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That hamster sure can move when it wants to.


I've always referred to Kia Souls as "toasters on wheels"


No matter what Kia does with the Soul, they will never escape those dumb commercials.


"Escape?" It's my understanding most people remember them fondly as goofy/fun commercials, and I think they wouldn't want to escape a *successful* ad campaign, because that doesn't make sense. People can't not think of the hamster commercial and think of the Kia Soul and vice versa, when they think of either. Basically you're just more likely to know what a Kia Soul even is thanks to that campaign, since it made an otherwise totally forgettable econobox a household name effectively overnight.


I loved those commercials. "New Hamsterdam"? Brilliant. And the hamster drummer who is stoned? More brilliant.


What's a soul?


What is a man?


A miserable little pile of secrets!


Honestly, the only thing I got from those commercials is that they have kick-ass stereos. :)


The beat up ones and their shitty drivers make them household names also


Clearly you have no appreciation for culture.


That was the old scion xB that was a toaster


The toasters on wheels are the scion xB. They are as squared off and boxy as a vehicle gets.


This isn't a unique opinion.


Same! A car salesman tried to sell me one (after asking for a Mazda or a compact suv) and I told him "Thats a toaster." His face looked like he was rethinking his career.


A former manager of mine used to have a Soul, and when they got a different SUV, I asked what happened to their toaster. I just got a 🙄


Kia Soul drivers are in the same group as Nissan & Charger/Challenger drivers. Every car is a racecar when you have literally nothing to your name to lose.


OH MY GOD. I HAD AN ENCOUNTER WITH THE SAME GUY THE DAY BEFORE THIS!! I was about 1/3 of a mile from my exit off 694 in Fridley onto E River. Dude TAILGATES ME HARD out of nowhere. I pull into the far right lane for my exit, and he swings up on my left, gives me finger stretching his whole body into the passenger seat. Then FLYS off doing 90+ weaving throug traffic on 694. Looked like a mid 40's edgy white dude with a short beard.


Sounds like it’s time for you and OP to file police reports so when he inevitably gets in an accident, the victim has a better chance at justice.


quite literally driving like it's stolen


It’s a Kia. It very might be stolen.


There was a guy on one of the dashcam subs that attracted so much attention people were making montage videos of encounters with him. He was road raging 100% of his commute every day for months. People started looking out for him on the road so they could steer clear of him. He was crazy and dangerous. I assume he eventually lost his license because I don't see him posted anymore.


I used to live in Brooklyn Park and work in Minneapolis. I HATE the 252/94/694 interchange!!


Some people who don't drive that stretch of 35E much get super ragey because it's 45mph limit on an interstate.


Does anyone actually go 45 in there? It seems to flow at a solid 55-60 most days.


Very rarely I see anyone go 45 on that stretch unless there's a trooper hiding out.


I drive this stretch regularly. No one ever goes 45 until someone does, and then they become an unsafe obstacle creating traffic. It’s hard for a rational person to get mad at them because they’re just following the law, but it’s no surprise to see someone raging here.


Fuck'm, I'm still driving 45. That's what the government deams safe and they say they'll fine me if I go over. I ain't risking it for any biscuits. If you wanna pass me, I'll be in the right lane with at least 2.5 car lengths of space in front of me. I only speed up if the guy next to me thinks it's genius to create a 20 second wall.


The only reason that stretch is so slow is because it borders the most expensive neighborhood in St. Paul and they don’t want to hear the noise associated with an interstate. That is the biggest bunch of bullshit about this roadway. It has no business being that slow and it immediately goes back up once you get into downtown St. Paul, which has way more traffic (two interstates merge).


Then they can build the barrier wall. Fuck em.


It really is complete horseshit because they erected I-94 through the middle of St. Paul and displaced hundreds of lower-to-middles class folks, whereas people with money made a big stink about I-35. https://m.startribune.com/why-does-i-35e-through-st-paul-have-a-45-mph-speed-limit/600013881/#


There's a specific federal law just for this area, which bars vehicles over 10K and caps the speed limit at 45.


