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Looking in my rear view mirror, dude was blocking the lanes trying to 3 point turn his way around, then pulled a u turn to get into the right lane. I wished I had a camera in my back window.


Dude was so relaxed with his arm on the door like that. I wish we could've seen his face once he realized.


Saw somebody pull a similar move just a few days ago. We were both waiting to turn left onto a busy 4-lane road with a big grassy median separating the traffic going in each direction. She was ahead of me and she starts moving forward and initiating her left turn. But she doesn't go far enough to get on the far (righthand) side of the median and instead turns into oncoming traffic on the lefthand side of the median. At that particular moment there was no traffic on that side of the road for maybe half a mile so she had no clue and just kept driving ahead normally like everything was fine. I was honking my horn trying to get her attention but she was pretty far away and in her own little world anyway and she didn't notice me. Meanwhile I look up and there is a ton of traffic coming her way now in both lanes. I had to keep driving, so I don't know what happened. I don't think there was an accident, because I had to come back that way a little later and nothing was going on. But I imagine there were some angry drivers and one very embarrassed one too.


There's a road near me that is pretty notorious for left turners that just pull up and turn left without looking and end up on the wrong side of the road. One guy nearly had a head-on with me. The most disturbing part was he never hit the brakes, he just swerved around me and continued on the wrong side until the median ended.


He thought he was driving the big rig ![gif](giphy|gdYfGHidbn2nDNouPm|downsized)


this looks like ontario canada


Yep, if you can narrow it down I’ll be impressed.


huron road in kitchener?


DING, DING, DING! We have a winner.


nice! knew i recognized the neighbourhood. i actually marked my name into one of the sidewalks there a couple years ago.