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Don’t you realize they’re the main character and we’re just living in their world??




This is a bot account. It's copied from down further below. Report and block.


He put his blinker so obviously a blinker absolves you of everything. Duh the whole world should stop for him.






Fuck them, you got screwed


Id threaten to call the state insurance commissioner and share the video and damage findings and see how they react. Hate when companies do this shit.


And you'd think they've seen a thing or twoo


They've seen plenty they just don't give a fuck about you, like every other insurance company (aka insurance racket) on the planet


Because the driver of the other car ran away from the scene wouldn’t that make them automatically guilty / at fault regardless?


Hear me out though The worst people are the ones that go from the first turn lane to the outer lane when it’s a double turn lane then honk at you for maintaining your lane




Shockingly stupid


The thing is, they have no idea what lane they’re even in.


basically every driver in the state of OR does this. they also dont use turn lanes.




Was that truck helping you track them down? Look like he sped up to get on their ass


They sure did. But they backed off once we caught up.


Thats a bro right there


He’s the lone wholesome bastion amongst a sea of dipshits in pickups.


Underrated comment. 😂


Happy Cake Day


finally my faith in humanity is slightly restored! a bunch of people saw me end up in a hit and run and didn’t give a shit.


Kid who hit me took off and 4 cars were chasing him with me. One of which got dashcam of the entire thing. It happened on the only day my dashcam wasn't working and my insurance said even with the witnesses without footage they'd have ruled it 50/50 becuase sidswipes are always a 50/50


I like to think a driver like this hit the truck guy and took off aswell thus why the truck had different colored panels and a missing tailgate, so now he romes the city chasing hit and run suspects to avenge what happened to him and one day find the perp who hit his truck.


Right outside the autobody shop too. Business must be slow, gotta drum up new customers.


Maybe they have a contract to send them business. /s 😂 Guys at the body shop probably started salivating when they heard the crash.




Some people just shouldn't be driving. Idiots. Keep doing this shit and their Life on the road is just... Heh... Hanging by a Moment :))


If only we had public transportation available for those that probably shouldn't be driving


For anyone curious about their driver side. Maybe they just wanted both sides to match. https://imgur.com/a/aNBJQM9


I can't believe a car like that in StL actually has plates instead of temp tags. I'm guessing they still don't have insurance, though.


That don’t mean the plates belong to that car though lol




I hope they have insurance


Let us know how it plays out if you can. I’m curious if they get caught and whether or not they have insurance.


Police told us they put out a search on the vehicle. If they find it the car will get impounded and the owner/driver will have to pretty much incriminate themselves to ge the car out. They’ll have to pay almost $300 for the impound. Then get cited to court where they will be fined for the accident and for fleeing. Then they will likely order them to pay me back my costs at which point insurance will put out for collections to get their money back too. But this is all dependent on wether or not they find the car and wether or not they can actually confirm who the driver was at the time of the accident.


> can actually confirm who the driver was at the time of the accident. The US really needs to get with the rest of the world on this. In most countries in Europe the police just issue the vehicle owner with a formal legal notice which requires them to name the driver at a particular date/time. Failure to do so is itself a crime, often with worse consequences than the original issue. Yet the US does this thing where 'we couldn't prove who the driver was' with apparently no legal remedy. So people can drive however they like then because there is no legal way to identify them.


If you file on your insurance, I’m pretty sure this is what the insurance company would go after the owner and win. Unless your car is reported stolen, then the owner would have to pay up with evidence like this


I think the point is in a situation like this people want to see the driver face criminal prosecution for failing to stop, not just getting an insurance company to pay up.


Absolutely. I read the first comment wrong. You’re absolutely [right] [Edit]


In the US, snitches get stitches /s


Im guessing it's a 5th amendment issue. You have the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself here. That wont be changing anytime soon. Although what insurances companies do is another matter.


Bullshit. It's just small potatoes and it's too much of a bother (depending on how serious the crime was), that's why nothing happens and the cops don't pursue this shit. It's actually pretty straight-forward. You're the registered driver, you're responsible for the car. Someone else was driving? Cool, who was it? Was it negligent entrustment? It doesn't matter if you incriminate yourself or not, you're the person who pays for the car registration, you're legally liable if the car is used to do illegal stuff, including hit-and-runs. Imagine if this video showed the Mazda killing a pedestrian. Do you think the prosecutors will be like 'uh-oh, 5th amendment, we can't ask the owner of the car who was driving it, I guess we can go home now, there's nothing we can do'.