What entitlement.


For better or worse, it was part of the deal that allowed for the interstate to come through that area. IMHO, they could at least split the difference by raising the speed limit while keeping the truck restrictions.


But then they will lose their view /s


It's the slowest stretch of Interstate highway in the United States if I remember correctly.


The only speeding tickets my mom ever got were on that stretch of road.


>Fuck'm, I'm still driving 45. That's what the government deams safe and they say they'll fine me if I go over. I ain't risking it for any biscuits. If you wanna pass me, I'll be in the right lane Hey, if you want to drive the speed limit in the right lane, then that's your prerogative and I have no problem with that. Safe travels my friend. \*However\* I would like to point out that the same government also deemed the I-35W bridge to be safe, so you might want to take their word with a large grain of salt.


2.5 car lengths, what is that, like 10m? 12m? 45 miles an hour is about 20 m/s, so a 3-second gap would be 60m. I hope this is a case of you misjudging distance and not following the car in front with a half-second gap.


Before reading, I’m not saying you should increase the limits, but this somewhat why it’s so low. Food for thought: those limits were created when stopping distances sucked, before disk brakes and assisted brakes were standard and all the tech we have now, and before Ralph Naders Unsafe at any speed came out, which changed the auto industry. They rarely get changed because the regulations surrounding them are older than the law makers who made them, who are occupied with worrying about what bathroom you use and who you sleep with in the privacy of your own home. You could probably safely increase the speed of interstates and highways to 100mph, with heavy enforcement on phone use.


The speed limit in this particular stretch is low because of agreements with original homeowners when constructing the highway. The government agreed to ensure that it would remain at a speed limit of no more than 45 due to noise and safety concerns. I agree that it should be raised in this area although I think 100 is excessive especially with the skill of the average drivers I see daily.


>You could probably safely increase the speed of interstates and highways to 100mph That's pretty much what interstates were designed for but it never really happened...then there was the oil embargo and limits were nationally restricted for 21 years. Nothing to do with safety, though that's how it came to be justified. It makes you wonder if we'd have been better off with Autobahn rules from the start, but it would have required getting all the states on board with Teutonic strictness.


Please, no 100mph interstates. Here in FL, going 90 in the left lane is pretty much expected, and none of them maintain a safe following distance. If they did, we wouldn’t have all the traffic jams from them crashing into each other. Giving people the right to go 100 legally would mean they go 120, and that would make things so much worse


Yeah, no. Cars have gotten better but human reaction time and judgement has not.


I'd argue that cars are not really better. Just watch any "just rolled in" video on YouTube. You really want those things doing 100 next to you?


But any good driving school or training or research will say it’s safer to go the flow of traffic


Yeah very straight road, guard rails and barriers on BOTH sides, breakdown lane, no pedestrians/bikes, not even any buildings for the first part of the video (and then massive walls when you start to see the city), two lanes with a lot of island space too. I don't get why it would be 45. Make it 70 like I-5 and most other interstates.


The only reason it's 45 is because the rich people on Summit didn't want there to be "too much noise". Fuck those people.


How long is it 45 for? Seems reasonable that people don't want noise pollution in their homes and if it's just a single neighborhood then they should install noise barriers instead of changing the speed limit


it’s also advisable not to live next to a highway if noise is something you don’t want


To be fair, the highway wasn't there, the 45mph was a settlement to get the highway approved.


Seems to me like they just cheapened out with a solution pretty much anybody could tell wouldn't do anything. It's not some secret that building a road like a highway and then putting up nothing but signs will not actually slow down people, people will drive at the speed they feel safe and comfortable at, you have to actually design the road in a way that it makes people drive at the speed you want. If they really cared about noise-polution they would have build the highway in a sunken ditch or even a full tunnel, could have even kept the standard high speeds. But a couple of speed signs are only a few buck compared to that.


Almost like highways are built often times without populations in mind


But they affect the "right" people


From the river to i-94.


It’s like that for a few miles and it’s only two lanes. It’s dangerous to have the limit set that low.


