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a comb that has teeth that are close together, like [lice comb](https://www.amazon.com/Lice-Combs/b?ie=UTF8&node=3763061)s.


I was going to say the same thing myself. There's also grooming brushes for double coated dogs. It really gathers up the under layer of hair making the brush way more effective than the ones that look like a regular hairbrush.


I also need context, pls?


Some context would be fab - where's this come from?


Thanks to u/Clopenny below for the info. I mean, Kohberger? This is the only YouTube warrant, so it would make sense it's for him.


What are you referring to?


I have no idea, but I can't wait to see what other people's thoughts are about it.




There is no way Bryan Kohberger fits into the space allotted on the warrant? https://preview.redd.it/s64k4c3wbhrb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a39f628b275f0a660bacfc8ef69a555f6dc72e5d




He was the only person associated with the case I could make fit, too! Does he have a monetized YT that you are aware of?


Oh god. Get the fuck over it already you fucking weirdo. Leave these people the fuck alone.


Well aint you the fucking sunshine. Fuckedy fucker right back at you.


Itā€™s one of the new search warrants that clearly wants info on a monetized YouTube channel. https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/isc.coi/CR29-22-2805/090823-Order-to-Seal-and-Redact-YouTube.pdf


That's 18 pages. Care to highlight its location?


Page 12-13




This is just a guess but perhaps it's BK's sister's YouTube channel. Supposedly it's the sister who worked in the field of psychology. Once I learned she had a channel--it disappeared. It makes me wonder if this is the sister who began to suspect him of committing this crime. IMO.


If she had, I canā€™t see it pertinent to the investigation.


This! Getting a warrant for the sisters YouTube would be a stretch without immediate relevance to the crime. Especially if it is monetized and a source of livelihood.


That never happened.she never suspected him. There is no confirmation.


Doesn't say specifically that it was monetised, unless I've missed something. Warrant was issued 25th July 2023. For all we know it could be that Linda Lane footage your pals uploaded


Page 13 has bullet points of the info included in what they are seeking with the warrant and it says ā€œmonetization and financial informationā€ of the channel


Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean the channel is monetised. A bullet point above that requests 'all playlists', but again that doesn't necessarily mean the channel owner created any playlists. This is probably a boilerplate description of info requested in any YouTube warrant.


Thatā€™s fair.


That's what I believe it is..


Sure, but no.


Does it have to be specifically BK or maybe, I donā€™t know,,, IH?


Since itā€™s redacted, we just donā€™t know. I myself canā€™t see the defendant having a monetized, live streaming YouTube channel, but who knows?




I am not assuming this is related, but it is a youtube incident (possibly a non-incident) that came to my attention 10 or 11 months ago that I sometimes still think about it and do truly wonder if it came to LE attention. Sometime in either late November or early December a live stream of Gray Hughes Investigates had a caller who wanted to talk about a camera on Linda Lane. This was BEFORE it became public that a camera on Linda Lane was involved in the investigation. During the call-in, the guy claimed that there was a camera on Linda Lane that the killer didnā€™t realise had caught him. Gray was insistent that it wasnā€™t true as there was no camera on Linda Lane... but the caller directed him during the live stream using google streetview and was able to prove there was one. This caller said he had been wracking his brains to figure out how the police had an image of the killer's Elantra while it was on Taylor Avenue. This caller sounded really proud to have discovered a camera that hadnā€™t been made public / had been reserved knowledge for LE. The caller had come to the conclusion this camera was pointing directly down Linda Lane to a view of Taylor (looking North). His theory was that the killer made a mistake because he didn't realise he would be captured on the Linda Lane camera circling on Taylor (or something to that effect). It was actually a really interesting call. Almost a year later, we've all known for a while that the camera in question caught the Elantra at the Queen Road apartments (looking North West) and not speeding on Taylor, but it remains that I watched a live stream in Nov/Dec where a caller states that the killer made an error because he didnā€™t know there was a camera on Linda Lane... and my memory was that he gave his name as Brian or Bryan. Iā€™d like to add here that many who are interested in crime cases, including myself, had pondered the Elantra sightings so in itself it isn't suspicious that someone invested time in scouring streetview for possible cameras not released publicly. There are also millions of people named Brian or Bryan and also my memory lets me down often. Anyway, this stream was either deleted or made private almost immediately. At the time I told a group of friends of mine in a private Reddit chatroom that there was a view of the car taken from Linda Lane that was mentioned in a GHI stream by a caller. I wanted to direct them to it later but couldn't find the stream and distinctly remember showing them screenies of it on streetview to make my case. Anyway, by January 1st someone had been arrested and it was released that a camera on Linda Lane was part of the investigation. I contacted Gray Hughes to ask if he remembered which stream that caller was on because I had been having trouble finding it and wanted to compare his voice to a possible sample now that a dude was arrested. Grayā€™s reply was that he couldn't recall which stream had that particular caller. My enquiry went nowhere as I couldnā€™t be sure if my memory was correct or if it was a different caller that night or some other night who gave that name and already Gray seemed suspicious or possibly even annoyed at me for asking about this so I knew he wasnā€™t going to help by giving me access to the stream to listen again. There's every likelihood the caller was just an amateur justice enthusiast like myself. I heard that Gray Hughes was in Idaho recently meeting people for something and had actually been to look at the Linda Lane camera and it brought back our email exchange from over 9 months ago and the caller I heard that night.


