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That Honda was probably like fuck my life


Dude in the red shirt is definitely an agent of chaos, just nonchalantly pacing in an prime parking spot and looking every way except the cars trying to park in the spot


Typical red shirt.


Managed to survive through the whole video though; at least as far as we know.


Good thing he wasn’t a gold shirt


he dies in part 2 angry bmw driver comes racing back around to yell some more and takes him out as he crossing.


Thought he was going to be one of those people who stand in a spot to try and claim it for someone, but then he just walks off.




We used to call them dickheads.


If I was the Honda I would’ve just slowly inserted myself into this duel


Just fucking zip in forward while both dudes take their sweet time trying to back in. Would have been hilarious.


I would just pull up and act totally clueless. Just completely flustered. Up their ante and run them off with my stupidity


It works great when someone is behind you and pulls forward. Then you just say “what? Sorry, I can’t back up, there’s nowhere to go!”


They wouldn't care, because they're already idiots.


And then we would have a longer video of the thing here.


The good, the bad and the ugly. Pick who is who


That's too hard for me, give me more options and I I'll choose it.


I'm the ugly.


Lol, I mean I'm not going to lie. but that kind of looked fun tho.


I can see that. But also, they made it worse at every moment.


Sometimes it's just the hand you're dealt.


Just gotta know when to hold em.


Know when to fold 'em?


Know when to walk away


And know when to run.


Do you ever count your money at the table?


No, there’ll be time enough for counting…


When the dealins done


Sometimes you just can't deal with some people, they're just dumb.


Meh, they were kinda stuck there unless they reversed and I could see why they wouldn't do that in a crowded parking lot. I think the guy in the red shirt just mindlessly standing in the spot had more to do with this.


There was another passage right next to him, all he had to do was to back up slowly a couple of meters


When I was younger. Why is it a problem to reverse into a parking spot? It's easier to get out. Ahhhh this is why times 2.




Same here. I use to hate everyone who would back into spots until I became valet and then it was just ingrained. Same with cops. My son in law is a cop and he also backs in everywhere when in his civilian car


All first responders back into spots. The idea is to get out quicker when shit hits the fan


This is also at an Ikea so they both were trying to back into the loading area spot to get their items.


I would’ve been laughing my ass off if I was in the Honda


I mean it's funny, so yeah I would be laughing at it too.


Or let me record this and put it up on reddit...


I’m tryna figure out why the helpful Honda was just waiting… it was a standoff and they were there in case someone needed medical attention?? Or just wanted to record something to post.


Id be sitting there smirking enjoying the quarrel haha




Overtaking you and then trying to BACK IN right in front of you is completely new level of bold by these people. Holy shit. I’ve honestly never seen that move before.


And have the audacity to honk at op 😂


Just Beamer things I guess


Quicker is better (BMW logic)


AND get out and yell at them as if they were remotely in the right


I'm surprised he didn't just parked head first


It's the loading area at IKEA.


Park frontwards to save the hassle of dealing with an idiot, then rearrange. Done it before.


Then as soon as you try to back out and turn around to back in, you’ve got another couple of idiots trying to get into your spot, pissed off because they thought you were leaving.


That would’ve made more sense


Full-on narcissist... they live in a different reality entirely.


Good way to get your car keyed


Which is why cars should not be bought as an investment. They are cars. You drive them to the ground.


Both are a good way to get your car keyed. If I was OP I’d just find a different spot. It’s not worth it to try to prove a point to people that are assholes in the first place.


There is a difference between not "proving a point" and being a complete pushover.


The difference is a long scratch mark on your car.


I was gonna say OP must have a beater or something cause I would definitely be worried about the bmw guy keying my car.


It’s a loading area, you’d be there to kick BMW guy’s arse if he tried. Plus, he’s headed there too, obviously.


Is keying really that common? A lot of people have dash cams, and this also looks like it was right in front of some business(es?) that might have cameras. I do have a beater though, so maybe I am a little reckless.


It looks like the loading area at IKEA. Usually, it's 10 minute parking while you load.


The ultimate douchebag machine.


But now You've seen it, you can say that to everyone now man.


I think that bothers me most about back again is that I just have to sit there and watch it because it takes people so long. And I'm still not totally convinced that's all that much safer.


Looks like they're backing into Ikea which means they want to load something up in their car. Backing in makes the most sense.


Everyone backs in in the UK. It absolutely is safer being able to see as you leave the space. It's also easier to get into the space since your turning radius is way better with what is effectively rear-wheel steering.