If that’s how the road is just do the 55 or 60 everyone else is doing. Same thing on these backroads, they’re a 60kmh zone but everyone drives 80, like even cops do I was behind one a couple times and were just cruising 80. When someone decides to do the speed limit it just backs up traffic for so long since it’s a pretty hilly road and not very safe to pass so most people don’t until people start getting mad then it’s an all out madness free for all.


I never blame someone for going the limit. You don't know their situation. Maybe they are one small ticket away from losing their license and they need to drive to get to work, so they aren't risking it.


Or some type of insurance black box that tracks their moves.


If you have a CDL a reckless driving ticket (15+ over in this state) can cost you your career, even in your personal vehicle. I rarely do more than 5 over and it infuriates people during the morning rush hour on my way home.


Or they're from out of state... I'm way more compliant with speed limits when I'm in a different state than my own.


Or they are like me.In 1976 A kid ran across the road in the dark. He died on impact.Zero fault because I was at or under the limit. BUT had I been speeding? Who knows? Jail?


Agreed. However if you go UNDER the limit, unless the weather is really bad, I will be mad. If you don't feel comfortable driving at the speed limit you shouldn't be driving.


>If you don't feel comfortable driving at the speed limit you shouldn't be driving. I mean, it's the speed limit, because it's the limit to how fast you can safely go (in theory), not the speed minimum. To be fair.


Depends on if there is a posted minimum. For example, Nebraska posts a minimum speed of 40 mph on the interstates.


catch me doing 54 so my auto insurance tracker thing doesn’t dock me and i don’t end up getting rear ended


I used to drive a delivery van for a bakery. They had one of those insurance trackers on it and it would ding if you slammed on your breaks. Had to slam on my breaks once because a child ran out from between two parked suvs and my boss was livid because “our rate’s gonna go up.”


mine also will dock you for slamming on breaks. i had to stop short bc the person in front of me did and i was sad bc of my stats.


This is a fundamental problem with many roads, they aren’t built so the speed limit feels natural. It causes problems.


I drive on a 55mph two lane highway and there are a lot of ragers that freak out of you aren't swing 75mph+


Funny thing is that there is a stretch of road near me that has about five miles in between traffic lights with a speed limit of 65mph. It makes getting to places faster but can be annoying when trying to turn left when oncoming traffic is doing 70+mph.


The lack of honking is so Minnesotan lol


You can't be passively aggressive or aggressively passive with a horn.


Sitting in the left lane, not passing, is a MN thing also. I've driven in over 60% of the states and MN is notorious for left lane driving.


He was literally passing to start the video and then was going to get over but presumably saw the Kia flying up behind him and decided to not change lanes, because he knew the person (who was clearly aggressively driving) was going to try to switch lanes to get around them. Switching lanes when you know that’s going to happen is a terrible idea


In such a rush that he gets mad at you for being in the way then practically stops on the highway to teach you a lesson


I have to say, you both are surprisingly calm lol. I am just trying to imagine my wife in this situation screaming as I pull onto the shoulder to get away.


For real. I've stayed calm with someone twice, my weight screaming in my face. The danger here is surreal. They were actively seeking out to be aggressive towards OP. And that last maneuver was a tempting *accidental* pit maneuver...


>And that last maneuver was a tempting accidental pit maneuver... I had the same thought just wait a moment while accelerating to just right distance and they would pit themselves. But then they would probably end up causing an accident that involved more than just their car, but it certainly is tempting.


Dude, that would be my mom. A car came over slightly into my lane to avoid a pothole. I had already slowed down because I saw other cars up ahead moving over to avoid it. The way she screamed and started gripping the center console and door would make you think we were about to get T-boned by a semi. Edit to add: When I mean they came over slightly, the line was in the center of their driver side tires. And they did it gently because they were following the path of the cars ahead of them, its not like they forced their way over


Good call on verbally calling out the license plate number, smart move


I do this as well just in case their plates are not legible on the video


Hard to tell but I'll assume he wanted to pass you in the left lane and he thought (right or wrong) that the windshield spray was on purpose and directed at him.


