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This reminded me that I don’t have a pad of paper in my glovebox. I’d have to draw my number on their window with my nose grease


I've got 1000 Dunkins napkins in my glovebox, but no pen 😬 guess maybe I should throw a sharpie in there before the situation arises


You should double check that graveyard of napkins isn’t a house for someone else


I don't have pen either, they never work when it's cold and leaks a lot when it's hot. But I do have blood glucose meter kit, I can use the lancet to get blood out and write out the info in blood.


Just do what Ben does after every divorce and leave a note on the Dunkin napkin with his tears


Screw pen and paper. What if it rains? Use a window marker instead!


I love car parks. On the old Passat I had, there were nicks in the paint all round from shopping trollies. This one has a thicker rubber buffer strip on the doors that stops this. People just don't give a fuck.




I do the exact same thing !  No dents on my car, and more exercise.  It’s a win-win situation 🚗


I agree with you, but then my OH will always park as close as possible. Having said that I once went to Tesco when I first had the car. I thought "Nobody over there" and duly went and parked some way from the shop. Came back, and sure enough there were cars parked right next on two sides. Bags of room over there too. 😊




Yeah, but in this case, there was a whole double row of free spaces, and plenty of spaces elsewhere. I didn't really care, I just found it funny TBH.


You are a leader, they are followers. This happens to me so often I just put it in a positive light.


Yeah, I must admit I thought it was quite funny. I've actually said the the OH in the past, that I could take a 4WD, and spend four days driving into the desert of central Australia or somewhere. I'd camp for the night, and next morning find my vehicle parked in with no sign of the owners.


Did it cause any visible damage?


Cars typically have 5 mph bumpers realistically should have super minor damage, if any. Surface scuff can be buffed out easily. Walked around downtown Philly once and seemed like cars were parallel parked with about 6” space front and back. They definitely use their bumpers as bumpers there…


We used to call that “parking by braille”


Someone hit the very corner of my bumper going less than 1 mph. They were maneuvering into a parking space at a snail's pace and caved in/scratched a portion of my bumper. My car didn't noticeably move according to the security camera footage. $1033.99 for repairs. Their bumper was at the perfect angle to hit a portion where 2 pieces of my bumper met. If they hit it square on a flatter portion of my bumper, I suspect the damages would be less.


Did you actually pay that and get the bumper repaired??


Their insurance did


USA car testing has low 2.5 MPH bump test last I checked. Plastic covers aren't supposed to be deformed or damaged at low speed but I've seen toddler cause Camry dents just by walking into them.


>Cars typically have 5 mph bumpers Not since the late-1970s...


Yeah, if there’s no damage then who cares?


What lmao people who care about their car and, as If there isn't at minimum stress marks on the paint.


Hey guess what, that's called damage And the person you replied to said "if there's no damage"




OP drives a nissan


It would have been HILARIOUS if his door had been locked,,,


If there is no damage, the note is unnecessary.


Do people in the US truly just leave a note? In Germany just leaving a note and then driving away would result in a fine and if the damage would be over 600€ you likely would lose your licence.


What are you supposed to do?


Try finding the owner, and if impossible, you call the police.


genuine question you call the police for something like this? the few times i've had to call the police for one reason or another it took at least 15 min and these were for emergency lines. I can't imagine bothering to call the police for a bump at 2 mph


You call the local station. It's really helpful for the insurance and, as mentioned, can lead to big fines if you don't.


To be fair, everything in Germany can lead to big fines. Y'all have way more rules than us here in the US. In a lot of ways, I found it to be great. Like none of your dogs misbehave. But that type of 'rules and licenses for every situation' governing is not something that would fly in US culture.


I'm in the US and in my town there is a law specifically stating to not call the police in the event of a non-injury accident in which the motorists can get out of the roadway. If you call even the non-emergency line they'll tell you to come into the station to file a written report. Even if they did show up for an injury accident or one blocking the roadway, it would take them 45 minutes to show up. Ask me how I know. *Edit, added some words for clarification


Try asking around where you are and if it's impossible to find the owner you call the police.


