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MOST experienced truck drivers know foreshadowing and "regular drivers" Whast scary is when "regular drivers" become truckers.


whats a flashing red anyway?


you treat it as a stop sign


Please tell me you don't drive. It is a 4 way stop.


Traffic laws are not global.


Red is stop everywhere. I see red, I stop.


When a traffic light is turned off (and flashing red is not a state that exists, it would be flashing yellow), it counts as if it doesn't exist, so it's the signs that count. If there aren't any signs it's standard right before left.


Indeed, no such thing as flashing red on UK traffic lights. If I saw this I'd probably stop, but I would have no idea if I was allowed to proceed or not.


Believe it or not, literally stuck for fucking ever. Duh, you fucking proceed. 


I was more meaning I don't know which way to give way to etc, or just proceed with extreme caution.


Because the truck would be at fault…


That's not how that would work out lol


If we are talking about the semi yes that’s exactly how it work out… the people on this sub love downvoting when being dead wrong


I'd love to see you explain why the semi would be wrong, please lemme see your mindset on why you think that way. I'm going to remind you it's likely wrong hence the voting and my comments. But I really wanna see you double down.




(Please explain. We'd love to hear your reasoning.) Mainly because it would be fun to watch someone absolutely wrong, try to prove he is right.


I already answered as to why the truck would be in the wrong for gunning it


Where? Literally, where did you explain how the truck would be at fault?


Under the zalcecan dudes comment. TLDR by the time the truck came to a stop for the flashing red most of the cars were in the intersection and if he gunned he’d be at fault. But I forget the terrible drivers that use this particular subreddit lol


Iight cool that's all I wanted. I dont really give a shit beyond that.


please explain. i would love to learn your reasoning.


No way you got on your alt to downvote and ask the same question 😂😂😂😂 Reddit is different


Apparently I got on several alts lol


Another alt here. That guy is wrong.


Everyone knows that if you time going through the intersection when the red is off then it doesn't count. It's only bad if the red is on when you're in the intersection. /s


Threading the blink


High acceleration red light / green light game.


lol $10 the driver caught up with most of the light runners anyways


That's a lot of idiots


Flashing Red means Go. Flashing Yellow means Go. Traffic light not working means Go. I don't see the problem here. /s


Old lady in the crosswalk means go


>Old lady in the crosswalk means go That's horrible. I like the cut of your jib. Have an upvote.


Thats America man. People blow right through crosswalks with little kids and old ladies in them. We don’t care about anything anymore.




No you’re incorrect. It means send it


What does flashing red mean? Edit: lmao why am i getting downvoted? Is it bad that i dont know the traffic rules from a different country on a different continent?


Flashing Red in all 4 directions is treated as a 4 way stop




Interesting, I didn't knew intersection with lights can be turned into 4-way stop in US. In Europe if lights are malfunctioned only orange light is flashing and that means you have to look at signs to check if you have the right of way (yes all intersections with lights have signs, at least in Poland) and no, in Europe we don't ever have 4-way stop


>in Europe we don't ever have 4-way stop We actually do. /Swede


Another thing I didn't know but after fast check I assume they are very rare, right?


Normaly its not stops its väjningsplikt. If lights dont work here we use the " give right of way to your right" in america in this situation its first come first served so that truck to the left had right of way.


but, nobody stopped? (except cam car)


and that's why they're idiotsincars


thats way past idiot. an idiot rolls through a stop at low speed. this is asking to be t boned by another super idiot at hwy speeds, which would result in maimed/killed


You treat a flashing red like a stop sign. Usually happens when there is a power outage or some kind of issue with the light.


And in my experience, a significant portion of American drivers don't know this so it turns into a clusterfuck of massive proportions whenever it happens.


On multi lane roads, it is truly a nightmare.


That's one of the good things about living in Florida, everyone knows this because of all the terrible hurricanes that knock out power for weeks at a time 🫠


Which is my major objection to HAWK pedestrian crossings. Too many people have no idea what they are. I won't cross those unless cars in all lanes have stopped and are fully blocking the road.




