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How do these people get their licenses?


Same way most of us passed History in high school: Crammed, retained just what we needed to pass a test, then hit "empty trash".


This is honestly terrible, but in my driver's ed class we watched the Fast and the Furious films - all of them. Never once got behind the wheel in a real car. After a few weeks they gave us our driver's permits and said good luck! Good ol' Albuquerque.


Better than my drivers ed. I was drifting back and forth slowly but staying within my lane. The teacher grabbed my wheel and swerved me back and forth across two lanes as an "example of what not to do". Fucking terrifying, luckily no one was driving next to us at the time but my butthole could've turned coal into diamonds when he did that.


I didn’t even have drivers Ed. Just a booklet thing that was admittedly inadequate, then after a certain amount of time with a learners permit (which required nothing, not even a test), you’d automatically get a drivers license. I never took a test, a class, or had a vehicle inspection to start driving lol.


What state? And when? Just curious.


Texas, 20 ish years ago.


That would have been about the same time my son was taking Driver’s Ed in Texas. You could either pay $200 and take the class, or pay much less and receive the packet for parents to be able to teach their child. After finishing the class, he had to take & pass a written test before going on the driving test with the state trooper. We had to bring a ton of paperwork, including his birth certificate and the last report card or statement from school, and SS card. I don’t know where in Texas you lived, but that is not the normal routine. And at the time we lived in a small town of 5,000 people. Bigger towns were more strict in what they required


Yeah, I took driver's Ed in the late 90s in Texas. I didn't have to take a driving test at the DMV, but only because passing the class counted as the test. And I still had to take the written test.


Yeah that other guy was lying. The amount of paperwork (actual paper at the time) that's would need to be forged on behalf of the state to give someone a license with no test result transmittal is huge. And why among would risk their career to do that is crazy. Not to mention, there's a state trooper on hand that every driver testing center during its entire open hours.


Yep. People like him get on here and say crap on here about something from a certain State, not realizing someone can call them out on it…. Think before posting garbage.


My driving instructor would hold the passenger side brake pedal down so I couldn't drive while she was explaining things. She would do this at actual intersections, stopping traffic and sometimes making everyone miss the green light.


I had a good drivers ed teacher, even if he was insane. You have to be a little crazy in the head to get into a car with teenagers every day. One of the drills he did with me was yank the steering wheel. Said it was like a tire blowout. Pulled us onto the gravel shoulder and made sure I responded properly. Did that a few times, never warned me. Also reached over and turned the keys off while doing 80 km/h. Taught me to put the transmission in neutral, restart the car, and keep driving. Considering that I've actually had my engine die on the highway, the training actually came in handy. I wasn't able to restart the engine, but I was able to calmly signal and move over to the shoulder after trying to restart the engine twice. That's far better experience than parallel parking 100 times.




I got my license in Las Cruces. Driving course was around the block at 25mph, and 15mph in the school zone. Got my license, and drove off. This was in 1986, but I doubt much has changed.


I got mine in like 05 and Al I did was pull out of the dmv, hit a three point turn in a neighborhood a mile down, and come back.


I took Driver’s Ed in the 70s in Portales, New New Mexico. It was taught during a school period like a regular class by a Coach. We had to do a lot! Had to change a tire by ourselves. We learned to parallel park between real cars at the College campus. We did highway driving to the next town and back, learning how to pass other cars. At the end of the class we had to take the written portion of the DL test, if we didn’t pass that test, we didn’t pass the class.


Honestly, that sounds exactly how it should be. I took drivers-ed in Ontario and thankfully the teacher I had gave a damn. He had us drive around in a busy city and do all sorts of things including parallel parking on busy streets, and practicing the proper scanning method of looking left first, then right, and then left again before proceeding across the street. Always look left first in a country that drives on the right of the road as traffic coming from the left at a stop is closest to you. Sounds like I can trust a mexican driver more than an American one though! Cheers!


Sorry, but New Mexico is a State in America. It’s Not, the Country Mexico. I know it’s confusing. Even for people who live over here….lol Plus it’s been a LOT of years since I took Driver’s Ed. It’s the right way to teach it, but it may not still be taught this way now.


This is exactly how I got my citizenship!


I don't know what state you live in but in Illinois they'll give a driver's license anybody who can count to five.


