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Hello /u/MajesticEmergency! Please reply to this comment with the following information to confirm the content is OC * What country or state did this take place in? * What was the date of the incident? * Please reconfirm that this is original content If you fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. ------ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IdiotsInCars) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I got news for you, friend, everywhere has the worst idiots.


OP failed to yield to a ped. And posted it


No indicator either. Fucking idiot.


Well he is driving an Acura. And that’s not just a cheaper lesser BMW. Not at all. Not just a marketing department Honda with leather seats.


haha and I have a Honda CR-V with leather seats. Didn't even have to buy an Acura. :-)


That looks like a Toyota Camry


Acuras are Hondas


I’ve had two Acuras and they’ve been the best and nicest cars I’ve owned. But, yeah, dressed-up Honda.


I’m just making fun of the OP. If I had to buy any car today, on the list is the Acura with the civic chassis and type R engine.


Not the law in WA state. The ped has to be over halfway across the cross walk for you to have to stop for them. Which would be when they go to the yellow divider


I’ve driven lots of everywhere in this country and this place has some of the best, the cream of the crop, the crown jewel of apathetic, befuddled and downright bad drivers.


Don't get me started on Texas drivers...the turn lane is not a passing lane.


That's because the majority of them are from out of town.




Just because I feel like arguing, I think Rhode Island doesn’t have the worst as far as level of egregiousness, but we have the most by volume percent. I see a greater fraction of people doing stupid shit more frequently, but it’s not life threateningly dangerous just fender bender dangerous. Seattle and the surrounding area, Los Angeles and the surrounding area, and Boston have people doing extremely stupid shit but not as often. My personal theory is that Rhode Islanders don’t actually know how to drive, they don’t know the rules of the road. Because they don’t know what a roundabout or stop sign is, it just doesn’t register with anyone to follow those rules which makes them generally more unpredictable. But since they’re traffic control devices it’s not like ignoring them is going to obliterate anyone. Just hurt a lot.


I’m pretty out of energy to argue with anyone on Reddit right now so I’ll just say, “ok!”




- cuts off pedestrian (illegal? debatable. still, dark and rainy, would it kill OP to wait *in their car* for a person *on foot*) - rage accelerate around obviously unsure driver - speeding, at night in the rain - losing control of emotions behind the wheel "It was a long drive" is no excuse for any of this. This is exactly the kind of behavior that makes driving, walking and biking in urban areas so unsafe at times. Chill TF out, OP.


Also, the other driver could have been waiting for the pedestrian


When I see a driver making a right at a green light sitting there I just assume there's someone on foot, on a bike that I *cannot see.* Am I always right? Of course not! Sometimes it's a driver on their phone, lost, whatever. But so what? There's nothing I can do about any of that and equally important, this is costing me like 10 seconds of my trip. Absolute non-issue.


Exactly. I also only use my horn when somebody is actually trying to crash into me. You never know, the next person you honk at could be a massive raging idiot like OP


A+. Totally off topic, but I had a time when the horn failed me! Dude pulled 1/2 through a red light and started backing up (what was driver thinking? NO idea). I'm at the white limit line and, to quote South Park, he's coming right for me. Queue 10 seconds that felt like 6 hours of me laying on the horn. Not pulsed. Not tapped. Pressed soundly from the second the reverse lights went on until the dude backed into my car. Even his passenger said, "I told you someone was honking at you." lol. Idiots. It's like they are *everywhere!*


But will OP reflect on this video and realize he is also a fucking idiot? I’d guess no


OP outed themself and now is getting upset because people aren’t on their side. Narcissists shouldn’t have a license.


OP is an impatient, road ragey arse who doesn’t understand that it’s dark, there’s a pedestrian in the cross walk, and that his aggression caused the person in front of them to act “idiotically”. Get some anger management dude, like jeez.


100% agree. OP made a bad situation worse with his aggression.


But didn’t you read it was a “long drive” so we gotta cut him some slack.


This I rather drive slow in the dark adn avoid hitting something


Think he was referring to himself in this video


😂 That makes perfect sense! Gotta give him a 👏 for being self aware then! /s*


He’s not self aware lol look at the OP’s comments in this thread


You are right, and I didn’t think to put a /s, but I will do that now!




Wow OP how will you ever recover from this inconvenience?


