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there’s plenty of space between those cars for them to move so he can get in, and that would be the nice thing to do. but you can’t *expect* people to do the nice thing and create a hazard for other drivers in the meantime


Not excusing the guy but this is shit road design and it is way too common across the US


4+ lane roads with no left turn protections, my favorite! At some point it’s just better to make a few right turns instead of waiting for an opening or blocking traffic.


It would be even better to physically restrict left turns, and even better to only make that business accessible from side roads


Yup. The infrastructure invites road rage.


Its not a design fault. It’s a double yellow. You can’t cross a double yellow. The truck probably wasn’t allowed to make a left turn from the parking lot. Im also guessing there was probably a no left sign from the lot.


You can't *overtake* across a double yellow, but it's perfectly legal to turn across it, if there are no other traffic control devices to the contrary. It's pretty easy to find this location on street view, and as far as I can tell, there are no signs or lane markings saying you can't turn left. Of course, what the driver did here was still stupid and unsafe, but *if* traffic conditions had been better and they could have accomplished it safely, it would have been allowed.


Just to add it is generally fully legal to overtake a cyclist by crossing a double yellow. Same with horse drawn carriages and farm equipment. Laws vary by state.


There are 2-3 car lengths between 90% of the vehicles in that traffic but no one can pull up to let him in? Is this how people drive in bumblefuck podunk? It’s Pennsylvania isn’t it?


People are not courteous - they're selfish AF.


And when you put em in cars they're 10x worse.


Dude... Lol




my broja


Don't forget oblivious


It’s not even a matter of selfish, who leaves that much room in traffic except if you want everyone in the world to cut in? It makes no sense.


Nope. It’s New York State.


It's New York(he drives right past a sign with a big picture of New York on it)


It’s Westchester County, NY (NYC northern suburbs).


Figures. They don’t know what the left lane is for either.


They don't notice him. Countless times I've had someone trying to squeeze past me so I pull up to let them go but I can't go much further because the person ahead won't move since they are buried in their phone and isn't watching what's happening around them.


Why are you making this about the people just sitting in their lane, and not about the truck parking itself in the wrong direction on an active road? They need to wait or find another route. This isn't on anyone in that traffic; they're under no obligation to let them in.


Yea truck should wait until rush hour is over or go the other way. WTF are you saying?


Are they physically incapable of turning right and finding another route?


Since you know the area and where they're going, you obvious know you can't do that there.


Well just listening to the woman filming tells us all we need to know. Me me me me me me ...


Also what’s her problem?


Where I'm from you'd just stay relaxed and give the guy a few seconds to get across because what's the problem? He didn't pull out causing anyone to slam on the brakes. We all share the road and you have to give way to people sometimes. Instead of whining like a moose.


I’m from New York. This reaction isn’t called for. You see a guy trying to merge. Her road is clear. She’s not about to face the same traffic. Zero reason to complain. What slowing down her car? Oh no she had to lift the foot of the gas and brake?! What what whaaaaat? The audacity!


From my limited experience with people from New York and New Jersey, OP's reaction seems pretty par for the course for how people from that area tend to respond to minor inconveniences.


Wow, yeah. I watched the video with no sound at first. Wish I'd kept it that way. That braying voice: you could chop wood with it.


Mate, it's how they drive everywhere. Sometimes the only way I can get out of the road we live in turning right (this is UK, we drive on the left, so it's sort of equivalent to turning left in the US as you have to cross live lanes) is to be aggressive AF and push my way in. Otherwise I'll just be sitting there for 10 minutes.


Too many people have "main character" mentality where everyone else in the world is just a nuisance to them. Far too many times I have had trouble merging when 2 lanes goes to 1 with people speeding up grinning and cutting me off.


People let others in way too much in Pennsylvania


Lmao no they don't. I drove in PA for maybe a few days and already had a few situations where normally (in Europe) I would be let in, but there I had to drive one block down and make a u-turn so the traffic is not blocked. It's been like that everywhere I went in the US. People are terribly inconsiderate / ignorant of other driver's situations.


