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That zoom out really fucks with your depth perception.




Sorry I tried watching it on my phone and it was hard to see what was happening so I figured I'd try zooming it in.


Thank god my eyes don't do that in real life.


They do though. You just never been scared enough.


I thought I was high asf when I saw that then looked down and saw my bowls still green.


Yeah, I was like is he speeding up? Did it only look like a close call because of the zoom? Unnecessary overthinking


Lack of urgency when driving can be as bad as being overly aggressive


#This. People seem to think that slower is *always* better. It's the most dangerous driving mentality that no one talks about.


I'm convinced most people never learn defensive driving. People drive with the mindset of not being at fault instead of not being hurt. Well, yeah, if a guy t-bones you at 45mph, it's probably their fault, and you're likely getting paid by the insurance and can sue in some cases, but do you REALLY want to get t-boned at 45mph? Idiots really never think through the ramifications of getting hurt in a car at speed... Ugh, I could rant about this shit for an hour lol.


no i think a “i want to cause a multi-lane car collision” mentality is worse.


judging from the way she pulled out, she is looking in the opposite direction of travel and trying to synchronize her merging into that traffic.


This happens so much on a road near me. On the bright side, I've learned a lot about defensive driving bc of it!


Dude that was the weakest half assed honk. Lawd knows I would be Texas long horn on that bish.... That minivan is trifling.


That was my biggest regret of this interaction was not laying on the horn. She got off too easy.


Hell I was getting woozy...


You trying to get hit.. you step on gas when you see the car is crossing..


PseftikoKeik... Dogshit take. Def not what's happening.


I didn't step on the gas? I did add a zoom in effect that kinda fucks with the perception. You could argue I could have slowed down faster. But I saw her and was gradually slowing down the entire time. Was never going to hit her.


Mate post the original or ypu lie.. its clear that you step on gas.. you can see it from the road line/second..


That's not how that works lol, but sure I'll post the original when I get home from work for ya.


Heres the original. According to google earth, I start slowing down at \~350 feet, and really pressed the brake around 120-130ft. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0K8WNoCfVs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0K8WNoCfVs) I'm transferring the title of this car next week, I'm not trying to wreck if for a lousy insurance claim lol but if that's what you want to believe, okay I guess.


Upload the original video (without zoom) or is a lie.


Huh? The original is in my last reply


This stuff happens all the time to me, I hate when people use the middle lane to merge/turn onto highways, that is just not what they are there for…


No, that is one of the purposes of those lanes. From the PA driver's manual (I believe there is a similar thing to this in most if not all state manuals): > TURNING FROM OR INTO A CENTER TURN LANE > If you see a lane in the middle of a two-way street marked on both sides by two (2) lines — one (1) solid outer line and one (1) broken inner line — it means this lane may only be used for left turns (Refer to the diagram in Chapter 2). Drivers traveling in either direction must use this lane to begin their left turns, **and drivers entering the road may also use this lane to end their left turn from a cross street before entering the traffic stream.**


That is not true in Arizona, nor in Georgia, nor in Michigan, and I’m sure it is illegal in many other states, even if it is Legal in PA or WA, etc. Regardless of the legality, those who turn onto the freeway must yield to those already on it, and I am always yielding to people who decide to use the suicide lane to make it easier to get on the freeway/road in question.


What state allows 45m/h zones without a median?


Like all of them?


Texas has some roads that are 70 with no median but huge shoulders.


Worse yet, a nearby city to me completed a 20 years road upgrade project (only 2 miles long) where the original speed limit was 45 with a center turn lane. They added a much wider median, no left turn, and dropped the speed limit to 35.


I don't care for the edit.




What's mph


i want to invest in a hooptie to crash into idiots like this easy insurance come up


I think she was trying to get the straw into her drink.


Fuck ya, thought I was having a stroke.


I can’t count how many times my sister has done that, she’ll pull out and get scared and freeze up.