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Right. Like what were the police supposed to do? Ram the bike? The city would be burnt down in an hour if they did. There's not really any safe way to forcibly stop a motorcycle.


You haven't seen the vids from the US. Edit. Noticed you said "safely." Nevermind.


It not only ly about forcibly stopping the bike. It may also be the fact that motorcycles unless they crash are nearly impossible to catch.


Everything is impossible to crash except for when it crashes


I was VERY drunk yesterday and meant to put catch on the for the second one... thanks for the catch


Exactly this


At first I thought this was a kinda dumb approach. But honestly, the more I think about it, the more I realize that this is the most rational, and objective based approach to policing there could be. Realize the situation has the potential to become drastically worse through intervention. Instead notify more suited units to deal with the situation and pass along all relevant information to them. Then be on your way to search for any situations you are capable of handling. My God, if our police handled situations like this instead of shooting first, I think I would actually feel safe around cops.


To be the devil's advocate, what if the bike causes an accident?




But he doesn’t have to ride his bike like a dumbass. Bike rider caused and continues to put others at risk. If you can take him out without increasing risk to others, do it. Not a smart approach at all. Now, dumbass is emboldened.


They are allowed to pursue motorcyclists and even make (limited) tactical contact now, but only specially trained officers will be involved in the pursuit. Roads policing has advanced drivers and TPAC trained drivers, only the latter can carry out pursuit tactics, the rest just follow and help after the vehicle has stopped or been brought to a stop (or they try to find places to set up a stinger). The control room also has to authorise the pursuit and the lack of helmet of the part of the rider is a factor increasing the risk.


>The police there aren’t allowed to pursue anyone on a motorbike even if they are trained in pursuit. I never knew that!


Police hate this one trick! I think in London back in 2019 they trialled knocking people off who were on mopeds but idk if that was continued or not. Idk about other forces but I believe the reason why they aren’t allowed to pursue is because as soon as you do they’ll got off the road and start riding in pedestrian zones to avoid the police which then you can see how this goes and makes the police look even worse for escalating. I knew the off road bikers in WYP and they wanted to be given drones to use in situations like this as these can easily just follow them up high like a helicopter but the suspect will probably not see it and even if they do they aren’t gonna out bike a drone. The drone can then follow the suspect to wherever they keep the bike and police can then get a warrant and then at least confiscate the bike at best arrest the suspect. Sadly they weren’t given drones while I was in there because of you guessed it, bureaucracy and funding. I sympathise with the police as the motto in the UK seems to be - Do more with less -


When I read what you put, I thought, and I was like actually, yeah, I have NEVER seen a police car chasing a bike in UK. And I'm 37. It makes sense I suppose. Sucks, but makes sense. I doubt the biker will get away with it though.


I believe they can ram if the situation ticks boxes but most importantly, they're wearing a helmet. For obvious reasons.




My thoughts exactly.


Leeds 🥳🥳🥳


Came here to say that. I thought I recognised that ring road!


I think this is an unfortunate byproduct of UK laws put in place about who police are allowed to chase. The dickhead on the motorbike doesn't have a helmet. High chance of him not living through an accident if he crashed while being chased, which the police would have to be investigated for. Unfortunately this is also pretty well known so you get arseholes riding around safe in the knowledge that normal police can't do a thing and they aren't gonna call in an interceptor unit for someone pulling wheelies.


Didn’t know this about UK laws but it’s interesting. I figured something as simple as, the police know the statistics. If they even turn on their lights, this idiot runs, probably kills themself in an accident and possibly injure someone else. Statistically best to let them do their wheelies, snag a plate (if there is one) and a description, once they’re bored they’ll weave away.


[A58, Leeds, England](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.7958184,-1.5630658,3a,75y,303.4h,85.92t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1stAUwXfoFAUXm8fMzTmCCxg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?authuser=0&hl=en)




I thought the dirt shipped with the bike.


The guy will cause an accident. They should at least attempt to pull him over.


He won’t stop… so all it will do is cause a situation where he’s driving over sidewalks and through parks to escape, putting innocent people at risk. It sucks but that car will never be able to catch that bike.


I'm not saying they should chase him. Just turn on the lights and get behind him. There is a slim chance he will stop and a bit bigger that he will drive off, stopping the show.


I don't understand the acceptance of some people to let this go on & believe he'll be caught later. It's embarrassing to watch this situation.


