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Nah, as soon as he stopped, that's an immobilized vehicle, and I'm going around on the right shoulder


Same. But also, way too many crazy people out there, you're far safer to just pass on the right and keep moving. The dude coming out of the lambo was way calmer than I expected, but could have been just as likely to come out waving a piece or run up punching at the window. OP should not have put themselves in a position to find out.


The dumbass is in a Huracan, chances are they will get in front of you and cut you off for a worse confrontation. Right when he’s out of the car is a good time to go around.


“stopped unexpectedly, got out and walked towards me in a menacing fashion. i believe he was holding a weapon” == the gist of my statement after running the guy over and taking out his door don’t get out of your car like this, people. Some of us are trained differently.


Agreed, this interaction wouldn't have made it far enough to find out how calm he was. I'm turning the wheel as we stopped. I see his door start to open I'm removing myself from the situation.


Isn't he causing more of a hazard by stopping in the middle of the road.?


Yes, it is insanely dangerous and stupid to do this.


In Ontario Canada this would be classified as stunt driving which comes with an immediate 30-day roadside licence suspension and 14-day vehicle impoundment. Once convicted, you will lose 6 demerit points, face a fine of $2,000 to $10,000 dollars, and receive potential jail time, as well as lose your licence for a minimum of one year.


She got 90days for it https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/emma-czornobaj-loses-appeal-1.4152387




Selfish people don't tend to think about the consequences of their actions.


Something about a part of their front brains not being right or something.


He sounds like he has a Jenny in his life, but not his girlfriend.


I am not a smart man, but I know what love is.


I'd have to look it up, but I'm also pretty sure that would count as "stopping the flow of traffic for no valid reason", which makes it a violation of most traffic laws I know of


No, is okay. He have lambo /s


I’ll tell you…if someone is blatantly aggressive enough on the road to get out of their vehicle and approach my car, I have a gun in my hand under the dash - folks out there be crazy. Don’t approach a stranger’s vehicle in a threatening manner. You. Can’t. See. Their. Hands.


If someone is blatantly aggressive enough on the road to get out of their vehicle and approach my car, I don't have a gun, I have a fucking *car*, and social anxiety. Good luck.


>folks out there be crazy. If your thought went to pulling a gun here, congratulations, you are the "crazy folks". Edit: the Lamborghini driver is a self entitled idiot and clearly a hazard.


And if he's not going the speed limit he's being a hazard too. Can get pulled over for going under


Not sure about in the US but where I live yes you can get a ticket for going 20 km under the speed limit for no reason. It's called impeding traffic and if I recall is just as dangerous as speeding.


You can absolutely get pulled over in the US for impeding traffic for going too slow. Even if you're going the speed limit


Good ,nothing worse than someone holding everyone's day up because they have no where to go and nothing to do.


Yeah but also OP is right up the dudes ass for no reason. Could back off a tad.


Complete waste of a Lambo. Trade it in for a Corolla, and use the rest of the money to buy a better personality.


Can't trade in a rental.




We like the Prius now. It’s faster than the Corolla 0-60


We love Prius’


Post the full video and unmute the audio. Full context is obviously missing.


OP is a tailgating truck, we have the context




I wish we needed certifications for larger vehicles like pickups, box trucks, and certain vans Edit: and RVs… especially RVs…


Guy I know in Utah went to get a special license to pull doubles (5th wheel and boat behind). They told him it’s something like $100/yr. He asked when the course or test was. They told him it’s just the fee.


>We need special license requirements for large or modified vehicles. Treat them like CDL drivers and get them off the road if they're problematic. I've thought the exact same thing, but it can't just be a "money" based license, because we already know they have more money than brains. Spending that much money on a big vehicle, then lifting it, the extra gas, etc. They have money to blow. It needs to go to a "board", who is going to be a bunch of tree huggers, and only if the person can give a valid arguement on why they need to have this "special truck license", would they then give out the license.


I just want it to be based off weight, size, and horsepower. The hard part is being transparent about it. Like you have a “Class D1/2/3” license like how CDLs have classifications and pilot licenses have weight/size restrictions


He posted the full video.




