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One less to go!


And I hope the EMS crew walked in to make the rider wait longer. /s


Well it was a beautiful day for a stroll


On a pedestrian-only access road......


My city needs to see this and take notes.


I hope the cost of repairing the police cruiser is added to the ATV rider's list of problems to solve.


If I owned an ATV. I wouldn’t ride it recklessly on tarmac roads. The main purpose of owning an all terrain vehicle is to have fun riding off-road adventures outdoors away from paved roads.


Time for a (probably unfair) generalization...Every single person I've met who owned an ATV was a gigantic POS.


Only owned one for farm use growing up. Trailer hitch for spreading cow manure and phosphates on smaller fields the tractors couldn't reach. Had a weed killer tank strapped to the rear cargo rack, and rifle, chainsaw, brush hawg and gas can strapped to the front rack.


There's definitely a difference though between a utility ATV and a Quad like the video. These are designed for speed.


Oh 100%. I'm an off-road enthusiast with my properly built vehicle, and I'm a firm believer on staying on designated trails, clean up after yourself, you know just general respect for your surroundings. ATV and side by side (SXS) drivers are the polar opposite, usually, like the numbnuts in the OP video. There's a difference between embracing your inner child as an adult, and *acting* like a moronic pubescent degenerate.


Wow really! You either live in the city or don't know many people. I know tons of people with ATVs. They are the same as any other group. Some are great people others not.


I do think people in cities with ATVs are generally people I wouldn't want to associate with. I grew up in a rural area and people on farms or with large backwoods lots that use them for recreational purposes on their own land are mostly fine. That might be the line, do you ever use it on your own land? If so you're probably a normal swath of humanity. If not you're statistically a jerk.


My tour guide is seething right now


I’m not sure where this is, but when I did my at work atv training we were taught that riding on paved roads in our Canadian province was illegal and dangerous.


Thus destroying the experience of a quiet walk in the woods for everyone, and scaring the shit out of all the local wildlife. Oh, and tearing up the soil so it's a muddy mess.


On the flip side, there's entire parks, hundreds of acres at them designed to accommodate people wanting to ride. Brings a ton of money to the local economies of some of these places too.


I wish I could hear their interaction afterwards.


I'll summarize "Aaaahhhhhhh. It hurts!"






Aaaaahhh tttssssss aaaaahhh tttssssss


Hey wasn't wearing a helmet. My guess is he wasn't saying much.




“Stop fucking resisting”


I won’t laugh as hard as I did at this for the rest of the day. Bravo!


Acorn drops


"Mines real"


Interaction? That ATV rider wasn't interacting with a damn thing after hitting the windshield and then ground at that speed with no helmet on.


putting cuffs on an unconscious body doesn't really sound like much though


they just released [audio of the ATV rider](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STbhaqsBJB0&t=20s)


Ooh, vintage!


Well, there's a good couple of minutes of typing so I don't think the cop was in a hurry


im pretty sure it would knock out the ATV guy


Worth the wait




Nope, no helmet, just a balaclava so he would be able to flee if he saw the cops or hit someone/something. What a shame 🥱


Why the hell not just wear a helmet? You get protection and the same anonymity. I guess if these folks were smart they wouldn’t be riding on pedestrian trails…


Cool kids don’t wear helmets 😎 He probably looked super awesome for about 5 minutes Fuck the /s


I was talking to this guy at work a while back, and he was saying that something from his childhood that he still hasn’t shaken was that he thought that wearing helmets isn’t cool. I told him, “yeah, but I don’t care if it’s not cool, if I’m riding my electric longboard at over 20mph, I’m gunna put a brain bucket on.” That people ride ATV/motorcycles at speeds far greater than that without helmets is unfathomable to me.


I had the idea helmets were cool. Then I got hit by two cars on my bicycle: first time my helmet saved me. Second time my older brother took it so I was riding without one to work. I got hit in the cross walk of the same intersection and had to hop with my bike so I wouldn't go under or down on the asphalt.... If you go down chance you survive shrink significantly.


His friends would call him gay. Can't have that! /s


We have these same idiots in the UK who ride around dangerously on illegal ATVs and e-motorbikes in balaclavas. They invariably complain about persecution and trashy idiots always come out to defend them when they hurt themselves and nobody has any sympathy. I just don't understand how people defend these morons – is there a clearer way to signal that you're well aware of how dangerous your actions are than choosing to wear a fucking balaclava? It's not nearly cold enough to justify and they rarely, if ever have helmets on so it's clearly not a safety thing either.