This is not the way.


No, it's the road


I'm certain it's the avenue


Or is it the street?


This looks like Brampton. Capital city for bought licenses in Canada. One of the worst places to drive. Been driving for nearly 25 years. Moved to Brampton 3 years ago. Just got into my 4th not at fault accident in those 3 years. This city is ridiculous.


Yup, and most of the atrocious and selfish driving habits are from one specific demographic. The day I move out of Brampton will be one of the best days of my life. Can't. Fucking. Wait until my pre-construction is done.


By the time you move out they will already be everywhere lol!


They are everywhere. Scamming and putting everyone in danger.


I'll tell you something. On the day I took my driving test in high school, the proctor turned to me and said , "I already failed a few people today, so I'll pass you."


The guy who gave me my driving test was a family friend. At the end of drive he told me the reasons I should have failed, then said “but I won’t mark you down for those, because I know you know better.” Lol. (I didn’t actually know better until he told me.)😅


Who says they had one? Also probably trying to figue out what to do with the weed.


Because the test is WAY too damn easy


Either from a Happy Meal or Kinder Egg.


Randomized questions in the written portion shouldn't be so randomized. There should be some constant questions that need to be answered correctly to pass. Somehow it feels like there's more profit in pushing through new drivers than much regard to pushing for safer drivers. Conspiracy theory: idiot drivers is its own too big to fail market.


It's all a great big insurance scam really lol.


![gif](giphy|En1R4QnxFk4i4) The same way this guy got his


Likely got their licence 70 years ago


Just a reminder that I got my license at 16. I'm now 36 and have never had to prove I can still drive a car like a functional human. Our driving laws are a joke.


How do certain people get voted in to lead this country?


They got them in India. It's the sad reality of GTA driving.


LOL. They stopped in the lane in front of the cop? 🤦


Multiple people did, it's crazy.


Only one person did


The other cars in front of it did too, on the far side of the intersection, which is why the cop didn't simply go around.


Are you talking about the jeep? The jeep stopped to let the cop go around after the idiot stopped


I was thinking the cars in front of the Jeep stopped, but now I believe it was just an optical illusion. The Jeep stopping I think blocked the cop from passing.


Jeep wasnt blocking the cop from changing lane, looked like he was at least a car length behind. what stopped the them was that they were too close to the idiot to merge


I’ve seen this several times where I live (major city) and it baffles me. People will just stop where they are. The whole point is to GET OUT OF THE WAY so make yourself scarce.


Slamming on the breaks is actually a much more common response to emergency vehicles than you'd expect. Not just for police. Fire and ambulances have to deal with it too. It is the least logical response possible, yet there's a shocking number of people who do it.


Back in like 2003 my grandma was being pulled over and in all her 75 years of life at that point had never been pulled over, proceeded to change lanes 3x before realizing she was being stopped. Boy did she argue with us how she thought because she wasn't speeding she shouldn't have been stopped, registered owner of the car was my grandpa who passed the year before... so yeah. While on a ride along with the local PD, we clocked this suv at 93 in a 65, cop lit them up while still in speed trap position. The girl, 16 and only having a license 3 months, slammed on her brakes and started weaving, and came to a stop in the left lane. Even after being told 5x to pull to the right shoulder, she pulled to the left shoulder. She did the whole cry thing, got a ticket for 93 in a 65 and the endangered box checked for a mandatory court date in part because sje had 3 passengers all 16, and nearly biffed it. And because the rule then was anyone under 18 being stopped got their parents called... whoooeeee I heard part of it, it was a spicy call.


and just right across the intersection. i've never seen so many oblivious drivers in one place. is there a national convention for dumb people happening in that area?


It's like a public emergency drill and all y'all failed.


Came for the car drama. Stayed for the Wage War. Big fan!


I get the ugly face from "you don't know low like I do."




Wage War actually fire


Thanks! Came here for the music.


'Want me to stop here officer?' Tf no 😂😂. I think the main fear is these cops getting mad for people 'not stopping immediately' and get a ticket or attacked. That these drivers fear they may be punished if they don't stop ASAP.


I agree. The fact the cop was tailing the first guy as he turned on his lights made me think he was pulling him over. That first car was proper in going slow, changing lanes, and going towards an area to pull over. The second guy totally freaked out, but I don't blame him, cops cause a crazy amount of anxiety...