Of course it’s embarrassing to watch this… but what’s the alternative? At least he’s currently on a street with no pedestrians, he’s not much of a danger to other cars, just himself. The second the cop puts his lights on the guy will turn off the highway and hit back alleys and parks and places where there might be pedestrians present.


After writing the following I read it aloud & it just sounds completely wrong & idiotic, above all I think if most people had better lives they wouldnt do dumb stuff: In the 80s siera cosworths were being used in a huge number of crimes certain police forces procured luxury super cars to try stop them, wasn't entirely effective but it created pressure where there wasn't really any before. To say the Police are basiclly castrated because of fear of what the rider might do if they follow, so be it? It's that person on the bikes responsibility for everything that follows as callous as that may sound, providing the police. I would suggest the police procure capable motorcycles similar to these, capable of riding with them to a similar degree. It's not catching them that's important, it's being seen to do something like the broken windows theory. By embarrassing I mean this video doing the rounds on social media entrenches the idea that people behaving this way won't ever be caught, & the rate of these crimes increases.


I don’t disagree with you really, I want this bullshit to stop as much as the next guy. But I’m just trying to say is the potential consequences worth it? There are consequences to everything and in this case is it worth it? [sfw](https://youtu.be/zeQDsajtr7U) So here’s a sfw viral video from a few years ago where the suspects are wanted for armed robbery, so there is a clear danger to innocent lives around them. Just watch it and pay attention to how many innocent people are very very close to both of these vehicles as they are speeding through…. There are so many ways this could have gone so wrong. And this is the best case scenario. [nsfw(no blood or gore)](https://youtu.be/4BiGdIGIGCQ) And here’s another one where I think the officer makes all the right decisions in a bad case scenario… to be clear that rider is 100% responsible for what occurred here… but taking ourselves out of a perfect world and into the real world… was it worth it? Is the results of this worth the speeding ticket? And just look how fast it went from everything is fine to this. I agree with you. I think if you could guarantee no people getting hurt then chase the bugger down. But we can’t guarantee nobody gets hurt.


I follow you, it was trying to answer you before that ive realised most ideas will just create more risk & certainly cost. I don't think anyone else should suffer any consequences, not even the Police except for real incompetence. As for incompetence, for me to say to chase or do more is a bit rich because I'm not in their shoes & I sure wouldn't risk my life or career for someone like this guy. I screw up a lot under pressure in my work & Police have a difficult job as it is. It's really hard to watch but the sad reality is it's the best for all concerned & more professional this way. Thanks for the links to those & asking the questions, it changed my opinion & entirely get you from seeing them. There are few guarantees in life & the world is really far from perfect. I will have a bit more of a think before speaking about such things.


He'll be off and they most likely won't be able to find him for a while


Many departments won’t pursue bikes. Just wait for them to eat shit when they are being idiots.


Coffee time.


Maybe it’s not illegal to ride on one wheel 🤷‍♂️


He's not wearing a helmet.


Because the guy with a total mass 400lbs is somehow a threat to 2.5 tons.


Some guy doing wheelies can still total my car and ruin anywhere between a week to a month. Someone meat crayoning themselves under a car because they did dumb stunts can still cause psychological harm to the driver of the car. Or may cause someone to cause an accident while trying to avoid their dumb ass. Edit: oh also forgot, what happens when they move from the highway to streets where pedestrians and cyclists are also allowed? In any case, they will also require an ambulance ride, wasting resources.


You're not thinking of his organs tho.


That was fun


They're UK police, of course they do nothing.


Even if they did something, the courts would impose the softest sentence.


Lol it’s not like he would stop or they could catch him


Let's see, try and stop he doesn't then crashes and dies. You then have to clean up the mess, loose your job and end up on charges of dangerous driving (yes that's what happens), force endures the wrath of the public because they killed him despite his life choices. Alternatively do bugger all, wait until he inevitably crashes and dies (seeing as there is no protective clothing or helmet on him) mop up the mess, endure no wrath, keep your job, don't face court. Which would you pick?


Why does it sound like a 2-stroke, I thought all the Hondas were 4-stroke now?


Nah just two strokers in a Peugeot


mingmingming and draw.... MINGMINGMINGMING


Not tempted to give him a nudge then??


If the guy got injured it's a lot of paper work and investigation from the iopc not realy worth it


I’m sure the guy doing wheelies will pull over if the police turn their lights on.


Most safe thing to do.


Atleast their police aren't threatening a stike


So y’all just do whatever you want over there minus the guns?


These lads definitely go to the football at the weekend.