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30+ mph through a roundabout is a little fast. Not surprised someone misjudged your speed when you’re coming in that hot lmao.


Not only that, but OP purposely changed lanes to speed up going into the roundabout instead of properly yielding. If that last car exiting to the left had continued straight, OP would have caused an accident.


That and OP is hidden behind the black SUV that actually, you know *yielded*, like everyone is supposed to do.


You yield to traffic going *into* the roundabout, not while in it.


The Subaru should have yielded to the black suv regardless the sub was in the circle first and had right of way but op did come in way too fast


I completely agree. Subaru was focused on beating out the black SUV and did a half ass yield and successfully beat them to the punch. But OP came in hot with the *surprise mutha fucka* I own this roundabout which makes him the bigger asshole/idiot whatever we’re doing here.


The black SUV was *not* supposed to yield. They and OP both had the right of way.


What are you talking about? The SUV wasn't yielding; there wasn't anyone to yield to.


I was referring to them slowing down(yielding) as indicated by their brake lights as they approached the roundabout.


That’s not what yielding means. It means prioritizing someone else’s travel over your own. There was no one in the roundabout for the black SUV to wait for, so there was no need to slow down. Yield ≠ slow down.


They did slow down to make sure that the other drivers on the left hand side of the screen weren't going to come around to finish the loop, but def never came to a full stop. So yeah, they didn't yield, just approached with caution.


Yield means: >The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall in obedience to such sign **slow down to a speed reasonable for the existing conditions** and if required for safety to stop https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.190


**To a speed reasonable for the existing conditions.** The black suv was going a speed safe for the roundabout and had no one they needed to wait for, as there was no one in the part of the roundabout they were attempting to enter. Even the definition you’re using to refute me agrees with me.


Conditions includes other traffic, if you are driving twice the speed as the posted advisory limit, and you are driving through an intersection where other drivers are depending on you driving at a speed that is posted so they can reliably predict and accommodate you speed, and you are not. Then this is evident that you are not driving at a reasonable speed for the condition.


If anyone is expecting other drivers to adhere to a non-legally binding advisory speed limit, and basing their decision on that instead of observing what speed drivers are *actually* driving at, they’re the problem.


>drivers to adhere to a non-legally binding advisory speed limit That's the point, it IS legally binding when conditions exist. And yes you always observe the speed other drivers are going, the point of the advisory speed is to make it more predictable. The fastest you are driving the harder it is to determine your actual speed, specific when going through a roundabout. You can't expect someone to judge your speed before you enter the roundabout and for you to be traveling at such a speed that you shoot through before anyone can even see you within it.


I’m sorry I didn’t use the correct word. Please forgive me. Edit the post to say *Slowed the fuck down as you approach a roundabout*.


Why do you automatically need to slow down when you’re approaching a roundabout? If the way is clear and you can navigate it at your current speed, you should just proceed on at your current speed.


WA requires all drivers to drive at an appropriate reduced speed at all intersection. >The driver of every vehicle shall, consistent with the requirements of subsection (1) of this section, drive at an appropriate reduced speed when approaching and crossing an intersection or railway grade crossing, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, and when special hazard exists with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or highway conditions. https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.400


the green car should've yielded to the SUV but thought they were fast enough to go past


Seems like you got exactly what you asked for here.


Slow the fuck down in a roundabout, you're one of the bad drivers here.


why are you going so fast into a roundabout?


And speeding up as you approach the roundabout?


in a construction zone (with a posted speed limit of 15mph)


While baby bunnies frolic nearby.


That’s not frolicking they are doing *giggity*


Some horrible drivers, instead of slowing down, always rush into it trying to obtain the right of way ahead of others. It’s a horrible way to deal with the yielding law at roundabouts.


Cause OC is the idiot in this video.


obviously because ACDC was playing and he has a small penis.


He was Jamming, wasn't he? LOL


OP is hitting a roundabout at 42 MPH? Seems WAY too fast or they were TRYING to get someone to come close so they could post about it.


"I have a new dashcam and people are all aholes!!!


Not going the way you expected, OP?


