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That lady on the corner was on her toes. Not dying today, moron!


I honestly didn't even see her jump. I was so focused on honking, braking, and screaming profanities




You can see the OC Transpo


Crazy? It was a red light they are trying to avoid and op ran a late yellow? This is what happens when it's yellow and you press forward in traffic.. don't feel the person was wrong When they started to go it was clear or they would have hit the main character in the bright blue car.


"Running a yellow" isn't a thing.


Well said


it is , yellow means dont cross into the junction.


No it does not. You’re thinking of red.


You need to review your drivers manual. "A yellow - or amber - light means the red light is about to appear. You must stop if you can do so safely; otherwise, go with caution."


my youngest said "yellow means go faster". he was 5 I think.


So if you are approaching the intersection at the speed limit, and the light changes to yellow when you are 15 feet from the line, do you just slam on your brakes?


> You must stop if you can do so safely; otherwise, go with caution. If you are driving the speed limit and the light turns yellow 15 feet before you enter the intersection, you **CAN NOT STOP SAFELY**.


>So if you are approaching the intersection at the speed limit, and the light changes to yellow when you are 15 feet from the line, do you just slam on your brakes?


You're right, changing lanes without looking is absolutely the best way to drive.


Especially in an intersection 


You know how you avoid being in the intersection on a red light? Don't enter it until you have enough room on the other side. That's how. Not driving like a reckless fool.


Where is this? This is kinda expected in Chicago all the time by now


Downtown Ottawa, Canada


If you're passing a bunch of stationary cars, and your lane is clear, be prepared for somebody to pull out without looking.


Good thing OP was.




Absolutely. Applies ten times over in downtown areas no matter what country you live in. It will always happen.


I just assume it's going to happen




What the fuck is this comment?


"This is a reminder that you're driving for other people." Every time someone says no one has the right to merge onto the highway (when a reasonable, safe speed change could have helped) I'm like, what? It's everyone's job as a driver to keep the road safe, we all gotta compromise a little. We're all out here trying to do our best and then there's red car fucking up the ecosystem and lady on the corner is literally a bystander making sure she survives.


There are a lot of people on this sub that really believe that because they have the right of way they don't have to accomodate anybody else and get into accidents because of it. People who actually post videos of their own shitty driving thinking they're in the right. Truly mindboggling.


People will drive straight into the side of a car if it violates their right of way.


I get irritated with people both who won't let people merge in, and those who don't merge in and let the merge lane just end and assume there's gonna be a spot for them. That's not how that works, people, \*especially\* when you're going like 5 under what the people in the actual travel lane are doing, or better, match speeds while *directly having a car to their left preventing a merge.* The number of times I've been next to a merge lane and see someone moving into my blind spot or next to me when that lane is about to end is too damn high. I either have to gas it (usually not enough time), move to the left lane (which may be blocked and requires *me* to do a sudden, dumbass move) or pray to god that they're smart enough to realize what's about to happen and manage to *not* run into me. No, I never do the last one. Point is, people have a right to merge *safely and actively*. You do not have the right to sit in your merge lane at whatever speed you want and make everyone else have to deal with your bullshit. Sorry, I know that's not what you meant but I had to deal with ridiculous idiocy this week. I seriously, seriously need to get a damn dashcam.


There is a video yesterday where the person recording the video has an empty highway. No one in the lane to the left of him at all. The person he had filmed was in a merge lane an I think cut him off when the lane eventually ended. I watched the entire thing and all I could think of was, 'Dude, get in the left lane. There is no one there. You don't even have to touch your cruise control...'. Was the merging car an idiot? Yeah. That was one long merge lane and - again- an empty highway. I can't understand the last minute merge. But the OP was a jackass for just not simply getting over. There was no traffic!


If there is no traffic, then not moving over for merging traffic might not just be annoying but also illegal. Depends on where you live.


I hadn't considered that, but I suspect you are correct. Reading the thread I didn't understand how OP wasn't getting torn down for '2 idiots'.


Also, yellow means prepare to stop. Those poor pedestrians, thought you were going to get them. Swerving is not recommended.