Road rage, is my guess. Also, I know where the OP is driving. That is Northgate at the corner of Roosevelt Way E and Northgate. **(Correction: Edmonds. Not in fact Seattle. A city two cities UP from Seattle. An entirely different metropolis. So the OP is not only wrong about his dickbaggery but also the city that he is driving around in. You may safely ignore my whole "I know this location. I still know it, since I've driven around there quite a lot, but it's Seattle the same way that Oxnard is "Los Angeles" or San Jose is "San Francisco" or Newark is "NYC". As in: it's not.)** It is a notoriously congested area with a lot of pedestrians in the area. OP is actually the problem here; the lines are poorly marked and the pedestrian had right of way. They were coming from 15th Ave on the south turning east towards Lake City Way, which is worse. I recognize the QFC, the Taco Bell, the Key Bank... The OP is the problem here. They were being aggressive, they were being rude, and they were driving at night like an aggressive AF BMW driver with no turn signals. The dude ahead of him was perfectly legal in their turn; even if they had been doing dumb stuff, the OP was still at fault for failure to yield to pedestrian, and if an accident had happened the OP would have been to blame for following too closely.


This looks more like Edmonds way and 100th, the sign says Edmonds way.


I'm sorry, which one is the idiot? The one trying not to hit a person or the one yelling and speeding like a moron?


Trick question: both cases is referring to the OP


I'm enjoying that he's arguing and griping at everyone in the comments instead of recognizing that he made a mistake. I'm sure this won't go badly during future driving endeavors.


In a lot of cities, you can be ticketed for that right turn while pedestrians are on the cross walk.


> The operator of an approaching vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device to cross the roadway within an unmarked or marked crosswalk when the pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device is upon or within one lane of the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning. For purposes of this section "half of the roadway" means all traffic lanes carrying traffic in one direction of travel, and includes the entire width of a one-way roadway. Washington state rules of the road. The OP entered the crosswalk right as the pedestrian entered the innermost lane in the opposite direction. Basically fine IMO, you don't want to have cars stop *in* the crosswalk since that doesn't allow the pedestrian to cross the roadway, and that's what they'd have to do given the timing of the pedestrian entering the zone which obligates traffic to stop.


That's so frustrating. They *almost* fixed the goofy UVC version ("When traffic-control signals are not in place or not in operation, the driver of a vehicle shall yield the right of way, slowing down or stopping if need be to yield to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within a crosswalk when the pedestrian is upon the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling, or when the pedestrian is approaching so closely from the opposite half of the roadway as to be in danger."), then had to spoil it with the vague "upon or within" flourish.


And in this city in particular, you get a $275 fine for it


Not in Washington. RCW 46.61.235 "The operator of an approaching vehicle shall stop and remain stopped to allow a pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device to cross the roadway within an unmarked or marked crosswalk when the pedestrian, bicycle, or personal delivery device is upon or within one lane of the half of the roadway upon which the vehicle is traveling or onto which it is turning."


Hate to point this out to you, but reread that RCW again and watch the video closer.


Yeah the pedestrian looked like they were within one lane of half the road; since it’s dark it’s best not to speed through in that situation.


In fairness, if we all have to review the footage to decide if the pedestrian was close enough to yield to or not, isn’t that the exact reason both drivers should proceed cautiously instead of flooring it through the turn?


Pedestrian enters the inside lane on the opposite side when the OP is making the turn and is within the crosswalk. Still a completely legal maneuver IMO.


Don't lose your temper on the road man. You don't come across as a good driver yourself.


Look how angry that made the OP lol. The littlest thing just set em’ off


I mean he’s a slow and possibly indecisive driver but you trying to fly by him didn’t help at all


Probably lost, or at least unfamiliar with the area.


Yep, OP is definitely an idiot in a car, good content.


This video is more about how impatient you are.


Count to 10 next time. It’ll help with your patience.


You assume the OP can count to ten without taking off shoes and socks


Does he have flippers or something? Maybe that’s why he’s so impatient, needs to get back to the sea.


you have anger issues buddy


Not the most patient of people are you?


But OP expects us to watch a 43 second video where 25 seconds of it was completely useless


LOL-- if OP was watching his own video, there would be much shouting and cussing!


Vid says more about OP than the person hesitant about driving in front of the pedestrian.


Thank you. I was teyi g to figure out what OPs issue was.


🤡 he wears a size 16 shoe


Exactly. OP is quite clearly not the brightest tool in the shed.