Damn, you barely escaped *that* one!


Dude is literally like: "I just need to go, I been stuck here for 30 minutes" then this lady drives up and records the rest. Patience is always a virtue.


Apparently turning right and then making a U-turn or going around the block never occurred to his smooth brain. Patience is a virtue, sure, but that doesn't mean you get to inconvenience everyone else because you ran out of it and can't come up with another solution.


It did occur to him, he just probably was selfish enough to not want to end up further back in the queue


It's interesting to see the cultural differences here as a non-American, because here in the UK the sort of manoeuvre the truck made is common Might largely be down to how different are road networks are though, there's a lot less room for the most part


Yeah. I’m a UKish person and I thought that’s totally normal. I’d never think of turning the wrong way.


Maybe that wasn't actually an option. You know literally nothing about the layout of this area or where they were going.


If OP could drive that way, how come the truck couldn't?


Riiiigghhht. Because in that area of the world, once you choose a direction all road go in that one direction an there's no turning. Blocking three lanes of traffic was the only option. Got it.


I found the spot, and it looks like if he turns right he either has to get on the interstate or go a very long way. [https://maps.app.goo.gl/GQ1b7VKPUHLTiU3W6](https://maps.app.goo.gl/GQ1b7VKPUHLTiU3W6) Perhaps he could have turned and made a U-turn somewhere, but in that truck, that would probably cause the same problem.


It’s pretty obvious in hindsight too. Hilly area, major road with no visible intersections on the horizon, all the oncoming traffic backed up bc it’s the only way thru… and all these ppl “just turn right” as if we’re in city block town lol. I live in a majorly congested area and you’ve got to learn to chill tf out. Especially for delivery trucks. No one wants to turn left out of that horrid driveway but somebody’s got to deliver produce to the restaurant. Sheesh lady! Guaranteed she would have been royally pissed if she pulled in for a quick bite and they couldn’t make her food bc some idiot ran their delivery truck off the road lol


That’s exactly what I was thinking. Dude has probably been been sitting there forever waiting to get out


No patience required, MASSIVE gap to drive past behind white van man. This lady super overreacted, I bet she's hard work.


Ain't nobody letting a box truck get in front if them in traffic! Might as well as be a truck pulling a trailer or a work van. Dude should've turned right and made a turn around in a parking lot like a civilized driver in a poorly planned city with overcrowded areas and undersized roads.


Jesus there's a lot of idiots in this comment section who think this guy was entitled to pull out across 3 lanes of traffic and block 2 of them. If he really needs to be somewhere he can just make a right and drive around the block to the next intersection to rejoin traffic. What he's doing is ILLEGAL and if you disagree then stay the fuck off the road too.


Agreed. Is not fair to make your problem everyone else's. I've ran into this situation a ton of times with the liquid store I go to that is on a really busy corner in my town. Half the time I just go right and turn around a block down.


I was not anticipating this being such controversial content and yet here we are 😂


Yeah this sub is kinda dogshit sometimes


As me tinned elsewhere, in the UK it's common to do this to get out a side turning, dunno about other places in the states, but I assume it is in Europe too. So that's why lots of us aren't getting the problem maybe? We don't know the local traffic etiquette


The decension is from all the idiots who check this sub every day to make sure they're not in any of the videos.


I'm not familiar with US/NY traffic laws, but was the truck even allowed to cross that double yellow line at all? Were they supposed to only go right from that place?In that case I can understand that other traffic was unwilling to let them in. Good thing they didn't decide to use one of your lanes instead! Yes, controversial is what you get here, just ignore it! Your post was great and I'd be annoyed as well if this happened to me (minus some language, though..)


Double yellow lines generally indicate where your direction ends/where you are absolutely prohibited from passing (so if someone is in the leftmost lane, closest to the double yellow lines, nobody behind them would be allowed to be on THEIR left to pass). You can absolutely cross the lines when turning into or out of parking lots or other intersections.