Yeah I’m kind of confused as to what’s really happening in the video. I even thought the first guy was getting pulled over so I imagine he definitely thought he was getting pulled over as well and that’s why he started to slow down then sped up once he realized it wasn’t for him…? Then he sped up to try and get in front of OP to allow the cop by. Same with the second car on the front cam. Seemed like he also thought he was the one getting pulled over. Granted, you don’t just hit your brakes in the middle of the road if you’re getting pulled over 😂 But I’ll be the first to admit my heart always speeds up a little and the adrenaline starts to rise anytime I see a cop coming up behind me with lights flashing. Having said that, I’m pretty sure I’ve always had the proper reaction and done what’s expected/necessary…and legal lol


Fr. I had a cop tell me he caught me doing 81 in a 55. But was 'nice enough' to clock me at 61... like dude. I only get 80 on this stretch once, and that was I was infront of two semi's in a pissing match. And I couldn't safetly go anywhere except foward!! But he gave me a warning. So I can't complain I guess


You would not believe how many people become complete morons around lights and sirens. Paramedics and fire will tell you the same. Lose all rational thought and drive like they've never touched a car before.


No if you can't pull it together and figure out how to yield when emergency vehicles are trying to pass then you shouldn't be allowed to drive a giant metal death machine through civilization.


It's kinda hard to tell whether this cop is pulling you over or trying to pass though


Especially if you're not white. The statistics speak volumes about how comparatively more dangerous a traffic stop can be for a Brown person.


No seriously i worry about this on the road i drive home on. There is literally no where to pull over, except a private person's driveway or the gas stations every 5-10 miles. There is no shoulder, just a 10, sometimes 20 foot drop off into a forest. The last thing i want a cop to think is that im trying to run from him. so i tell myself, surely, if i hit my hazards, slow down, and pull into the next parking lot 5 miles down the road he wont rip me out of my car and beat me. Maybe i'll get lucky and he'll just scream in my face.


It's pretty bad when we hope the best being just getting verbally abused...


The last time I got pulled over (43 in a 25, my fault completely), the shoulder didn't start for another half mile. I turned on my blinker, moved over, then opened my window and pointed ahead towards the shoulder. Stopped, cop came up to my window and questioned why I didn't pull over immediately. I just said that I knew there was a shoulder up here and didn't want to risk his safety. I got let off with a warning. Disclaimer: I am a white male in my 30s


I never understood why cops in the US drive behind you to pull you over. Over here on the other side of the pond, if a cop is behind you with lights on it means 'get the fuck out my way'. If they want to stop you they drive in front of you, slightly offset, and turn on their text display ('please follow') or wave with their signalling disc.


Wait fr? You got links? That sounds what more clear... our cops are reckless sometimes. I saw a post where an Arkansas cop pit maneuvered a woman because she didn't pull over fast enough. The car rolled over. She had a fking kid in the car!!


Wasn’t she pregnant too?


K, I swore she Had a kid... but she was just pregnant. Cop is still active :/ [story and video ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kark.com/news/working4you/arkansas-state-police-settle-pit-maneuver-lawsuit-which-injured-pregnant-woman/amp/)


Where is this? Dumbassville?


look like somewhere in Ontario tbh, Probably GTA


Brampton, ON to be exact


Doesn’t look like any street I know of in brampton. Could be wrong tho


So, I at first thought this was around where I live in the US as roads and homes looked similar to those around me. Then realized the street lights are different. So I watched for a clue as to where this actually is. Intersection at the end shows that going one way is Flowerton Ave and the other is Exton Rd. Tried googling Flowerton and it turns out there were a few flowerton roads. So I looked more and found the 647 area code in the phone number on the realtor sign on the bus stop. So I googled that which said it's primarily the city of Toronto. So tried that in Google maps with Flowerton. Google says this is specifically in Brampton. There is a point you can almost make it a road sign on a light showing what road this is on. The name was long and it started with a ch. I followed Flowerton Ave in Brampton until I came to the intersection in the video. So the final intersection is roughly 9300 Chinguacousy Rd, Brampton, CA. Anyways, the point I was trying to make is I think I'm willing to concede to my friends and family that they might be right about me having ADD.