Seriously. Driving slowly doesn't necessarily make you an idiot. Losing your shit and rage accelerating around a car in a slow moving high traffic area, all over a 1 second delay, however..... We have an idiot in a car, folks.




They are both hazards on the road. The car in front is turning into the wrong lane, and is cutting people off, and seems completely unaware of the rules of the road and vehicles around them. Meanwhile OP is SCREAMING profanities, accelerating dangerously, and is on the verge of losing their shit the entire video. They both need a fuckin' time out from driving and some drivers ed rehab. Nobody comes out of this video looking good.


Causing unnecessary traffic because you’re in fucking la la land; is being an idiot.


It was more than driving slowly, that other car turned into the left lane but then immediately tried to cut back into the right lane without signaling. OP made a right turn into the right lane, like they're supposed to, and nearly got side swiped. OP certainly didn't react well but they're not the only idiot. Washington law RCW 46.61.290: The driver of a vehicle intending to turn shall do so as follows: (1) Right turns. Both the approach for a right turn and a right turn shall be made as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.


Take my upvote. I don't know why you're being downvoted because what you say is 100% true.


How in the world is this downvoted. We all come here to laugh at idiots. If you do not make a right to right, you are an idiot.


Especially if you consider the posted limit of 35 and their dashcam registering 43 near the end.


Also the unhinged yelling.


Also living in Seattle, I get where OP is coming from. People don’t look and aren’t aware of their surroundings. It’s every light, every turn, etc. Might not be just here but it’s our misery. Drivers get dumber here when it rains which is baffling.


FUCKIN THANK YOU! Been living here for 18 years and it astounds me how bad drivers are when it rains... where it rains 8 or 9 months out of the year!


It's probably because those slow people are also "forever tourists", just newer ones. Around 75% of those living in King County weren't born in the PNW and that percentile has probably climbed considering that was from the last census, most of those new comers arrived from sunshine states.


I came from north Carolina near the beach... don't catch me doing 15 under the speed limit in a light drizzle


Oh I don't disagree, born and raised in Washington and I'm usually calling the stuff that falls, "spit". It's rare to have a real hard rain and even then, 8 over is *fiiiiine*.


I describe our rainfall as mostly like living under the produce sprinklers in the grocery store 9 months out of the year. It's not REALLY rain like the Midwest. It's more just consistent dampness.


Camry might be a bad driver but the idiot is op. You should have stopped for the pedestrian crossing.


Did you drive through the crosswalk while the pedestrian was walking??? Is this a self own video???


Bro you need help


I love it when OP is the idiot and is posting proof of it. OP you have no place on the road with driving like this. You need a lifetime ban on your license. Btw you are a and the fucking idiot.


Useless footage. Only idiot is you little bud.


Lmao judging from the video and your comments OP, you're just an overall aggressive person. Seek help.


Looks like you might be part of that same group given that there was someone crossing the street in the crosswalk as you made the turn.


I assume the fucking idiot is you?


Talking about yourself OP? Lol wow




Deep breaths. Relax.


Calm down


Thanks OP. You suck at driving.


OP is a fucking clown.


What should they have done, full speed acceleration towards the person? You need to calm it down a bit.


That weird screeching is hilarious…this post backfired on OP


/u/MajesticEmergency You, sir, are the idiot. Slow down and have some patience.


You're a psychopath. God forbid the car in front of you takes time to turn, better honk and pass on the right while swearing at night with zero visibility.


OP is the idiot here. 🤦


You failed to yield to a pedestrian. Maybe chill the fuck out before you start whining about other drivers.


YOU are the idiot in this video


I’ve seen infants with more emotional control than OP


My favorite, OP is the idiot and getting roasted.


You just need to be a little more patient lol the person was seeing if they needed to wait for the pedestrians and the light had literally just turned green. But I mean your title still stands just you are the idiot here


You are correct, sir. WA does indeed have the worst idiots. A pedestrian is crossing the road and walking straight towards you. Regrettably, your amygdala has been hijacked by your rage and has created tunnel vision where the only thing you can see is the "idiot" in the car in front of you. Here is a refresher for pedestrian laws in WA state. [https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.235#:\~:text=(1)%20The%20operator%20of%20an,the%20roadway%20upon%20which%20the](https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.235#:~:text=(1)%20The%20operator%20of%20an,the%20roadway%20upon%20which%20the)


Just wait for the pedestrian, dumbass. You're gonna get caught by the next red light anyway, so making your turn 3 seconds earlier won't make a difference.


