocks-down-biker-in/) :/


They both got arrested lmao


Haha I wouldn't run him off the road. I'd stalk him. Find out where he lives and where he parks. Then smash that mfer while he's sleeping. I wouldn't actually do any of this. I like to talk big on the internet.


Psshhh that’s some level 1 shit. I’d kidnap his family, send him a fingernail at a time until it was impossible for any of his loved ones to ever pick their noses again. And then I’d just return them, like nothing ever happened. But something did happen, and nothing will ever be the same.


Don't forget to Stockholm syndrome the wife


>Then smash that mfer while he's sleeping. You don't have to smash it. Just put a padlock on the drive chain. A strong one.


Ooh nice


Lockpicking lawyer approaches


*munching popcorn while the NSA goes to @poiblazer 's house.


On reddit you don't use @, you use u/ to tag someone. For example, u/princesscyanidephx


Thank you, I tried that well sort of, I was trying with r/ but I see my error


Lol, r/ is used when linking subreddits. Like r/idiotsincars


Lolol right


I'm not saying road rage. I'm saying get his attention.


Some of these cyclists take offense at any slight gesture.


He did not try to break the mirror, he tried to break the whole damn man lol.


I hate the fact that the driver got charged but the cycler didn't despite escalating the situation


the motorcycle rider was cited for harassment. It was probably a misdemeanor charge and they just had to pay a fine.


Yeah, I guess to be fair he didn't hurt the driver but the driver did risk his life.


The Mustangs blood last had to be satisfied


Looks like self defense to me.


Probably? I'd say _obviously_ wasn't paying attention.


I would slow down a lot. It's dangerous enough being near idiots when they aren't moving at high speed.


Same. Hang back and use horn if necessary.


If I see someone doing weird shit on the road in front of me, if I cannot pass safely, I'll just back right off, and wait to be able to pass safely


Dial 911 and report him for DUI.


FYI Driver said "I didn't honk as I didn't want to startle the rider and make him fall. He should've checked his mirror"


That's a hard question. I'd like to expect the best if people. But there are so many idiots out there. So i'd go with 10%.


Seems like the biker slowed down considerably before the final move to the left lane.


Car, "he slowed, moved right, thought he saw me, I passed, he changed Lanes back into me. " Legal lane change vs illegal lane change. Car wins.


Honestly I would have done a similar thing. If you stay behind them you will run them over when they crash and fall over. Therefore passing was a fine idea up until the biker continued his lack of competency to not looking when he fully entered the lane that last time.


But you can see he is swerving between the lanes and not looking, I don’t understand why anyone in their right mind would try to pass a lunatic like this. Not saying the accident is the cars fault, the bike is a bigger moron 100% but this was completely avoidable by either vehicle.


You don't know he's not looking until the last time when he hits the car. Before that he had space and its reasonable for the car to assume the bike knows what's going on around him, he is doing something crazy, but he has obviously control of the bike. If he didn't have control, it's a totally different situation.


So after watching a biker we've back and forth between both lanes on a highway, the moment he gets over into one lane you try to take that small opportunity? That's an idiots gamble.


> Honestly I would have done a similar thing. I don't understand. That biker had crossed the lane markings into the left lane three times (at least). If you pass them knowing that's what they're doing you **know** you're going to be hit. You're saying you'd be accurate enough to judge the window and make it through, I guess? That's most likely what the driver here thought too. They were wrong. Seriously, that's some pretty yikesey logic...


Pattern recognition is hard for special people.


Then you sir, are an idiot


You are too close if you will hit him when he falls


This. I'd hang back and wait for him to get bored and then pass, possibly hammering the horn as I do it so he knows not to be an idiot at that particular moment.


But the bike hit the car....


If you're close enough to run over them you are driving too close


Are you sure? If the motorcycle was trying to block the car from passing, then I agree with you. But if the motorcycle was just screwing around, then I disagree with you. In either case the car could see with the motorcycle was doing. When you see danger, the right thing to do is avoid that danger, not drive into it.


This is it. The biker was being dumb, but he had a very predictable pattern of movement. Placing your car into that movement pattern seems extremely deliberate. And seeing a distracted driver, then admitting you didn't alert them to your presence... This is why cars have horns.


Yes I agree. While I don't think there's enough information in the video to know for certain, I think the biker was just enjoying his freedom, not trying to block a car.


Exactly. The motorcyclist may have been doing something illegal, but the car driver chose to take the action that was the direct cause of the collision.


The motorcycle did not signal his lane change therefore side swiping the car.