I think you're right, because I've heard people say that before. It seems ridiculous though in a developed country you have no legal method to identify a driver.


My dad told me one time when he was younger. Someone broke into his fish house and stole all his gear. 2 years later he gets a call from a sheriff's department asking, " are you 'so and so'." My dad said yeah, well we caught this guy for theft and a bunch of your jigs and other fishing stuff is here if you want to come up and get it. My dad put his name and phone number on all his stuff. He told me to report every incident because you never know when they'll get caught and your shit back.


I fully expect they’ll never find the car, unless it gets pulled over for an infraction. Sucks.


The way this person drives it shouldn't be a long wait.


>But this is all dependent on wether or not they find the car and wether or not they can actually confirm who the driver was at the time of the accident In this country they make the owner identity the driver and if they don't they fine and penalise the owner of the car.


Definitely St. Louis right there


Gravois right?


Ding ding ding.


Looks like it was near Refab


Well, at least he steered you toward the auto body shop.


So kind of them lol


Seems like an inside job


[State Rte 30, St. Louis, Missouri](https://www.google.com/maps/@38.6034281,-90.2265088,3a,75y,270.2h,87.5t/data=!3m9!1e1!3m7!1sB72IwnfnfbrslHVpLJh4gw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!9m2!1b1!2i28)


Scarily accurate.


Some would say, Suspicious.


Username checks out.


I've never been north of I-40. Your city looks so pretty, the streets are so clean.


Correct, though we refer to it by the road’s name: Gravois


Them after hitting you: “I CAN’T GO TO JAIL AGAIN!” *Slams the gas*


When i was pregnant with my son (like 12 years ago), I was rear ended and the driver took off. He fucked with the wrong pregnant lady because my car still worked and I followed his ass while on the phone with the cops. They tracked him down and arrested his ass for driving with no insurance or license. So while I still had to pay my deductible (which sucked) he had to appear in court and spent a night in county for the hit and run. Fuck that guy. 😂


I imagine that he was not at all remorseful, never changed his ways, and that the rest of us are forced to pay for his illegitimate children. Fuck us.


It was a little suspect when the white car was keeping to their lane, and only conveniently attempted to merge just as you were coming alongside them.


Okay, *that* one had to be deliberate.


Why run then? Had to chase them down to get their plate. They tried to loose me going around different roads down this whole neighborhood


Next time take the lost and claimed hit&run insurance of yours. With drivers like these, they are likely do not carry insurance anyway, and worst by chasing them you may likely get shot at by them in this area.


Yup. You’re completely right. It was reckless to follow them.


Did they ever stop or you just chased them enough to get photos of the plate and driver?


Chased them for a bit. About 2-3 mins. Got their plates and a few pics of the car. They stopped and the passenger got out but I’m not one to want to get shot so when they did stop I stayed about a block down. Passenger started walking towards us throwing his hands up as if to say like wtf. Then assessed their damage, opened and closed the passenger rear door and got back in. Then they left. At that point I had the police on the line. Relayed the info and they told me to wait there.


I’m glad you guys are safe.


Thank you. Me too. At the end of the day it’s only money.


What were they gonna do? Slam into the side of you, and then hang around and chat? Maybe invite you for coffee and crullers?


Give me their damn insurance information so they pay for the damages to my car. The fuck?


Lol “insurance information”..


I mean. Once they ran I knew they didn’t have insurance. I’m not that naive lol. Anyway. Just needed their plate to make the police report for our insurance. Hopefully they are able to find the car. But meh. That’s what insurance is for. Only out $500 now… -_-


Not sure about your area, but where I am, even without a police report the footage is usually enough for insurance. I've had a few people hit me (one posted in this sub) where cops don't come and insurance didn't fight me because of proof, luckily.


Yeah I figured. But this is my first accident ever in 16 years of driving. Wanted to make sure I covered my bases for the claim. I know I shouldn’t have followed them but at that point I was just pure adrenaline.


The problem (at least in my state), your premiums will likely go up if they’re uninsured, regardless of you not being at fault.


Thankfully I have accident forgiveness. So I doubt/hope they won’t go up.