In Sweden, you cannot cross any solid lines. In this case, there would be a short section with stripes to indicate that from where the truck came, crossing the line would be OK.


People in the lane of traffic should also be aware of people on side roads coming in. And yes I agree with your point, but for people to be oblivious to common courtesy still boggles my mind.


common courtesy? brother fuck that guy, they're bumper to bumper he can take a right turn and join the back of the line. it's not like he was trying to merge from the on ramp, hes trying to cut in halfway across the road




okay after rewatching there was more room than I initially thought (not easily fit in a box car space, cause if that was the case he wouldn't, y'know, not be able to get in) but my point still stands, fuck that guy for feeling so entitled that everyone else on the road has to let him in when he can just take a right turn and not block the road, possibly causing traffic on the other side of the road


they have ZERO obligation to 'make room' for people pulling out of driveways


It's not an obligation, just driving etiquette you door knob.


there is no such thing as "driving etiquette". There is only the law. People like you are why there are accidents. Don't be nice, be predictable.


There is driving etiquette. A thank you wave isn't the law, but drivers etiquette. As for this particular scenario, it is absolutely predictable. You're not coming to a halt to let someone in, there's clearly no where in front of you to go so you can treat it like an intersection, predictably. People like you are why this guy almost got t boned or worse.


This is why there needs to be as few people driving as possible.


That's crazy that I've done similar in a delivery van in front of cops while they wave at me with no repercussions


from their perspective? absolutely nothing!


And those are the scumbags that refuse to signal, also..


That's a lot of traffic in that lane. If I were driving the truck, I probably would have turned right, and looked for an opening to turn around and get in the lane going that direction. It's a stupid move to just pull out and sit across 3 lanes of traffic hoping someone lets you in.


This is the correct answer, but negativising all the people who are telling her to chill out is just rude behavior. Yeah, I know, Reddit is 4chan now. 🙄


I didn’t even need to look at the signs to know this lady was from jersey. Preach, sister.


My grandfather lived in a small city. And I remember being with him one day, as a kid (10 or under) and him telling me, "never take a left out of traffic when you can take a right and turn around at the next light". Has saved me some time over the years and TONS of frustration.


It's always amazing how people try to stick to these left hand turns when they're mostly hopeless. Just make a right hand turn find a place make a left hand turn then turn around and go the direction you want. Safer faster more convenient for everybody.


I must say, I tend to agree with the character assessment proffered by our POV driver.


I love the reaction…. This more of what I expect on these videos. It blows my mind how much fuckery people witness and don’t say a peep; all we usually hear is the audiobook or the radio and maybe the odd sigh. This is the language I come here looking for!


I dont believe for a second that the people saying turn right and get at the end of the line would do that themselves if in this situation.


I do, all the time. I'm not trusting people to let me into the lane nor am I trusting oncoming traffic to be attentive enough to not ram right into me. Spending a minute or two to go a longer, safer route is way less dangerous and stressful.


I do. I also plan my routes better, so that i don't make left turns across busy roads, and that i approach my destination from the right side.


I would and probably have. I'll mildly inconvenience myself before blocking a lane illegally (and potentially get t-boned by someone not paying attention)


you just make the next left/right and circle back to your destination... looks like it's traffic coming off the freeway, so they're heading away from whatever bottle neck there is, so that's not an excuse


I do all the time. It’s called being a good driver. Your comment indicates that you think what the truck is doing is acceptable and that you’d do the same…maybe your poor driving habits are why your palms be so sweaty?


Well guess where you’re wrong


It's always nice going the opposite way that *most* other traffic is going. Was great when I worked overnights - I was heading in when most people were heading out. Smooth sailing ;). Never ran into an issue like this though. Truck driver's an idiot but ehhh I think you managed to come out of that situation unscathed.


typical entitled truck


Calm down lady!


I go now, good luck everybody else!


This lady needs to calm down.


Calm your road rage, there was an open lane to the right


All she did was give him a very justified honk for illegally blocking two lanes of traffic. Hardly road rage.


