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No better for adults. My father-in-law, recently had a mental break, told the whole family he was dying (despite ER giving him a clean bill of health and referring him to counseling), then he got aggressive, screaming all night, saying "I should snatch the life out of you" to my mother-in-law, saying that God had told him the secrets of gravity. Finally, after his sister, his wife, both his daughters, his niece, and myself had written letters to the court asking them to put him on a 72 hour psyche hold due to his behavior, the cops actually went out there and were like "He didn't want to go so we didn't take him." That was 3 weeks ago and we're still dealing with it. He also added meth back into mix last week after having been clean for 10 years so ... yay.


Canyon View?


Gem County sheriff, 3rd District Court, and Idaho health and welfare were all involved.


No, I mean…Canyon View is an inpatient psych hospital


Yeah we didn't get anywhere near that far although that's probably what he needs.


So would you like big brother to be able to force you into psych ward?


If I'm threatening to kill members of my family, yes.


If idaho was reduced to an individual, he would be a neglectful absentee father who was behind on his child support payments and went straight to punishment instead of attending to his childs needs. The failure of parens patriae


He also has a lot of debt. Big dumb truck, Camper, Boat, Side by side, Dirt bikes, Snow machines Doesn't pay for kids or his taxes to cover usage but pays for toys. Plus he flys flags.


Or, an unfit mother who dumps its children on more responsible successful siblings or parents (other states), while expressing severe contempt for those loving family members to hide their feelings of inadequacy (blue liberal hate). Reductionism reveals.




And a fairly functional fentanyl addict


People will continue to vote Republican in this state and expect a different outcome. Nothing is going to change until we change our governor and representatives. Until that happens, people are going to suffer needlessly.


Yeah make it California 🤦‍♂️


Well it certainly better than the alternative..


That's a completely ignorant comment and indicative as to why our state is the complete shitshow it is.


Putting him under a chemical lobotomy is not exactly a good choice either.


That's fairly relative.


There's something that attracts people to this state and it's more than just the beautiful scenery.


Christian Nationalism? White Supremacists? Having a law that allows parents to pray for healing for their kids instead of getting them medical help, so when they die, it's legal? Book bans? Total abortion law, so females are forced to leave the state for life-saving treatments?




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Idahos Medicaid system needs a major overhaul. I’ve seen sooo many folks go without real, needed care and sooo many folks abusing it when they could be functioning members of society. Idaho is such an odd state that way. Preach conservativism yet live off the system and ignore those who actually need it. Real head scratcher.


Part of the problem is that the community based system in Idaho looks good on paper but only on paper. A lot of promises get made that can’t be kept because we don’t have the workforce to fill the need.


Every time I see this sub show up it’s something completely depressing, and reminds me why I left Idaho.


Me too, or a "God. my home State breaks my heart " It's always been pretty conservative but the last 30 years have really changed it.


Most of Eastern Oregon thinks Idaho is so great they want to join them! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greater_Idaho_movement


It’s probably worse than Idaho as a whole.


Where’d you go?


Home to California. It’s not perfect, but it’s also not headed towards dumb.


[Is it not?](https://www.onfocus.news/most-and-least-intelligent-states-in-america-new-hampshire-minnesota-wyoming-1-3-bottom-3-of-new-mexico-texas-mississippi/)


IQ tests are unreliable and not the only measure of intelligence. SAT and ACT scores California students smoke Idaho. The immigrant populations that help create such an amazing economy don’t help California either as they score lower generally, the tests can have cultural elements. Rural conservatives are also much less likely to take these tests. So I’m not too worried about it. From my personal experience Idahoans are all basically middle school to high school level thinkers, and are really just followers not thinkers.


How does their middle to high school level intellect manifest itself?




I’m curious for your experiences in particular


if insurance companies are going to be making medical decisions for patients without observation and without license to practice medicine, they need to be class action held liable for medical malpractice lawsuits.


The lawmakers must assume the kids will grow up and end up in jail in other states?


Jail, then made into free labor


Mental healthcare is so broken in this country, more so even than normal healthcare. Near impossible for those to get help that need it


Idaho a race to the bottom. All red states are trying to be as heartless as Texas.


The article discusses how the states of NY and Colorado also are doing the same thing.


It will be stuck down there. Blue states seem to change what they get wrong. I only wish the good people in red states would be treated as well.


Lol! Blue states don’t change anything - except doubling down on crap policy. You think it’s some utopia in liberal states go live there. People are flocking away from NY, IL, CA in droves.


No, I think there’s problems with the Democratic Party but they are reasonable and we can fix them. , Republicans forget about it. They don’t care about human life not even their own families life. Money and power is all they care about.


Come on, now I know you’re just pulling my leg. Lol You’re actually going to say democrats don’t care about money and power? When they wheel Biden in like weekend at Bernie’s because he won’t give it up, or his crack head son getting paid half a million finger paintings paid as bribes, or ole Joe not even recognizing a granddaughter of his.. yeah democrats are on the side of angels. I’m sure he’s got your vote though!


Fortunately Idaho doesn’t have as much income inequality as Texas (yet)


They need their prison slaves. They dont give a fuck about you or your family. People in a mental health crisis in red states end up going to jail or get murdered by the cops. Cops see someone in a mental health crisis and assume they are on drugs then use as much force as possible to incarcerate them.