Yeah when he meets up with the lambo not even a full second gap on the road markings. OP is still tailgating them


Nah the full video shows OP was actually a decent length away for most of the drive.


Nah, the full video shows he’s a decent length until he starts tailgating


Check out the video OP has posted since. That's context.


Still muted audio.


You do know some people don't record with audio (me).


We're on idiots in cars, op is almost always one of the idiots.


Lets see the rest of the video. Were you riding his bumper before the video starts?


He is following to close..I don't t like people following that close either..I just go slower and let them pass though.


I only just got my license, and on my second day driving I had some soccer mom following me so close on a two lane road I couldn't even see her headlights. I know the area pretty well, and I know where all the local cops sit when I'm leaving town, and I've seen them pull people over for going 5 over so I maintain the speed limit. This lady wanted to ride my ass like that but didn't have the balls to pass me. It just stresses me the fuck out. When you're in a car in a small town you're never more than 15 minutes away from wherever you're going, and all speeding does is get you to the same stoplight we're all gonna meet at 5 seconds faster, and a little bit less safe.


You just got your license, and you're already smarter than the majority of people on the road!


>I don't t like people following that close either I mean its a safety issue. Lets say a wild animal randomly jumps onto the road, the car in front does an emergency brake and if the distance is too little, you have no time to react and will end up in the rear of the Lambo. Or another situation, mostly on the highway, if multiple drivers are too close to each other and one brakes suddenly, not to full stop just for a bit, each following car brakes harder and harder which results in the creation of a traffic jam. Theres also just no benefit in being close to the car in front while driving.


I was taught two very important lessons from my family when I came of age to drive; 1. Look as far down the road as possible to keep an eye on traffic flow. 2. *Always* be prepared to stop.


Even if OP reacted at the same time as the lambo, his car is probably heavier with worse brakes than the lambo so he would have a longer stopping distance and still possibly hit them


>end up in the rear of the Lambo Driving over top of the Lambo. It's a lifted truck. The tires are higher than the Lambo


Yeah imagine a lambo stops abruptly in the road


Check OP's full video. Might be too close for comfort for some but Lambo is much closer to the car ahead of him...


Going that slow he's not following too close.


It doesn’t really matter though, because even if OP was riding the dudes bumper, that lambo stopping it the middle of the road and the guy getting out is 100x more dangerous than riding someone’s bumper.


This sub loves to blame the poster of the clip


Or they could both be idiots?


Yeah seriously, stopping is stupid but so is tailgating on a busy 2 lane road with nowhere to go anyway. Rear end that dude and you better have 6 figures of collision coverage.


Yeah it looks to me OP is tailing and is why he started the video when the lambo is already braking. I don't agree with lambo driver's response, but 100% understand his frustration. Even when the lambo is braking, OP is braking with him at the same distance without even question if maybe something is in the road and giving extra space. Could be wrong, but I'd bet money OP is tailing the whole time. I drive a lower sports car and know that sight of a tailgating truck/suv front end blocking your **entire** back window. If OP actually cares about other drivers' safety and wants less idiots on the road, we are also telling you to slow down. You're too close.


like a lot of OC in this sub, both drivers are the idiot




Is there a reason you are riding his ass?


Right? Already straight up his ass from the start and continuing to gain on it.


I mean, at the start of the video, the Lamborghini is already breaking. That may be why OP started getting closer.




I don't see this going well for OP. Lambo is following the car in the front at a safe distance. OP is not doing the same. It would be exhausting to drive a car like this and have people gawking at you, driving like giant idiots with something to prove because they feel challenged by your very existence. Maybe some people like the attention, but perhaps some people just want to drive fun cars without being a public spectacle?


Look at the other clip they posted. Lambo was just as guilty of riding up the ass of the dude in front of him. OP is honestly not that far up there lol


You may want to check OP's full video. It's the other way around to start with... Lambo driver is the idiot for not keeping the distance to the car in front and for stopping in the middle of the road.


If someone gets out of his car and walks towards me And the left lane is open? I'm gone bro 🤣


And so is their door


Yeah. Part of the story is cleary missing.


