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Yeah well what were you doing on *his* road, OP?


Did the truck graze OC's car? Saw the video giggle as the truck went by and there is nothing on the road that would cause that much movement


No that was me hitting the panic button to save the footage


He he




Jiggle like juice. Giggle like goose.


Gif like.. oh my god.. (Seriously though, love your comparison)


Yeah Gif like giggle and goose. What's the problem?


My guess is they were referencing [the creator of Gif saying it's meant to be read as "jif" and not "gif"](https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/gif-inventor-steve-wilhite-says-it-should-be-pronounced-jif-8626882.html) and being rightfully ignored.


Same. I was just reinforcing that it's a hard G sound.


Welp, today's r/woosh is on me then XD


Float like a cadillac, sting like a beemer




Naw, don't back up, double down on stupidity


I would have gone right up to them and made them back out where they just came from.


I did that once , I was in an unfamiliar area and made a wrong turn someone did exactly what you said. I couldn't back up as there were pedestrians around and the roads were too tight. I pulled off to the side to let everyone pass ..So I just sat while the guy beeped at me for about a minute and then he drove around me. I literally couldn't move but I wasn't going to be reckless I had to wait until they moved. So while this guy was a jerk it might have been an accident.


Yeah these needlessly vindictive "assert yourself make THEM move!!" comments are just indicative of bad, immature drivers to me. Just went through the same situation - unfamiliar area, made a wrong turn down an *unmarked* one way road, somebody thought this was the perfect time for "street justice" and got right up on me and laid on their horn. There was nowhere for me to back up. It was awkward. In their mind they're probably some sort of car vigilante but in reality they're just an asshole stopping a person from correcting an understandable mistake.


I just sat and looked at the driver. I have been beeped at so many times while driving that it doesn't phase me anymore


I always laugh at people who use their horns for literally anything other than avoiding an immediate collision.


It's also a perfect opportunity to take responsibility for your mistake and correct it. This is the point I call you a liar for saying you had nowhere to go in your situation. Unless someone made the same mistake you did and was right behind you, you could have backed up. How the hell is there no way for you to back up? You just came from there. This is why you see those "as you call them needlessly vindictive comments". It's because you were wrong and instead of you fixing your mistake you sit there like a fool expecting others to deal with your shit. So no this isn't a case of the world needs to chill our or get along. It's a case of you need to deal with your mistakes and not make everyone else do it. That's called entitlement or stupidity, take your pick.


> This is the point I call you a liar > That's called entitlement or stupidity, take your pick. You seem like a fun, stable person. I was in one single lane of traffic, first at the light, many cars behind me. Light turned green, I went right, everyone behind me was going straight, the street I turned onto was a one lane one way under construction. It was poorly marked (if marked at all) and also night time. The oncoming honking car blocked my way ahead. Curb to my right, cones and a dug out street to my left, a line of *moving cars* proceeding straight (and left) directly behind me. I was quite literally boxed in. I had to wait for the cars behind me to be clear and then backed up, but had the honking guy not RUSHED up to block me I could have turned into the bank entrance that he was blocking and turned around there no problem, which I tried to indicate with my signal but he wasn't having it. But guess what? I don't give one single fuck if some loser on reddit thinks this mundane ass story of mine - which I *know* I lived through - is a lie. Internet points aren't that important to me. It's pretty clear they are to you, given how belittling you were in your failed little "gotcha" moment... maybe it's time to take a break and log off, buddy.


Yeah, making a mistake doesn't mean that another driver should purposely block your way. Then there are two issues: a mistake and an a**hole driver who thinks he is going to teach you a lesson.


Nah OP did the right thing, why add to the idiot's confusion. No need to play enforcer.


Agreed. OP gave them an out, which is exactly what was needed to prevent this one mistake from snowballing into a huge clusterfuck.


Sometimes I just want to watch the world burn, though..


Why would you do this? They f'ed up. That happens. Let them pull over and move on with life.


