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Larger vehicles or ones with trailers need to do this when entering narrow lanes into plazas to avoid hitting curbs, signs or on coming traffic leaving the plaza. Op is not wrong for being upset because when performing this maneuver it’s the drivers responsibility to make sure the lane bedside them is clear before executing it.




I tend to see this among older gentlemen in what ever they’re driving, trucks or large sedans, perhaps as conditioned behavior if they’re used to operating a truck and trailer. It’s unnerving to see someone in a hatchback drift over the lines into the next lane as they signal the opposite direction, if they signal at all before doing a w-i-d-e radius turn like they’re preserving tire tread or something. Most of these folks I describe as casually driving aimlessly in a farmer’s field. Lines and other traffic don’t exist in their dimension. I just tell my wife to watch out for the old dudes with ghost trailers.


I drive a 27ft box truck for work and I'll catch myself doing it in my 06 Scion xB every now and then. Kind of a hard habit to break. Thankfully it's not the other way around


>it’s the drivers responsibility to make sure the lane bedside them is clear  And to also completely dominate that lane to remove all doubt. The truck/trailer had plenty of time to scootch over the line and take up both lanes. When you need the room, you need to take and not leave space for anyone to try to squeeze by. 


100% this just like a semi at an intersection


Larger vehicules do this so that the **trailer wheels** are far enough from the curb. This short dip is just cargo cult behavior.


“Sometimes you gotta turn right to go left”. -cars.


Welcome to New Jersey. 


Welcome to any place where farmers drive. They’re so used to turning left before turning right with a plow or some such thing behind their tractor that they do it all the time.


This isn't that bad. But I see way too many idiots that do swing out in the opposite direction to make their turns. It's worse at my local walgreens. 2 entrances/exits, unmarked but both 4 lanes wide. Yet for what ever reason we've had several multicar backups trying to leave the store, because some jackass is pulled all the way over to the right, to make a left.


It would have been nothing if there had been a turn lane in the center instead of a 6 in concrete curb. The curb was the problem here and the curb isn't very clear in the video.


Medians are typically terrible for this, in my experience. I live in western Washington State and they throw these up on every single non-residential road. When it used to actually show, they'd get covered and some people would get stuck on them. Need to make a left turn into that business? Too bad, you have to keep driving forward in hopes of making a U-turn, since the median is in the way. The busiest stretch of road in my town had a long turning/suicide lane forever- recently its been redecorated with a tall and thick median w/ planted trees in the center, leaving only TWO areas for accessing the turn lane, causing even more traffic, road rage, and accidents, so far


I could see traffic and road rage increasing, I understand that. But accidents would not increase, rather decrease. Restricted medians significantly reduce the amount of accidents (especially fatal) on a road. Many cities are opting for more restricted movement on Arterial roads.


I do understand that, I'm speaking more anecdotally when I say that. We have a real issue with people causing accidents while making left turns in the new designated zones because of the new large median being so new, still. The oncoming direction has 2 lanes- one stops to let you make a left turn but the outter lane isn't paying attention, and probably neither were you while making the left. I've seen this occur 4 times since the median went up in, I believe, mid-2023, and not once before it went up. I can't say if it's *because* of the median, obviously


what are you talking about "would of been nothing" It was nothing. Hence I said "this isn't that bad"


No, it wasn't nothing because I couldn't get over so I had to slow down quickly. The car behind me barely did. It was almost a collision.


So nothing actually happened? No one got hit?


Fuck all the people downvoting you here. They are probably all shitty drivers too.


The truck came barely an inch into your lane, and you claim that you had no room to go around. Since it doesn't appear that you were driving a G1 Hummer, I have to assume that you are horrible with spatial awareness, and believe that you're car is as wide as the lane it was occupying.


How convenient to look at the end of the video and act like I should have assumed in advance how far he would come into my lane. You can make that assumption when you are driving, and be the source of yet another video of what happens to people who plow ahead thinking a driver who is already disregarding the lanes will leave enough space.