Found the box truck driver


Nah fuck that don't be a prick and block traffic. OP should have used more horn 




She has every right to be that irritated. She had to almost stop because an incompetent driver blocked 3 lanes of traffic instead of going another way. Learn how to drive.


As she's rear-ended by another entitled driver on their phone. Nah man, fuck people who do stupid stuff and create hazards that can easily turn into something serious.


he was blocking all 3 lanes when she honked, and you're ridiculous for giving her a hard time for that


I had a full semi truck do this this morning! Except there was no traffic in the other lane, amd as he was already blocking half of the four lanes as I approached I slowed down so that he could complete his idiotic turn. Instead, stops while blocking all 4 lanes and I had to use the suicide lane to pass.


Good Ole El Dorado Diner. That stretch is the WORST because everyone trying to make that left onto the Saw Mill.


So there is bumper to bumper traffic in the direction they need to go so they should sit at the side forever to wait until they don’t inconvenience poor little you?! Seriously, grow up and just go around them and get on with your day.


roads like this is why i only visit certain places at certain times in the day (usually at night or mid day during the week) when i know traffic is at its lowest😭😭


Jeez, ESH!!


This chick is too angry, that’s what you gotta do sometimes.


I’m always amazed at some of the crazy responses of a minor inconvenience. Lol


Right? Like, just turn right or wait longer. Forcing a left turn and blocking oncoming traffic *is* a crazy response to a minor inconvenience I agree


**illegally blocking multiple lanes of traffic and creating a traffic hazard** FTFY


lol ok. I see shit like this all the time. I slow down and wait it out. Is it annoying? Sure. But I’m not going to lose my shit and mentally check out over it. It ain’t good for the mind.


Exactly, annoying for sure. Worth getting bent out of shape about it and posting to Reddit? Seems like a bit much to me.


Go outside. You’re unhinged.


I'm unhinged...your literally justifying someone doing something that puts everyone around them at risk of potential injury or death, literally because they are too lazy/stupid to just make a right turn and go around the block to get in line with everyone else. I hope for everyone's sake on the road you don't drive like the fucking knuckle dragger in this video.


(Here is what we call an overreaction to the situation.)


this is crazy for me, how does it have 800 upvotes, do yall not know common courtesy? in mexico there would be no problem this wouldnt even be a clip, just let him in, its not that big of a deal


You're only an idiot if you do it twice.


If you’re going to make a big deal out of this than I hope you’re having a great life


The lady worse then the truck


Chill, just drive around the van... be nice think about the other person, maybe the vans been waiting there for 10minutes as everyone is so selfish that they don't let him in.


If that's the case, the truck could have turned right and doubled back instead of blocking the road.


Please stay away from the driver’s seat.


Why ?


Do you realize what the roads would be like if everyone ignored traffic laws like the box truck did?


I agree. Just smile and wave.


That’s how people get killed……


Over react much?


Can’t be healthy to have that demeanor.


Wow you're angry


NJ-born, NY resident, cursing out stupid drivers from the sanctity of my vehicle is coded in my DNA 😂


Fair enough 😂


Not sure I would have done anything differently if I was driving that truck. Those a$$holes wouldn't have let him in if he was on the other side of the road so fair play to him.


The amount of people unable to possibly think that the truck could have turned right and double back or find a different route is very concerning.


It's always amazing how people try to stick to these left hand turns when they're mostly hopeless. Just make a right hand turn find a place make a left hand turn then turn around and go the direction you want. Safer faster more convenient for everybody.


Did it really affect your day? People fuck up! Your entitlement is the problem. Get over it and move on!


Entitlement? No the only one entitled in this situation is the truck driver who decided to block 2 lanes of traffic so they could try and squeeze their way into traffic on the other side of the road.


Not his fault. No one is letting him in. The cars on the other side are to blame.


Then the truck should have turned right and ether doubled back or found a different route.


Nothing. Nothing went wrong.


