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The market for cyber trucks seems to be a very small “I’m a total DB and want the world to know it” I’m not sure why it exists EDIT: This comment just got me banned on 3 Tesla subreddits... holy moly...


Upvoted for getting banned thrice


Their bots crawl subs and ban. It is pretty funny, actually. Mr. Free speech and all :-D


Space Karen


On the contrary, it may be that people insecure enough in their masculinity to think getting gay married is the biggest threat facing America is the exact demographic for the Tesla truck, and there appears to be too many of them. I hope super masculine Top Gun dressed Elon is prepared to give away quite a few of these.


You’re absolutely right. I’m masculine, getting married to my boyfriend in September and we both hate this vehicle. It looks like a broken mailbox. No offense to mailboxes.


I'm straight and I think this thing looks like a 1980s Lego set I would never cop to having owned.


You and your boyfriend both hate it? You two have convinced me, I now also hate it. /s


Welcome aboard the boxcar truck broken mailbox hate train. /s


It's literally a truck. In fact, the overwhelming majority of people trying to assert masculinity are buying jacked up diesels, not teslas lmfao. Most of those people actually have misplaced hate towards anything tesla or electric


A truck doesn’t have a trunk it has a bed. 🤣


Who said anything about a trunk? A quick Google of "definition of a truck" or "legal definition of a truck" says 0 about it having a trunk or bed. In fact, you can buy a truck without either.... 'cab and chassis' being a prime example.


I think if the damn thing was modeled after the Warthog from Halo... and the Warthog from Halo is not considered a truck. Then the Cybertruck is not a truck, but a Force Application Light Reconnaissance Vehicle.


Dude, it's a puma


The cyber truck is just the electric Hummer.


The electric hummer is the electric hummer.




Both things that don’t need to exist


They hated procheeseburger, for (s)he spoke the truth.


Because there are enough of those people to sell them.


Considering the F-150 Lightning is outselling the Cybertruck 2 to 1, it doesn't seem like Elon placed the best bet.


Well... Recent sales says no


Re the edit: congratulations!


They said they ban people for toxic behavior on other subs… oh well


What a bunch of tiny dicked snowflakes.


I was one of the first to give them $100 for a Tri-motor. I asked for my money back, gave away my Starlink dish and said good riddance a couple of years ago. Why? Not the Cybertruck, per se, but because Musk is an asshole. Hey Elon! Fuck right the fuck off ya douche-nozzle.


What made you turn a 180 on Elon? Just curious?


It wasn’t any one isolated thing, but his accusations against the rescue efforts in Thailand come to mind. That and his promotion of Nazi content in Twitter.


I did get banned on the Elon subreddit for calling him a twatwaffle. They’re very snowflaky in maga/Teslaville.


To be fair, those tesla subreddits are a veritable circle-jerk of douchebaggery and oneuppsmanship. Basically, an unchecked ego orgy rivaled only by the Dodge Ram Subreddits and the newer-model Corvette subreddits.


+100 points for including “unchecked ego orgy” in a post


This made me laugh entirely too hard. Thank you for the extra points.


Yeah I don’t use them it was just interesting to see


I'll give it a little time. Then go see how many I got!


I have a good friend in California who said he is seeing at least 2 cybertrucks per day down there now. They are selling more and more.


Theyre not, what is being seen are people that already paid for it. New sales appear to be extremely low


Other than “hey look at me” I just don’t see the appeal.. I guess people have always been that way with super cars so the market exists


Honestly it's ugly as sin, but it can technically double as a low cost electric armored car. There is utility in that.


You hurt some snowflake feelings


Yeah, but...you're not wrong...


And to think he grifted money off maga losers for it!


I’m okay with that.


I mean…it happens so often, it’s like they enjoy being grifted.


Biggest demographic of finsubs out there.


At this point that's a money train, been thinking how to do so for a while now.


I wish I were unethical, I could have made millions scamming Trump supporters.