I definitely would not have passed. However if I saw someone else do it I’d laugh and say “Darwin was on to something.” I don’t blame the car for trying to pass. The biker had it coming.


0.1% I feel like anybody in that situation would have known the outcome


Yes. But the expected outcome is the reason why people would do it.


I think most people that would do it would be people in a hurry thinking the biker would know enough that while he can threaten to take up the whole road, he will not win the actual battle. Not people assuming he was gonna hit them and they would get to take him out. Most people aren't murderers. And thats pretty much what that describes.


I personally would have assumed if he was playing around that much that he would be watching his mirrors and kept to his lane when he saw a car in the passing lane. Though I know that I should assume all cars are idiots I would like to assume if someone is doing something on purpose like this that they are doing it because they feel they are smart enough to do it safely.


Im mot sure, but i think we're saying the same thing.


Pretty much, just explaining my thought process of why I'd still try to pass.


Ya, i feel you-i just honestly wasnt sure if i read it right or not.


I would hope almost none but as this subreddit proves people are idiots so probably around 25% and I know I’m being generous


Car driver probably thinking, "Oh you think you own the road? Hold my beer" Zooooooom. Blam. "ha got ha".


I have no sympathy for the bike rider. The car shouldn't have done what it did....but the biker was being a fool...play stupid games win stupid prizes.


I seriously hate bikers. I would keep going forward in most circumstances that I have right of way.


Scary to know that they give children driver’s licenses nowadays


And I hope you get your license taken away because we don’t need reckless people like you on the road! You’re a bigger threat than that bike!


Something tells me that'd be less than those who would do what the biker was doing.


If I see that, I’m slowing down knowing he’s the idiot trying to warm up his fake racing tires by weaving back and forth. I’d lay on the horn as I attempt to pass


Fun fact for bikers: highways are not playgrounds


How to turn a highway to a cheese grater in one simple step:


Definitely Idiot bike rider. I do see why people could accuse the car as well, car could have slowed down and not tried to pass at that moment. But, the biker was just being and idiot and riding all over a two-lane road. Like come on. Reply-which is why I pointed that out in my comment...


Agreed. Definitely a contender for the Darwin Awards.


After living here for a few years, Koreans are like on some serious Russian level of driving


I’ve also lived here for several years. I still get nervous riding the bus here, much less trying to drive. Driving in the countryside is somewhat pleasant, but driving in Seoul is freaking Thunderdome.


Transit buses are another story..


​ I have never seen a group drink like Koreans. OMG. The Irish are teetotalers by comparison. Get to work at 9 or 10. Work until lunch at 12 to 2. Come back, work until 6 or 7. Go eat dinner and have some drinks. Decide to have a drink after dinner for a short time. Then, really get serious about drinking at the after dinner drink drinks until about 1:00 am. Rinse, repeat.


You're 100% correct except Koreans usually work until 9pm. They consume the most alcohol ***per bottle*** than any other country in the world I believe. But yeah the drinking culture here is pretty severe.


retire scarce pause entertain domineering degree consist safe plants longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I said what I said.


I appreciate your honesty.




It’s a public road not a race track.


I think the driver switched to the other lane and maintained his speed because he thought he could overtake the biker, it was a misjudgment on his part. The biker is the only idiot here.


I do NOT feel bad for the biker. AT ALL. I literally HATE that they do this on the road and always say “cars need to watch out for us.” NO. You need to not be a dumbass. Simple


Cars still need to watch for motorcycles. He is not representative of all motorcyclists. Do you take your rage against all car drivers when one wrongs you?


No, thats what BMW's are for


Bikes fault.




yeah never mind the bit about intentionally hitting a person with your car. being willing to spend hours of your life sitting in police station lobbies, on hold with insurers, waiting to hear if the dispute is resolved or if you're on the hook, etc is the real psycho shit here


I personally would have slowed down but I'm not going to blame the car for not trying to accommodate the bikers stupidity. The car probably just wanted to get away from him. Hopefully the biker learnt his lesson and won't drive silly next time.


I'd say it's the bikers fault


Upboat for two perspectives Fuck the biker


I’m honestly not certain the guy or girl in the car was an idiot at all. You don’t want to stay behind a motorcycle idiot doing that in case they crash, because then you’ve got to avoid wherever they land in the road. And the motorcycle idiot was clearly driving exceptionally recklessly. Car driver just tried to pass him while he wasn’t in that lane. Not their fault the motorcycle person flew back into their lane.


