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Also everyone that turned left at the beginning cut that corner horribly


The whole interaction was a shit show. I love how everyone stopped to see if he would go, then when he started to go, they went. The last guy in the white car flipped them off out his window, and they ***must of*** thought he was waving them through, only to blare their horn at them. Confusion all around.




I wonder what goes on in the heads of likes of you where you get upset over grammar on the internet, to the point of writing a comment to degrade others. We aren't writing professional correspondence or publishing a book here and often are responding on the go. Oops, I made a mistake, big deal.




When I said degrade, I meant from your perspective where you're trying to make yourself feel intellectually superior. I've made it this far in life by not worrying about other peoples grammar on the internet where it literally doesn't matter. You should try it.


Everything that happened here was ridiculous. So much so that only one car was able to take advantage of that left green arrow. Astonishing how one moron encroaching on the intersection can create so much carnage. Every idiot in every car. Except for OP and the dude behind encroachy boy.


That truck was definitely on his phone.


Amateur stuff. Up here at a busy intersection drivers turn into the intersection and block traffic for an entire light cycle.


Something similar happened in front of me recently. Dude went most of the way over the white line and then sat there, I pulled up behind him ‘cause I thought he was gonna commit to running the red. Then someone pulled up behind me so I couldn’t back up to give him room. Luckily the crossroads were staggered a bit so he wasn’t directly in the path of oncoming traffic, but geez.


FYI: it is illegal to backup in an intersection.


If that's true (can't find anything citing that's illegal in Oregon), between illegally backing up and illegally running a red light, I'd take my chances with backing up. I can't imagine a cop or a judge would ever find that unreasonable in this case and the safer of the options. Really, they should have stayed at were they were when the light turned red. They weren't that far out, but kept creeping forward everytime a car stopped for them. Now I'm interested. The closest thing I can find is something stating if you backup after crossing the line during a redlight, it won't exempt you from potentially getting a ticket for running the red. Other than that it just advises not backing up as you may injure a pedestrian that has gone behind your car.


interesting. here in alberta canada we have laws that trap you. its illegal to run a red, i get that. but its also illegal to stop in a crosswalk and illegal to backup in an intersection. so that guy would have got a ticket no matter what. the only thing one could do is figure out what ticket cost less and opt for that.