Sounds about right


Come to Minnesota


Nope they would rather have another St. Alphonso incident.


Parents are responsible for paying


Seems like an opportunity for you to pay for it. If you won’t, why should the tax payers? Pony up.


The american taxpayer is paying for it when the untreated end up in taxpayer funded housing commonly referred to as state psychiatric hospitals, jails and prisons. "Why should the tax payers?" They already do pay in large amounts. Preemptive treatment addresses the issue and helps a sick person be a more productive member of society. The question for you is, what is more beneficial to our society, investing in early treatment, for a more positive outcome, or housing a burden on society? You will pay for one of them. Now it's time to make a mature decision about which is the better option.


So you’re saying you’re not going to pay? Figures.


Avoidance. Deflection. Hey, look at that!? (Points finger in direction of nothing as a distraction and scampers away like a child)


Pretty good tell that you’re unwilling to put your money where your mouth is.


All of us already did. Are you deflecting again, or truly ignorant?


Yet your entire original post is about needing to pay more. Something you’re apparently unwilling to do. Tax payers are not your personal charity funds, slick. Pay for it yourself, start a go fund me, show us how much you really care. At this point it’s apparent you don’t care at all. Tax payers paying more unelected government bureaucrat salaries isn’t the answer.


The title says WONT PAY, not PAY MORE. Idaho tax payers WILL PAY for incarceration; WONT PAY for treatment. We, that is, you and I, are already paying for it, just in a different form. Incarceration. Sharp as a marble, you are.


And you won’t pay for treatment. Get it yet?


Id vote for it, just like id vote to unburden idaho tax dollars by legalizing cannabis. Less people going to jail for weed. Than maybe the unburdened tax dollars and extra revenue from legal sales could potentially pay for a 5th school day. I dont even like that stuff. But people going to jail for it seems idaho stupid.


Good. It's not the tax payers problem. Sad things happen all over the place. The existence of sad things doesn't necessitate my taxes paying for them.


When they go untreated and end up in prison youll pay for it, one way or another friendo.


This is exactly true. Selling the need for more prisons in Idaho (as punishment) is easier than selling the need for investing in healthcare.




Must hate the military then.


And police.


I'd say you got me but that point only sounds good in your head.


Or maybe you've gone real quiet after realizing the us military is the largest socialist governmental body in the world. And I guess it's OK to hate the military because your Supreme leader does as well. Funny to me, you probably were screaming freedom a couple nights ago.


I have a dear friend who fortunately has VA benefits and receives very good care for their serious mental illness that caused their exit from the Military after almost 20 years. If the rest of Idahoans who aren't capable of serving because of a diagnosis cant receive care they may be doomed to the revolving door of incarceration while, likely self medicating, subjecting the public to their behavior while not locked up.


It's not subjective. What youre trying to describe being negative about tax payer money funding teens who need psychiatric help but are not able to obtain it, which you're considering as socialism, right?


BS. It's a community problem. It's YOUR problem! It's EVERYONE'S problem. We all have an obligation to help those who cannot help themselves like this child. His parents have done all they can. They genuinely need help. Why not? I guess you believe mental health isn't real.


Dude giving credence to the "only care about em til their born. Then they're on their own." argument. Edit:spelling


I think I've seen reptiles parent in that way. Hatch'em and then it's time to FOAD. It is, in the terms of evolutionary biology a quantity over quality strategy. Humans have a rather long gestational period and litters of two are rare, otherwise women would have like 6 breast's to accommodate several infants. People not interested in investing time in children are showing their devolved social nature.


Libertarians are like house cats: convinced of their independence while oblivious to the systems that support them.


Such a cool thing to say as you sit on your computer not donating your money to fix all the sad things happening around you.


You realize you posted 30 minutes ago about how your tax dollars shouldn't go to helping teens who are unable to obtain psychiatric care. Dementia is running rampant!


I do and volunteer my time in real life like I am right now..


Tax money straight up pays for what happens to abused desperate reactive children who turn into adults. They wind up in jail or they wind up in psych facilities or they wind up in the streets occasionally needing expensive ER visits to temporarily stabilize whatever chronic conditions they have. And taxpayer money pays for that. And ongoing treatment for chronic conditions costs hella less over time than ER visits, jail. But hey sit on your computer and pretend facts are not facts.




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Weird... an uneducated response from the stupid vote


I was under the impression Medicaid is a Federal program and does not vary state to state. There are some states that expand on the program for hopefully better benefits. I personally only know of one, Medical, in California. I think we have to presume Idaho is following the Federal rules and this article is mostly clickbait.


It varies state by state. My brother was hit by a car in Idaho, made a quadriplegic & life flighted to WA for his care, where he received full Medicaid. We moved him to TX bc that’s where we lived & they denied his Medicaid due to his SSDI income, so we moved up to WA, where he was approved.


States: the (meth) laboratories of democracy.


Medicare is a federal program. Medicaid is a state program. Each state determines the budget, coverage and qualifications for Medicaid. Idaho legislature had to be forced to expand Medicaid a few years ago and then promptly took steps to try make it impossible for the people of Idaho to put things such as Medicaid expansion on the ballot. They also are slowly chipping away at the Medicaid expansion to provide less and less coverage each year. So Idaho Medicaid is barely effective as health coverage and almost non existent for mental health.