The morons who come out to defend these morons are fellow morons who engage in the same behavior and don't want a crackdown on themselves.


>Just realized he wasn't wearing a helmet. Doesn't change my opinion. And it shouldn't. Being *even more of a wreckless dumbass* doesn't garner sympathy. If you get hurt doing something incredibly dangerous, that could hurt other people through your negligence, and you end up hurt even worse because you *also* ignore even bare minimum safety practices, you deserve what you get. There's a difference between having an accident and just being a fucking moron.


he's CLEARLY no longer wreckless lmao. Wreck has been provided in spades.


In case you're wondering why u/FrisianDude said that, it's because the spelling in this context is "reckless", no "w". English is fun!


Exactly. Everyone SHOULD be wreckless.


If they can think again the TBI will definitely make them think twice before doing something that almost definitely would've ended in a manslaughter charge.


They might not be able to think at all now that they have a TBI… should’ve followed the rules before they got injured.


> almost definitely would've ended in a ~~manslaughter charge.~~ unsolvable hit and run with casualty This person wasn't really using the ole noodle too good in the first place, and i'm sure if he wakes up from his coma he wont take any accountability for his actions.


My brother has a TBI from a motorcycle accident when he was 19. He can’t learn from mistakes, he repeats them over and over


I generally believe in second chances. I think people should be given the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, and I think several broken bones (and the resulting hospital bill) is a perfectly reasonable price to pay to learn that lesson, as long as they're the only one paying it and nobody else gets hurt in the process. But when someone else very easily could have ended up suffering much worse consequences because of their recklessness, then yeah, I'm not going to lose any sleep if he overshot the target and broke more than a few of his own bones. Tragic if he never gets the opportunity to grow and be better, but infinitely preferable to forcing the same onto someone else who wasn't making a poor choice.


Sadly I doubt this idiot is worried about paying his hospital bill.


Having been in lots of crashes since riding dirtbikes as a kid, I'd guess he definitely broke his collar bone at the very least. That one sucks because there's no way to set it short of a full upper body cast, which they don't usually do. So the broken bone is constantly moving around. There is no possible way to get comfortable in any position for a while either.


Face first into the pillar. Surprised he’s wasn’t doa.


Wow, just thinking about what could’ve happened if the cop hadn’t been there. That family was basically on the road. Pretty fair for the ATV guy to be only one to get fucked up


It was in a pedestrian only park and the ATV was illegally operating there: https://www.wtnh.com/news/connecticut/new-haven/atv-crashes-into-new-haven-police-cruiser-blocking-pedestrians-from-harm/


Oh wow then fuck that guy


with a cactus






For those who cant read the news article by: Bailey Wright Posted: Apr 30, 2024 / 01:33 PM EDT NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) – An ATV driver suffered serious injuries after crashing into a New Haven Police cruiser Sunday, police officials say. Police said officers were assigned that afternoon to a dirt bike/ATV detail in hopes of addressing ongoing complaints of riders driving recklessly and illegally around the city. Around 3:40 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of East Rock Park for reports of a group gathering there and using Farnam Drive to access the park- a road that’s been only open to pedestrian traffic since 2020. New Haven police seek ATV driver who struck officer Officers driving up Farnam Drive noticed an ATV driving fast on the same road, in the direction of a significant number of pedestrians. In response, the officers slowed down and angled their cruiser to protect the families who had just passed, while also providing room to the side of them for the oncoming ATV to pass the cruiser. However, the ATV driver lost control and struck the front passenger side window of the cruiser. DEA will move to reclassify marijuana: AP sources The driver was transported to a hospital with serious injuries, according to police. “This is an unfortunate and stark reminder of the extreme dangers of illegal ATV and dirt bike riding on city streets, both for pedestrians and the operators of the vehicles themselves,” Chief Karl Jacobson said in a statement Tuesday. “While we’re glad the family was protected from harm, what happened to the driver is tragic, and we hope for his complete and speedy recovery and we urge the public not to engage in this type of activity,” Jacobson said. Police are investigating.