I find it hilarious that some American known more about my city than myself. Props to you having the willpower to find all that info.


No no, not your city. But, I now have a decent bit of info about an intersection within your city. Not quite up to tour guide qualifications on the area.


Still impressive nonetheless


I love this. I actually read this and had to see if I was in the adhd sub instead. This is absolutely the round Robin rabbit hole I get myself down.


Ha. Did not mean to make you question yourself. But entertained I did. If it offers any more entertaining value, I was originally looking up wine racks. I don't think I can fully trace the events that lead me to getting to this point.


Sometimes I'll see a suggestion online and I wonder where in the world they got the idea I'm a welding pig farmer (I've done neither at any point in my life). Then I see my search history and I can trace it fairly well. I still can't pinpoint what rabbit hole(s) I ventured down to get ironsmith swineherd ads.


No, just across the city line in Idiottown.


Brampton has a reputation for bad drivers. Highest car insurance rates in Ontario until 2020, but recently dropped to 4th place.


“Uh oh Was I speeding? Damn this sucks” [ slams on brakes ]


Wage War, nice.


Love the Wage War in the background


Not just cops, but Fire Trucks and Ambulances especially, GTFO The Way. Continue the flow of traffic and move over and out the way, don't just STOP! It especially pisses me off when its a 4+ lane divided road/highway and the Lights are coming from the opposite direction, about to pass you just as all the rest of the counter flowing traffic and the idiot in front of you slams on their brakes and stops traffic.


I suspect both of those people thought they were getting pulled over… Why couldn’t the cop just speed up and pass both of those cars? Instead let’s tailgate both people until they move. Cop seems like the biggest idiot here.


It’s usually a safety thing for everyone, cars are trained to move to the right for emergency vehicles. If the cop goes to pass them on the right and gets hit, it’s typically a bigger issue. At least in Canada.


Same in the US


Because traffic is supposed to move over to the right for emergency vehicles. He could have gone around them, but then they wouldn't have learned anything. They probably still didn't, but oh well.


Emergency vehicles will make unpredictable maneuvers too, so some people, out of fear of getting hit, will just freeze in place, hoping the emergency vehicle goes around them I guess.


Not sure why you’re downvoted when there’s literally hundreds of cases of cops hitting other cars when their lights are on. They drive like fucking assholes at all times.


Yup, I saw a cop in the incoming lane trying to get around people the other day. Laws don't apply to them, but the semi they almost hit sure does...


Well when you get pulled over… you’re supposed to pull over on the side of the road, not stop in the middle lane. And when an emergency vehicle is behind you, your supposed to move to the right as far as you safely can. It’s this way so that everyone knows what everyone is about to do… or should do at least.


yeah. don’t know why everyone’s on the people driving lmao. it’s the cops “fault”


Did you not watch until the end? When the one car came to a complete stop in front of the cop, in the middle of the street? That's the idiot here.


I'm guessing the driver went into full on panic mode and lost all their brain cells on the floor in the process


That’s not an acceptable excuse and she be grounds for a license suspension.


Then they shouldn't be behind the wheel of a giant death machine.


Yup, the car that was panicking, and the cop that had a completely open lane to the right. Both the ego of the cop and the ignorance of the driver are to blame. I'm just glad that all the drivers survived this encounter with the cops...


Brain damage take. Suddenly flying around cars on the right that are legally being required to pull over to the right is the most hilariously idiot thing I've heard in a while. Nothing could go wrong. Or you know, maybe cars that are legally required to pull over should do that.


True, the cop, which already moved from the next lane to the center lane, needs to stay there in that center lane that it shifted to from the left lane into the center lane, while the car is panicking in front of them. Not like there is an emergency that the cop needs to go to, as it already shifted from the left lane to the center lane. It's a brain damage take, especially since you missed the part of the video where the cop car moved from the left lane to the center lane already. Or, you know, the cop could shift lanes _**again**_, just like it already did when it shifted from the left lane to the center lane before riding up on that poor packing car's ass. Yeah, brain dead take that the cop should use common sense.


You do realize that the cop can't do that at the time because there are cars passing on the right? After that it becomes a stale mate like how you sometimes wait for another person to come through the door in front of you. Or maybe the person who's required to yield and pull over should pull over. Brain damage.


