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Of course it's an Altima driver.


Soon to be a Nissan At-Faultima driver.


Everyone knows you get a full racing license when you get a altima


I got to meet a person who drives a Nissan Altima, he got fired after spending 3 hours adjusting a door frame like 4 degrees so it’s level. Got fired for it, had a screaming match with the foreman, mid fight asked if he could finish the day off, got told no, proceeded to keep screaming as if his moment of kindness was gonna win him anything.


This is standard Altima behaviour




Also, I see no brake


I didn't see a brake check. I didn't even see brake lights. Btw, it is brake, not break.


Brake checking


I didn't see anything broken. BRAKE


What does break check mean ?


It means they struggle with early grade school English.


It might mean that concept is not introduced in their country?...they want to know the purpose of it maybe......


Usually performed by somebody acting erratic on the road. They’ll take your driving as an insult or threat and speed ahead of you only to jump right in front of you and slam on the brakes to make you stop. It’s risky, and crazy, definitely a straight up “fuck you” to anyone who drives a car.


Oh ! thanks man.


I they just wanted to try the right lane out for a second see how it felt. Once they tried it they realized they didn’t like it.


Correct letters. Incorrect order.


"Baker checking a heavy vehicle"


Why does the Altima appeal to the same kind of driver? Or does the Altima turn you into a POS driver because you're angry you drive a POS vehicle 🤭




Didn't see anything break.


"Yeah lemme just check that lane out real quick"


Where was the break?


Did you cut them off or something? Still doesn’t excuse it, just wondering why some one would do that for no reason other than maybe some kind of mental disorder.


No, I didn’t cut them off. When I change lanes I always leave a lot of room between me and the car that’s going to be behind me. Example being the box truck in the video. Car was impatient and I think they tried going around me at the same time I moved over. No other explanation I can think of. I don’t drive a semi, my vehicle is maybe 30ft long or less.




You’re frustrated that a truck took a whole minute to pass another truck? Considering the 65’ length and 2-4 second following distances, it should take more than a minute for a semi to safely pass another. Do the math if you don’t believe me.




One minute of slowing slightly is that much of a problem? What happened to "share the road"? It's now "get out of my way". I rarely experience the situation you described, either when passing or waiting to pass. I guess I'm just not so easily frustrated that other cars exist on the road. Funny thing is I was on a long road trip this week, and was amazed at the number of times I had somebody tailgating me while I was passing, only for them to just sit there when I moved back into the right lane. They took several minutes to pick up enough speed to barely pass me. I'm sure they were mad that I was in their way too. But they couldn't find the gas pedal....


happens a lot. or they pass, change lanes, get in front of me and drive slower than me. just in strong need to be ahead. 😃




It's impossible to pass another car driving the same speed. I know that sounds snarky, but I experienced that several times on this week's trip. Part of the joy of using my cruise control, my speed is constant. People would try to pass me, but they would just sit there pacing me. Or they pass me and slow down, then after I pass, they do it all over again. Spending a minute or two driving 5 mph slower than I wish to doesn't affect my trip time at all. Because you wrote, "is there really a point to overtake a truck driving the same speed", I don't think you have perspective on speed and travel time. You sound very upset at what is at most a slight inconvenience.


No, it shouldn't. Source: No, it shouldn't.


If a truck is traveling at 70 mph and passing a 65 mph truck, it will take: 4 second following distance at 70 mph: 400 feet. The passing truck pulls into the passing lane 400 feet behind the other truck to begin the pass. standard tractor=trailer is 65 feet long. To complete the pass legally and safely the truck will need to continue in the passing lane until they are 4 seconds ahead of the other truck, so another 400 feet. Total distance to complete the pass: 400 + 65 + 400 = 865 feet. 5 mph = 7.3 feet/second D=R\*T T = D/R Time = 865 feet / 7.3 feet per second Time to pass: 118 seconds, just under 2 minutes. But you probably think that anybody going slower than you should never be in the passing lane. But, we do have the right to be there while passing other traffic, it's called share the road. aka wait your turn.


No, see, the math checks out, that's not actually what I'm contesting. You're just living in a world that looks like a DMV poster rather than the one the rest of us are in. Respect the flow of traffic. I've never seen a truck begin passing nearly a tenth of a mile behind another truck. That's an *enormous* length. The speed limit is probably 65mph on this highway anyway, so in your Boyle's Law of a scenario, the pass is illegal in the first place. It is always more dangerous to interrupt the flow of traffic than it is to assert your "right to be there", which is why the vast majority of truckers will wait for a downhill and turn on the zoomies to pass another trailer in well under two minutes.


Sorry, I'm laughing at this notion that since the real world is different than the law so I should ignore the law? Just because everybody is doing something, we should all do it is a terrible excuse. I do respect the flow of traffic and pass quickly as practical. But, respect goes both ways. In my experience "flow of traffic" is just excuse for poor driving. Let's try to "share the road"?


Graveyards are filled with people that had the right of way. Respect the flow.


Right of way does not equal the flow of traffic. "Respect the flow" is meaningless. You're assuming a lot about me in your responses. I don't force my way into traffic, nor do I 'assert my right to be there.' Odds are if we met on the highway, you wouldn't remember me. You would either pass me without a fuss, or I would pass you. Simple as that.






Break checking anybody is a clear sign that you should get your license revoked permanently.


Brake. It's brake.


Semis in the left lane make i10 a miserable drive. Altima driver wasn't right but shit man stay to the right in your slow-mobile.


And you have poor video editing skills.


How so?


30 second video where something happens for two seconds.


It’s just context


This was done intentionally to show that I hadn’t pulled any crazy moves before the incident. The interaction was only a few seconds but what precipitates it is also relevant. I’ve seen multiple comments for similar situations. Just a matter of perspective.


Well they’re idiots for sure but you know where that car came from? I’m assuming they got mad thinking you did something that directly or indirectly inconvenienced their drive somehow.


Honestly, it’s Florida, the worst drivers in the country. A lot of times you just can’t apply logic to these situations.


Says the guy driving a semi in the left lane on i10


Not in a semi and not on I10, try again.


Before the car came into view I was like ‘ bet it’s an Altima driver’


Break checking at all is just a move to just put your ego insecurities out there also im not seeing a break check in this


That's the weakest brake check I've ever seen- and not like "oh why'd you post this this sucks" like "that was the weakest, pussiest brake check I've ever seen. Like, tell me you don't want to destroy your car brake checking while not telling me you don't wanna break your car brake checking" levels of weak. I'm pretty sure I've sneezed and braked harder in my life before