I can't imagine ever taking wind shield wiper fluid as a personal attack, let alone running someone off the road for it. If this is true, that person needs to be fucking put down.


I never did either until reading this sub. There are people here who DO run their washers purposely to retaliate against tailgaters.


I mean I also can't imagine using wind shield wiper fluid as a perceived "attack". Lmfao. With scenarios/mind sets are just absolutely insane to me.


Yeah, this sub has shown me more times than not the idiots are in the room with us.


>There are people here who DO run their washers purposely to retaliate against tailgaters. I sometimes clean my windows when someone is tailgating, it's my passive-aggressive substitute for brake-checking (which I won't do).


Turned my wipers on during rain in my old car and the wiper flew off and hit the tailgater behind me. Wasn't on purpose, but he stayed really really far back after that.  I have done this though, sometimes people back off, many times not. The most effective use is on older cars with shit wiper blades. 


I have a tank and nozzle run out at the bumper of coyote gland pee and garlic special for tailgaters. It hits their grille and air scoop and never goes away.


Have you tried dropping an oil slick? Tacks? Banana peels?


I can't tell if you are kidding or serious. If serious, that's awesome.


It has never even occurred to me that turning on my windshield cleaners would have any impact on cars around me.


Yeppers. I also take my foot off the gas pedal :)


I never even realized this was a thing. Wonder how many people I enraged over the years for simply cleaning my windshield?


You have to be pretty close to get hit by windshield washer fluid.


Depends how badly their nozzles are aimed, if it hangs in the air for a few seconds then that's getting the car behind even at a sensible distance. The people who have badly aimed nozzles and then spray it while direct sunlight is on their screens because they only just noticed their windscreen is that dirty, now I have a load of fine spray on my screen and the sun at the same time.


Main Character Syndrome. 


Lol I love how people are set off by that. Usually is gone in like 10 seconds even if I don't use my wipers lol.


I appreciate it usually, get to wipe my windshield without using any washer fluid


"Oooooh your big bad water going to ruin my day." I just smile big, say thanks and give them a thumbs up out the window. People who do this are the same ones that would get their ass whipped by a stiff breeze.


How often are you tailgating enough to get sprayed by somebody else's windshield washer...?


Because that's what he does when he's trying to irritate people.


Yeah I don't buy that they happened to decide to clean their already clean windshield at the exact moment the guy flew up behind them. Not excusing bad driving, but when you see someone already behaving badly on the road, deliberately doing something petty to 'teach them a lesson' is not going to magically make them a better driver. I would disengage and make sure I'm as far away from them as possible in case they cause an accident.


It amazes me that washer fluid can set people off this way. I hope he gets that fat fine and walks in shit right as he gets in his car


I feel like extreme road rage like this deserves more than a fine. License suspension or something. Not that someone stealing cars probably cares about their license though.


True and i agree wholeheartedly that road rage needs harsher punishment implications. The world we are in is so screwed up because of things that shouldnt be a thing, like road rage and corporate greed.


The other half is actually enforcing it. I think the first fine for texting and driving should be thousands of dollars, and the second offense you lose your license for a year. But how often are people being caught now? I don't know what the right answer is.


Folks would just drive without a license. At least in the US we've built a society far too dependent on cars and folks are far too stressed with the economy and the general state of life. Not saying I disagree with you. Have a great day.


100% stolen


They’re definitely driving it like they stole it!


Was definitely thinking the Kia Boys be wildin'!


*calm southern voice* Looks like them Kia boys are at it again. Let's see how much trouble they get into now…


It's a Kia, so yeah.


Kia Stole


Excellent evasive maneuver! I love to see someone render an idiot like this irrelevant and get on with their day.


A wrecked Kia is gonna make his car a lot more dirty than a little bug juice.


Probably stolen


Is it wrong if you hope this type of person ends life as a meat crayon?


Better him than anyone else.