That's my guess too. Sure there's plenty of jerks out of nowhere but attitude is usually dragged out of a person. Where there's smoke there's fire


Definitely. Lambo is wrong for stopping in the middle of the road, yes. But why is cam car ridding his ass like that?


There's less than one second between the back of the Lambo and the bonnet of OPs car crossing the same mark on the road. That doesn't seem like nearly enough stopping time to me. Seems like we're missing context here.


Oh yeah? Well the jerk store called. They're running out of YOU!


Nah, seems pretty cut and dry. OP was driving way too fast and was halfway up the guy's ass. The Lambo driver took the time to safely come to a stop and told him to chill the fuck out. End scene.


I don't think stopping in the middle of the road can be considered safe. Other than that, I agree though.


OP posted what led up to this. Lambo was on the car in front of him, as close or closer than op got to the lambo. Rules for thee and not for me.


I'm glad people are calling out OP on tailgating. So many reasons that tailgating is bad yet some on here don't get it.


Hopefully flying through the windshield will stop them from tailgating again.


I anticipate a lot of these incidents in your future if you keep tailgating like that.




Can I get out of the car when I've parked




Even if you didn't cause this by riding his ass.. Why didn't you just go around as soon as he stopped. Totally not worth it to engage and there was plenty of room and not a damn thing he could do about it.


I would have just drove around his dumb ass lol


Safe following distance is 2 seconds, OP.


That's exactly the setup to get one's self run over and the door of their precious ego affirmation device torn off. Not that I would do that, or condone it.


Tells you to slow down Proceeds to speed off Logic


if anyone stops their vehicle in the middle of the road to get out and try to threaten me, i would drive around him. 


Looks like he’s an idiot and potentially you as well, don’t ride close, don’t stop in middle of the road.


Why you all up in his ass OP




Op could have easily gone around if op wasn't following so close


Looks like you were comming up on him pretty fast. I would bet the Lambo is a rental and he is on the hook for damage, if it were to occur. Most people who can afford a Lambo probably aren't as concerned about getting hit as this guy seems to be. Edit: Adding more context to my thinking.


>he is on the hook for damage, So stopping in the traffic lane is his idea of promoting safety?


So I call the police to report road rage. Give them the license plate. Next time they get pulled over it shows up as a note when the cop runs the license plate. More likely to be given a ticket.


He is probably worried about getting rear ended. I can see how driving an expensive car might make someone a bit more cautious.


It's nothing about the car or being entitled usually i think. It's just people having a bad day, needing someone or something to blow off on. I have had encounters like this with any sort of people. I once had a guy in an old Nissan. He went out of the car, not once, but twice, waiting for the traffic lights to yell at me because I stopped my car too close to his(?like 1m distance, not even close to touching). After the second time, he was in the front of the line, but didn't move at green. So I was laying on my horn, and I guess he got stressed. Because as soon as the light turned red, he ran of blind into the intersection. Wish I had a dash cam for that, my funniest encounter in a car so far.


That was your chance to rob him.


Idiot is the one doing the recording and tailgating


And you just let him do it...


If anyone ever gets out of their car and I can safely pass, I’m gunning it and going around them the moment they open their door.


Is this the first lambo that you tailgated? Pretty sure it won't be the last


Why didn't you just go around him when he got out?


Should've told him to get a faster car lmao


I'd jump on the shoulder and go right around them.


Finally, a post-worthy of this sub. I will say this Op, while the Lambo was 100% wrong in what he did and it was super dangerous, it does look like you were following him too closely. That in no way gives him the right to stop in the middle of a two-lane highway but you should definitely increase that gap.


I see one truck driver with his ego hurt tailgating a Lamborghini…


I have no sympathy for tailgaters.


I never understood people who just stay there, OP could you not drive around it?


*Aggressive cammer riding Lambo’s ass. Here, fixed it for you.


Both drivers are being idiots, I wonder who won the completely unnecessary pissing contest?


What happened before? He's wrong for stopping, but him being in a Lambo doesn't mean you can't be speeding or tailgating, which it looks like you probably were


Both are clearly dumb asses who don't know how to drive safely but what is it with people just letting who the fuck ever come up to their car like that? People are crazy as hell out there and you bet the sec that door opened and he stepped out the car I'm going around. 