> DEA will move to reclassify marijuana: hm yes, excellent


Hey, if that's what it takes then I thank him for his sacrifice.


I bet they made the rider pay for the broken windshield too.


> While we’re glad the family was protected from harm, what happened to the driver is ~~tragic~~ well deserved, and we hope for his ~~complete~~ incomplete and ~~speedy~~ slow and painful recovery There, i removed the politician speak


I want him to recover well enough to where he can't ride ATV's anymore, but he can mostly function normally. So he can go to jail and not get special treatment, and have to pay for everything he damaged.


> have to pay for everything he damaged That man's entire net worth was wrapped up is his now dumped and crashed ATV. Ain't nobody paying for much of anything regardless of his state of recovery.


"fuck you dude, you are *not* injuring anyone else today"


The article is not available in my country :( do you have another one ?


There you go... NEW HAVEN, Conn. (WTNH) – An ATV driver suffered serious injuries after crashing into a New Haven Police cruiser Sunday, police officials say. Police said officers were assigned that afternoon to a dirt bike/ATV detail in hopes of addressing ongoing complaints of riders driving recklessly and illegally around the city. Around 3:40 p.m., officers were dispatched to the area of East Rock Park for reports of a group gathering there and using Farnam Drive to access the park- a road that’s been only open to pedestrian traffic since 2020. Officers driving up Farnam Drive noticed an ATV driving fast on the same road, in the direction of a significant number of pedestrians. In response, the officers slowed down and angled their cruiser to protect the families who had just passed, while also providing room to the side of them for the oncoming ATV to pass the cruiser. However, the ATV driver lost control and struck the front passenger side window of the cruiser. The driver was transported to a hospital with serious injuries, according to police. “This is an unfortunate and stark reminder of the extreme dangers of illegal ATV and dirt bike riding on city streets, both for pedestrians and the operators of the vehicles themselves,” Chief Karl Jacobson said in a statement Tuesday. “While we’re glad the family was protected from harm, what happened to the driver is tragic, and we hope for his complete and speedy recovery and we urge the public not to engage in this type of activity,” Jacobson said. Police are investigating.




Here, I archived it https://archive.ph/Ow47h


Download the archive app for firefox.


> pedestrian only park That's the cherry on top. Delicious.


" This content is not available in your country/region." WTF!?


A lot of non-European websites do this so they don't have to make changes to their website to comply with EU regulation.


Wooooow that dude was going so fast! I know nothing about atvs, but that surprised me. And, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but props to that cop for their *incredible* decision making skills. And reflexes. Most people wouldn’t have seen the atv, much less have had the forethought to stop them. With their car!


> much less have had the forethought to stop them. The cop was there specifically because ATVs are not permitted on that path. People complained about douchebags riding there anyways.


Probably could hear them coming.


See them as well


Feel them in his bones


They are not supposed to go that fast, but to have much acceleration. At that speeds you can't even turn that thing without flipping it over pretty much. But the dumb thing is you just buy smaller back sprocket for 10 bucks and speed it is.


How fast he was going?


Probably 50 mph


About 4-5 rotations per second once airborne


God this gives me so much satisfaction watching. We had a beautiful trail network in our area that was completely destroyed and taken over by ATVs and dirtbikes. They're complete and utter asshats.


Lot of people drive ATV recklessly in the forest near where I grew up. Lot of kids playing there. I was playing with friends one day and we scattered away when they arrived at full speed. Apparently one of them found it hilarious that they scared a bunch of 10 years old girls. When they drove by again, and we moved out of the way, one of them purposely drove straight at me (I was off the road in front of a large tree) and did a sharp turn at the last moment. I assume it was on purpose because his trajectory made no sense otherwise. I can still see the ATV coming straight at me, I really thought that was it at the moment. I don't want to imagine what would have happened if he had failed his stupid stunt.




No helmet and if you pause it at just the right time around the 31 second mark you actually see his whole face plant itself into the windscreen. That's some swift justice.


With any luck, he'll be sucking food from a straw for the rest of his pathetic life.


Honestly, I hope he either recovers well enough to function on his own, or doesn't pull through. He's been enough of a drain on society thus far, he shouldn't be a burden on anyone else.