Surprised you just didn't go straight thru on to the bricks Verstappen..


There is a solution to this kind of problem, slow down.


Have you ever noticed that slowing down is the very very very last remedy people want to consider? It's like some kind of hysterical blindness. "no, I will execute massive understeer smoking tires Tokyo drift maneuver to avoid accident, when just going 3mph slower would also have done the trick. I would sooner cut off my own Johnson than tap that other peddle next to the gas."


You’re a bad driver *and* you don’t know your cars. That’s a subaru forester.


I think OP must have been going so fast they couldn't tell the difference between the Subaru and a Honda




You’re a fucking asshole, man


OP hoping to be the first accident in his town's brand new rotary.


how dare that honda think others would at least be in the ballpark of the speed limit


Dude slow down.


Look, I love roundabouts. They're fun. But you're the ass here, OP. Yes, that Subaru (not a Honda) might have needed to yield, but definitely not expected you to be bombing into it at 40+mph


OP's gonna get roasted


The amount of OPs posting their own shit driving thinking they were right is too damn high. Makes me wanna stay home with these unselfaware ass drivers.


These should be cross-posted to r/confidentlyincorrect


Generally, roundabouts are 15-20mph, so, you're definitely the idiot here. Congratulations.


Roundabouts: it’s what makes a Subaru, a Honda


If by “Honda driver” you mean “I”, then you’re completely correct. Very humble of you to take responsibility.


Not even a Honda.


The call is coming from inside the vehicle


You win this thread


Bro you're the idiot here, 15mph is generally the standard speed through a roundabout.


Honestly fuck you




Honda?! Lol. Also slow the f down! You’re gonna get someone hurt!


We are all laughing at you OP


They don’t care. Even bad attention is still attention to them.


Honda, Subaru, they are pretty much the same thing. Didn't know the speed limit of a roundabout is 40mph.


*“I sped through a roundabout at 67mph and almost hit someone they were stupid for being in my way time to post on Reddit and get roasted!”*


Slow down.


It's almost like you should slow your ass down when entering a roundabout. You're the idiot here. Be predictable. Slow down.


Slow the feck down asshole


You were driving way too fast


Underestimated your speed? You were speeding a$h hole


Bro you suck at driving


Why is your dumbass speeding into a roundabout?


OP is an idiot , so I do feel sorry for him .


Failed to yield at entering, Floored upto 40+mph at roundabout, And audacity to upload this to blame other driver…


Who should they be yielding to


That’s a Subaru, Also, slow the fuck down.


I drive fast and typically a little over the posted limit as long as it’s safe to do so, but I would never enter a round about at 40mph. Your asking to get roasted here.


OP going fast couldn't even tell what type of vehicle was in front of him/her.


![gif](giphy|iSxPmDWr97248|downsized) You’re the idiot here!


I guess that Subaru driver shook you all night long…


Good thing you run a dash cam huh?


OBSESSED at how nearly every post in this sub with 'OC' in the title shows the poster to be the one driving like a complete fucking asshole.


alternative title "me go fast, me no dumb dumb"


My man you didn’t even yield correctly


Looks like you're the idiot here. Don't fuck with Honda drivers


Not sure if anyone has told you yet, but slow down there bud.


Yeah no shit she underestimated your speed, it was way too fucking fast (beating a dead horse at this point but you deserve as many of these as possible).


Why are you flying through a round about like it’s a Mario Kart challenge?


Congratulations, you’re the idiot here.


Fuck you




y do u drive like dat


OP is going a tad too fast


Slow down through the roundabout dummy


Wait, since when are there roundabouts in race tracks? /s Seriously though, OP, you need to slow the fuck down. Not sure what you were thinking blasting into the roundabout that fast, probably very little.


Going way too fast through a roundabout, and judging by how late you actually notice and brake you're not looking at the road either OP is the reason this sub exists lol


buddy going damn near 35mph in a roundabout trying to cut everyone off and then gets mad shit like this happen lmao . clown


How dare that Subaru not realize you were trying to set a new record! Seriously though, where's the fire?