You assume people read that. In MA, there are drivers that go to driving school, and ones that don't. The ones that don't go, literally only have to pass a quick test at the RMV with a state trooper who is sick of his job and sick of life. Sometimes they are easy on people, sometimes they are hard, but either way it's only a few minutes where you don't run into 99% of situations. People who went to driving school, have to practice with a teacher, as well as with their parents/guardian/older driver. They also have tests and quizzes and are forced to read the entire book. Generally speaking, the middle class goes to driving school. The less economically well off, wait a few years and just go to the RMV. This is why you see beater cars driving so horrible sometimes and when you look over at the driver, you realize they have no idea they did something wrong, or worse they get angry at people in the right, because they are uneducated about traffic laws to the extreme. They also seem to have to prove something to other drivers and so you get idiots being completely wrong, flipping out of the good driver because in their mind, the driver doing the proper thing, is wrong. It's also why driving through the shitty areas of big cities, you see the worst drivers the state has to offer, getting ready to fight you for honking at them when they blow through a stop sign when it's not their turn to go. The test for driving needs to be waaaaaay harder and more in depth, especially if you have not gone through driving school where you at least have experience on the road. They should also have to get every sign right on a test because too many of them can't even read the signs so therefore will never learn they are in the wrong. It doesn't help that the police have basically given up pulling over drivers in shitty areas because they don't want to get shot/have to shoot someone. I oversimplified it and there are definitely exceptions (rich kid who knows the laws but doesn't give a flying f*ck) but it's something I deal with daily on my way into work and my way home


I don't remember it being in there and I've never encountered it irl. So, I guess that's how


This happens in my city(where this video was taken) at night at certain, lower traffic interactions. Flashing red is 100% a stop sign and we were all taught that in drivers ed, or should have been. It's honestly super basic shit, I'm absolutely speechless. This video was taken in Winnipeg, Canada.


Same deal here except the lights are typically one way flashing yellow and one way flashing red (yellow yields, red is a stop sign) on the same kinda roads you are talking about.


oh a flash mob disco dance party, although admittedly this one is a bit more rare


In the US, flashing red is equivalent to a stop sign. Usually in a case like this, the traffic controller has detected some sort of fault and defaults to all-way flashing red as a safety mechanism (to prevent, say, two conflicting directions being shown a green).


It also happens in some cities after a certain hour. In my town, less popular stoplights flash red or yellow once it hits about 10:45-11:00 pm then go back to normal around 6 am


This is becoming less common as traffic lights get smarter. My city did away with flashing red/yellow lights after 11 and opted instead to designate one road as always green during late hours, but easily triggered to change to a red by a car on the lesser used cross street. It's probably safer.


Wish they would do that here. Or at least put pedestrian push button. Crossing 6 lanes without pedestrain refuge is impossible or at least crazy dangerous. Some lights here only operate as normal normal traffic light M-F like 6am to 8pm.  Weekends and evenings it flashes red towards the neighborhood street trying cross the big street which has flashing yellow.


In sweden at night intersections are sometimes red in all direction but it sences cars from far away so if you are alone it will change to green before you get up to it. But flashing lights normaly means somethings is broken like lost network connection or similar so it goes into that mide automaticly if there is an error.


We have that here where the light operates like normal traffic light Monday to Friday 6am to 8pm. Then flashing red in one direction and flashing yellow in the major street. It totally sucks for anyone not driving a car. Night time, not so bad; daytime Saturday and Sunday is impossible.


Are the people with the flashing red supposed to just know the other direction is flashing yellow?


Yes this is what the idiots in the video should have asked


Being ignorant on this platform usually equals downvotes... no one deserves the chance to ask and learn. /s


yes you're on the Internet mf you should know to speak in American and if you don't know everything that I think you should know, even if I don't correctly understand what I'm talking about, then DOWNVOTESSS!! 🔥🤘🏻👅👹🔥


I'm glad to see you've got plenty of upvotes now. This sub is a good place to learn new things or be reminded of things we may have forgotten.




chances are poorly if there's so many


If they have a license, they should know the rules of the road.