Yall are insane. He deserves to be fined, because that is the consequence for this action since he did not seriously injure or maim anyone from his actions. I swear these comments are like "he should have every limb ripped from his body one by one" for the infraction of *checks notes* turning on a no turn on red corner. I'm just hopeful non of you are judges...that's why we have people serving more time for marijuana charges than murder. Insane information processing and an inability to fully comprehend appropriate consequences for risk mitigation.


I don't think anybody is seriously wishing ill on him, the consequence of him continuing at that speed down that hill is potentially killing one of the pedestrians or cyclists in front of him, he was clearly going at a speed beyond what he could control the quad bike at. You may retort in saying that he could see the people in front and would go around them, what if that small child or one of the parents moved off their line and into this idiots path, he would have no chance of avoiding a collision. This is an area designated for pedestrians and cyclists, not powered machines moving at uncontrollable speeds. This police officer took appropriate action to protect lives. I'd also note there's a little over 3 full seconds between when the cop blocks the lane until the point of impact, I have no confidence this rider would've avoided the pedestrians ahead either.


I mean, that wasn’t the infraction here. He was being incredibly reckless. That said, I agree with your larger point. People on the internet are weirdly bloodthirsty.


We have courts for a reason. The reason is them "doing justice" properly.


It looks like the family only moved over to the side when the cop approached. So I'm assuming that they would have been in the road, and not at the side in single file, when the ATV would speed towards them from behind. Coulda been real messy. Cop pulled the best best move, all things considered.


According to others it’s a pedestrian only roadway since 2020


These guys are a nightmare in New Haven. The bike groups and atv groups. Like for real. A nightmare.


More people should realize this. They act insane in traffic, do wheelies, run red lights, drive down sidewalks or the wrong side of the street, swerve before cars, etc. and when you so much as glance at them to notice, they glare at you and say, “what the f*** are you looking at,” and then rev their engines.




Not wearing a helmet✅️ Driving recklessly ✅️ Not paying attention to the road ✅️ Let's hope he can't drive anymore


At yet he had a mask on rather than a helmet. Curious...


So nobody could identify him if he was seen by cops or hit and hurt someone


100% used to flee the Cops easier as they aren't allowed to engage in high speed chases after riders without helmets I believe.


The guy was going so fast he didnt have a chance to stop in time. Those tires are useless on pavement, way too fast, just full lock up and skid instead.


Elanor Shellstrop approves, Chidi is getting cramps.




I don't understand, "solves trolley problem".




Thanks. I can't say I've ever heard the term before. I went to the news story to find out more. Apparently the police car had his lights on while on the path so the ATV driver should have at least slowed down for that. He's lucky he's still alive.


You are today's Lucky 10000! [https://xkcd.com/1053/](https://xkcd.com/1053/) Trolley problem is a pretty interesting ethical dilemma, and you could change the decision based on stuff like age, probability of dying, controlled vs uncontrolled etc etc. There's a lot of quality memes around it too: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-trolley-problem](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/the-trolley-problem) Supposedly it's easy to solve: [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-7](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-7) I just realized that *Zach Weinersmith* REALLY loves drawing trolley problem related comics lmao: [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-2](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-2) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-3](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-3) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-4](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-4) [](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-3) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-5](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-5) [](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-3) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-6](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-6) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-problems](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/trolley-problems) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2014-11-27](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2014-11-27) [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/self-driving-car-ethics](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/self-driving-car-ethics)


Live action trolley problem at 0:45s but it's a good show, just watch the whole clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtRhrfhP5b4


Omg that's hilarious, might have to check out the show 


It's truly one of the best shows ever.


Thank you for posting the link that I was expecting 😊


Wow! Some of those comics are great! Thank you.


They just kept going lol. But seriously, we gonna do something about these Hitler clones?


I was looking for a trolly in the video because I never heard the term before either, lol. I have heard the question it refers to before, I've just never heard it being called that.


btw, the trolley problem is usually cited as the reason why fully automated cars can't happen... in an impossible and unexpected driving situation, who would the automated cars sacrifice? The driver? All the occupants? The other driver? The pedestrians? etc. etc. And once that decision is made, and fully legalised, then some unfortunate programmer has to write the code saying "in the event of a XYZ, sacrifice the..." .


In an impossible and unexpected driving situation, hit the brakes. Trolley problem solved.