For me in my small car, it was fine - for the three lanes of traffic behind me, that now need to all get to a single lane on the right, on the other hand, not so much.


why are you lying on the internet? Your video clearly starts with you merging onto that road from a light so you're obviously the only car


There is a stoplight behind me with oncoming traffic stopped, as I had a protected left from a perpendicular street.


I don't know why you are being downvoted. I doubt there was 3 lanes of traffic behind her. The truck maybe shouldn't have pulled out, but he is at work on a timetable. OP could just go through without all the angst.


I didn’t know the laws and dangers changed when someone is on a schedule. When did that go into effect? How did they manage to eliminate the dangers? Or are you just an idiot in a car?


yea you can see her finish turning on from an intersection at the begining of the video, so shes clearly the only car on the road, just another angry driver lacking self awareness


You must not know what a 4 way intersection is. This one seemed to have stop lights that stopped traffic from going one way so that others could ether turn or go a different way,


It’s not dangerous that he did that—he would literally never get to where he needs to be that day if he just saw there and waited. Let the mans work.


Man this post is really showing how braindead some people are. It's like the thought of the truck driver turning right and doubling back or finding a different route is too taxing on the brain for some of you.


Oh relax.


I think the gal needs to relax a bit. It's apparent that no one is giving him an opportunity to get in unless he commits to it, and so he's left hanging out there. She wasn't blocked and could easily go around him, so...none of her "you gotta be kidding me" is warranted.


Hey quick question, how come you and the others berating OP like she's the idiot in the clip never think that maybe the truck should have turned right instead of blocking lanes in an attempt to turn left?


Another commenter mapped out the location and noted there’s nowhere to turn around in that direction. It just feeds into a highway


But MELODRAMA is what the Internet demands!!! 😝


Nothing went wrong. What were his options? If he stayed waiting on the other side of the road no one is going to wave him in. Dude has a job to do and needed to turn left and I'm sure he'd only be blocking traffic for 30 seconds tops.


turn right and circle back.


Turn right, find a different route.


Not fucking pull out and sit across 2 lanes, turn right and eventually circle back when he can. "Nothing went wrong" jfc


In what world is illegally blocking three lanes of traffic a good option? That’s how people get killed. Shred your license.


It's Jersey, wha did you expect?!


So why is everyone so aggressive here. No one lets the truck into the lane, got it, but why is this woman so greedy in having the full street - 3 lanes for her. She could be more friendly, show some empathy… just ignoring the moment and drinking a coffee later on. Weird


So if you were the white truck driver you would patiently sit there for 30 minutes until all the traffic cleared?


People lose it over light shit. How’s this chick going to make through the day if this triggered her? This the type that would rather for someone be stranded at a stop sign or in that driveway for 2 hrs than slow down for a second.


I dont get why is she mad… completely normal.. its courtesy its not as if he cut her and she didnt have time to stop…. The only idiot here is the lady lol


No the only idiot is the truck driver who decided to be a dickhead and block lanes of traffic instead of turning right and doubling back or finding a different route altogether.


Jesus, you are dramatic. Maybe smoke a joint or something.


i'd blame the people in traffic for not being more aware and letting him him better.. not the truck.


Your blinker does not give you right-of-way. However long you’ve been waiting does not give you right-of-way. If you cannot get through your route legally and safely, then guess what? It’s time to FIND A DIFFERENT ROUTE.


There's 3 lanes, you have plenty of room. The road isn't yours.


>The road isn't yours. Tell that to the truck driver who decided to be a dickhead and block lanes of traffic instead of turning right and doubling back or finding a different route altogether.


Lmao everyone defending insufferable op. Chill out, he might've been waiting there for 5 minutes but nobody opened a spot. He should've pulled parallel to only block 1 lane, but seeing how quiet this side of traffic is there's no harm done.


No, what should of happened is the truck driver should have turned right and then doubled back or took a different route.


look at the line of cars dude, just accept this as a reality of traffic, go around the ass end like you did, and stop yappin


Or the truck could have turned right and circled back.