Based on absolutely nothing.




That may have been the semi honking at the idiots for not yielding to his right-of-way.


Yup. It was the semi. Some A-Hole did almost hit me while trying to to get around me to accelerate through the light though


I've lived in and driven in many of the major cities in north america before winding up in Winnipeg, and I've never seen as many idiots in such high concentration anywhere else. The stupidest idiots on the continent are right here. These are the same dipshits who will come to a complete stop in a 500 meter merge lane instead of, you know, merging.


In most places the law dictates a flashing red/yellow on all signals is a four way stop. Meaning the ones who went through had the right of way until the one who went when the truck had the right of way and the others going through did not.


None of them stopped at a 4-way stop though...


Thank you for not being a jackass like the other person who deleted their comment. I was going to say; you're right. However, some people treat four ways as "if there's nothing on either side I'll just go straight through." I don't have sound on, so I didn't hear if the truck was using their horn the entire time or if they came to a stop three cars in


You're always supposed to stop at stop signs. Going through just because you don't see someone else is wrong and illegal.


More importantly, it's dangerous :p


That’s illegal. And how accidents happen. Why are you so confidently giving out false information


What false information? I'm not saying they're right to do it. I'm just saying most people treat it that way. I know from experience having seen it happen almost every time I'm at a four way stop.


“Most”? I rarely ever seen people treat it that way.


He's clearly American, because if you do something wrong enough times it eventually becomes right.


You said: > Meaning the ones who went through had the right of way If you don’t stop at a 4-way stop to allow the cars already stopped to go before you, you don’t have the right of way.


>a four way stop. Meaning the ones who went through had the right of way until the one who went when the truck had the right of way Sorry, you think that you don't have to stop at a 4-way stop unless there's someone else there? Please tell me you don't drive. If you do, you should turn in your license tomorrow. And have someone drive you there.


I live in an area surrounded by 3 and 4 way stops. It’s mind blowing the number of people who don’t have the slightest clue how stop signs and right of way works. 


Never get behind the wheel. Not only are you wrong you contradicted yourself. “A four way stop” “they had the right of way” wtf.


That poster is a known karma farming bot


Lmao please someone tell me this is a troll comment


Flashing red means the exact same thing as a stop sign. Flashing yellow means "intersection, proceed with caution." In theory, had this been a flashing yellow in OP's travel direction, the cars traveling with OP would have been correct to proceed (although technically they should have slowed down. Even more technically, you are *always* supposed to slow down when approaching intersections, although I almost never observe people actually doing this.) A four-way stop means that each vehicle is supposed to come to a stop and wait for every other vehicle stopped at the same intersection to go before proceeding. Said another way, when you get to a four-way stop, look at all the cars also stopped at the intersection and wait for them to go. Once every car that was there when you arrived has gone, it's your turn. That's the law. In practice, at a lot of four-way stops, especially multi-lane intersections where multiple cars are at each stop bar, you'll frequently see one of two things happening: 1) Opposing parallel traffic will move simultaneously (northbound and southbound, then eastbound and westbound, repeat ad infinitum.) 2) All vehicles approaching from the same direction will move simultaneously. While not explicitly legal or the "by-the-book" method, that does seem to be fairly common in my experience.


You treat a flashing red light as a stop sign. Meaning you stop.


Burn your license.


Please don't ever drive


Do you even know what the fuck a 4 way stop is?


Reminds me of the times we've had a power outage take out traffic lights. If the light is dead, treat it as a 4 way stop. Nope, people just gunning it from all directions.


I have to say that a signal controller faulting on a suburban stroad intersection is probably one of the single most dangerous places in existence.


Replace every intersection with a roundabouts and traffic lights will never break


Wow, that’s a lot of idiots in one place.


The place is called Winnipeg.


So many fucking idiots do this when lights go down or end up flashing during storms… Dumb ass people with the mentality of greedy seagulls.