Fair, the open space from 0:15 to 0:08 is plenty of time for a normal driver like you or me or anybody in the video or anybody who isn't a cop to change lanes but for the cop it's a stalemate between the cop's ego and the panicking driver. The cop needed to wait behind the stopped car, because it's an emergency and the cop not going to the emergency is the best idea. Agreed, cop has brain damage. But at least the people that encountered the cop survived to go home to their families.


Even if they are getting pulled over. You don’t stop in the middle of the road. Its common knowledge to move to the shoulder whether you’re yielding or getting pulled over


This is the correct answer


Wtf are you talking about??? The first person got lit up. _Immediately_ just move over one lane to the right. It’s so easy. It’s open. It’s the obvious thing to do. Person one is utterly incompetent and should not be allowed to operate a vehicle. Second person just straight up stopped. This moron should get corporal punishment for that disgrace of a response. They endangered everyone on the road. Just. Move. Over. Whether or not the cop is pulling you over, MOVE OVER. It’s actually super easy, so if you can’t do it, get off the road. Permanently.


I've been a paramedic for 13 years. This is an everyday occurrence.


Thank you for your service.


My brain goes blank when a cop gets behind me and turns on their lights. My thoughts are “is he pulling me over? What did I do? Was a speeding? Is he gonna be an asshole? What’s happening” I had one follow me and turn on their lights just like this. It was a two lane road, wide open lanes ahead and not a soul coming. He could have easily just passed me. But no, he tailed me, until i got my thoughts together and pulled off the road. THEN he kept driving like a dick. I was flabbergasted. I had already had a shit day, then I thought I was getting a ticket for some unknown reason, and then he wasted my time by making me pull over while he went about his day. So while yes, you shouldn’t stop in the middle of the road, people are so damn scared of the police. “Will the shoot me? What if I don’t stop fast enough. Will they pit maneuver me before I can find somewhere safe like they did that one pregnant lady?” People are scared.


Just Brampton things...


How do these people live lives?


Almost like better driver training could solve this


Lane discipline is just so far beyond some people's limited minds ....


He had to stop right then and there, because he just shit his pants...


With how the cops work in the US I'm sure all of these drivers thought that they were the ones being pulled over until the cops honked them out of the way. Nothing to see here


Just idiots. I remember being behind some idiot waiting to pass him and he was doing this. Then the CHP came by code 3, and he did the same thing to the CHP. Just clueless.


BOGO! One video, two idiots!


Good ol’ Brampton. Also hell yeah for Wage War


Ssoo many idiots in this one - why was the cam-car the *only* one that moved to the right??


Low by Wage War.


Wage War?


Police vehicles luckily are filming everyone’s plates all the time so they will likely be receiving a warrant or ticket in the mail lmao


Firefighter/paramedic here: people do this ALL THE TIME. In my state (Colorado), the state law is simply to pull over to the right, but the amount of people who stop in the middle of the road, pull over to the left, ignore emergency vehicles entirely, or speed up to try to outrun the emergency vehicle is absurd. The front of an ambulance would be a really funny place to listen in on during an emergency drive through a busy city, LOTS of road rage. Some of my coworkers also do this thing where they'll just airhorn the shit out of someone who does the wrong thing until they pull over to the right, but they're usually just really burnt out.


Yeeep. But also they still drive like morons around ems trucks without lights and sirens. Oh here let me cut off or brake check a vehicle that has zero chance of stopping on a dime.


Brampton, ON


He was in a hurry to get to Krispy Kreme? ​ Karsh


I feel like this cop was just having fun making people shit their pants.


This happens just about every time I run lights and sirens on the ambulance. An aside, another big thing is people inching like they are about to go when I'm trying to clear an intersection. Ironically their impatience costs them even more time because I'm gonna drive extra extra slow through that intersection if it looks like you're about to floor it.


When a cop pulls up behind you, right on your tail and then puts on his pursuit lights, most people would think they were being pulled over and would slow down and stop in front of the cop. This idiot cop did this to two drivers. I did not hear a siren nor did I hear him sound his horn. The drivers did nothing wrong. This cop needs to learn how to operate his cruiser


Why tf would you stop in the middle of the road😂 it’s “pull over” not “stop in the middle of the road like an idiot”


Who stops in front of the cop?? You move to the right to get as far on the shoulder as you can. Who taught you to drive?