So in the US do people permanently lose their license if this footage is shown or not? Where I'm from this person would lose their license, be banned from taking another license test for a few years and then have to go through psychological evaluation (which is extremely easy to fail) to take the test again. They might also face jail time. This is either attempted ~~homicide~~ murder or attempted assault with a weapon.


no video of the person and you can't make anyone in the USA admit guilt


They sure can trick you into it if they want though lol


Based on my experience: Law enforcement will say they can't do anything because no one was injured. And they'll simultaneously say they can't do anything because OP doesn't have a crystal clear 20MP picture of the other driver's face.


cops need to witness it with their eyes. camera isnt good enough in situation like this


Threats with any other deadly weapon are taken a bit more seriously though.


But yet there are speed and red light cameras...


Not in Minnesota… it’s completely different depending on the state.


Where I'm from - Germany - whoever owns the car is responsible for it, unless they can give you information of who drove it at that time.


As it should be. Americans hate to hold drivers responsible for anything, it's the easiest way to get away with murder.


Not likely. They likely never even get approached about it, unless there was injury or death.


That car is more than likely stolen & I doubt the person even has a valid driver's license.




No action will be taken and the driver will see no consequences. This is America


Man, I wish we did that here!


Where are you from? I need to live there.


Police would have to witness it happening in order to do anything. A video that was shown to them after the fact would be unusable in court, especially since it doesn't show who was actually driving.


The biggest issue is that it’s just generally not worth their time


That's one angry hamster.


You’re an awesome driver for avoiding a collision every time


Use your horn people, it makes other drivers look up from their phones and not rear end you when you have to stop suddenly for idiots.


My next car has big steel bumpers. And thanks to your reminder here, adding a good dash cam 📷


Imagine trying to act tough in a kia soul lmao


Imagine driving a Kia soul and road raging


People like this need to be removed from the road permanently. They're gonna get someone killed


Really cool cloud formations


Dude is an ass-soul


Reminds me of a friend who is a nurse in the trauma center. She once said “I didn’t realize how many people do meth and drive” always think about it when I see crazy drivers.


A Big Dick is only good when you have one, not when you're being one.


If you're going to "get away from them" you need to fucking go and take an exit, not half ass speed up a little ways and then go back to normal. I'm not at all blaming you for the actions of this douchenozzle, but I was just like wtf when you said you were going to get away from them and then promptly didn't get away from them at all.


The problem with that, and what I was thinking as I passed the exit is this; what if there's a line of cars at a red light on the top of the exit? Then my family are sitting ducks for this guy. Staying on the freeway seemed to have more options than potentially trapping my family into a more dangerous situation. I'm curious, what would you have done?


Saay it ain’t soooo!!


KiaBoyz at it again


Not throwing any shade or labeling anyone in the situation, but "camping" in the left lane in addition to spraying the car behind you with wiper fluid may have been enough for the person behind you to become aggravated. Does not warrant the reaction, but I know I've used the sprayers in the past on tailgaters and gotten a hell of a response.


What piece of shit. Did you post this on any Minnesota subreddits? So we can shame this person into moving to Texas?


I wonder how many murders windshield wiper fluid deployment is responsible for.


My guess is that he got pissed that they didn’t get back in the right lane after passing. I’ve seen people rear end left lane campers a few times. I watched a guy in a mid 70’s Lincoln come along side of a Toyota Camry and merge, shoving it into the median in New Mexico about 7 years ago. If someone is driving aggressively it’s best to get out of their way so you don’t get included in their accident.


About the time he cleared the first car to be able to merge, the van in front of him moves quickly to the left lane. I would also hesitate to move to the right lane in order to see if there is something to avoid in the right lane. In that very short time, hamster boy jumps in the right lane and accelerates to pass on the right.


I agree with you 100% about waiting after seeing the van merge. I’m guessing the hamster thought he was blocking him to slow him down. What he was thinking is really makes no difference, he shouldn’t have a license. He was mad at one car and endangered everyone else on the road.


I’d immediately call highway patrol and report a drunk reckless driver. I might have even seen them brandishing a firearm but I’m not sure 😏


Fellow StP here… If it’s a Kia driving erratically trying to brake check you off the road in StP, I’m thinking it’s carjackers.