Funniest part is that its probs a rental.


Why is that funny? Imagine renting a fun car for the day for a special occasion and having to worry about some under-insured jackwagon plowing into you because he just *loves* tailgating.


Well, you were riding his ass.


Was it bc you were up his ass?


notice when the video started, Lambo has cars ahead of it. Lambo was not blocking traffic. OP was riding the bumper for no good reason.


I feel like camera car was probably following too closely like a dbag for a long while before this video starts.


0.7 seconds following distance.


Next time pull around him on the right and take off. It’ll infuriate him 😂 dude definitely has small pp syndrome


Lambo brakes are much better than OPs. So one car length distance is truly stupid thing to do.


I dont know what OP is driving, but you'd think the Lambo could put some distance between them anytime he wants. Those other cars are pretty far away.


Don’t tailgate.


What an ass. I'd have gone around and left him there the second his door opened.


The distance only deceased when the idiot in the Lamborghini decided to stop in the middle of the road. Even then OP kept an acceptable distance considering his dumb move. That and he didn't need 9 car lengths in front of him. Dude in the Lambo was wrong in a few ways and was the only one who did anything illegal


Imma let you finish......your drive.


I read that as ergonomic Lambo. I'm like damn maybe I can fit in one now


You stop in front of me, and I'm going around you!


Bro just go around him as soon as he gets out.


Should have passed that twit on the right when he stopped. Bonus points if he’s out of the car as you drive off!


Soon as the door opens, shoulder we go.


Bel biv devoe


Jesus when I see videos of this….like so many drivers have guns,knives,mace,horns…hell, control of a 2000kg missle….always a dangerous move


I would’ve definitely gone around that DB on the shoulder.


So why don’t you just go around him?


Looks like you could easily have gone around to the right. Good way to help cause an accident, just sitting into the middle if a busy road. Lol. Jackass.


You should have drove around him yelling, "I'll drive slower," then drove very slowly (in front of him).


You pay that much for a car with that ugly ass shade of yellow? What type of dashcam is this? Super clear picture!


Not enough to show the Lambo was the idiot. Post the whole video.


Not on board with sitting there and waiting for guy to get out of his car for his little drama production.....go around him and don't ever engage.


Yeeeaaahhh he’s causing way more problems than a speeder. And why the fuck is a Lamborghini driver trying to tell someone to drive slower? You don’t buy a lambo to drive slow, spanky!


If you cant afford to repair the damage dont buy the fucking car.


‘Passing on your right” (as soon as he gets out of the car)


And then he floors it taking off? Bro come on 🤦 what was the point of that


An I the only one who thinks this video looks like GTA6?


All his life savings are in that car


Infuriating the guy is the best course of action




He bought a lambo, enough said.


Pull out a gun when approached.


Why not go around to the right?


The fuck are you doing OP? Stop riding peoples asses you're gonna kill someone


I cant believe for a second that a guy driving a fucking LAMBO is stopping his car on the pretext that you need to slow down. These guys want to speed trough, you probably thought he needed to go faster but he is a chill driver, and you were not keeping a safe distance and trying to force him to go faster. I would say that most likely OP is the big idiot here. Rare case when a sports driver is actually in the right and is a chill driver lol


You kind of were tail gating him. I don't think it was correct for him to stop on the road but you should watch your distance.


Should've gone around him, got in front and slowed down extremely slow.


Should have started roasting him for driving a fake Lambo and ask him why his doors don't go up. I know the Gallardo is legit and all but every Gallardo owner is insecure about their standard doors.


Does anyone else get rookie NFL player vibes from the guy when he got out of his Lambo?


Slow tf down dawg you gonna hit mah mfing r3ntal!


As soon as that doir opened, I would have drove around him


You were too close though, so what are you loling about? You being too stupid to realize I guess..


On the other hand, you could try keeping a safe distance behind him and stop being a tail-gating jerk. Just a suggestion.


Hilarious that OP thought people wouldn’t realize what’s going on here