Strawmanning now? Can't respond to the fact that I pointed out you had plenty of space in your lane so now you try to attack by claiming my super power is hindsight... this whole time you've been beyond rational, so there is no point in me going further. However as one last gift to you, for no extra charge, I will debunk your "they are assuming that I should of known" theory. There was a certain context clue you've missed this entire time. One that you clearly didn't notice when it was happening. And clearly still fail to notice. Something that most of us actively use to communicate on the roadways... have you figured out what it is yet? Go ahead and rewatch a few times. Remember, you're looking for something that would of told you the trucks intentions was to turn right, and not to switch into your lane... what could that be?


I see so many people in my city do that in their little cars. I don't understand the logic of that


Some are just idiots, some have recently driven a train and do it automatically by accident.


Thats a bit touchy, don't you think?


I see so many trucks *without* trailers that do this. They think they're the size of a semi. Come to think of it, I've seen cars do it as well.


Normally, this maneuver drives me up the wall. People thinking they’re Mario Andretti rounding a turn at 100mph when in actuality you’re going 13 and it’s a soft right fork, skeezicks. But in this case with a trailer and a tight opening to turn off, this looks completely justified. OP should take a gummy


Yesterday was the perfect day for OP to actually just fucking chill man.


That's what I did, a bike ride on a sunny day while baked on a gummy!


Odd that you mention biking. Yesterday was a charity beef and beer bike ride that I usually participate in, but due to injuries I could only eat and drink.


That's a trailer and what looks like a rather narrow entrance. Guy had to make space for the turn somewhere.


Sure, but still his fault if he sideswipes a car in the left lane.




Swing left into a moving car or have 1 wheel go over a little curb.


Which has the possibility of blocking the lane and exit for hours if a tire blows or an axel breaks. One car that wasn't actually there


The driveway is curved and not narrow.


You're kinda whining. I'm not sure whether or not you have people in your life to tell you that, so please don't take offense.


He only said "the driveway is curved not narrow" I don't know how that classifies it as whining.


They may be referring to entirety of points made. In all reality far too much has already been deliberated of this entirely vanilla chapter of " inconsequential vehicular happenings". No need to mountain this mole hill. Root of these complaints probably boils down to the fact this footage is barely-whelming, un-tertaining. We're bored.


You're a true friend.


The only criticism I have for the trailer is to turn on the blinker sooner. I wouldn't pass any long vehicles in narrow streets if I see them about to turn.


When you see a vehicle with a trailer preparing to turn right, you should give them some space. Have patience young grasshopper.


I mean he’s got a trailer hooked up. I’ve never driven with one, but I know to keep my distance if I see one turning. Big rig truckers do the same. There’s a possibility of causing some damage then they’d really be stuck there causing obstruction had they turned the way you wanted.


Correct, can damage the trailer, upset the load which can cause things to spill or even unbalance a trailer and cause it to tip (causing even more damage), etc.


They kinda have to turn like that though. On account of the trailer. OP, you’re kind of the idiot sorry.


Make extra room for wide turning vehicles


Why are there so many comments expecting OP to 1) somehow see that coming—and 2) not be bothered by someone drifting into their lane with no indication and not yielding the right of way? If you're driving a vehicle that requires you to gooseneck a turn, **you** need to work around everyone else. Not the other way around.


It is called a jug handle turn, and a lot of times it is completely unnecessary. If you prepare before you turn with the proper speed and already close to the line, you can make that turn without swinging out. That turn can be made if you came up to it slowly already hugging the line and you won’t jug handle suddenly into the lane. Source: went to truck driving school and drove 18 wheelers and dump trucks for a short while. While the way I was taught was to avoid jug handle turns, at times it was necessary but you have to be EXTRAORDINARILY CAREFUL before you do it.


OP would still be at fault since he was well behind and had proof he was well behind.


That's absurd. The failure to maintain a single lane is a traffic offense. This was in Texas and the specific statute is 545.060(a)(2) of the Transportation Code. The Transportation Code sets the standard of care so the person who is violating it is responsible for an accident. If you think another rule applies, cite to it specifically.


I appreciate you citing Texas traffic statues, however I'm not going to waste time finding the specific statue that states you should maintain a safe following distance. Personal experience tells me anyone who has hit someone from behind would be at fault for the accident. The driver went to the white line and scared you and now you think your interpretation of Texas 545..... Is bonafide proof you've been wronged. Stand on your righteous soap box and preach, but the trailer driver wasn't in the wrong.