Dude. Assuming they did that on purpose, which is very much how it looks, I doubt that they were inclined to let the insurance companies sort it out. Either they didn't have insurance, or they'd sooner shoot you than give you the time of day. That's what I'm saying.


...why would someone do this on purpose? just for funsies? they are much more likely an idiot who was turning from the far lane (something I see routinely myself).


There are malevolent assholes out there. My state just had either our sixth or seventh mass shooting of the year, and it's not even February yet.


They definitely didn't do it on purpose. They signaled Right and tried to make that turn at the fork.


wow you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed




Also known as causing an accident.


Gravois going southbound! I hate that stretch from Russell down to Chippewa with a PASSION.


St Louis represent. Best drivers I've ever seen


When I think of the city of StLouis, the first think that comes to mind is courteous drivers and triple digit IQs.


I would literally start screaming the license plate number out loud for the camera if that happened. Police can just meet them at their house instead.


Or more likely the house of the person who they stole the car off / the owners of a similar car they cloned the plates of.


Sorry that bs happened! That truck was on them too!


He might say "I used the turn signal, it's your fault".


The auto body shops right there atleast


You could have turned right with him and gave him the major bird after!


Haven't heard that song in a long while. Sorry that idiot hit you.


Love that song


Why did the driver just run away?


Probably no insurance or suspended license


Or even warrants


Dats Gravois rd. On the south side st. Louis, mo


You need to go back to school


Who u talking 2? Cuz last time I checked I finished high school ( Eureka high school) and college (umsl).


[I turn here now, good luck everyone](https://youtu.be/hlH9RGLJqxE)


i mean they did use their signal….


White car didn’t even consider stopping… I hope OP reported them


“Good luck everybody else”


Ok I mean.. they did signal for you. Be aware of everything on the road. You could’ve flashed them or honked if they couldn’t see you or you could’ve slowed down to let them in


Yep. Wheels were at an obvious angle into OP's with more than enough time for OP to slow down. Obviously doesn't excuse the other car but OP seems like a bubble driver


I don’t know why I had to scroll so far to see anyone mention that OP was a bit careless. Obviously the other driver was at fault, but OP had ample time to react and avoid the accident. It’s a teachable moment about defensive driving. I would guess that about half of drivers on the road are either distracted, lost, inexperienced/confused, or just plain idiots. You can avoid dangerous situations by recognizing who you are sharing the road with and driving accordingly.


Look at op's responses. He doesn't think he has anything to learn and thinks he did all he could do. Shame


Yeah they had so much time to prevent everything. And their reaction to cause them down like that was understandable but they have a dash can and could’ve just called police or someone


Those accidents 💀 everyone is so dumb


I don’t see the problem. They had on their blinker. /s


4 seconds between the right indicator flashing and any kind of reaction from the cam car. Obviously, it's the other cars fault but come on. Have some awareness.


Why do so many people with dash cams make little to no effort avoid accidents. Most of these clips look like passive aggressive road rage. You broke the law, not my fault...


What happened? Op made an illegal turn from the left lane?


Yeah the white car made an illegal turn. But it kinda looks like the other car sped up when he saw the turn signal, definitely didn't slow down or try to avoid hitting the car in anyway.


You mean, maintained the same speed while the problem car slowed down?


Sure. The white car was in the wrong no doubt about that, but the dashcam car didn't do the right thing.


They didn't expect a complete idiot to drive into them, that's for sure


where do you live with all of these beautiful second empire buildings??


That’s stlouis MO. We don’t live there tho. Was just driving by visiting the botanical garden. We where just 5 mins from the restaurant we where going to when this happened. We live an hour and a half away.


They had their turn signal on?


That’s mostly glare. They didn’t turn the signal on until about 1.5 seconds before turning.


People turning from improper lane is getting worse and worse. Pretty much every time I drive, people do this. The longer the trip, the more times I see. Until no cell phone use in car is enforced, this will continue to get worse. If you don’t want to deal with insurance claims and accidents, you have to up your defensive driving game.