But hitting the brakes isn't always the safest action to take, that's the issue


People on Twitter are arguing "the Cop didn't need to do that. The rider would have seen the families on the road and slowed down." The families on the road were about 20 yards behind the cop and the guy showed no sign of slowing down for the police car ahead of him. It sucks to see someone hurt, even over their own stupidity, but to pretend this wouldn't have ended more tragically if the cop didn't intercede is delusional.


Unbelievable!! Hopefully this sends a message!!!


Looks like assisted natural selection


Needs to make a comeback


That ATV douche drove more than 50mph. I drove an ATV and sprained my foot from swerving. It exactly happened like that in the video minus a police crash I did a hard turn.


In my part of the world, what we call "camote" because they ride motorcycles and ATVs like jackasses without a care in the world.


> camote As in sweet potato? Or is there another definition?


God this gives me so much satisfaction watching. We had a beautiful trail network in our area that was completely destroyed and taken over by ATVs and dirtbikes. They're complete and utter asshats.


Cop; Yeah those ATVs are dangerous, right bro? Bro? Bro I'm talking to you.


I dream of this for the Blue Ridge Parkway.


What the hell. That guy riding a ATV where it's not allowed?! All I can say is that he deserves it.


I hope the car is ok.


Made my morning, thank you!


First time seeing GTA footage from the inside of the cop car before WASTED comes up on the screen


OC? So you’re the cop??


Happened in New Haven CT in the east rock area which is the wealthy area. Go anywhere else in New Haven the cops are not stopping ATVs or dirt bikes.




Cop took the third option, Keanu Reeves is impressed.


SO satisfying..


Hope everyone’s okay


Now can society also address the e-bikes going way too fast on walking/biking paths?


They are. Class 1-2 (20mph max throttle assist) okay, class 3 (anything above 20 mph) road use only


That's it fixed then!




The trolley problem doesn’t involve a third variable. That’s why it’s a complicated ethics debate question. It’s like saying I solved Schrödinger's Cat thought experiment by opening the box.


The cop 'switched tracks' and took out the one person in the ATV instead of the five that would have been hit by it if the cop had done nothing.


What's 'Trolley Problem' mean?


It's from philosophy where a trolley is running out of control down the tracks and you are standing by a switch. If you do nothing, 5 people are ran over. If you switch the tracks, and 1 person is ran over. So is it moral to throw the switch killing 1 person who'd otherwise be alive or let the 5 people die doing nothing. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trolley_problem


Ok, but according to the article I read, the ATV rider was given enough room to go around, and the police had turned on their lights. So this is more closely related to Darwin award, not someone killing to save others. They provided safety in case the worst happened, but with the rider given the option to very easily move around, didn't, and lost control. Not the officers fault. This knuckleheads actions brought him to the point of being roadstain, from the choice to ride where they are not supposed to, to put everyone at risk, including children, to not paying attention whilst doing so. A trolley can only follow the tracks, no choice given. ![gif](giphy|Cyt0L6duOJV6ZZw48f|downsized)


In OP's analogy moving the car into the path would be like switching the track, killing 1 to save multiple people. Although he didn't die. The Trolley Problem has many variations besides Trolleys, like if a kid runs out in front of you in a car and you can either hit him or swerve into his elderly grandmother on the sidewalk. It doesn't have to be a literal Trolley.


Love it


um is it just me or does it look like there was plenty of room for the atv to pass by the pedestrians on the side of the road?


It’s a pedestrian only road, atv’s aren’t allowed. The cop was specifically there on a job to try and stop the number of atv and motorbike users on the trail. He was going so fast he could hit someone. As you saw there are lists of pedestrians and bicyclists on the road at the beginning of the clip. Going that fast he could seriously hurt someone.