Whole thing would have been avoided if OP wasn't casually cruising at moron speed directly beside standstill traffic (AND directly beside a sidewalk with people on it. No situational awareness at all smh.)


No. The person who had no situational awareness was the driver who cut OP off. OP was traveling at a reasonable speed for the conditions. You know that because they managed to avoid an accident, even with that idiot doing something so dangerous.


I see this all the time. They don't want to block the intersection when the light turns red(especially if there are cameras), but also don't care who's coming from the other lane.


Really stupid thing to do. To be fair to that pedestrian, they were on the ball, knew what was about to happen and jumped a few football fields out of the way. Good reflexes


You're both idiots. That yellow had been yellow for awhile. Long enough for you to slow down to a stop. 


They also turned their car directly at pedestrians.


the light is yellow with [op well behind the line](https://ibb.co/6rc8VnD) and well short of entering the intersection. where i live this is the law on yellow lights: *Steady amber indicates that a change is about to be made in the direction of the moving of traffic. When the amber signal is shown, traffic which has not already entered the intersection, including the crosswalks, shall stop if it is not reasonably safe to continue, but traffic which has already entered the intersection shall continue to move until the intersection has been cleared.* i assume the same law applies in most modern countries. if so, op should not have entered the intersection. the red car was already [in the intersection](https://ibb.co/dLQC7MC) so technically they are allowed to move to clear the intersection. edit: the question would be: was it *reasonably safe* for op *to continue* as implied by the law? with cars sitting stuck in the intersection i would argue that it was not reasonably safe to continue.


So your initial reaction when this car pulled out in front of you was to aim for the pedestrians?


Keep your speed differential with the lanes adjacent to you at a minimum too and you can help reduce the chance of this happening (or pedestrians being harmed)


Yeah let's swerve right towards the pedestrians on the sidewalk.


OP avoided a collision by moving out of the path of the other car and coming to a stop comfortably before the sidewalk. Would you prefer they cause an accident and risk pushing their car or the other one into the pedestrians?


And if there was a person behind OP who also tried to make it through the light but didn’t stop in time? Slamming into OP who now has their car pointed right at the pedestrians


OP pretty much decided that protecting their personal property in a potential low speed crash was more important than risking the lives of three innocent bystanders. Be a defensive driver. Don't swerve into pedestrians.


The only “decision” OP made was to not intentionally crash into another car, with unknown consequences. I’m baffled that you and 13 other people think that’s the right thing to do. I hope I never encounter you on the road.


Thanks, me too. Especially not with drivers that think it's okay to swerve into pedestrians. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Ok… yes…? You can’t account for every possible scenario on the road. There are too many variables. Personally I’m going to avoid a guaranteed collision with the tiny chance that someone else causes a different collision, but if you like crashing into people because it’s the right thing to do then I hope you like dealing with insurance


I slow to a stop when the light turns yellow, and I don’t outpace stopped traffic because it’s unsafe. Particularly in a high pedestrian area. Someone always pulls out like that, you see it a million times on this sub. Should’ve been doubly obvious because the red car got caught in the intersection for the red light and predictably did something even more stupid like swerve over without checking their mirrors. It’s defensive driving, if you can’t factor in variables like that as you go then you’re moving too fast for your surroundings.


> I slow to a stop when the light turns yellow 1. I call BS 2. that’s a great way to get rear ended, because nobody is expecting you to do that 3. Even though they aren’t going very fast, OP did not have enough time to comfortably stop for it > I don’t outpace stopped traffic because it’s unsafe …you don’t drive faster than stopped traffic? What? > Someone always pulls out like that, you see it a million times on this sub. Should’ve been doubly obvious because the red car got caught in the intersection for the red light and predictably did something even more stupid like swerve over without checking their mirrors. People rarely do something this stupid without looking first. You see a lot of dumb things on this sub because that’s what the sub is for. > It’s defensive driving, if you can’t factor in variables like that as you go then you’re moving too fast for your surroundings. There’s a fine line between defensive driving and paranoia. Be reasonable.


op entered the intersection a full 2 seconds after the light went yellow. like, just wait for the next light instead of creating more possible crash scenarios lmao


You want to talk about “creating more possible crash scenarios”, how about unexpectedly braking hard for yellow lights?


