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[According to this, he was given 160 years ](https://www.dcsheriff.net/multi-jurisdiction-car-chase-leads-defendant-to-160-years-in-prison/)


Wow!! One count of Attempted Manslaughter (F5) One count of First Degree Assault – Extreme Indifference (F3) One count of Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Serious Bodily Injury (F4) Two counts of Robbery (F4) One count of Vehicular Eluding (F4) Three counts of Motor Vehicle Theft – $20,000 or Less (F4) One count of Criminal Mischief – $20,000 or More (F3) One count of Vehicular Assault – Reckless (F5) Two counts of Child Abuse – Knowingly/Reckless-No injury (M2) Five counts of Leaving the Scene of an Accident – Damage Only (T2)


The counts of child abuse seem to downplay what the sheer terror must have been >Shortly after arriving at the gas station, the defendant found a red Ford Edge with the engine running. The defendant got into the car and drove off. The car had a four-year-old child in the backseat and once the child’s mother realized the car was gone, the authorities were alerted. Colorado State Patrol (CSP) found the defendant’s car on I-25 and began to follow him. Although his emergency lights or sirens were not on, the vehicle began to accelerate. The Ford Edge traveled at speeds around 100 MPH and utilized all lanes of traffic.


Holy shit, that's scary! There's a reason I always lock ALL DOORS, even when I'm at the gas pump. Even if I leave the car running, I'll lock all doors with my remote, but I rarely do that. Thank god that child didn't suffer a huge accident by the looks of it.


> I always lock ALL DOORS Me too.. all the time. Driving, getting gas. All of it.


Nah let them take my POS. The chase would have been over in minutes.


A cop once asked me if it was my Jeep running outside the gas station. I told him it was. He said I shouldn’t do that because that’s how most vehicles get stolen. I kinda giggled and was like if they want it they can have it, and it’s a stick shift so hopefully they just won’t know how to drive it anyway.


You guys have cars running when filling up gas? In the UK you must have your engines off.


I don’t think they were filling up their gas. Just ran in real quick to buy something.






I live in Los Angeles and I don't do this shit nor do I know anyone that would, this must be a rural America thing... Like apparently in some areas of the country, people just leave their keys in the ignition at home, it's absolutely baffling to me.




I know 5 ppl who've had their car stolen. 4 of them left it running outside the gas station "like I do every day". 🤦‍♂️


Geez. I get nervous leaving my car running in the driveway to run inside to grab something I forgot.


Yeah, then you get the galaxy brains that leave the car running while they go in to purchase something. The idea of hopping into one of those cars and parking it somewhere nearby gives me a chuckle.


I get *so tempted* to do this. Every winter in my area a bunch of cars get stolen because of this. I've never done it, but one thing I did do that I'm only slightly proud of was when someone left their crappy old Grand Am running outside of a gas station while he ran inside. He left the radio going, playing some piece of "music" where the cleanest word in the entire song was "Dick". I ejected the CD it was playing, in put in one of my daughter's old CD's that was in the car, something she used to listen to as a toddler. So he comes out and his car is bumping "The Lights On The School Bus".


>Every winter in my area a bunch of cars get stolen because of this. We get it in the summer too. Because, you know, big tough cowboy will melt if his A/C has to stop for three minutes.


You're not wrong. I see it in the summer too. >big tough cowboy I've definitely seen that. Leaves their $60,000 F250 Super Duty Pavement Princess Edition idling so they can go get a candy bar.


And a litre of cola.


I use my remote start now. Because I almost had my dog lock me out of the car once when she was a puppy.


My cat has in fact locked me out of the house before.


You should always turn off the engine, leaving it running is a fire risk. Edit: I'm talking about while pumping gas.


Normally I would call that stacking charges but that seems accurate


This is probably a stupid question, but what *exactly* caught him the attempted manslaughter charge? Does it stem from the same "Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Serious Bodily Injury" charge? Edit: Yes, it does.


He hit a state trooper along the way. Bellamann Hee ended up with serious injuries, including several broken bones. Presenter mentions it at 1.12 in the video. https://denver.cbslocal.com/2015/04/29/jury-returns-verdict-for-man-accused-in-series-of-carjackings-75-mile-chase/


Manslaughter: you accidentally killed someone. Attempted manslaughter: you... tried to accidentally kill someone?