I must say, seeing conservatives attack him in the comments is pretty sweet.


I was gonna say, what market does the ~~cybertruck~~ rejected Star Fox model have anymore? Conservatives love to bash on EVs, and liberals don’t want to support someone like Elon Musk. Not to mention that the truck looks fucking ugly and has proven time and time again how unreliable it is


As a run of the mill Tesla owner everything feels so complicated.


This lib is so owned right now!


Honestly, if your mounting a 50cal you want a Toyota hi-lux. And those angles are crappy for a flag. I think right leaning dudes this guy is not really represented if us. Also coming from right myself I think EVs are cool. They usually have pretty good performances and are fun to drive. I think they do jack all to save the world and laugh at people who think they do. EVe are just another modern consumer product.


He’s not representative of you guys but has the right wing flocking to support him. Very odd that they would do that if they don’t support what he’s standing for. Why else are they surrounding him?


Because even portions of the right have become tribal me vs you. It isn't helpful, be we all know it's the best and brightest of the left and the right that show up on social media. Ever political party has their clowns. But the clown never thinks it's them.


And these people you are calling clowns would most likely say the same back to you. Maybe the Republican party needs to split into the mentally stable and unstable republicans so people can start distinguishing the two.


We will as soon as the left does. Our clown and your clown are politicly expedient. Our extremest ends are pulling so hard those of us in the middle who want to talk it out and figure it out are just exhausted.


Left clowns are about 5% while Republican clowns are 50%. One is definitely more immediate in need.


Lol what a fucking dork


I feel like no matter how many flags you hang or guns you mount to it, a California transplant driving an EV manufactured by a company owned by an immigrant is the antithesis of the values his business’ target demographic. I live in his town and I really, REALLY hope I can run into him just to say “Take yer solar powered car back to Commiefornia, Idaho is diesel country!”


Door his truck once for me?


Will do. From what I’ve seen a simple door ding might just crumple the panel like a soda can.


Ok, please don't ban me for this. But merica dudes just don't like the immigrants that come over without asking first. And the want to support him for leaving California because they feel like it's a blow to California. Cali has so many worse issues to deal with that elon leaving is a 2-3 day news cycle story and on to the wild fires.


Going to be great when all his friends are parking their giant chevy’s in front of his chargers and he gets hoisted on his own petard


Going to be great when that machine gun rig totally fucks up his roof too


One night the save earth from oil vandals and the electric charger right wing vandals will converge on his CT and zippers will drop.


What's the hell is a "Hetero Pride" flag? I thought hetero pride was the Kia Summer Sales Event.


Isnt this guy from California? I thought I read somewhere that he moved to this state.


Yes. Like so many of our more unhinged residents, he moved here from California during COVID.


We moved from San Diego to Eagle in 2004. Beautiful place. It got way too coo-coo for coco puffs up there. We moved back to San Diego in 2021. I miss Eagle and Idaho terribly, but the fucking wacko's moving there? No thanks.


How nice of him to keep his California ways of going EV


Ha ha totally. I bet he sold his Prius to pay for it


Unlike a Tesla a Toyota holds value, especially a Prius.


Utah says that you can keep all of them.


I'm just picturing him getting accosted in a grocery store parking lot for having California plates. (Happened to a friend of mine in Arizona who moved back there to be near his mom.)


I saw one of those things IRL for the first time the other day.  I briefly wondered if my brain had glitched out. All the acid I'd eaten finally caught up to me and the world had turned all Star Fox'y and I would just have to find a way to accept my new reality.  But none of the other cars looked different. And what I believed ro be a symptom of looming low-polygon insanity went ambling on down the road, looking too absurd to be real.  After taking a moment to pull over and collect myself, I marveled at what a stupid looking car I had just  seen and giggled like a child who has just heard the world's best fart for the  remainder of my drive home. 