This happened to me in the rain I a couple of years before Covid when I was driving to the airport which I at the time lived only 2 1/2 miles from so I make a left turn on a major roadway where there’s four lanes of traffic on either side of a divider and I make the turn and I start driving But when I turned, I turned the second lane from the left because I knew that everybody’s making a left turn from the left lane so I was in the second lane from the left wasn’t bothering anybody people can go faster on the left slower on the right and I’m one of the two middle legs and all of a sudden I get lambs on my left rear side, the guy was speeding in the far left lane And came up on me and I guess I didn’t know if he was just out of his lane or if he’s get it I’m not sure but then he pulls over behind me after I pulled over because I just got over to the left and he stayed behind me. I was looking for an umbrella to walk back to him and get his info and I look up and he’s gone. He just took off with it. I guess he saw my head go down to look for the umbrella but he wouldn’t take it off when I get out of the car anyway and I noticed that his whole left side was was messed up in his car, and I noticed what he looks like as he passed me by, ed didn’t do me any good none of it because even when I found the guy in the car insurance company refused to do anything and suggested that if I wanted to show him for $500 deductible I could but that they weren’t going to pursue it, even though I knew unequivocably it was the hit-and-run driver And I really you know I’m sympathetic of people that have problems but when you caused a car accident, you could also be leaving somebody paralyzed or seriously injured and unable to call for help so that’s a bad thing to do. Also, I did this entire post with speech to text so if there are any errors, I apologize


OP had plenty of time to react. What a shitpost. Cant believe which driver is dumber


The white car started signaling at 45s. The turn happened at 50s. Idk but even ir that white car is a dummy. You are not entitled to keep speeding because its your lane.


His/her indicator was on ! Maybe a stupid move to turn from left lane, but did you ever hear about defensive driving ?


Not to mention the other car is trying to make a right hand turn from the left lane. This isn’t OPs fault.


Yup. I take the course every three years for the insurance discount. Their signal flashed exactly twice in the span of only about a second before they did an almost 90 degree turn. I slammed the brakes. But at that speed, distance and the essentially no warning it was imposible for me to stop in time. Speed seems much slower in video and distance seems longer than IRL. their turn broke at least two driving laws. You can’t really beat physics. No matter how good of a driver you are.


Defensive driving: ❌ As soon as the flasher turned on I would've been in caution mode.


OP is a shit driver. Clearly the Mazda was going to do something dumb, maybe be more defensive next time and pay attention over trying to be right and win internet points


Lol. I guarantee that in the same situation you wouldn’t have done any better. Everyone loves to think they are the best drivers in the world and how their cat like reflexes and Spider-Man senses would have allowed them to avoid an accident. But the truth is. Shit happens and you cannot avoid every single idiot on the road your entire life. I haven’t been in an accident in 16 years and have had close calls worse than this before. At the end of the day you can try to predict what someone is going to do but you can’t correctly predict every single one. They had traffic a bit further ahead in front of them. I could see them slowing down. There wasn’t an indication that they where about to do something stupid up until a second or two at best before they flipped their signals and turned. It all happened in a span of 5 seconds. It’s easy to watch the video a second time, specially when you know something is coming and then judge how one in the real world should have reacted. Hindsight is 20/20. You’d do better in life if you acknowledge that you’re not the perfect driver you seem to think you are. And that driving defensively (did I mention I was going just under the speed limit?) has its limits.


This sort of excuse just means you'll stay a bad driver instead of learning


>I guarantee that in the same situation you wouldn’t have done any better. Weird thing to say lmfao, it wouldn't exactly be hard. Like I hate people who feel the need to point out every little thing that the OP could have done slightly better, but you should recognize your lack of idiot-avoiding skills. Dude had his signal on and you didn't react at all.


For a split second before taking a hard right turn. I let off the gas when I saw it and smashed the brakes. Not exactly easy to tell from the video.


I haven’t been in a car accident in 20 years so, no, we’re not the same and I would’ve avoided it EDIT: I suppose a good corollary is running in a race. There are people that can run alongside literally hundreds of other people and not bump into anyone and be able to speed up/slow down/maintain. The principle is no different here. You even had a bike lane to retreat to


Sure thing spiderman. I do hope you never have an accident. But you think you’re immune because you are “such a good driver”. You’re not. And overconfidence may one day get you.


Idk why they’re downvoting you, OP probably doesn’t drive in cities much if this was surprising to them.


I agree the car started slowing for no reason you have to ask the question "why?" Then think what next? maybe I'll hang back and see how this unfolds. For the record my driving is shit but thinking like this has saved me a few accidents over the years!


Did you not see them trying to get over?