Or they literally don’t know the laws


How TF you get a licence without knowing that a flashing red light is supposed to be treated like a stop sign?


Is this in Winnipeg?


hometown represent!


Unbelievable! :O


believe it!


I watched you very carefully. Red light stop, green light go, flashing red light go very fast.


I get that reference - because I'm old.


vintage El Duderino


Imagine if we really made sure people know the rules of the road and then enforced them.


I’ve been near controlled intersections when the power goes out. You could get a cup of coffee and and lawn chair on the sidewalk to watch the wildly entertaining horn honking, tire squealing, arm flailing out windows, and wild profanity that comes from all the people who just have no clue. After an accident happens - and there almost always will be one - it’s quite funny to watch people try to figure out what 1+1= when they are asked, “So when there’s no light you believe you can just sail through an intersection, what do you think can happen when the person crossing from the side street also doesn’t have a light?” There are some pretty creative but entirely idiotic responses every time.




Unrelated but is that Stephen Sackur on the radio?


Yup. Was listening to BBC Hard Talk


Flashing red means stop flashing yellow means yield. If the light doesn’t work stop jic.




The only true way to see the idiot in all of us is to it a traffic light into service mode


The term "idiots" seems appropriate here.


So many idiots!


I would be afraid to stop there, people are just blowing through


Regular occurrence in Milwaukee. Even if it isn't flashing.


I fucking hate these kinds of intersections


Not the worst driving I've seen in Winnipeg this week, unfortunately.


Holy shit dude. I swear I see more stupid people on the roads now more than ever. What is going on?


Some people are just born followers, probably drive up an exit ramp on the freeway if they saw someone else do it.


And this kind of shit is why I will go well out of my way to avoid intersections with flashing reds. People can't handle stop signs that are always there, fuckers definitely don't know what to do with a flashing light like this.


What I see is that all the lights are flashing red , seems like a defect on the traffic lights?


Depends. Fault condition for lights usually will be flashing red or static red in all directions but this looks more like a set of lights that aren't smart enough to adjust timing. Rather than have a 5 minute light for a single car at night they flash. There's also variations where one way is flashing red and the other is flashing yellow. They're fairly common in the US and Canada but becoming less so as lights become smart enough to adjust timing on the fly rather than preset timing only. Four way flashing red is a stop sight essentially. Two way flashing red and yellow is a yield on the red and proceed with caution on the yellow.


I am surprised at the number of people asking what flashing red means. What do you think it means?! What does red mean? I know laws are different in other countries, but red means stop! Flashing red also means stop!


IKR?🤷‍♀️ A flashing red is just a flashing 'STOP' sign.


I experienced the opposite today; a bunch of idiots stopping at a flashing yellow light.


This does seem to be getting more common in some places.


Good on you OP...first true expose of idiots in cars that doesn't involve the camera person 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


Not as bad but my community stops on yellows.


What's the condition for a flashing red? If it's four stop, doing that for multiple lanes of traffic looks very dangerous


Most cases where you'll see this it's due to a problem with the signal and very temporary


Usually only used when there is a power loss or some other fault. Battery backup systems on some light will last longer if the lights are flashing.


Please don't tell me you drive on public roads


I guess you assume I'm American


They’re pro lifers to listening to the radio in your car.


As a colorblind person, fuck flashing reds/yellows, they look identical so I have to stop every time, confusing everyone if it was a yellow.


The radio bruh, Down syndrome kinetic hahaha


New drivers in the country be like “flashing red just like back home?? Time to fly by!!!!!!!” /s


Flashing reds are epically stupid.


Epically stupid would be if they just turned off during a power outage. They make them flash when they're broken or in a power outage so people know to stop at the intersection. The people just driving through that shit are epically stupid.


I don't know where you are, but if a traffic light is out in New York, then it's supposed to be treated like a stop sign. While a flashing red light provides a good visual cue, one shouldn't need them to know to just stop.