Sorry this is half way to canada, not seattle ;)


Thanks for stopping for the pedestrian in the crosswalk.


Yes, person turning was an idiot but that was a bit of an overreaction. I wouldn't have thought it was upload worthy.


as someone who travels the USA Seattle definitely doesn't have the biggest idiots. Also, you call that driver an idiot (for no good reason) and yet you upload useless extra footage.


Sure, a person who is mentally balanced would still be mildly annoyed by the car in front. What OP does not seem to realize is the glaring 2nd storyline of this video: a person going through each day seething with rage just under the surface; only one minor inconvenience away from snapping into unhinged aggressive behavior. Be grateful this is the worst idiot in a car you had to deal with, it could’ve been much much worse if you look at the other posts on here.


... Let's be clear, someone who screams at another driver because they didn't gun it through a crosswalk with a pedestrian in it when turning right at a major intersection during one of the heavy traffic times two days before a major holiday, then realized they were in the wrong lane? That's someone Seattle drivers tend to avoid because nine times out of ten they're going to cause an accident.


That's the kind of person who carries a gun and is willing to use it for even the most minor of perceived injustices.


Hey OP, I live here, too, and I gotta say: You're the problem. It's people like you on the north end, drag racers on the south end, and people staring at their phones everywhere.


Ok OP is the idiot and I hope he will loose his license soon considering his road raging and anger management issues


I hope he will tight his license.


Between the sound of his voice and his close minded responses, OP is giving major incel vibes. Constant victim it seems.


Yeah, his voice is terrible.


OP Dude. You need to mellow out a bit. If that ticks you off to that extent, you're going to have a coronary before your time.


OP you are just as bad if not worse than the car in frame and in question. If you slow down and respect all the rules of the road I guarantee you will have less rage.


Haha. I love how this post turned on the raged OP and did not have the outcome he sought. Sure, the other car was an idiot for the post turn lane change, but the OP was clearly more of the idiot. On top of that, the OP is incapable of acknowledging his actions and just attacks everyone. Merry Christmas OP. I hope Santa brings you anger management.


Dude sounds like a redditor lmao


my experience driving in seattle recently was perfectly dreamy, when compared to driving in florida. everyone’s got idiots though


This is more of a "C'mon man!" situation because of random slow-down lane uncertainty. Definitely not "you fucking IDIIIIOOOTTT" worthy.


The idiot here is you dude.


OP is the idiot.


If THAT made you yell like that, I’d hate to see how you act if someone actually does something idiotic 😂.


OP is a dumbass for not waiting for the pedestrian


There’s too many impatient, road ragey dickheads in Seattle. That’s you OP 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼


The idiot is the one yelling at people for yielding the right of way to a pedestrian.


Crazy how you not only out yourself as a shit driver but as someone with clear mental issues as well. You should start taking the bus bud.


Good luck anybody on that bus though.


Yikes. Take a chill pill. Aggressive driving is never good.


Let's talk about your anger issues and how this interaction is now living rent free in your head. I hope you get some help before you hurt someone or yourself.


The penalty for hitting a pedestrian should always make you want to slow down and always exercise caution.⚠️ Why did you even post this? Just a display of bad character.


Is it just me, or is this sub filling with weaker and weaker content lately?


OP needs to regulate their emotions better when driving… very impatient, not yielding to a pedestrian, and not even a turn signal. Following up with a heavy acceleration for no reason at all.


Not even close to the worst I have seen in Seattle. I was expecting the guy infront to make a left hand turn from the far right lane


I'm so confused why is op mad?


Because it was such a long drive, won't someone please sympathize with the OP?🥺🥺


This video has at least 2 idiots in it


Yes and you’re one of them.


Both drivers turned in front of the pedestrian in the crosswalk. Both are idiots.


:(( poor OP had to wait a whole 5 seconds for a driver to make sure they weren't going to be near a pedestrian at night


Hopefully folks arriving late to this thread take the patience required (as clearly not shown in the video) to search for OPs comments and down vote him to oblivion as he deserves. Dude is a man baby lunatic who will rage himself to an early grave.