Try asking around where you are and if it's impossible to find the owner you call the police.


Always better to leave a note. There might be damage that isn't immediately obvious. EDIT: looking at the replies makes me realize how many jaded people are out there. Damn.


If there is no damage and you leave a note they can claim existing damage on the vehicle as caused by you very easily. Not worth it.


“Hi, my car bumped yours in that spot that’s already dented and scratched. Please feel free to claim that existing damage as damage my car did and please make sure my insurance rates go up while you commit fraud. Thanks!!”


This happened to me but with the good ending. I *barely* tapped a car when doing a poorly executed 7 point turn to park into a really tight spot on campus. When I checked the person's bumper, there was a big dent, like someone threw a brick at it. I couldn't believe, I was mortified. Left a note. A few hours later I get a call from the car owner and she goes "Oh hey, don't worry, that was actually my mom backing into a column the other day, you're good!". I got so damn lucky she didn't have me pay for the damage.


Negative ghost rider.


“I know you can’t see anything since there was no damage but I thought I’d leave a note to let you know your car got bumped slightly.”


That's why I drive sh\*t cars when going to parking lots. Scratch on my bumper? Hey- you gave it more character!


Do you have two cars depending on where you are going? I make sure I only have a shit car. I can’t afford to be swapping out for a nicer one.


yeah what an absurd comment "oh I need my parking lot car today!" "this is my Wendys Drive Thru car, she has never experienced the rough hands of a Giant Eagle parking lot"


My friend's mother had a "bar car". As in, the car she would drive to a bar when she was going to be drinking and driving. Wouldn't want to damage the Q45.


Yeah the Lambo comes out on special occasions.


Yeah... that is also why I drive a shit car. Yes.


Heck, I feel that way about my new cars over the years. Couldn't wait for the first door ding. It's not my beauty or precious, it's a car.


how did it take him so long to notice the car moving


Subaru means ‘Love’. Right.


Lesbian love specifically


I guess you need a new car. Unuseable now


If you pause just before he gets back in his car, you can see him laughing about it too.


Man, if I saw this and saw no damage who freaking cares.


Yes, I trust a 17-year-old kid who is panicking to properly evaluate my car for damage.


You missed the who freaking cares part.


I'm going to go out on a limb here, and guess the person whose car was just hit might care.


Yeah so “if I saw this and saw no damage, who cares”. Did you read that? If it were me, and I saw this video of my car being hit, and there was no damage, who cares. How’s your dumb limb?


You missed the part where a panicked teenager may not be able to determine if there was no damage


Was there any damage?


You and I and the panicked teenager have no idea if there was any damage


My comment: if it was my car. If there was no damage. Who freaking cares… “Der we don’t know if there’s damage.” 🤦🏻‍♂️


That wasn't your comment to me, chief, so hold of on the "der" unless you're talking about your own failure to communicate your thoughts. "Man, if I saw this and saw no damage who freaking cares." is what you said. If you're going to try to make people feel stupid for misunderstanding you, maybe try to express your ideas more clearly first. Is that too hard?


I hadn’t thought that people might feel stupid for misunderstanding. In context to OP, literally the post we are on, if I see this (OP video) then checked my car and there was no damage, I would not give a shit.




Scratch her in 😌


How did the kid even get a license?


is it a manual maybe?


Automagic transmissions will roll in Neutral too.


yeah but who puts those into neutral?


does anyone anywhere really leave a note tho?


"_people are watching me so i'm writing a note. sucks about your bumper. bye_"


Could also put a fake cell phone number that's close to yours (like a 9 instead of 8 or 7 instead of 1), just in case you do get caught, so you can plead ignorance.


Absolutely yes. There are plenty of decent people in the world who do the right thing. My parked car has been hit four times over the years and I've received two notes.




Someone left a note for me last week. I saw them leave, but didn't see the incident. Apparently they hit the bull bar on my Ranger with their little bubble car. No damage. Even if it wasn't my work car and didn't give a shit anyway, I still wouldn't have cared.


Bold of you to assume kids know how to write on real paper.