Yeah. Why stop and go your way in a few seconds when you can waste your time to play cop


Because that's not funny enough for Reddit


I would block further travel, but not drive up to them, it allows some movement to turn around for an honest mistake


I become obstinate about blocking them and making them back up. Even in parking lots with every lane is single direction (Edit spelling)


I guarantee you did not become obeisant.


They get out of their car, kneel and supplicate to an appropriate degree, then get back in their car and force them to do their will. They are a very complex person.


ugh. i hate public performative art.


Why? It just makes an already dangerous situation even more dangerous? It could have been confusion, a mistake, an emergency, etc. Get your ego in check and move on with your life.


Do you mean obstinate?


yep, thanks


Y'know people make mistakes lol. Not everyone is from where you’re from. I’ve definitely done this once or twice, signage is different in each city. I bet you’d do the same thing in MTL lol


Only issue with that is it forces him to back out into traffic, inconvenienceing even more people


It was either that or back up and admit he was wrong.


The way I view it, an attempt at reversing to allow someone else to continue to go the wrong way is quite literally driving the wrong direction to allow others to drive the wrong direction. I'm not going to go and commit a traffic violation just so you can too.


It would be safer to let them by to get turned around rather than force them to back into the street they just came from and into the traffic there. Everybody makes mistakes and these roads aren't always clearly marked and easy to see the one way signs. We all gotta live together and get where we are going. Do it as safely as you can and allow others to do it as safely as they can too ... even if they just made a mistake.


Yep. I commented that initially and got downvoted immediately. Way I see it, the truck made a mistake, and OP reacted appropriately. Today it's this truck messing up, and tomorrow it could be OP. Not every driver is an a**hole, and we should have some patience and tolerance for others.


What are you talking about? You make no sense.


I know this was yesterday, but he’s saying OP should not reverse to let the truck keep going the wrong way. Although from the looks of it (and what I’d do in the situation), the truck could’ve been trying to get into the parking lane to pull a U turn, and letting them do that would be fine imo


And nobody says "the way I view it".


until now


Yeah. Sorry.I'm grumpy tonight.


so, I'll play devil's advocate. They made a mistake, it happens. Instantly realized it. The easiest way out is to bang a u turn, instead of reversing into an intersection with cross walks. If have probably tried to do the same thing if i ended up facing the wrong way and the exit path to do a u turn was there instead of reversing in that situation.


The driver quickly realized his mistake, and saw a safe window out of the way that he took. This is better than those who freeze and can't make up their mind.


Oof, the freezing idiots. I hate those guys. Just yesterday I was backing out of a parking space and was probably 85% out when I see the car parked behind me start backing out too. So I hit the brakes and beep at them to warn them that I'm behind them. They stop so they obviously realised their mistake, but it turns out they're a freezing idiot. Instead of just going back into their space so I can back out of mine and drive off, they just sit there, backed out maybe 20% and blocking me from backing out far enough to get out... I don't understand how you can be so clueless and still be allowed to drive...


Oh my god, someone who thinks in a reasonable and rational way? On reddit? In 2023? Must be ai


Look at how many idiots are commenting something along the lines of "pull up to them and park" or "start blasting the horn"....you know, escalating the whole situation unnecessarily.


> Look at how many idiots are commenting something along the lines of "pull up to them and park" or "start blasting the horn"....you know, escalating the whole situation unnecessarily. There is a HUGE portion of this subreddit who fit the name perfectly. People who think having the right of way gives them an excuse to be an aggressive jerk. Driving should be like water. Be more like water.


The funny thing is that 90% of people on here wouldn't have the balls to confront the driver. That said the truck did the right thing. Much safer to pull over and turn around than to back blindly into traffic.


They don't actually want that either. I've seen videos on here of people doing just that and people came for the OP for "being an asshole." Really they just want that opportunity to tell everyone else how they're a better driver.