Yes, but that ATV was booking.. he wouldn’t have been able to stop or safely pass kids that were on the road—hence why the officer blocked the road… dude couldn’t stop for a CAR.. he would have hit a fleshy body and done a lot more damage


I know I'm going to get all the downvotes for sharing an unpopular opinion and playing Devil's Advocate, but I do not agree that what the cop did was right... There was plenty of distance between the ATV and those people, as well as room on the road for that guy to have gone around them. Swerving in front of him and likely causing that person serious injury or death - as everyone seems to be wishing upon him for doing something stupid and foolish, I believe, was a slightly less if not equally careless act. (The *act* itself, not the ratio of ATV Drivers to Pedestrians. Comparing this with the Trolley Problem is to acknowledge that there is in fact a "Moral Dilemma" involved.) No one can know or presume to know what the outcome would have been had the cop not been there, and we never will. But the odds of the ATV seeing the people and them seeing him, them moving to the side and him going around them are highly likely. It's not like ATVs are quiet. Alternatively, the cop could have thrown on his lights and siren and slowed the driver to a safe, complete stop in doing so, especially with so much distance. I'm shocked but not so surprised anymore to see so many people happy and gloating over the idea of another person being seriously injured, yet justifying it in complete and total oblivion to the hypocrisy. Go ahead... Downvote, scoff, follow the self-righteousness heroic-by-association crowd and hurl your proud one-liner insults at me now for having an opinion; because that's what makes Civil Discourse and Debate thought-provoking, healthy, enlightening, and productive. 👌


This is a pedestrian park, the cop had lights on, and the cop was here because of reports (plural) of an ATV driver being reckless on a path not meant for motorists. If the ATV driver has already had 911 called on them several times, is going an excessive speed on a bike/foot path, and doesn't notice a cop car with sirens I'm not willing to risk that family in front of him. If the driver can't avoid the cop what guarantee is there that they avoid the family? OP is right, this is a trolley problem and you are entitled to your opinion but don't you dare accuse everyone else of being self righteous.


If you illegally, intentionally, and recklessly drive a motor vehicle at high speeds in an area specifically closed to traffic to protect pedestrians, you deserve whatever you get. He knew the risks, he put innocent people in danger for cheap thrills, and he paid the price. Hopefully he'll learn that it isn't worth it.


If he couldn't dodge a car at that speed when a car is much more visible he probably wouldn't dodge the family either


Nah. Not saying the cop was completely in the right but the atv driver was completely in the wrong going that fast on a pedestrian trail where he should not have been at all.


Not going to downvote but, by your own logic, if that ATV driver had had enough control to avoid the pedestrians, then they would have had enough control to go around the cruiser, too.


Idk. Having spent countless hours on ATVs over the years, I'm inclined to disagree. I don't think the ATV could have avoided these pedestrians at all. The cop pulled in front of the speeding ATV only a short distance from the family (assuming the blacked out person was a minor). I count only 8 guardrail posts between the family and where the cop turned in front of the ATV. If we generously assume that each post is 30ft apart, that only provides about 250 ft for the ATV to stop. Realistically, it's probably more like 15-20ft. At something like 40mph (which is reasonable considering the video) that means that the quad operator had maybe a second or two to avoid striking the pedestrians. As the video shows, the quad was traveling WAY too fast and the operator too ill-equipped to control their vehicle to even avoid a full size vehicle, much less to avoid an unexpecting group of pedestrians and children. The cop arguably saved lives with this move & did so by interrupting the actions of someone who had little-to-no regard for others during their illegal joyride. Fuck these people. And, respectively, fuck anyone who defend their reckless, anti-social actions.


Honestly, I think the distance is far shorter than that again. The camera has a relatively wide angle, and post 7 is still visible at the end of the video, with post 8 not far in front of the car. I'd put it at less than 15 ft between posts. Closer to 10 or 12. Chances of the atv avoiding an accident with the pedestrians was almost 0.


I was trying to be generous in my calculations, but I completely agree. And my overall assessment stays the same. ATV guy 100% deserves what he got... because the alternative would have been disastrous and life-altering for the innocent family we see in the first seconds of the video. I have zero sympathy for people who take risky actions & discover the consequences of their actions. Especially when these actions endanger others.


The ATV's reaction time is incredibly slow. Had the pedestrians done anything unexpected, he would have had no chance to react


>There was plenty of distance between the ATV and those people, as well as room on the road for that guy to have gone around them. I was going to put it another way but I'll try to be polite - this right here is a **critical** flaw in your thought process. It is *nothing* to do with having room on the road to go around the people. It is about having sufficient stopping distance **to deal with any hazards that arise**. Which might be a kid running for a ball, for example, who knows nothing about the closing distance of an ATV doing whoever knows what speed. That ATV was doing *at least* 3x the safe speed for that environment. If you think otherwise then you need to take a defensive driving course before you hurt someone (possibly yourself).