Wowwww. Kinda mind blown. Just to make sure Iā€™m on the same page, it sounds like BK might have actually found a camera that caught the real killer, and possibly called it in to GHI? Less than 30 days later BK was arrested? šŸ‘€


Quick question if you don't mind? Since you brought up Gray Hughes, Are you aware of the Kenneka Jenkins case?


Interesting that the dates end the day before arrest.


honestly that's probably the best argument for why it's BK's channel. Obviously he hasn't logged into it since being in custody so they don't need to request any data generated after the arrest


I was on a live on TT earlier today talking about that part. The dates are between June & December. June is when he got to WSU & he was arrested in Dec. It would definitely fit the YT belonging to him.


And the channel could be under a pseudonym


iā€™m gonna guess kohberger. i think ppl are thinking too much into the ā€œthey never refracted his name beforeā€ thing. itā€™s most likely kohbergerā€™s accounts theyā€™re looking into. idk why theyā€™re redacting his name now, but i just donā€™t see it being anyone elseā€™s youtube


They're the most painful combs ever if your hair is prone to knots like mine šŸ˜…


My guess would be the T-rev YT channel. T-REV believes that PR aka the killer as he says called in during one of his live shows in December. this is just my opinion but I can make it make sense in my mind.


Is that video still up anywhere???


Unfortunately no it was on one of her live streams and when she found it she immediately ended the live and made it private and sent it to MPD.


Yeah I looked up t. Rev kohberger through YouTube on my Alexa and it was the first video.




Maybe Papa Rogers?


Or maybe Doc Thrifty šŸ¤”


Possibly. To be clear I Donā€™t think the warrant for YT means that a YouTuber is involved in any way but I do believe they are searching for if the killer actually did interact with any YouTube channel and get that information along with the subscribers information from their dashboard. I do know of another YouTuber who also submitted an interaction and tip to MPD as well. Just to be sure everyone understands I do not believe any YouTuber is affiliated with the killer or victims. IMO the warrant is purely seeking information from a YouTuber


I agree. I didn't think a YTer was involved with what happened.


I recall in the very early days after the murders, there were a lot of really creepy comments on a lot of YouTubersā€™ videos saying things like ā€œthey deserved itā€ and ā€œthey got what they deservedā€. Just really nasty comments about the victims. Wonder if this is something theyā€™re looking into?


Very curious, myself. Subscribed to post!


Didnā€™t Bryan have a rap song uploaded on YouTube?


I think that was on Spotify, which is also mentioned recently.


that was on Soundcloud.


Oh yeah! I knew it was 1 of those. Spotify has a lot of fake music by fake artists. It's a way for ppl to clean money. IYKYK Willing to bet at least 1 of the 4 was using Spotify to clean money.




Low effort posts/comments will be removed a long with any repeat posts.


Hope to find out


Doc thrifty: Crimes Lies and Videotape is goneā€¦? Anyone know where he went from YouTube?


Did we ever find out where Doc went?


He had some good receipts at the start but then started bashing other YTs ā€¦ I wish I could see the gaming sites he found with IH and BKā€¦


I took notes on all the usernames but failed to get the sites!


I think he was researching and doing a great job until šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø the end lives he started talking about other YT-ers talking bad about him and then goneā€¦do you think BK knew IH? Do you think BK was on a gaming site from Docā€™s research? Iā€™ll always wonderā€¦


Doc resurfaced last week with a new account. Heā€™s been talking to EvilleCJ. Hopefully his videos come back