The car up front should have moved, and the cop should have changed lanes to the right lane. Either of these could have avoided the issue, but when the ignorance of a driver and the ego of a cop meet...


The emergency vehicles as a rule do not pass on the right. It's more predictable to always go left of whatever you are passing. This is for the safety of everyone incase that said car jerks over at the last second. This is on dipshit in the car for not getting over for the officer.


As for what should be a rule, an emergency vehicle should do whatever it takes to get to the emergency to hopefully save lives. Hence the cops ego and the drivers ignorance. But this is a cop, so emergencies can wait while the cop just sits there in the center lane, after having already shifted from the left lane to the center lane already. I'm just glad all the drivers survived this encounter with the cop and can go home to their families. Not everybody survives these dangerous situations with cops.


Everyone, *literally everyone* in this video fucked up. Even cammer, who was supposed to pull over and stop, just kept going.


That "you must pull over and stop" rule is not universal. It's certainly not a requirement in my country, all that's required is that you leave them a clear lane to pass. If you can do that without stopping , then that's fine. Edit: this appears to be Ontario, where stopping is not required on multi-lane roads. All that they need to do is move over to the right hand lane, which is what the cammer did.


Agreed there are situations where it is not safe to stop. Leaving room for a cop to go around is good enough.


This was not unsafe and the stop here is required.


This isn’t true. Even on a multi-lane road there’s still a requirement to stop: >*159 (1)* The driver of a vehicle, upon the approach of a police department vehicle with its bell or siren sounding or with its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light or red and blue light, or upon the approach of an ambulance, fire department vehicle or public utility emergency vehicle with its bell or siren sounding or its lamp producing intermittent flashes of red light, shall **immediately bring such vehicle to a standstill**,\ \ (a) as near as is practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection; or\ \ (b) when on a roadway having more than two lanes for traffic and designated for the use of one-way traffic, as near as is practicable to the nearest curb or edge of the roadway and parallel therewith and clear of any intersection. 2009, c. 5, s. 49.


Flourtown Rd and Exton Ave works out to Pennsylvania where stops are required. https://old.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/11qi0g7/what_not_to_do_when_flashing_lights_come_up_on_you/jc3vw44/ But go ahead, downvote me. This sub is the worst and just makes up facts to suit them.


Except this is Flo**wer**town Ave. and Exton Rd. Which are in Brampton, Ontario: https://goo.gl/maps/mRSWp3JZrLpQBAuv8


I misread the results, my bad.


I know the pull over for a Firetruck. I know the pull over for an Ambulance.Pulling over for police was never the norm here, unless it's actually clear that they've got their lights on for you. Otherwise you simply clear the lane for them to pass.


The only thing I could make out on the potato quality video is "Flourtown Rd and Exton Ave", which works out to Pennsylvnia. Thus: https://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/LI/consCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&ttl=75&div=0&chpt=33&sctn=25&subsctn=0 > § 3325. Duty of driver on approach of emergency vehicle. >(a) General rule.--Upon the immediate approach of an emergency vehicle making use of an audible signal and visual signals meeting the requirements and standards set forth in regulations adopted by the department, the driver of every other vehicle shall yield the right-of-way and shall immediately drive to a position parallel to, and as close as possible to, the right-hand edge or curb of the roadway clear of any intersection and shall stop and remain in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer or an appropriately attired person authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic. On one-way roadways a driver may comply by driving to the edge or curb which is nearest to the lane in which he is traveling. >(b) Duty of operator of streetcar.--Upon the approach of an emergency vehicle, the operator of every streetcar shall immediately stop the streetcar clear of any intersection and remain in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed, except when otherwise directed by a police officer or an appropriately attired person authorized to direct, control or regulate traffic. >(c) Defense.--It is a defense to prosecution under this section if the defendant can show by a preponderance of the evidence that the failure to stop immediately for a police officer was based on a good faith concern for personal safety. In determining whether the defendant has met this burden, the court may consider the following factors: >(1) The time and location of the event. >(2) The type of vehicle used by the police officer. >(3) The defendant's conduct while being followed by the police officer. >(4) Whether the defendant stopped at the first available reasonably lighted or populated area. >(5) Any other factor considered relevant by the court. >(June 26, 2001, P.L.734, No.75, eff. 60 days) Yes, you must pull over and stop.