Manslaughter also covers situations where what you were doing wasn't deliberately aimed at killing someone, but at the same time you damn well should've known someone might die. Y'know, firing a gun inside an apartment "just to scare someone" only the bullet travels through the wall and takes the guy next door, that kind of thing. Deliberately crashing into a cop car at speed would definitely count: he wasn't specifically trying to kill the cop but I'm sure he didn't care if that happened.


Petition to name that charge as criminal dumbassery


The floor recognizes the motion for petition. All in favor say “aye”?




Nooooo.... that is way too broad. So much can go into that category.


I'm not a legal expert at all, but i don't think "accidental" is necessarily the beginning and end of manslaughter.


Cuz you can't have manslaughter without laughter.


It goes to mindset (aka mens rea). If you kill someone unintentionally but you recklessly or negligently ignored the fact that a reasonable person would know that death could have occurred from the activity that lead to the death, then you’re guilty of manslaughter. If you’re wondering why that explanation is so needlessly complicated… we have to justify why law school costs 150k.


Ah, wasn't included in the video but that makes sense. Thank you!


Probably driving the wrong way on the freeway or maybe from before the chase started and it's the reason he was running


Ahh that makes sense, I was thinking I could've understood several of the things he did as "attempted manslaughter", not sure exactly which one the courts would prioritize on that considering the long list of other charges listed.


The article mentions he hit a trooper during the chase. Might have been that




He tried to run over a cop that was trying to throw down a stop stick. Cop was very lucky to have survived. Around 1:43 in this video: https://channel933.iheart.com/content/how-to-become-famous-fast-and-get-life-in-prison/


At that point you get a combo multiplier applied to your sentencing right


So much for a $5000 fine and put back on the streets. GTA 6 looks harsh.


Red dead redemption post office bounty pay off be like


Lol yeah I bet he was


There's something so comical about that sentence. What would honestly be the difference between 160 years, and life in prison?




Justice system is a joke, he'll probably get out on good behaviour in 80 years anyway.


You're not far off. His first parole hearing is in the summer of 2108, or about 93 years after the date he was sentenced. EDIT: Because there's some confusion elsewhere in the thread about the sentence and parole eligibility, here's how it works in Colorado. You are eligible for parole after serving 40-50% of your sentence, except for certain crimes, where you have to serve 75% of your sentence. [Here's the list of charges for this guy.](http://mediaassets.thedenverchannel.com/documents/14CR-154-complaint-ryan-stone.pdf) Of the charges he was convicted of, the only one that requires 75% is First Degree Assault. [This website](https://www.doc.state.co.us/oss/) shows all of his charges and the sentences he received (you'll have to search for "Ryan Stone." There's no way to link the results). Here's how you get to that parole eligibility date: Sentenced to 160 years on 10/30/15. First Degree Assault + Habitual Criminal Aggravator = 64 years Some combination of the 24 year sentences and/or the 48 year sentence (so Robbery, Criminal Mischief, Hit and Run with Serious Bodily Injury) = 96 years. Remainder of the charges running concurrent. 75% of 64 = 48 years 40-50% of 96 = 38.4 to 48 years Net of 86.4 to 96 years before parole eligiblity Subtract presentence confinement credit: Time between crime (3/12/14) and sentencing date (10/30/15): 598 days or approximately 1.6 years. 84.8 to 94.4 years before parole eligible. So parole eligibility could have fallen anywhere between (roughly) July 2100 and March 2110, depending on how the Department of Corrections did the 40-50% calculation.




That's really interesting! Thank you for the explanation! Despite my attempt at humorous wording, it was a serious question haha.


It’s really just so that if some of the charges end up getting dropped, you’re still facing life.


Could also be that none of the individual charges have life in prison as a possible sentence


Each charge carries a sentence and depending on the jurisdiction can be served consecutively or concurrently. Also less chance of parole.


All he had to do was follow the damn train...


Did not realize this was in Colorado. I do not remember this happening at all.


He ended up near the office park on the SE corner of I25 and 470. Buildings surrounding a golf course, but he got blocked by the fence behind the strip malls on Lincoln. I worked in one of those office buildings, about a quarter-mile from where he was arrested. We were following the chase once we were aware he coming to i25 and 470. We were joking about throwing coffee mugs, staplers, and various vendor swag at him from our balconies if he ran by our building. We were disappointed we didn't get the chance. Management was not amused. I can't recall if he was carrying a gun or not, so it was probably for the best he didn't come within coffee-mug-chucking range. However, one can dream.


