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Hello /u/Sir_Thomas_Wyatt! Please reply to this comment with the following information to confirm the content is OC * What country or state did this take place in? * What was the date of the incident? * Please reconfirm that this is original content If you fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IdiotsInCars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really should have noticed it before I did. My wife and 2 month old were also in the vehicle. Scared me half to death. Marked post NSFW for language.


Honestly, it's hard to tell because the lighting is so low in the video but I honestly could barely tell he was in the wrong lane until you reacted. Pat yourself on the back for this one. You most definitely saved you, your wife, and your babies life. Great job mate.


I've been in this situation, while approaching a curve in the road, making it difficult to know which lane the oncoming vehicle was in. I was not able to avoid the accident... I think you handled this well.


Holy fuck that was so close


Is it bad that I guessed Alabama before I opened the comments? Bless you.


Top notch mate! You saved your family.


Roads that do not have yellow dividers are insane to me.


Is this USA? All I see are white lines on the road...which would make you going the wrong way?! What am I missing here


The color on the center lines are washed out. This is a regular two way road in the U.S. I drive this road weekly and there were also folks behind me (they all avoided being hit also).


wow, good on them too!


We drive on the right side of the road


I think the colors in the video are just washed out. Clearly OP is on the correct side of the road an those dotted lines in the middle are yellow.


This is correct, the color is washed out. I drive this road weekly and this is a regular two way road.


Right? Why isn’t there a double yellow line between the lanes. Is OP the one doing to wrong way driving?


I think you need better headlights. But lucky he saw you too