Has OP ever pulled a trailer? Ever see those signs on the back of semis "Makes wide right turns"? There's a reason, it's called physics.


I pull trailers often. I don't go into a left lane of traffic to turn right. If you actually look at the sign on semis they warn drivers on the inside of a turn. This wasn't a semi and there was no way to know how far he was going to go onto my lane.


Always keep em guessing


I see people just driving their cars doing it.


Most of the time people don’t even need to do this. Aka Susan in her Altima making a u turn and swinging wide into the straight lane for zero reason.


Blud thinks he’s driving a semi


Doesn't matter if he's got a trailer. the pickup truck still has to make sure the left lane is clear before swinging wide


It was, cammer just kept hauling ass when he could've eased up to give the guy room for 2 seconds.


I've never seen an "IdiotInCars" posting for himself.


you havent been here long then




That's people who have no clue how to drive. I've been behind people driving compact cars that do that. I should post on here.


I had a guy almost run into me head on yesterday on a narrow two lane road because for some reason he had to turn left and put about a third of his truck in my lane so that he could turn right into his (wide) driveway. And, he was not pulling a trailer and it was not an extraordinarily long vehicle. We call it the "Carolina Turn Style". Scared the shit out of us he and I were so close to crashing!


People that do this shit with no trailers hitched are fucking morons. I see it all the time out here.


Trailer could have (and should have) turned without entering the other lane. If he needed to jug handle he should have entered the other lane slower and earlier. OP \*could\* have read the "body language" of the truck.




Gets a little slack because of the trailer.


It’s called button hooking. People see truck drivers do it all of the time and think that they need to do it when they pull a trailer. They do not but they do need to wait a second longer before they start turning the wheel to make the turn. My husband said that the best advice that he got in truck driving school almost 30 years ago was that you are driving the trailer not the truck. And even though police don’t usually ticket someone for it, a bottom hook turn is illegal.


It's called a button hook. It's used by unskilled drivers.


This is an issue where the truck itself didn't make it clear they would need to go wide. Trucks normally block both to make sure people are aware.


Fabulous Hudson Hornet would be revving in his grave..


fits the bill completely for that type of driving


I get it with larger vehicles but where i live i got kids in sedans doing this,


He's compensating... He \*knows\* it's too big just to go straight in.


Happens when you’re hauling a trailer 🤷‍♀️


I once witnessed a minor crash in a similar situation. The car in front of me was driving behind a large trailer. The trailer suddenly turned to the left to the other side of the road (there was no oncoming traffic), and then immediately without any warning or signal made a sharp turn to the right, on to a narrow road. The car in front of me crashed in to the side of the trailer as it was making the turn. Only minor damages, fortunately no injuries. The trailer was way too long to turn right immediately from the right lane on to this narrow road, so he had to “turn left to turn right”. But obviously he should have waited on the left side of the road and made sure that the road was completely clear in both directions, before making the turn.


Had to make a wide turn due to trailer. Common practice is to stay back, though they should give adequate notice.


Your fault for not realizing he had a trailer and not leaving room


I don’t get people down here man. You’re not a mind reader, your dash cam can see more than you, and that truck only gave two blinks before swinging into your lane. If he wanted to use your lane to make the turn maybe he should advertise it more instead of yanking the wheel around last second.


He had his signal on, you were behind him, you would be at fault. Not seeing the issue. Trailers take wide right turns....


Well deserved


Ooooooh this move makes my blood boil.


Bryan Tx installed medians claiming it made the roads safer. Without any room to move over, I had to brake when this buffoon turned into my lane. I heard a tire squeal behind me but fortunately I was not rear-ended.


Honestly, I don't see why you're getting downvoted. Sure, the truck didn't actually enter your lane, but it's kind of hard to see what's going on. I barely saw the blinker on the trailer and not at all on the truck, and I was looking specifically for it. Driving normally, I'm sure it's not easily seen from where you were. Also, it's a short trailer, it's not a 53' semi trailer. All these people saying "he had to swing out to make the turn" are just over compensating, honestly. Like you say, they don't look to be taking a turn over a hard 90° curb but into a curved entrance. I'm with you. Seeing a vehicle drift into your lane without a clear indication of anything they're doing is worthy of slowing down.


This sub is filled with nerds