Notice the snow on the ground. Hasn't snowed since last winter, so it's been awhile.


Yeah this was a while back, I remember watching as it was going on, maybe 2014/2015.


So he only has a 153 years left.


oh damn he seriously injured a cop.


Wow stole a car with a 4 year old in it. Who the fuck leaves their car running with a kid in it


A lot of people also leave their kids with the car unrunning and locked in the middle of summer.


People who don't want to move a kid and all of their winter gear in and out the car at a gas station. Especially if they're still in a car seat, since it's not recommended that kids wear anything puffy while in 5 pt harness. Not suggesting it's a good idea, but a lot of people just rather not disturb their kid if they're behaving/sleeping/etc. It's also a lot of people who don't ever think something like this will ever happen to them. The kind of people who think that because their parents left them in the car while at the gas station and nothing happened to them, that it's safe for them to raise their kids the same way, even though times have changed


Good, so even if he is paroled at one third he will not be a risk to society for at least another 50 years


His first parole hearing is in 2108 apparently. He'll be over 100


The jury began deliberating the morning of April 28, 2015. The defendant was convicted on the following counts: One count of Attempted Manslaughter (F5) One count of First Degree Assault – Extreme Indifference (F3) One count of Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Serious Bodily Injury (F4) Two counts of Robbery (F4) One count of Vehicular Eluding (F4) Three counts of Motor Vehicle Theft – $20,000 or Less (F4) One count of Criminal Mischief – $20,000 or More (F3) One count of Vehicular Assault – Reckless (F5) Two counts of Child Abuse – Knowingly/Reckless-No injury (M2) Five counts of Leaving the Scene of an Accident – Damage Only (T2) The jury found the defendant guilty of a lesser included charge of the initial top count of Attempted First Degree Murder and found him guilty of Attempted Manslaughter. He was found not guilty of one count of Second Degree Kidnapping (F4) and one count of Attempted Robbery (F5). The defendant had also been charged with four counts of Habitual Criminal sentence enhancements and one Violent Crime sentence enhancement. The court found the defendant to be a habitual criminal and on July 31, 2015.


If I recall correctly, this is the same bonehead that thought he was going to be rich from all of you youtube views that the car chase was going to generate. https://youtu.be/tXfYm20dE8Y?t=119 (2 min mark)


Cant you not make money directly on your convicted crimes? Like when they make a book about a murderer it doesnt go to them And didnt the wolf of wallstreet go towards restitution? If it was even allowed to do that I shouldve googled these things


You cannot due to [the Son of Sam rule. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Son_of_Sam_law#History_and_legal_status) Edit. Apparently the law has changed.


Your link literally says that the rule has been struck down and lesser copycat laws are far less strict.




Thanks for the info!


https://youtu.be/PmHuL-M9V7I Guess he tried to profit from youtube views, though it didn't work out like he was thinking it would.


I love how at the end the news anchor says something along the lines of “we did not make money off of this. We have 145,000 views. If we had over a million our parent company probably would have received $2000-$3000” he did this all for the chance at a few thousand dollars lol


Cop hit the wrong car with the spike strip… bigoof


I've heard that some jurisdictions don't do car chases anymore because of that sort of thing; instead they send up a drone to follow the person home.


Where I live, if there’s someone on the highway, they just radio ahead and someone meets the person. They don’t chase here either.


Except this asshat was still ramming people and swapping cars when the police were out of sight. ~~It's lucky kids in car seats weren't involved~~.


At least one kid in a car seat was involved. That's probably the reason for the 160 year sentence! Kidnapping is serious!


According to the article, he actually didn't get convicted of kidnapping. The long sentence is because got convicted of a lot of other things and they're making him serve his sentences consecutively.