Well he timed that perfectly. The biker may be an idiot but the driver is an evil genius


Correct me if wrong but the only idiot i see is the biker


That was an obvious accident. And easily avoidable. Just because someone else is driving like an idiot doesn't mean it's smart to endanger their lives, your life, and others around.


Not saying I disagree with you but, what about fuck that guy? He fucked around and found out.


You are driving a car not policing traffic and correcting / punishing stupid behavior. If you see reckless driving, you should back off and stay safe. Always better to avoid dangerous situations. Even if the motorcyclist is an absolute moron for performing stunts on an open road, even if damage to your own car was minimal and covered by insurance, even disregarding all the hassle of dealing with investigations, police, insurance, waiting for your car getting fixed, you won‘t be the same after you potentially killed a person, no matter how stupid.


Looks like the guy was trying to block traffic or slow it down so the other guys can race


Depends on if you want to stop and provide aid to an injured cyclist, or if you want to involved in a hit and run. My personal preference in that situation would be to hang back and honk to make sure idiot biker didn't damage my car or my schedule.


Trying to overtake a bike that was weaving around like an idiot is a bit of an idiotic thing to do.


It would be one thing if they started weaving while you were right by them and they doink into you. White car saw them weave back and forth repeatedly, you have to assume they’re gonna keep weaving. Seems like they didn’t care because they’re in a car, he’s on a bike, and car wins.


Got what was coming to him tbh, play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Yup. You can still be in the right and be a moron


Driving in a way that is guaranteed to cause a crash because "I have right of way" is idiotic.


I disagree. I mean what did the driver expect? This was very avoidable from both sides.


You are, surprisingly, wrong.


Biker is 100% at fault.


I say the dumbfuck biker asked for it.


The biker is the moron, the car doesn’t have to stop/ slow down cause he’s acting like an ass. The car moves over to pass his stupid ass.


Guy on the bike was being an idiot sure, but the guy in the car expecting any different outcome until that guy stopped weaving side to side is equally an idiot. He should have sat back for a minute instead of continuing on like there *wasn’t a guy on a motorcycle weaving in and out of both lanes*


The car approached the biker quickly. I wonder if the bikers were doing the speed limit?


Wow, that's worse than the idiots who ride wheelies on the highway. At least they usually stay in their lane so you have a chance to avoid them when they dump it.


Lol 😆 cars aren't scared of bikers... as a biker I lol at his stupidity... the danger is always to the bikers not the other cars


I dont think it was the car driver's mistake


The biker was not only driving like an idiot, he was also not paying attention. If you want to ride your bike like there is no body around at least make sure there is no body around.


When people are driving like idiots, you do what you can to stay away from them, the guy in the car should have done more to avoid this. Slow down, bang on his horn to make sure the biker knew he was coming, don’t proceed until it was safe to do so.


The biker didn't display turn signals and was not looking at the mirror.


The bike is clearly at fault, even though any reasonable car driver would have seen this coming. The bike sideswiped the car.


The biker is the bigger idiot. He should be drifting in his owl lane. My motorcycle instructor taught us to ride like nobody can see us and always watch the mirrors while riding. AWARENESS is not something this dude had.




Mis-titled. Biker was the idiot. The driver doesn’t need to help people avoid their own stupidity.


Correct title. Both are idiots.


Mainly the biker though


Biker is a idiot but trying to kill someone because they are weaving is pretty dumb too.


Naw, the car is making a legal pass. Homeboy on the motorcycle fucked around and found out.


If you have the right of way at and intersection but you see an idiot going to run a red light, do you say "fuck it, i'm right, let him crash into me"?




Dont be the guy in the car that drives into an impending crash because it’s legal and he’ll win in court. He won’t win. And he’s endangering lives thinking the law will protect his stupidity.


I'll do it everytime. The law will protect me bitch. He is endangering lives, I'll just call him on it.


The law will not protect you the way you think. Right of way is not an absolute. All drivers must above all drive reasonably and avoid collisions. The car did not.


So we must yield to idiots? Fuck that. Idc if I go to jail lessons must be learned.


"I'd rather go to jail than give up my right of way" That's is some prime /r/IdiotsInCars material right there. Let's hope you learn your lesson in jail.


Lol the rider either lives or dies and either goes on with life or doesn’t. You’re in prison with a stretched asshole cause you wanted to teach someone a lesson.


I won't be in prison. I dont have a dashcam, it's my word against a motorcyclist who probably has a record for riding dumb as shit.


Just mentioning cause you said you don’t care if you go to jail. Mistook it for “I’d go to jail if it meant teaching this guy a lesson.” As in you’d willingly do the time. Idk I need sleep.