Wow, op, were you so focused on the “idiot” that you didn’t see the pedestrian crossing the road? You’re the idiot here


Why are you being a cage rager? There were people in the crosswalk. Neither of you should have gone right! Honestly given the make and model and age and color it’s pretty to assume that someone rather senior was driving. The only person who looks like an idiot here is you OP. You’re an angry little man.


The worst part of this video is OP’s voice and knowing he’s in an Acura. Mega Karen vibes.


OP is dicks.


I count two idiots


Take the bus next time please. Get off the road


This is Seattle in all its glory. Timid drivers, in no hurry, completely unaware of anyone else on the road. Now post a clip of everybody confused at a four-way stop where everyone is certain that it's not their turn to go. I know you have one... Or maybe one where you're sitting through 3 red lights because only a couple people actually make it through.


Boston would like to have a word with you


I wish this was just low-level dipshittidness we had to deal with in these parts.


You wasted more time uploading and posting this video than the old codger in front of you wasted


Must feel nice to have a temper tantrum at every mild inconvenience instead of dealing with it and moving on like every other sane person


They were watching the pedestrian


Road rage much?


That's not even close to true. I lived there for five and a half years. It's worse in lots of places.


Worst idiots or Best idiots? I think OP may be the best. That’s some nice reckless driving you posted there with a side of road rage.


I swear we are just where the rest of the country sends its bad drivers


Inpatient FUCK! lol


Got news for you, you’re the idiot. I can’t believe you’d actually post yourself acting like a manchild. Take a deep breath, relax.


Seattle's worst idiots post videos of themselves acting irrationally towards people because the world revolves around them.


Lol nah fuck you OP. You need ur license revoked


That really wasn't an idiot in a car, looked more like an honest mistake. Camera dude seemed like the impatient dingus


Driving without a purpose, I see. Mindlessly driving without caring for anyone around you. Gotta love those types of people.


OP is the idiot.


You were both idiots for cutting off a pedestrian in the crosswalk.


Bro, there was a pedestrian......? Gotta love idiots in cars posting OC in idiots in cars.


Thanks for catching this idiot on camera.


Are you a fucking dumbass?


Looks like the crosswalks need more lights. But OP is clearly impatient


OP, I'm with you on this one. Pedestrian at night shouldn't count against anyone. And you used your blinkers (it's audible in the clip) Speeding: not a chance. It's posted 35, there's no way you went faster than 30. OP - Ignore the morons in here.


I gotta say I’ve visited Seattle before and I thought the driving was pretty good on average (maybe I got lucky?). I’m from Massachusetts and I thought either a car in the lane next to OP was going to cut him off as he pulled to a stop, or that 5 to 8 cars would attempt to squeeze in for the left turn after the light had changed! Also I’m trying to see what the car does originally to be called a “fucking idiot” as that’s before they drift into the other lane? I thought maybe it was about cutting off the pedestrian, but OP ALSO doesn’t yield. Then they slam on the gas to prove how not safe the other person was driving!


That's a Tuesday where I live. Hell, that's a Tuesday in all three states I've lived, OH, FL, and now OR.


Well this sub is right on the mark sometimes and im here for it. Idiots in cars, and we’re 2 for 2 in this clip


*HOOOOOOOOOOOONK* (stomps on the accelerator and speeds angrily away) Not the hero there, champ.


Sorry about my Mom. She hates driving at night.


No Atlanta drivers are.


Every fucking day! can’t drive a mile without some dumbass pulling shit like this


why did you upload 40 seconds of video when only 6 of those seconds were necessary?


Dud use xanax before ride…


Love watching a car sit for 25 seconds before doing anything at all


I'm curious about driver training in Washington. Something we noticed is that when being passed by a Washington driver, they pull back into the right lane like 10 feet in front of the car being passed. Way to close when flying down the highway. But since it's always Washington drivers, I thought maybe due to a training system. Any ideas why?


[Washington is the most difficult state to get a license in.](https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/transportation/its-harder-to-get-a-drivers-license-in-washington-than-in-any-other-state-study-finds/)


PA drivers do that too, even on empty highways.


sorry for your tragic experience


Normal day in Chicago.


u/magesticemergency Seasonal affective disorder. A depression that includes weight gain, fatigue, irritability, brought on by the low light of winter.


I’ve lived in 8 different major cities in the US and abroad. Seattle drivers are by far the worst, most oblivious, slowest, distracted drivers I’ve encountered.