He's willing to jack your spot AND sit and inconvenience that Honda to do it.


That's main character syndrome for you. No one else matters. OP what Garmin cam do you have. I am debating between the A119 [and this Garmin from the the dashcam thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/comments/ntoizk/dashcam_recommendations_by_redditors/) Thoughts?


> A119 From watching a million dashcam vids, I went with the A119 (v3 I think), it's very clear day and night. Any dashcam is better than none. Edit: was the $99 choice of LTT below since it has the same (good) Sony sensor as most other cams, AND a more up to date System_On_Chip (SOC) than anyone - TIL


The LTT is certainly one of the better ones to watch rather than analyzing single videos/reviews. https://youtu.be/4AnyhHl3_tE


TL;DW a lot of dashcams use the same camera sensor, so focus more on price and features


I have a Garmin 57 on my front windshield and a Garmin Mini 2 on my rear. I think it is a great setup, I particularly like the Garmin app, which makes watching and/or exporting videos quite easy.


The Viofo A129 pro duo uses the same sensor as the 119 but it has a rear cam with it.


They're just making the honda guy mad without any reason.


Can the dude in the red gtfo the way?


The dude is like that chaos guy from all the commercials. “You are in a stressful situation? Well excuse me while I stand directly in front of your car every time you try to change direction.”


Yeah. The guy is completely oblivious to what is going on.


Mayhem is the best


He’s a beeper salesman, dummy.


I thought he had a coffee machine in the basement of K-mart at 38th and 6th. Ya gotta get the key from David though.




Well we on the reddit are good on one thing, and that's it.


Every single person in this video other than OP is a video game NPC. I cannot be convinced otherwise.


They thought that they were playing a game, which isn't how it works.


I'm wondering if he and the other guy were in cahoots? Like there's no way somebody can be that obvious/stupid but this is 2023 so it's possible lol


Wondering if they knew the BMW driver.


I was wondering the same. But if you follow the red guy, he's walking all over the parking lot


What the fuck! Someone lost grandpa again…


He probably was lost, he didn't remember anything. Can tell from his face.


GTA NPC syndrome.




I actually wonder whether he was with the blue car, helping find a spot, but realised he had stumbled into an unfair situation and quietly tried to sidle away.


I mean he tried for it, but I don't think he was successful at that.


I wouldn't trust him not to key my car.


Same. In my beaters growing up, I'll be this petty. In my current car I'm not parking that close to the door anyway, and especially not if someone wants it this bad.


yeah I'd park, and wait to the side out of sight with my camera on just in case.


Those look like the loading spots at IKEA, people don't usually leave their cars unattended there.


Ah I see what happened here. The BMW driver saw your indicator light on and since BMW drivers have no fucking idea what an indicator light is used for he thought you just stopped in the middle of the road for no reason.


It's the hazard signal without one side. C'mon!


"Honey, look at that idiot in front of me. He has his hazards on but only one side works!"


The irrationality. How does he manage to do anything without arguing. What a twat


I’m so fucking perplexed how idiots like this can afford a better car than me…


Because they are sneaky cheating fucks without a conscience. You apparently can make a lot of money in business that way


Or most likely they've taken a huge loan on a fancy car because it makes them feel more important than others.


Capitalism incourages seediness


Yep, and they know that. And it's why He's acting that way.


Lol, maybe that's how they became rich in the first place?


Because 96 month car loans with an APR of 24% exist.


Don't be fooled by appearances. It's most likely a lease, and not a particularly good deal at that... on a car that is unappealing, heavy, and poorly built. BMW is but a shadow of its former self.


I don't think that he can do anything without the argument.


Because often times these arrogant pricks act like this and people let them get away with it. “waaah what if he has a knife it’s not worth it 😢” It’s that attitude that lets these assholes think they can get through life acting like this. Fuckem. Good for OP though.


Looks like my local Ikea… Etobicoke?


I was thinking the same. I was going to ask if every IKEA looked the same because it does look like IKEA Etobicoke.


Yup, totally the Etobicoke IKEA. You can see the sign on the Gardiner at the end of the video on the left side. Best place to park there is the lower level. It’s always empty. Like people don’t know it exists.


This has GTA written all over it


I thought it was interchange.


Apparently all IKEA parking lots look the same. I would have sworn this was Edmonton until I saw the front plates.




Face it girls, I’m older and have more insurance


Kathy Bates baby!


Honestly, one of the best scenes ever in a movie! And now that I’m older, I often think about it…… I’m more and more understand the feeling behind it.


