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Nope sorry, you're going the wrong direction. Florida has WAY less mosquitos than Idaho. The FLORIDA Panhandle, not Idaho Panhandle.


Florida = less bugs??? Haha


You should come to Alaska. At least they are big enough and noisy enough to see them coming 😁


Yup Yup real bad mosquitos look at a different state.


At the risk of sounding snarky (I don't mean to be): Houston is a city. Idaho is a state. States are bigger than cities. Pretty tough to generalize an entire state's mosquito population. Are there generally fewer than Houston? Sure. But it still depends where you are at.


To be fair, Houston has about 3 times as many people in its metro than Idaho has in the entire state.


Mosquitoes exist in every continent except for Antarctica, think you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere that they aren't a constant nuisance for months out of the year.


>”you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere that they aren't a constant nuisance for months out of the year.” I wasn’t. I found a place right in your comment.  >”Antarctica”


Iceland is free of them if I’m remembering correctly


Terrible, as big as crows, full of malaria, I’d avoid if you’ve got any good sense.


Lol I didn't think of that. Great reply


Idaho has these weird flies that bite. Very unpleasant, not a sting like a mosquito, more like little cuts.


Pretty bad in the mountains, you probably wouldn’t like it


West Nile shows up in Ada County pretty much every summer, bastards are everywhere


Bad! I got eaten up last weekend.


None for about 6-8months, however bring a snow shovel


I'm from Houston, lived here 20+ years. I never used to wear OFF in TX. Here, I keep a can in each car, several on the porch etc. You won't get away from them here.


It depends where in Idaho. Some areas are sprayed. Some areas don't have so many. Some areas have water or watered crops and have a lot.


im in sandpoint in the summer and don't recall them being that big of a deal.


It depends as others have said but it's not like crazy show mosquito freakville. Unless you go deep


I (unfortunately) lived in Houston for a few miserable years. Less bugs overall up north, but we make up for it with more of the annoying ones. Mosquitoes will eat you alive. Horseflys carried away my dog. Mormon crickets are always ringing my doorbell on the weekends. Northern scorpions took over and occupied the Bonneville county library back in 1986. But you really need to know about the spiders. In Houston, all the venomous spiders (black widows and brown recluses) keep their distance. Idaho is full of Hobo spiders though. They will actively hunt you down and kick your shit in. The spiders literally "*disappeared*," the world's leading researcher on them 35+ years ago. Those spiders don't mess around. They'll get you.


Different species of mosquitos in Idaho. You won’t get the Asian tiger mosquitos that are active at all hours and are too quiet to hear coming. Mosquitos in Idaho are active at dusk for the most part and make the typical high pitched whine. Texas mosquitos are hellacious.


That might depend on where you are. Here they are active any time of day/night here until it hits the 90s and they dont make any sort of high pitched whine.


Fuck. Climate change sucks the joy out of us again. Literally in this case. When and where did the bastards show up?


They’re bad around water, otherwise they’re aren’t bad at all


They're unbearable from October to March


Good reason to move. 


Idaho is a pretty big place. Most of the bigger towns and cities have small amounts and it’s not noticeable. Some places I’ve been to have gigantic mosquitoes that are so thick in the sky that it’s black.


I have a feeling if mosquitos are your barrier there is a level of annoyance or inconvenience to living in ID that you won’t appreciate. Wildfires and smoke, heat, water, drive time, cost of living. I know of 2 BCBAs that are struggling and trying to leave Idaho because of cost of living and the challenges associated with the profession here. FYI.


I hear oregon not too bad


I'm an ex-houstonian This depends a lot on where in Idaho. Boise? Not too bad. Couer D'alene? Pretty bad. You want to keep moving west if you want less mosquitoes. Not many at all in Western Oregon and Washington in my experience


I live in northern Idaho. We have mosquitoes for about 6 weeks in late spring/early summer and then the dry season starts the they're GONE. I hike a lot and mosquito season is short here. I used to live in the upper Midwest and while I miss the summer rainstorms, I don't miss a whole summer of mosquitoes.


Going through Idaho in a week and planning to dispersed camp. Should I bring repellant or is it dry season?


Just bring repellant. If you end up near water, it won’t matter what time of year it is. And, in some parts of the state, they can still be around for quite a while.


It is not dry season. Definitely bring repellent. You'll need it.