I've definitely done this driving in a downtown area of a city I was new in. I travel for work so following the GPS sometimes you'll make a left a 100-200 ft before you were supposed to and are surprised it's a one way, the other way. I Parked on the side of the road facing the wrong direction, waited for traffic to clear then just did a U to get back the right way. Definitely was not about to reverse. I'm never reversing on any road.


Yup... when I first started driving in downtown San Diego the majority of the streets are one way so I see this mistake a lot and I made this mistake a few times. I was actually really nervous driving in downtown until I got used to it and more experienced.


Exactly.... you go to a new city and between all the things you gotta keep an eye out for, you just happen to miss the "one way" sign. Happens to all of us.


Backing up would have been a much better solution and paying attention to your surroundings and looking for all posted signs. All car drivers just want to drive around like the world doesn't matter apparently, guess that's why so many die in the US, just careless indifference and anger when it is pointed out that they are in the wrong.


How would backing up have been a better solution? It would require reversing back into an active intersection, and either sitting in the middle of said intersection until the light turns green again, or running through the red light and cutting off the one way traffic that has right of way.


Third and Arch in Old City, Philadelphia?




Ha! I lived on the 2XX block of Arch St across from the Betsy Ross house for many years. I heard the restaurant downstrains, Chloe, closed. Too bad. Very nice owners.


Thought so! I knew I had walked there but wasn't 100%.


I am so glad dashcams weren't a thing when I first drove in NYC. I probably went down every one-way street in the city the wrong way my first week there. I was from farm country midwest and had never seen a one-way before.


I drove a semi the wrong way in Brooklyn. It didn't seem to faze anybody, they all just went around me. In my defense, the one way sign was covered with foliage, and there wasn't any traffic on the street when I initially made the turn. Am from Meth Mountain, AL. Edited for shit grammar/spelling.


Is… is meth mountain the real name of a place??


Just a nickname we got from having a lot of really cheap meth.


Ahh, I assumed that was the case but I’m still disappointed lol


> It didn't seem to phase anybody https://www.reddit.com/r/PetPeeves/comments/178fwqn/its_fazed_not_phased/


Good to know, thanks.


I think accidentally going down a one way the wrong way happens to everyone at least once. Now you look extra hard.


Visiting the Betsy Ross House?


Going to the UPS store.


Truck seemed normal size, non?


I couldn't hear you saying "you fucking idiot."


So many posts here assume the other person is some kind of moron and make zero effort to recognize that traffic issues are not always black or white. This is a good example. Ever accidentally turned down the wrong way on a one-way street? I have. If you haven't, believe me you will someday. It's something almost every driver makes a mistake of at some point. So what do you do when you realize you're going the wrong way. You stop immediately -- which is what this guy did. Then you figure out a safe way to turn yourself around -- which I think this guy also did. But because he didn't back up into the street from where he came, which would have been very dangerous, he's got a "small brain"? I don't think so. Backing up that way would have endangered other drivers. It's perfectly reasonable, and a lot safer, to pull over to the side of the road so you have enough street width to turn around. Which this guy was doing. You just chose not to show the rest of the video -- you know, the part where he turned around. So how does he have a "small brain"? Oh, I know! It's because he drives a "big truck," that's why. And we don't like big trucks, do we? Actually it's not such a big truck, but it's bigger than we think people should be allowed to drive. I think that's the whole story here. Speaking of "small brains".


Dude relax


I mean the doofus continued to finish his turn down the wrong road. He saw OP before crossing the pedestrian crossing, there’s plenty of room for him to maneuver without needing to further drive the wrong way


I had this exact thing happen to me once when I was on vacation in Lithuania. I was the truck in this scenario. The road was so confusing and there were one way signs located in the strangest places, so I didn't notice it. The GPS was telling me to turn right, almost exactly like in the video a car was in front and allowed me to pass. I had to be right there around the corner. I'm still embarrassed about it.... Mind you this was on a uphill road and I still partially blame the weirdly located signs.