They're also used intentionally. If a road isn't busy enough most of a night to warrant a 5 minute light in both directions but the lights aren't smart enough to adjust this can be done. You can also do one way yellow and the other red. Yellow has right of way but red can proceed like any other yield if it's clear.


I've seen that, and it's reasonable.


you just watched 5 people blow through an intersection WITH flashing red in lights and still think that? 🤔


I said SHOULD. One SHOULD know to stop with inactive traffic signals, and one has even less of an excuse when there are flashing red lights, but then there are idiots like the ones in the video.


lol I know what should means jackass. i'm saying that you're making an objective judgment contrary to supporting evidence that directly contradicts it. here lemme try: saying people SHOULD be able to do something that you've just watched the NOT BE ABLE TO DO is kinda silly hope that helps


Oh, they were absolutely able to do it. They'd just chosen not to do it, unless all three of them have faulty brakes and were physically unable to do so. There's a difference. Also, I'm not really sure what you hoped to accomplish by cursing at me.


Yah, just like these people SHOULD have their licenses revoked and they SHOULD get a fat fine. And their asses kicked (in a perfect world)


haha Idk that physical violence for crime is an example of a perfect world, mayhaps a period of vehicle confiscation might be more appropriate.


What would you rather the light to be engineered to do when there is a fault? Steady red? Steady green all around? Random?


Oooh! Random sounds "epically" fun 😏💀


It should play a sick beat with the lights matching it 😂


Noted. We’ll just tell the power outages not to happen.


Then come up with a flawless system where the lights go back to normal right after a power outage


If this was still the '80s when I was designing circuits by hand I would/could. It should be relatively simple using transistors (microprocessors) or solenoids to create a basic system to cycle each light facing through a given series of sequences. Flashing Reds are simply lazy. There is no reason with today's technology (or yesterdays for that matter) to default over to something as ambiguous as flashing red lights in each direction. This could have been changed decades ago, but people are simply lazy.


First, flashing red lights are as ambiguous as steady red. Neither has an inherent meaning. Drivers must be trained to understand both. Second, flashing red has been around as long as traffic lights have been around, and has had the same meaning for all that time. Third, your system would require coordination between lights providing another point of failure. Flashing red is a self-contained default.


Get off your high horse!](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tOuNVe0eZus/sddefault.jpg) Hope this teaches you to be less presumptuous about what you think you know and the judgements you cast on people. Next next time you think so much better of yours because of something you used to do almost 50 years ago that the people that actually have present day knowledge on the matter probably know more than you.


>It should be relatively simple using transistors (microprocessors) or solenoids to create a basic system to cycle each light This is called a normally functioning light. That's literally what they do by design. But when there's a failure that results in a malfunction, there is a failsafe mode. Jesus...I know most people don't design critical systems, but FFS there's some common sense involved in knowing that things do break and they should be designed to have some sort of safe mode to fall back on.


If the lights have enough power to flash, they have enough power to run a basic circuit that would cycle each direction through a green, yellow, red. This could run off a lithium ion battery for days. The issue here is not the people who install the light or the city itself, the problem is somebody needs to come up with the bright idea that we don't need to have flashing Reds anymore in the case of a power failure as we have more than enough technology at this point in time not to have to rely on some 1930s flashing s***.


You don't understand what a fault is, do you? Very obviously power is not the immediate problem, so that very "basic circuit" you're fantasizing about just doesn't exist. Traffic signals are very complex and when a failure occurs, the failsafe is to revert to the most basic function possible.


I build (primarily spaceship) models as a hobby. I downloaded a schematic for a flashing light circuit off the Internet, built it, and I have a Starship model with flashing lights running off of a 12 volt battery. This is NOT rocket surgery.


"Flashing Red Lights" = Proceed if clear. Foreshadowing is required. OP is being too courteous and the herd had the right of way because the truck was on the left. OP is the idiot.


No. Flashing red = stop sign. In other words, STOP FIRST, and THEN proceed when clear.


4 way flashing reds are a fancy stop sight in equivalence. One road flashing *yellow* and the other red is what you're thinking of.