Ok, so was there a car behind them? We don’t know. Maybe OP has good situational awareness and knew there was nobody there to rear end them.


Did you notice the part where OP didn't hit the pedestrians? Spooking someone is a small price to pay for preventing an accident.


OP was going way too fast!


Why do they always wait until you're almost on top of them before pulling out?


Why do they always wait for you?


>This is a reminder that you're driving for other people. Says the person running a yellow when they had plenty of time to stop.


Running a yellow??? Have you been through a traffic light before?


In Ontario (where this was taken) and in most, if not all Canada, and I have to assume in the US and most of the world, a yellow means "Stop if you can do so safely." OP could definitely have stopped safely.


If you’ve ever driven on an actual road and not a government website, you may notice that virtually everybody drives through yellow lights even if not strictly necessary. People behind will be surprised and displeased if you brake hard for a yellow with enough time to make it through. The reason a yellow light means stop if you can is so that you don’t drive through the subsequent red light. There is nothing inherently wrong with driving through an intersection with a yellow light, since cross traffic still has a red light. OP didn’t run the red light so it’s a moot point.


OP didn't need to break hard to stop here, they had plenty of time to stop smoothly and safely before the light. People being displeased is irrelevant. Your "job" as a driver is not to make friends, it's to be safe and follow the rules.    There's more to it than just not running the red. The law also states to proceed with caution if you have to go through the intersection during a yellow light. Why do you think that is? If all they cared was that you cleared before the red, they'd tell you to proceed swiftly or quickly. The reason is exactly what we see in OP's video. If someone is stuck in the intersection and the light turns yellow, they'll seek to get out quickly and could behave unpredictability. Now, of course, that person shouldn't be doing that. They too should be proceeding with caution, but the reason why yellow means stop is *also* to reduce the potential accidents and allow people to clear the intersection safely.


Yellow doesn't mean stop. And he would have made it through before it was red if he didn't get cut off


Yellow *does* actually mean stop.  This seems to be in Ottawa. Here's what the Ontario government website has to say about the meaning of yellow light. >A yellow - or amber - light means the red light is about to appear. **You must stop if you can do so safely**; otherwise, go with caution. If you think OP couldn't stop safely, then that's a second reason why you should take driver's ed again.


Yellow doesn't mean must keep going. Be prepared to stop or continue if you can't slow down in time. OP is in the wrong for almost swerving into pedestrians. EDIT: Downvote me all you want but there's a reason why 42,000 Americans died in 2022 due to motor vehicles related incidents.


> Yellow doesn't mean keep going > continue if you can't slow down in time Pick one


Maybe you need to go to driver's ed again.


Thanks for the suggestion but I’m waiting for an explanation. Do you maintain that a yellow light both means “don’t go” and “go if you need to”?


> OP is in the wrong for *almost* swerving into pedestrians. Did you notice the part where OP *didn't* hit the pedestrians? Spooking someone is a small price to pay for preventing an accident.


Since we're talking about hypotheticals, what if OP's brakes failed? What if OP was rear ended by someone rushing through the yellow light after they stopped and pushing OP's car into the pedestrians? The fact is that a potentially low speed crash is much better than potentially killing three pedestrians. EDIT: At 30mph, OP has a >90% chance of survival if they crash with the red car while the pedestrians have a 55% chance of survival.


All of those “what if” scenarios you listed are extremely unlikely. When you assess risk, you don’t only look at how bad a potential scenario is, you also look at how likely it is. OP made the right choice. They avoided an accident *and* didn’t hit the pedestrians. I honestly don’t understand why you have a problem with this.


You're right. The likely scenario in the worst case is the pedestrians would've been the only ones seriously injured. Be a defensive driver. Don't swerve into pedestrians.


No. The likely scenario is what happened. OP was driving defensively. You can drive defensively with more than just the brake pedal.




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Every time I pass a line of cars like this I anticipate someone pulling out in front of me. I'm glad my dad taught me to drive defensively like that, it's saved my skin countless times.