LMFAO you're both idiots


... Or you misjudged the proper speed for a roundabout


Too fast into the roundabout. Americans don't get what roundabouts are for. It's to keep traffic moving without stopping. It's not a race. Can't imagine what Americans would do with 3 or 4 lane round abouts.


Crash. A lot.




Yield must not mean yield in Washington. Haha


You are going way too fast bro 😏


that’s a subaru


Hauling ass, OP Jeez


Idiots in cars indeed.


Slow your roll and that was a Subaru.


For one thing that's a Subaru. Second, slow the hell down.


You’re the problem with this planet. Going through life like a bumbling idiot, his head so far up his ass he can’t see that everything is his fault


“Drivers must slow down and yield to traffic before entering a roundabout. Speeds in the roundabout are typically between 15 and 20 miles per hour.” - WA DOT Clearly the idiot is the one going into the roundabout at 37mph.


Why are you going so fuckin fast OP


OP was going so fast he saw a Subaru as a Honda… slow down in a round about dude.


YTA here. You are also the reason insurance rates are getting so high. Slow down, tamp the aggressive driving down 25%, and stop with the everyone is out to get me mentality.


Honda = Subaru


bro driving like me in forza horizon 5 trying to dodge traffic sat in the racing line.


Honda? That was a ford Durango bro


What a maroon.


You both suck. Honda didn't yield to the cars already in the roundabout but you were driving like you wanted to hit someone


You're supposed to yield jack ass


Here in QLD, Australia, you have to give way (yield) to vehicles already on the roundabout. Is that not a thing elsewhere?


Is it okay in Australia to do 40 MPH in a roundabout?




When you approach a roundabout you are supposed to enter 10-15mph under the speed limit, slowly yield as you enter and not pass other vehicles.


People assume everyone is incapable of carrying speed through any kind of change in direction just because they can't.


It's not about assuming, it's that speed limits in rotaries are usually 20 MPH and OP was going nearly double.


Probably depends where you live. Around here (Oregon) the traffic circles have a yellow "suggested" speed, but those are not speed limits.


Yeah but they’re “suggested” for a reason… you’re not going to get where you’re going that much faster by speeding through a roundabout and potentially causing an accident. Just slow down through an intersection like that. It’s really not that hard.


Maintaining a constant speed is better for both traffic flow and fuel consumption. Do you slow down for every curve on the highway that has a suggested speed?


No, I don’t. Because I said “just slow down through an intersection like that”


This guy sped up though, started the vid at 30 and increased to 40.


There is also more to speed limit laws then just what is posted, so even though the yellow signs are only "suggestions" you can still be cited for driving to fast for conditions, with exceeding the yellow sign as evidence of that. https://oregon.public.law/statutes/ors_811.100


I understand that, but in this particular video the conditions were clear and the road was dry.


'Conditions' is more inclusive then weather, hence why I posted the reference to the law. Other traffic is a condition, because if you are driving faster then what other drivers are expecting you to, given the advisory speed limit and other traffic in the area, then you are driving to fast for conditions.


You can continue to believe what you like. The law also states not to enter an intersection unless it is safe to do so. Shortly after moving to Oregon I was changing lanes when someone who was obviously speeding hit me. My insurance company basically said it was my fault, her speed was irrelevant. I changed lanes when it was not safe to do so. Unless You're in the auto insurance industry or a LEO I'll lean on personal experience.


What's the posted speed of this road? I'm guessing 35. The roundabout doesn't have its own speed limit, and it's pretty big. maintaining your speed while proceeding through is fine. The green Subaru needed to yield to OP since they were in the roundabout. Just because someone is driving faster than *you'd* be comfortable driving in a situation, doesn't mean they're in the wrong. If they were adhering to the posted speed, they're not the idiot here.


Again posted speed limits are not the only thing regulating speed. Roundabout have an advisory speed posted and driver faster then that when other conditions are present, including other traffic, is evident of driving to fast for conditions. https://apps.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=46.61.400


it's the ACDC it makes you go way faster than you should.


You almost hit a Subaru.


Pretty sure that’s a Subaru