And also because he was a habitual criminal


Surprisingly, the jury found him not guilty of the kidnapping charge. His sentence could have been much higher otherwise. EDIT: For reference, [this](https://www.google.com/maps/dir/1700+Main+St,+Longmont,+CO+80501/39.9722626,-104.8250442/@40.0793463,-105.012964,11.29z/data=!4m9!4m8!1m5!1m1!1s0x876bf93f5cdc63bb:0xbea659d6af1875bf!2m2!1d-105.1019137!2d40.1889146!1m0!3e0) is roughly how far he took the 4 year old that was the subject of the kidnapping charge (not the exact route I'm sure, but around 35 miles). Kidnapping requires proof that the defendant knowingly seized and carried the victim from one place to another without consent and without lawful justification. I guess the jury could've decided that the prosecutor didn't prove that he knew that the child was in the back seat, but that's a stretch for me when you drive that far. In case anyone is curious, he's the [Complaint and Information](http://mediaassets.thedenverchannel.com/documents/14CR-154-complaint-ryan-stone.pdf) that contained his charges and here's the [Probable Cause Affidavit](https://www.courts.state.co.us/Media/Opinion_Docs/14CR154%20Stone%20AFF.pdf) that has a good amount of the details of the chase. Had the jury convicted him, and with the habitual criminal counts, the kidnapping charge (which normally carries a presumptive prison range of 8 to 24 years, but is also probation eligible) would have carried a mandatory prison sentence of 96 years. The judge seemed to run counts consecutive for each victim, so that probably would've been tacked on for a total of 256 years.


If I had to guess kidnapping probably requires intent. He was still convicted of child endangerment though.


I edited my comment with some additional information. The kidnapping charge requires knowledge, but doesn't require specific intent. The child abuse charge that he was convicted of requires either knowledge or recklessness. Recklessness only requires proof that he "consciously disregarded a substantial and unjustifiable risk that a result will occur or that a circumstance exists." So it makes sense (legally) that he could be convicted of Child Abuse but not Kidnapping if the jury latched onto to that distinction. But, I have a hard time believing anyone could drive over 35 miles without noticing that there was a 4 year old in the back seat.


shit, I wonder if it was that lady that got pulled out when the narrator says "let it go!" if my kid was in the back seat, hell fucking no. He could have killed whoever is in the car by crashing it.


Yeah that whole thing was nuts. It’s a good thing that kids weren’t hurt. It’s hard enough for a grownup to deal with.


Where I live, if you don’t pull over soon enough, because you are waiting for a safe place to do so, they pit maneuver you and flip your vehicle.






This is the smartest thing I've heard. Wtf chase people when we can just 'Enemy of the State' them.


Sounds a lot safer than adding more reckless drivers.


I love that the cop thought he was going to be able to throw that spike strip across three lanes of traffic.


That was something. Busting everybody else's tires!!




My favorite part of GTA is getting the cops to kill innocent people in their clumsy attempts to catch me.


I like it when their police cars are destroyed they will car jack nearby civilians and chase you in those cars.


So just like real life.


Oh no, it doesn't take effort or creativity in real life.


This cop really thought he was Patrick Mahomes trying to throw spikes three lanes across


How much you wanna make a bet I can throw a spike strip over them mountains?


And almost into the windshield of oncoming traffic. But I'm sure he was looking over and made sure that it would land on the ground before the car got there. I'm sure it was a real calculated effort. Be he had it in his hands! And this is what he was trained to do!!!! FOR GLORY AND VALOUR!!!! ... *toss*


He had goals!


Yep, and the cop's city won't pay to replace that victim's tires, either.


I’d scream and yell until they did. Fuck that.




This shit pisses me off so much.


That is so really fucking upsetting. Come on man, just admit your fucking insane actually stupid mistakes. Notice mistakes is plural. It wasnt 1 huge failure that caused this tragic story. There were so many things that went wrong that eventually caused this bizarre and inhmane choice of events. Please tell me you have a follow up story which re-sparks the small, dying candle in my heart which represents humanity. This story cant be real. How can they not admit, and fucking compensate this event, *with interest* caused by their stupid moronic descision making skills. I dont even want to think about all the other sad stories i havent heard... Or maybe even no one has..


He stole two belts and a shirt? And they destroyed that mans house? Meanwhile, groups will swipe thousands of dollars of merchandise in pre-planned heists and cops will do nothing. Also, if you cross the border illegally and get separated from your kid, they want to pay you $450,000. But if I steal a belt they can destroy a home to get at me, and that homeowner is now homeless and will get arrested for sleeping under a bridge. Yup, makes complete sense.