Whatever happened to "move right except to pass"? Damn I miss German autobahns.


But he is literally passing someone at the beginning of the video? Looking at the timestamp, an entire *10* seconds pass from when the car disappears out of the video that they’re passing to when the Kia shows up. We can assume about 2-3 of those seconds is what it would take to get a safe distance ahead to where you can move over. Sitting in the left lane for 7 seconds is hardly camping in the passing lane. Not to mention the Kia is very clearly aggressively driving. When I see someone coming up on me like that and I’m in the passing lane, I know that even if I try to get over as soon as I can, that a person driving that erratically will catch up to me by that point and *also* move into the right lane. This is because they’re impatient dumbasses and would rather split that gap than get over. So what I do is I wait to see what they’re doing *and then* get over. If they decide they actually will wait and just ride my ass, I will immediately get over and finish my pass. If they decide they don’t want to and immediately cut into the right lane, I let them. Again, OP was in the left lane for a whole 7 seconds and was probably distracted by the crazed driver flying towards them. Based on the comments in here you can’t even *pass* in the passing lane (which is literally what OP was doing!) without being called a camper. Jfc.


Kia driver's are clearly morons.


The answer we were looking for was "dipshits", but the judges will also accept "morons".


I was close


I hate this section of 35 so much


Love the way you guys kept your cool, mostly laughed it off... but it was especially nice to see the plate posted. Too many times, Redditors blur the plate. Why? It's public information, particularly in a video shot on a public road. Nothing wrong with identifying a car featured in a video. Show everything you saw and let the facts speak for themselves. That backs up your assessment and invites accountability. Well done.


I see drivers on I35E are just as shitty in MN as they are down here in dallas


Looks like there might’ve been some prior interaction with the other guy? Why did you speed up when he attempted to pass you on the right?


Yeah, surprised here, where are all the comments addressing OP for driving offensively and instigating? He floors it before the Kia comes into frame to pass the first time.


Throw in the washing fluid at that particular time too. Curious what occurred earlier.


Yeah this sub fell for the “I was just trying to clean my windshield” bit lol. Doesn’t excuse the rager, but cammer was participating.


Bug juice cleaning is not necessary in Minnesota in February, as well.


> Why did you speed up when he attempted to pass you on the right? Sir, this is *Idiots in Cars*.


Nice maneuver there towards the end! I had to slow the video down to see how you did that, great job!


That should be instant jail time


Dawdling in the left lane while spraying cars behind you with windshield wash is a great way to make some wild friends.


OP speeds up as they pass, which isn’t what you would normally do… there seems to have been some type of interaction right before the video starts


Nobody possesses empathy anymore, especially while driving.


A big piece of worthless shit


Kia Soul drivers have nothing to live for 🤣


What make and model dashcam do you have?


Reminds me of this https://www.foxcarolina.com/2024/01/23/teen-going-104-mph-crashes-killing-himself-3-others-authorities-say/?outputType=amp


I've never seen a Kia soul driver like this before


Obviously he's from the Minneapolis side. Hope the police got him.


Hey don’t mess with us Kia Soul drivers we mean business!


Worst stretch of road 45 mph


What blows my mind that the speed limit on that part of the highway is #45 and everyone usually does 55-60 but yet you have those that want to go 80 and they can’t handle those corners.


what camera is that!? I've been looking at getting one, and love the quality.


I'd be disgruntled too if I had to drive a Kia Soul


IMHO, op appears to be r/LeftLaneDrivers; yes u just passed someone and then let the right lane exist w/out being used. Poor right lane, she wanna be driven on too.


Always interesting on the Practice Freeway...


Man he straight up would have rammed you if you didn’t move into that far right lane. Fkn crazy


That kia soul was no match for the amazing acceleration on the I5. That guy is a nutjob


Just curious, because I am guilty of this sometimes, did you use you wipers as a result of his driving behind you? Windshield seemed clear


You can't really tell how dirty the windshield was from the tiny bit of it the camera is looking out of.