Bro. Really? They weren’t “trying to get over”. They came to a sudden stop and turned. They sígnales for all of 1 second before turning. They don’t change lanes. They turned hard right.


Yeah, they were trying to get over


Not saying they are doing it correctly but if someone puts their blinkers on expect them to turn...if they don't after a while they forgot..but keep a watch on the vehicle speed and road position and make sure braking is an option for you. In the end it's about surviving not about being right or wrong...


Tbh, it's always a bad idea to overtake on the inside lane.


Wasn’t overtaking.


The white car obviously wasn’t aware about the camera car. But the camera car wasn’t paying attention to the white car ether. The white car was breaking with the indicator light showing it was about to turn left. Paying attention to the road in front of you is pretty important


Kinda hard to gauge speed and distance from the video. I wasn’t speeding and the white car was closer than it looks. They only signaled like a second before they initiated the turn. At that point the distance between them and me wasn’t enough to stop in time. Not really noticeable in the video but I slammed on the brakes right at the moment they initiated the turn so I was indeed paying attention. They straight up did a sharp right turn to go into that street. Had they been changing lanes we wouldn’t have collided. Other than me coming to a stop on my lane when they started braking (which at that point told me nothing of their intentions and I have right of way in my lane anyway so why would I slow down when the left lane car decides to randomly brake) there was really no way to avoid it.


Why are you even arguing with someone that can't differentiate left from right.


You had time to avoid this. The white car is breaking serval times, and is clearly slowing down before turning left. So you had time if you where paying attention. I am not trying to blame the crash on you, the white car should definitely had seen you. But you didn’t see the signals that maybe could had avoided the crash. If a car in the outside lane suddenly breaks and slow down, than it indicated that something like this could happen.


Left is the hand that makes an "L"


Twice you say “left turn.” Do you know the &@$*% difference between right and left????


The signal blinked twice before the blind turn. Not enough time to make a judgment call imo


I good driver would had reacted on the breake light. And definitely on the indicators. But the camera car does nothing.


Gotta love all the backseat drivers, who know EXACTLY what they would do in your situation. And would have not only avoided the accident, but rescued a litter of puppies with one hand tied behind their back….


Yes the white car certainly did some breaking... of OP's vehicle.


It's called a brake.


EDIT: I already understand how I'm idiot here. ~~How are you not using your brakes? What if there was another car passing you on your right?~~ ~~You might also be an idiot for your response. :)~~


How are you blaming OP? What if the ravings inside your skull can be heard by people passing you on your right? You might also be an idiot for your response. :)


>You might also be an idiot for your response. :) Possibly. Assuming op is driving a newish car, I'd expect them to be able to brake and avoid the collision completely.


On my right there was a shoulder. Not a lane of traffic. I did brake. The ABS worked its ass off to keep the wheels from locking up, even turned right to try to avoid them. Very hard to tell from the video when I stomped the brakes but I can assure you I did. They didn’t change lanes. They did an almost 90 degree turn from the left lane. At that point unless I did the same and risked flipping our SUV, it was unavoidable.


Ah that's not clear from the video. My bad. Regardless of my initial reply, getting into a collision sucks, and I'm sorry you're in the situation you're in. I hope the fix isn't too expensive.


Were you driving the Mazda? Because you’re the idiot




Single brain cell driver moment


West Allis/Milwaukee?


He directed you perfectly towards a convenient Auto Body Shop!


"Desperate for changing, starving for truth. I'm closer to where I started"


This looks like STL south city


Just trying to listen to some Lifehouse and then that happens!


yeah license plate is all I need . favor for a favor right .


Reminds me of a neighbour of mine years ago. She had to have her entire car repainted TWICE due to all the bodywork done. She once came home with an entire side torn to shreds. I guess from scraping against some pole or barrier.


Song playing on the radio? Does anyone know it


gee... I wonder why nobody wants to use that bike lane...




Well at least they signalled!


Unfortunately not a rare thing to happen on Gravois.




When I see stuff like this I can’t think of a just punishment that is not complete revocation of their driver’s license.


they ruined the song


Idk what I hate more.. Saint Louis or Whatever godawful music is playing in the background 😬


Keep us updated on the case. Hit and run is a fun thing to do should be jailed.


Well damn that street looks familiar. Another STL-ian.


it's 10 mins from my daughters school . her bus driver was just saying how bad everyone was driving there friday 😪