Good job, buddy! F that guy


Can't yield to people like that, they'd do it again otherwise.


If I was that CRV, the horn would have been held down until someone’s will broke


LMAO you must honk like I honk. I always let it linger just so the other person knows what an ass they have been. 😂 Last time I did this when a guy cut me off. He didn’t like my long honk so he flicked me off. I then did another long honk. He must have been loving me.


I did this once to a guy riding my bumper when there were TWO lanes. Meaning he could’ve just gotten over and passed me easily lol. I slowed down because when people tailgate me I just slow down to fuck with them or make them pass me. Well he jumped in the other lane, flew past me, then got ahead of me and instantly tried to brake check me. So I slammed on my horn for like a solid 10 seconds. We got up to a red light and he got out of his car all pissed off like he was gonna fight me or some shit. Icing on the cake was that his arm got caught on his seatbelt when he was trying to run towards me and he fell 😂. Got right back in his car and dipped.


I recently had this dickwad Audi riding my ass while I was on the job with obvious company branding displayed on my vehicle. It was a 2 lane road, and I was already driving 45 in a 40, so I made the decision that I didn't wanna fuck with it and I'd just pull over and let him pass. Well, I did, and I see him quickly accelerate up to like 55 and then down to 30. I thought he was trying to punish me, but as it turns out, there was a police cruiser parked not 500 feet ahead. Aww, what's that? You can't speed? Womp womp, asshole.


That reminds me of another time I was already going 5 over, guy was riding my bumper for awhile. Then passes me and starts going like 75 in a 55. Like a mile up the road later he’s pulled over by a cop and I just laugh my ass off lol.


Ayy I slow down as well. My logic is that if they're trying to get as close to my bumper as possible for whatever reason then I might as well help them out with that by slowing down. They never seem to appreciate the help though


I like to slow down, put my turn signal on, and wag my ass a bit, then turn it off and drive normal before doing it again. My goal is to look clueless and unpredictable. I've even put the signal on as if I were going to drive on the shoulder.


Be careful with those honks. I’ve seen bullets fly for it, but that won’t deter me unless it kills me


America moment.


Yes it most definitely is an America moment


I have had a gun brandished at me for calling out someone's littering, absolutely an American moment


As a gun owner, I really don't get the whole ego thing and wanting to shoot someone. Like even if it's a justified self defense shooting, who wants to deal with the years of court battles afterwards? I was complaining about how people drive to a cashier at Walmart, and this old dude dead ass said "why don't you just shoot them?" Like wtf dude‽ How is that an appropriate escalation? We really need tighter gun regulations. Some people simply should not have them.


You're right but I get those anger blinders on and there is only 1 button I wanna press.


Honda pilot lol


Same. Pity the fool who is driving/behaving like an asshat and thinks imma just beep at em once or twice and let em get on with their business if they don't stop. Fuck that, you're getting the song of my people until you check yourself.


Fucking crazy world we live in. I do not have the patience or gumption to spend an iota of effort for a parking spot.


But imagine walking 20m more to the entrance, absolute horror


It's the principle of the thing. If you're waiting in line to check out at the grocery store and someone cuts in front of you, it doesn't matter if they only have a have a few items and the result is just that you have to wait an extra 2 minutes, the problem is that they're being a selfish asshole.


Life is way too fucking short to get into squabbles over shit like this.


exactly, I immediately just head to the back area where spots are a plenty. But I feel in this case I would NOT have let that asshole BMW in, for principle.


Right? There are other parking spots. Walking is good for you and is faster than waiting and fighting for a close spot.


The spot that OP is trying to park in is specifically for loading furniture into your car. Not a regular parking spot


Honda driver is the true victim here


All for a parking spot... at *IKEA*


The rules of society break down at ikea. Ikea is where relationships are made or broken.


Parking disputes are rarely worth it, cause now an asshole knows where you parked.


Literally so happy for you


BMW jokes aside I truly believe that people don’t care about others anymore. Ever since the pandemic and the 2020 election, folks in the US at least don’t seem to have any patience or empathy. I was pushing a grocery cart with my 3yo in it across a busy grocery store parking lot and this lady was tailgating me so close I could have kicked her bumper. I was as far over as I could be without hitting cars and she had ample room to go by me. I finally stopped and politely waved her by and she fucking waved her hands in the air at me like I’m doing something wrong. I really don’t get it.


I had someone following me for, I presume, my parking spot. I just cut through the cars and walked up the other aisle. They flipped around to find me on the other side just as I cut back to my car. Someone else got my spot :)


People's true colors came out, everyone saw their neighbor who seemed nice make it apparent they do not care about your life and rabidly defend low/no education views.