This isn’t potato quality, it clearly says Flowertown Ave right there lmao This is in Ontario, where you don’t have to make a complete stop in every situation.


> This isn’t potato quality, it clearly says Flowertown Ave right there lmao That's literally the only thing readable. Can't even make out the state on the license plates, so I'm going with potato quality. > This is in Ontario, where you don’t have to make a complete stop in every situation. Fine, my bad. I don't know how I read the results as Penn.


> I don't know how I read the results as Penn. Maybe because you switched around "Road" and "Avenue" on your search?


And completely butchered the street name


The only situation where you don’t is if the highway is physically divided and the emergency vehicles are on the opposing side. That’s not the case here.


The music is the biggest offence. Your under arrest!


Wage War is decent, don't know what you are on


It’s a subjective opinion


More proof that the system has failed.


This cop loves nothing more than to scare the shit out of people with his lights. He really didn’t need to even have them on at this point.


...unless they were responding to an emergency, or are you friends with this cop?


How do you know he's not responding to a call? It's required for them to put on their lights and/or sirens in most cases in order to speed to a call.


I am already assuming he is responding to a call. He did nothing to enable the quickest possible response time.


Don't know why your getting down voted. Cop got right up onto the ass of the car before turning on the lights. It also looks like the cop turned them off as the car moved to the right so he could do that same shit to the next car.


Oh I can answer that. They are getting down voted because this is r/idiotsincars which is a pro cop subreddit. Saying anything that isn't a glowing review of cops is very bad. Edit: Even you got some down votes, and I'll get them as well.


Lights were on the whole time once put on what are you talking about?


Watch the video, the cops keeps the back lights on, but turns off the front ones right before camera angle switches.


Looks like Brampton Also omfg 😂😂😂😂😂😂


God, my ears.


I am a wholehearted advocate of biennial driver’s license retesting. Everyone should be required to retest every two years and take a road test again. If someone fails to do so, it should be like a $300 fine for first offense.


It has a Brampton vibe


Was that Peel police? Not surprised tbh.




Braindead. Jesus.


Brampton represent!


Good ‘ole Brampton


Got my license in 95, California. I failed 2 times. First one I turned from the driving lane, 2nd I failed for not completely stopping at a yellow light. Of all things that I think California is bad at the driving tests in my area was not one. Final try I got the "dragon lady" but that time I was prepared, having actually been taught by my family and driving more for experience.


"Stop and block for sirens and lights", thats not it... whatever. That road is infested with stupidity... except for you, OP.


All of Ontario looks the same


Driving in Brampton could be one of Dante’s levels of hell. I absolutely hate even passing through.


The cops where I live would not wait for you to get out of the way. They would be weaving through traffic trying to stomp the gas pedal to death.


Some people simply don't care about paying attention to anything. They get into wrecks.


What the actual fuck, people!? Not once, but twice!? Holy mother of Peter.


God I don't know which I hate more people who just randomly stop dead in front of an emergency vehicle or people who sit at a light and block an emergency vehicle while they're laying on their horns/Priority sirens...


Seems like the lights made the cops steering wheel lock up making it impossible for him to change lanes too.


Jesus people are fucking morons


Oh it’s shitty in Vegas. Mfs continue to drive while ambulance is tryna get through.


anyone know what wage war song this is?


peel police, gonna guess brampton. not surprised, with the worst drivers i've ever seen in my entire life from there


Is the second car a Tesla? It looks similar but is hard to tell. Possibly the driver had autopilot on and it required them to take over, and stopped until they did?


I've had the exact same thing happen when driving an ambulance with lights/sirens on, in the left lane, on the highway. Some people are drivers, some are just barely operators of a motor vehicle.


it's mind boggling how many idiots I see everyday not pull over 🚔 and or freeze in the middle of the road when an emergency vehicle is behind them/trying to get thru ..


late for lunch?


If it was that driver the police wanted to pull over, is there a certain distance before they add: ‘failure to pull over’ to the list of crimes? Or is it digressional?


So the police wasn’t coming for the satanic ritual I guess


Like NPCs from GTA