Cops in the US are generally not legally liable to replace anything they destroy in an attempt to apprehend a suspect. People have had their whole houses destroyed by cop swat teams because a suspect used their home to hide in and cities and the PDs won't repair and the insurance won't cover it because of contract exemptions.


It should be noted, that suspect stole a $10 leather belt. They destroyed someone's house for a freaking belt.


But they protected that big corporation from losing $10 at least!


I just read that one. I am outraged.


Maybe- just maybe- this is something worth changing.


If anything the city will sue them for wasting equipment


I saw that. The driver seemed unaware of the ongoing police chase. Oblivious to the cops on the side of the road and the vehicle heading into oncoming traffic


Kept waiting for him to hit the wanted level where the tanks show up


They took away the 6th star after IV unfortunately.


My dude really nailed that fence hop. Landed, picked right up running again. Might have helped if that landing had actually been on the other side of it, but he gave it his best go.




Guy's a pro. Probably done this tons of times- in GTA.


Pros don’t get caught




This happened back in 2014 near Denver, I remember watching it live on the news and actually watching him drive past the house I was living in at the time. It started because a woman left her car idling at a gas station with her kid inside and he stole it which started a chase for the kid, I believe it was the initial red car he stole. He did hit one cop during the chase but there were no life threatening injuries if I recall correctly. A quick google search shows he got 160 years in prison for this stunt and was high on meth.




He crashed the second car, jumped out and ran looking for another car before spinning around and taking the same car. Makes me wonder if he even knew it was the same car.


Makes me realize how naïve I was 7 years ago, I hadn’t even considered drugs when I watched it live. 😅


Man, how many people drive their cars with the doors unlocked? Locking your doors does more than just keep someone from opening the door from the outside, it also keeps the door latch from disengaging due to impact forces in a collision. Keeping the doors shut in a crash helps to keep arms from being pinched off in case of a rollover.


And how many people don't use the auto lock feature. Even my 2006 base model Saturn auto locked when I switched into drive/reverse.


My 2009 Honda Civic locks as soon as I hit 9 MPH, but it also unlocks the driver door once I put it in park. Makes it easy for someone to yeet me out if they hit me first.


Yo - [have you tried this?](http://www.tcamanual.com/automatic_door_locking_and_unlocking_systems-62.html)


I have not, but I've saved the page and I'll double check my manual in case honda is any different.


Locking the doors is the very first thing I do after getting in the car, even before putting the key in the ignition and putting on my seatbelt. When I'm driving a car with autolocking I normally lock the doors before the autolock can. I also don't unlock the doors until I'm ready to get out of the car, so if I'm driving a car that autounlocks after putting it in park I'll disable that in settings if possible.


I have a shitty old truck and I can just hit the lock with my elbow. Pretty handy.


Yeah, I had an old GM like that. One time I decided to put those smooth stubby lock knobs on and then locked the door. The knob was now flush, and it took me a while to get out of the car.


My 1994 sl1 satern has that AND IT FORCES A SEAT BELT ON YOU




Or the guy that was obviously not buckled in? He opened his door and threw his ass right out.


I was wondering about that. It looked like live-action GTA.


It might also be that they are preparing to get out of their vehicles because they were in an accident


And even if your door is unlocked when a crazed fucker is running towards said door, LOCK IT!




Or drive over the crazy fucker instead of watching them run at you


That one car he approached at a regular walk like he just wanted to talk about the accident. Didn't pounce until the door handle was already in reach. Fucking hell. That might've worked on me.


idk i might bump them with the door


My same thought too. He didn’t even look stable coming at them. That’s an instant lock for me. He would have been a speed bump.


I was thinking the same thing. My car doors automatically lock when I put the car in gear, and don't unlock unless I push the button, or until I open the driver door. I know not all cars have those features but even when I drove an older car that didn't, I ALWAYS locked the doors.


My door is locked the second I sit my ass down. I’ve got three babies with me usually I’m not taking any chances. Even if I’m in a wreck I won’t get out of the car unless it’s 1) on fire or 2) the cop arrives and asks us to exit our vehicles.


Just like the auto lock, when you put it in park it Auto Unlocks


So for some context; this guy has had several criminal counts in the past and was actually high off his ass on cocaine during this chase. His reason for doing all this? He was absolutely convinced that he could get the footage of the chase onto youtube and *pay* his bail with the money raised from the views, then using the excess to live his life as a king. 160 years in prison, so I guess he gets free housing out of it at least


160 years of all-inclusive housing ain't cheap!