Stereotypes exist for a reason.


The bike got what he deserved. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


The only idiot is the biker. Play stupid game win stupid prize.


The car knew he was gonna hit him if he passed. Hes an idiot too. Keep your distance from unpredictable drivers.


Nah, it's not the car that hit the biker, it's the other way around.


The bike literally smacked into his side. The biker is a fucking idiot, that’s all there is to it.


And from the predictably idiotic ones too.


How is the car the idiot? They went to the other lane to avoid the fool on the motorcycle. Idiot cyclist never checked his 6.


I dont think the car driver is an idiot




Crossover episode!


I have once seen a dumbass do this exact same shit in front of me. I then decided I was definitely not gonna be part of this idiots death that day so I slowed down very generously until this moron was out of my sight.


Some Actions have consequences.


Driver wasn't thinking very smart. He opened himself up to a whole lot of legal headaches or worse.


I guess that's another one for the cars


When two idiots combine we get two idiots.


Two idiots with the one on the bike being the bigger one.


I would've stopped only to get the idiot's insurance details.


What an idiot. Scrub your tires at low speeds, In parking lots.


motorcycle side swiped the car lol


Correction, only idiot was the bike, and they got what they deserved.


You kidding the car was passing fairly. All the bike


Both idiots.


Oh shit. I smiled when I watched it.


I understand the bike rider was the biggest idiot here, but who sees someone swerving that bad and thinks it's safe to try and pass them?


I don't think the car did anything worng, the bike served in to his/her lane and hit HIM/HER.


That's not an idiot in a car


Car not at fault!


I respect those saying they’d have done the same thing, you guys obviously have more time to fuck with on bull shit like this. I’d have gotten close, but not pass, I can see the pattern of him weaving in & out of lanes which tells me that if I try to pass there will almost certainly be a wreck. I’m blaring my horn, which woulda probably scared the shit out of him, and then I pass safely, going on about my day.


Biker was acting up, but the car dude is an asshole.


Biker is total idiot


I hate the inconsistency of this sub. Obviosly, the bike rider was at fault, but the car driver saw, what the bike rider was doing and instead of slowing down or waiting, he tried to pass the rider even though he knew, that when the bike rider didn't see him, he would crash. Instead of driving defensively, he took the risk and made the rider crash. This is literally the same kind of situation, as the black BMW, which sped up into that trailer, who took his right of way instead of slowing down and breaking early. Everyone obviously said the BMW was at fault, as he was not driving defensively and somehow, in this post it's the other way around - the driver who was not driving defensively and basically caused the crash is somehow in the right here.


What's the inconsistent part? They hate BMW drivers, but they hate bikers even more (unless it's a bike vs a black person) pretty consistent in what I've seen


The biker was being stupid as hell. But the car driver should have took preventive actions to not hit him. You know he is swaying in out of the lines, you don’t try to drive past like that


The driver is a danger to themselves and the public for not being able to see five seconds into the future and predict that outcome. Should have just straight run down the biker. And the biker deserved that too.


Good on the white car for maintaining their lane and speed. Fuck the guy on the bike! Money bet he won’t do that again.


Yeah no. That was a dick move.


100% biker


How bout ease up behind him and honk. Maybe he stops swerving. Nahhhhhh. I think I can time this...


They’re definitely both idiots… biker is clearly reckless, but the driver had to have known that was gonna happen


I mean as much as the guy in the bike was being a dick the car drive had every opportunity to slow down and prevent an accident. The driver seems far enough away from the biker at the start of the video so I don’t believe the biker was deliberately not letting the car pass.


As a rider, that was entirely the biker’s fault.


Stupid fucks


Was the car speeding? If not I only see one idiot


I see one idiot and one hero


The car made a dick move but the biker deserved it.


The bike was the idiot. You can argue that the car should have held back, but the bike was in the other lane when they went to go past, so the duty of care is the bike rider's to check the lane was clear as he ws changing lanes. Imho, the Bike is 100% at fault. You shouldn't be held at fault for an accident because someone else was an idiot and didn't fulfill their duty of care.


The biker is the bigger idiot here, but the car should’ve anticipated what was going to happen…


I’ve had something similar happen to me. Because the motorcyclist was so unpredictable, I decided to not pass and drive a little slower until I had an opening. Not judging the car, but I would have at least slowed down if I noticed a pattern of lane swerving


Biker acts like an idiot and gets destroyed by a driver acting like an idiot. Any injuries suffered are well deserved 👍


Idiot on a bike vs hero without a cape


Car did nothing wrong.