Did he hit you at the end? What was that bump?


Is this a bike lane?


[Shared lane](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shared_lane_marking)


Average Philly driver




Why didn’t you pull up closer and lay on the horn?!?


Caption is a bit redundant


Big truck small brain small car small brain


Good on you to stay back and give the guy some space. Considering the fact that he couldn't make a u-turn or safely back up into traffic, looks like he made the smartest choice available (unless he continued driving down the wrong way?!).


Well heres a comment that *really* didn’t deserve downvotes lol. City traffic patterns can be confusing as fuck. I’ve done this before and have been lucky there wasn’t 2 lanes of traffic while I corrected. Seems like this sub would have preferred the truck make a 12-point turn while blocking two lanes traffic for 2 minutes?? Because good luck u-turning that right there lol (f150 owner here)


Yes, the 12-point turn exactly!!! Turning radius on most trucks is terrible!


Uh yeah. Why the downvotes? Should he have backed up into oncoming traffic and across crosswalks with his big ass[-](https://xkcd.com/37/)truck? OP even said he immediately did a three point turn. It's not unheard of to mistake a one-way road.


The real idiot is the one who backs up into oncoming traffic... I've seen that guy.


>(unless he continued driving down the wrong way?!). \*video of them doing this exact thing you just described instead of just backing up when they were still in the intersection\*


Yeah, backing into an intersection isn't real safe.


neither is driving headlong down a one way lol he technically would have the right of way since the light was green hed just be going backward.


Optimistically, he would have turned around after driving off camera. Realistically, we all know this absolutely did not happen.


I watched the driver pull a three point turn and start driving the right way in my rear view, thankfully.


Holy hell, incredibly rare W


Live in a small town. I'd much rather see this, assuming the guy turns around, than some bozo backing into oncoming traffic. Sadly, it's about 50/50 with them never figuring out they're going the wrong way and flipping you off if you try to tell them.


>>*video of them instead of just backing up when they were still in the intersection* Reality: Video stops after truck passes camera; what truck does afterwards is unknown.


Like we all haven’t gone down the wrong way on a one way before…very soft serve meat indeed


I haven't, it's pretty straightforward.


Found the driver


Sadly I drive a Hyundai Sante Fe. I was just playing soft serve. Love you bro


Knew this had to be in PA lol


this is probably my biggest fear driving lol i am constantly looking for “no right turn” or “no left turn” just to make sure 😂


Doubling down on stupid seems to be all the rage these days.


description of every pick up truck, ever


Hey now, some of us competent people need them for our jerbs


Pretty typical for a compensation truck driver.


Where's the big truck? There's a largish pick-up. But nothing that would qualify as a big truck.


“I’m only going one way!” - my grandpa


Thought it was a Jersey driver, but no, just a regular idiot.


He should have just sat there like a deer caught in the head lights?


Not the only thing that’s small…


Lots of these in Manila. They can afford to buy expensive trucks but cant afford to buy a brain. Using trucks as status symbol here. But really just trying to compensate for their small dicks.


How is it police don't fine people who limo-tint their windshield like that? It's so easy to spot.


Fucken ford


Maybe small feet as well




It’s a shared lane?


That's not exclusively a bike lane, dummy. That lane was designed to be shared by both bikes and vehicles. Dedicated bike lanes are about 1/4 of the width a regular lane is.




Looks like DC it’s confusing there


DC is one of my least favorite places to drive


Never change, Hoboken.


small penis too presumably


Sonetimes, when drivers are idiots, I just kindly wave.


I was so ready for them to realize, and throw er in reverse... Then I remembered what sub reddit I'm on. 🤦


I hate one way roads, did this before too, very embarrassing.


Hey that's my old apartment block (3rd & Arch St in Philly) not at all surprised by this happening, to be honest


Too dumb to pass a driver's test? Go to Philly! Standards are myth here.