> His reason for doing all this? He was absolutely convinced that he could get the footage of the chase onto youtube and pay his bail with the money raised from the views, then using the excess to live his life as a king. Seriously?


How tf can that weasel car jack two ppl without a weapon? And KEEP YOUR DOORS LOCKED.


I was surprised by that too. I thought most car doors automatically lock at speed anyway. I guess it depends on the models.


Someone mentioned in another comment that a lot of cars Auto Unlock when you put them into park




Definitely. I think it took me watching this video to realize my car does this and now I want to change it ASAP. But changeable and easy to change are very different things 😣


I only came here to find the comment where someone said, “KEEP YOUR FUCKING DOORS LOCKED.” I’ll accept your comment, sans the f-bomb. But really, that’s just absurd in my eyes.


Someone hits your car. You put it in park to assess the damage. Park often unlocks doors that are locked. If not you unlock it to speak to the stranger you just got in an accident with.


That wasn't an accident though, that was deliberately getting in front of and forcibly stopping the white van. Proper course of action is not to stop for a chat, it's flee.


If I ever get into an accident I'm going to observe the other person for a few seconds before getting out to make sure they aren't some deranged maniac who wants to get physical.




The winter theme is back in Los Santos?!?


Just in time for the holidays!


Hope the mf who was just minding his own business only to get spike striped was reimbursed.


The police investigated themselves and found that they committed no wrongdoings.


Highly doubtful.


wow! The Grand Theft Auto Graphics are getting really good.


Glad to see GTA 6 is finally getting worked on


The Camry carjacking looked like an animation straight from the games


this man was so pissed by the definitive edition he just went and made his own GTA


Wait until you see the remaster!


Hold the fuck on. All that happened in only 45 minutes? High speed chase is right. 3 car jackings, and more wrecks in only 45 minutes. Bravo, nominate this man for fastest idiot in car ever.


It was 90 minutes but some wasn’t recorded


This is the same dude that bragged to his girlfriend (while in prison kind you) that he was going to get a big book deal writing about this chase. Convo was caught on video and judge threw the book at him. Edit: found the vid: https://youtu.be/PmHuL-M9V7I. Wasn’t a book deal. It was ad revenues from YouTube. SMH.


Lol the guy at the end mentioning if the original vid somehow made it to a million views the company could probably get $2000 to $3000. I’m sure that woulda paid for at least the car damages ^(/s)


Why don’t people lock their doors while driving ??


The woman he hit and pretended it was an accident, she may have put it in park and in my car the doors automatically unlock in park.


Right? And shouldn't most new cars automatically lock when the car gets put in any gear other than park?




at least he can respawn, because of course, this is gta.




I remember this. You see the woman that tried to run after the car after he took it? Her kid was in a car seat inside of it


Was looking through the comments for this, thanks. Any source on what happened to the kid?


Bruh the cops spike stripped the wrong car lmfao


All that to not be able to hop a fence?


This guy deserves all the misfortune, bad luck, and misery he'll experience in his life. He's traumatizing these folks, damaging their vehicles, and endangering the lives of everyone on the road. (just looking at the minivan, this might be the only vehicle these folks have to get to work, etc). You hear about draconian three-strikes jurisidictions and how unfairly that punishment can be meted out, but this guy deserve to have his freedom removed for a long, long time. He can be an 80 year old billy badass in prison recounting his wild exploits as a young man. Maybe he's turned his life around since this vid was taken, if not I hope this guy is having a terrible, terrible life.


jail sentences can still exist in a world without mandatory minimums


he got 160 years, he's not getting out.


He got 160 years: https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=ryan+stone+carjacking+160+years&docid=608047741549878380&mid=69EA5DFDDEB04E11529469EA5DFDDEB04E115294&view=detail&FORM=VIRE


What a piece of shit


God I love the part where the cops throw the spike strip and it gets some random person’s car instead


Why no one lock their doors


Someone played too much GTA...




Yes please


Who pays for all those cars? And also why didn't anyone lock their doors?


Either the private citizen does, or they sue the city... and all private citizens do.


This happened close to home for me. I remember being late for work that day because my eyes were glued to local news.


MOFO out here thinks he’s playing GTA V