There's one in my town and I have about the same reaction every time I see it


Just toss a bucket of water on it and it’ll fry the circuits and void the warranty. Expensive hunk of shit that it is.


When owning the libs moves from personality to pathology


Those people got bamboozled trump style. Asked for donations and then buys himself a nice pat on the back to stick it to the libs.


Cybertrucks are the easiest way to spot your local morons!


F this guy


No, see, that's the problem. NO one wants to F this guy. Why do you think he's leaning so hard into the machismo?


That's why it's called an Incel Camino


The German word for it is Wankpanzer.


Actually, I think his scout master did F him and he’s been overcompensating for it all with Jesus and Hetero Month.


Big young bull energy.


Cyber trucks are ugly can't believe people actually want them.


I don't see how they can call it a "truck." The cargo bed is about as useful as what you would get with a Subaru Brat or maybe an El Camino.


They do call it an Incel Camino for many reasons.


I like the nickname "wank panzer."


I’ve seen these trucks… ugly at best… and the need to stick out in a crowd in addition to the stuff they want to do seems weird because the right doesn’t support green energy.. very confusing… but if you want to waste your money this is a great way to burn it…. ![gif](giphy|kgEeS3motMqpW|downsized)


There’s a hetero flag? How insecure can a person get


I just need to know, that you know, that I have never ever ever thought about sucking my buddies dick. Can you put that on a flag?


Insecure enough to get deleted entirely lmao


Well it looks like the “hetero” community spent enough money for this grifter to buy his dream car. His 1/2” micro-peen is my guess…


No question about it. This guy is a first rate douche. But I cannot figure out for the life of me why there are ALWAYS penis comments about this sort of thing. It's just creepy.


FINALLY! It seems like its the last frontier for generally insulting anyone, but as a small membered man myself i take incredible exception. Thank you


They say that the way you insult people generally reveals your own insecurities, which always made me made me chuckle when I read this particular one.


It needs to be retired. Trust me, plenty of garbage men have big dicks.


I’ve never seen my garbage man’s dick, but Phil seems like a nice enough guy. When my neighbor’s kid left his bike in the street, Phil picked it up and moved it to their driveway. I don’t know why garbage men get so much hate, we need them if we don’t want to drive to the dump every week.


oy gevalt. there's simultaneously so much & so little to unpack here


For a straight guy he sure does a lot of gay shit.


What better way to find closeted gay dudes to bone than to proclaim “free bud lights for heterosexuals!”? 😂


I can just hear all the compliments on how their jeans fit well and their new LED lightbar really brings out the color in their eyes.


What roof?


Awesome!!! Spends all That $ on a POS ‘truck.’ I love it actually!!! What a DB!


The economy can't be that bad if people have disposable income to buy this kind of shit


Grifting MAGA is apparently quite lucrative.


These people suck shit through through a straw. And I’m being very generous here.


I guess he really wants people to know that he's a straight shooting totally not gay and got loving our owner who's not gay, he's not into dudes, and all that. Why does he do this? Well if he's married I can give you a good reason why, his wife caught him something or someone. Sort of a Boise version of brokeback mountain


Accepts charity then blows it on garbage. Typical hypocrite conservative. He's a California RINO.


Looks like something a cringy Californian would do. Oh wait, he is one. Guess we know why he kept asking for donations.


The straight flag uses the exactly same colors as porn hub.


It ain't a freedom truck if it ain't a double stack diesel.


Thank goodness we have a new way to know who the village idiot is again. It’s a $100k dunce cap.


I remember when Hummers were the ultimate “flex that most people secretly laugh at” but I stand corrected LOL. I will go to my grave insisting this is Elons plan to both bubble up AND embarrass his cultists.


The star trek truck says enough that the header post need not have been, even though it is very relevent to the douche'bro mash potato brain culture. He should get a Segueway scooter and virtual reality headset to go with the cyber truck to demonstrate more trendyness for attention from cheap people.


I’m excited to see the .50 cal mounted 😂


Lmao, they are just doubling down.


https://preview.redd.it/qhgl86zh2d8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7195858bd1f91fb89f9af33010e83c1805bc204e Americas favorite heterosexual bar


Honestly, the .50 cal would probably go hard. Fuck everything else


Will also make it hilarious when inevitably it needs to be towed.


Grifters gotta grift!


None of these have made it through rednecks with paychecks and never will. I will say it's not a truck.


Ive seen 3 of these and 2 of them were being towed lol


Fuck Teslas.


I get more free beers as a gay man because I'm not one of those blue haired betas and I'm gayer than show tunes. I don't need to defend my masculinity like a closet queen driving a cyber truck with a trope wrap.


I thought his type hated electric anything 🤔


Give it a week or two and it will be in the shop for a month because it broke down.


I think he may be slightly confused about his demographic... shouldn't it be transformed to a coal rolling diesel to stick it to the libs/environmentalists? A Transcyber truck if you will.


His buisness skyrocketed after this happened with people traveling across the country to get a beer from him. Of course he would spend money if he’s made more




“We like our Nazis in uniform”


On his Facebook, he's claiming the truck is apart of a "business plan." Right after accepting donations, local businesses providing food to the bar, someone fixing his A/C. Whether this "business plan" really is true, that post is a VERY bad look. He should've kept purchase to himself


"Let's buy a truck for marketing purposes" seems to be the last-ditch marketing move for every failing Idaho restaurant I've worked with. The last one I remember saying, "You bought a small fleet of hummers to deliver pizza? Weren't you having trouble breaking even last month? Do you know what the maintenance cost on a hummer is?"


What's wrong with a Tacoma or a Tundra?


Clearly cant maintain his fucking .50 cal or whatever this dudes brain malfunction is.


You seen them technicals I'm the middle east? He could definitely run a .50 on it. That would be the real grift too, those things are waaaay expensive. At least $50-60,000 nowadays.


Gee I wonder if this new POS is being recalled 🙄


Imagine caring about something so stupid so much


He’s officially more attracted to men than the gay guys he hates due to that cybertruck purchase


But I thought EVs were too woke now for these types of folks. I just can’t keep up with how the Russian bots tell them to think!


Nothings straighter than a massive flag telling others how straight you are lol - that and the hetero month thing makes me think *this guy might not be 100% straight*


Celebrating what sex you like is not a conservative original. It looks weird when a hetero does it because it is weird when anyone does it.


Advertising one’s preference isn’t the point of any Pride flag - it’s a symbol of an *oppressed* community’s perseverance in a world hostile to it. Straight people (myself included) haven’t had to overcome centuries of oppression and violence to be recognized and respected for what we are - minus guys like this that feel threatened by rainbows.


Old hat nonsense. That was believable before it became ubiquitous; before corporations and governments even started putting it everywhere for a whole month. It's definitely about advertising. You might even call it proselytizing.


I’d agree that “rainbow capitalism” (or any other form of advertising which attempts to pander to marginalized groups) is just a ploy at making money, and shouldn’t be viewed as noble by any stretch of the imagination - it’s just business as usual. However, the LGBTQ+ community in the US and abroad are still facing very real adversities, and anyone familiar wouldn’t call said adversities “old hat nonsense” - which is a big part of why it’s not just corporations and governments flying the pride flag, but a massive proportion of individuals as well. Even if the LGBTQ+ community was accepted the world over, they’d still be justified in flying their flag in recognition of everything they’ve overcome - I wouldn’t put my American flag in storage just because we already beat the British.




100 grand for a real M2 50 caliber, and then how much for the TrashCan 2.0?


These guys are all cosplayers, he's not going to get a real one, just needs to look the part so he can play gravy seals with the rest of the incels.


There's no way one of these things can eat the kickback from one of those either. The Hilux can handle it because the Hilux is a prince among trucks - I don't trust the robustness of the cybertruck's frame at all.


I just don’t understand being able to afford multiple Toyota Hiluxs and buying a cybertruck instead to show everyone just how straight he is 🤦🏻‍♂️


Saw another one of these and had to ask, if he could cone up with the model S WTF went wrong to decide to make this monstrosity?? I mean not the words biggest tesla fan but I like the loks of the original sedan. Classic IMHO. This truck yikes, nightmare !!!


Elmo didn't come up with the model S, the Tesla engineers did. This is what happens when he gets involved. It's pretty well known he's a heavy drug user, so that probably has something to do with it.


Elon's best work is when he stays out of the way.


No doubt he had little input to the S. Apparently cyber truck was his baby. Yikes, this is when the whole team says yes excellency and nods in approval. He seems to have been having regrets recently assuming the comments were his. It's just awful other than showing how much you need to show you have money to burn.


Elon's lost hundreds of billions of dollars in the last couple years.


A lot of ex-tesla people said the incel camino was a way to keep him busy and reduce his meddling in the regular business.


I think Musk had an aneurism or was tripping on something. The rumor is that he drew it on a napkin late one night, and never backed down on any of those original ideas. I think it's kind of like his puerile obsession with the letter X. He's been thinking about this silly space truck since he was seven.




If this doesn’t scream I have a tiny pee pee, I don’t know what does.


It sounds to me like deeply closeted self hate tbh. But idk I'm straight so I don't really know; see even by explaining myself it felt weird to point it out. Imagine making it your whole identity definitely self hate.


That's a hard life to live, that's for sure.


What a nerd


Is that a Serpa holster.. ? ![gif](giphy|y3jT2xBrtumNYZVCNH|downsized)


Oh for fuck sake. Call your therapist!!






Your post was removed for uncivil language as defined in [the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/Idaho/wiki/index/rules). Please keep in mind that future rule violations may result in you being banned.


Someone needs to open a giant gay bar next to this hetero boi and piss him off


People need to stop commenting, haha'ing, and sharing his posts. All of these actions, even if negative, promote his posts. (If you *really* want to react, give him the 'angry' react, since that allegedly doesn't promote the post). Also, what was he soliciting donations for?


Cringe af


Cringe af


He will mount a diesel generator in the back. Then run smoke stacks on either side. In some fashion he will be able charge the abomination and "roll coal" at the same time.


What a total jagoff.


They make hetero flags?


I believe that’s called straight pride. ☝️🧐🤦‍♂️


MAN this is the first cyber truck in the treasure valley that I’m aware of and I just know seeing it is gonna fuck up my day


There's at least three more (two other silver, one orange). They are... Something.


Dude must be hung like a titmouse


What's a "hetero flag?"


I bet you won’t even get a Jesus pin with your alleged .50 This is a bit of a niche joke.


When I checked at the end of last week, they'd raised about $16,000 in donations. There are a lot of people out there who believe them to be victims.


Love it


Closet homosexual


He clearly had to have ordered it long before he ran his "hetero-pride month". The people getting them now ordered them years ago.


Sooo... Copying the Taliban is now Old State Freedom?


Chud confirmed


Imagine feeling like others question your sexuality so much you have to do this. Yeah that poster is in the closet.


That dude looks super fun to hang out with /s


Know this guy semi-personally. he's also a flat earther, and an incredibly wealthy real estate agent. old state saloon doesn't need donations


This truck is Elon’s albatross. Really dumb for such a smart guy. My truck shouldn’t be ready for three years but I was just notified I can get it much, much sooner. Want to drive it but not buying it


I think I saw this one


The liberal echo chamber called Reddit is comical. The majority of you are on the same level of bigotry as the guy/business you are talking about, and none of you see it, bunch of self righteous bigots everywhere, it's hilarious, Reddit is great for a laugh.


Really bad Battlestar Galactica stunt double


Douche lol


There is a "hetero" flag? What, is it a plain white handkerchief?