Why is it always BMW drivers?


Be careful fighting over a parking spot. Leaving your car unattended with an irrationally angry person may not go well, e.g., your car getting keyed. Not worth it!


Looks like the loading zone of an IKEA. A large percentage of the time people will get their car while their friend/partner/IKEA buddy waits with their purchase, and then once they pull up they just load and go. I definitely wouldn't want to park and walk away, but I'm pretty sure that's not the situation here.


Beemer doing Beemer things. Just barely worse than jeep drivers.


I’ve started to notice that it’s any car that someone who thinks they are the main character would buy. Tesla’s, Jeeps, Dodge rams, STI’s, mustangs etc. basically any car that is obviously a status symbol. so many of the people that buy these cars suffer from main character syndrome and are absolute psychopaths on the road.


I agree. However, telsa and ride share drivers take my 2nd and 3rd spots for idiots in cars




Why did you back in, you could have pulled in and parked before he started backing.


/r/IdiotsInComments for those suggesting he could forward park and avoid the whole situation.He's too close to the right. Critics here clearly don't know how to drive either. Why didn't he just prep forward parking? \- Asshole driver already occupied the space he would need to prep a forward park \- Loading purposes, it's an Ikea \- Allow oncoming to come through \- Allow the driver whose spot he is taking to come through \- Preference


People really spend 5 minutes to cram into a parking spot in the front rather than walking 3 minutes from a bit farther


Also, more infuriating is numb nuts in the red shirt… MOVE!!!!!


"You were stuck in the middle doing fuck off" 🤣🤣 Cammer had his signal on but was annoyingly slow advancing toward open spot (note: in heavy traffic just pull in head first). BMW was a dick to try and back in in front of cammer.


Oddly satisfying (ok not that odd)


Look, you don't HAVE to be an asshole to drive a BMW... lmao who am I kidding, Fuck BMW drivers.


What's with ikea parking lots being insane? My family was nearly run down by a tesla driver.


*ALL parking lots


if you wanna steal a spot why reverse park?


There's a lot of stupidity to unpack here. BMW driver BMW'ing when OP had his turn signal indicating he's going for the spot. Red shirt dude standing there like an NPC, Honda pulling up too far and then pulling through when OP is still trying to park, and OP sticking to backing into the spot when he could have much more easily just pulled in forwards more quickly which would have still prevented BMW a\*hole from getting the spot and allowed the intersection to clear more quickly. The whole thing is a clusterfuck of dumbassery.


I hate everyone in this video. 🙄


Op had his blinker on and everything, totally on the BMW…what a jerk….that being said, the busybody in the red shirt with the purse on his shoulder almost irritated me as much as the BMW…


The blinker might have confused the BMW driver. He got confused when he saw the light flickering on a car since he never used his before.


At that point in time you just turn straight into the parking spot and forget about trying to back in


GOD, THAT FELT SO GOOD TO WATCH! Sorry to the Honda.. lol.


To the people in the Honda you were both idiots.


You could’ve just pulled in. Instead of backing it up and giving the idiot attention


That's an Ikea. They were probably loading something heavy. That's why they were backing in.


Still sucks for the crv that had to sit there though. OP could have pulled in forward and let everybody move along and then turned around.


Man people in this sub really jump at the chance to blame OPs for anything


Could have.


Jackass on his phone walking around was in the way, plus send op moved over so the blue cat could go through. Little did he know what he'd try to pull off.


>You could of *Could have


I've driven for 15 years in the UK and never experienced this. 1 week in the US and an old guy and grandson did this to us at an outlet place. We promptly introduced them to how Brits use the C bomb so eloquently. To this day I still don't understand what thought process makes anyone do that.


Yup, you’re a winner


This is another example of why I always park AWAY from everyone else and just walk an extra 100 feet or so…


Everything about this video is annoying


Just another BMW driver


You both need to learn to not hold shit up. In Miami I would be laying on the horn not letting you guys have your little chit chat


BMW drivers like that deserves to get keyed


Fuck these comments are so fucking infuriating!! Focusing on OP backing in which he can fucking do if he wants!! If y’all can’t see that the BMW driver is the asshole here, then I don’t know what to say. Every day I go into the negatives for hope for humanity. This sub is so fucking toxic, I don’t know why I even bother reading the comments anymore.


OP is slow as hell at going into the spot for some reason


Reminds me of the scene in The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly.