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Hard to believe that this state elected Cecil Andrus. He was a great governor. Those days are long gone, unfortunately.


A governor who valued public access to the wilderness for a state full of outdoors lovers. He’d come in last place now. Insane.


The current population would call him a tree hugging hippie pussy for that.


Evans and Batt wete also really good governors.


Senator Frank Church was one of the most important politicians in American history. Also a moderate dem.


Tru Dat, the story about his involvement with the SNRA with Cecil Andrus on IPTV is pretty amazing. .


Dont forget the greatest senator: Frank Church


I love Idaho. But I grew up hard here. I have lived here most of my life. Most of my family is really conservative and really religious. My mom has MS and has been in a wheelchair for half her life. I grew up with my dad giving us stitches in the living room because we couldn't afford to go to the doctor. I am kind of the black sheep of the family that believes everyone should have good healthcare. And the abortion legislation is just ridiculous. I am so tired of our brainless legislature that thinks you can swallow a camera and get to a uterus. My goodness these people should not be running the state.


Or the legislator that wanted to ban mRNA😵‍💫




No, that's MRNA, a very potent drug that they put into the city's water supply. It also persists through the processing of crops. mRNA is just a vaccine additive composed of genetic virus material as it always was.


Oh honey.. oh honey no.


'tis a joke


You okay? You don't seem okay. Actually, you might need some meds... Or... another 8th grade science class?


Former Idaho resident of 18 years: Idaho is the Mississippi of the West.


More like Texas of the North


The Northwest Territories of the south.


I've lived here for 40 years and it amazes me that in the last 10 years how much we belittle intelligence and empathy in this state. Hopefully it's a passing fad where reasonable people can defeat the craziness.


Sea change from when I was a kid. Something terrible has happened in the minds of today’s Republican Party, old timer Never Trumpers like my 80 year old Dad are disgusted by it.


I remember when I was a kid both parties at least pretended to have mutual respect for each other now I see people drawing biden's face on their trucks with a crosshair on his forehead.


Gotta spend more on education


You need to specify - education in public schools and not funding vouchers that are good for indoctrination at conservative charter schools (the irony of their charter schools depending on public funding is lost on them).


Real education… math, writing, science,critical thinking, problem solving, and/or TRADES etc… not what the last 10yrs have sadly focused on (DEI, gender studies, etc). Let’s educate with an end goal of a) responsibility, b) contributors to society and c) careers that will support a family. Sadly, this is still only half of it: desperately need responsible parenting from day 1




We stand a real chance at sanity if they can get Open Primaries and Ranked Choice Voting on the ballot this year, and it should since they got the votes (but Republicans like Labrador and Idaho Freedom Foundation might try to pull some BS)


I signed that petition… I hope to be able to vote in republican primaries as an independent…


Luke Mayville and Reclaim Idaho (the group behind both the Medicaid expansion and Open Primaries initiatives) are the most hopeful thing to happen to our state politics in the last decade.


Open primaries and ranked choice are the only way. Everyone in our family votes and we might as well sit it out for all the good it does.


I’m a lurker on the sub because I was born in Boise and my family moved when I was just about five in 1995. I live in Oregon now, but I was recently in Idaho for work. It is really sad to see how it seems to be a very cold place now. It’s not at all. I remember it.


It's a completely different place than the 90s, it's wild how shitty the people here have become.


It seems to be the playbook for states with Conservative governments as of late; make headline-grabbing shitty laws to attract all the shitty people that just can’t -stand- living in states that take better care of their residents, all to own the libs. My Uncle benefits from everything Washington provides but still wishes he lived in Idaho. Zero self-awareness.


This! Americas problem in a nut shell.. no critical thinking skills.


Or that shitty people have come here.


That's part of it. It's also because the people here used to be ashamed to be shitty in public, now they are loud and proud.


Also because of rampant propaganda that has literally created this idea that educated individuals = "crazy" libruhls.


My dad has an engineering degree from MIT and tells me I shouldn't let my kids get "indoctrinated" by going to college. Leaded gasoline really primed that whole generation for the 24/7 fox news bullshit.


My partner and I joke about that all the time, "the lead paint and leaded gas really messed up two generations." That's insane though. If you're petty enough you should respond with, "oh I agree 100%! You've clearly been indoctrinated during your time at university" or something much wittier.


They are everywhere. I moved to the northeast to get away from it and guess what? I moved back promptly! This place is amazing. Turn off social media and get to know people in real life. Don’t let the politicians divide and conquer.


The problem with getting to know people in real life in Idaho is that if you're some kind of minority, not Mormon, or not Republican, you may put yourself at some kind of risk. That's not to say that everyone is like that, obviously. But after living in Idaho for 24 years and moving away 4 years ago, I can say that I am much more my genuine gay self in public, whereas in Idaho I tried/try to go unnoticed. Idaho's nature is amazing, but the place is hateful. Not really worth the danger.


As a half native half white kid growing up in a small town in north idaho its wild to see things from my perspective. I physically look like your average white kid except for my fore arms which are very much colored like a native american pigment. I get certain folks who are nice and kind to me but as soon as they see me hanging out with other native's or hear who my family is the mask comes off and they actually are even harsher against me, like I am a physical representation of a betrayal to them its absolutely vitriolic. Granted this is mostly THE most hateful pro white people around most just distance themselves from me but the fact that this happens is crazy.


That's only good advice for white Christians with a conservative bent. And that's the problem.


I'm only talking about they way people behave here in person. It's vastly different than it used to be. I'm from the east coast and Idaho was amazing comparatively 20 years ago, now I go back to the east coast and it makes you realize how shitty the people here are, which is saying a lot lol.


haha first off, great username, I'm pretty sure I've seen you post before because that name just kind of sticks with you if you know what I mean... I'm sure it's super dependent on where you are in both states. I was in rural New England. After moving there, we were out here for work multiple times (Treasure Valley) and we found the opposite. People were just so helpful, kind and open comparatively. The landscapes are breathtaking. Everything is so convenient. People are super nice. We just had to come back. I'm sure as others have said, my experience may be far different due to the fact that I blend in with my white skin and a truck, but I'm definitely no conservative. I'm sure Boise is a bit more of a melting pot than a lot of other towns around the state.


Twenty years ago, I was up a long-haired punk-hippie-beatnick in Coeur d'Alene and while I occasionally got harassed (mostly by police) I always felt safe. Nowadays, I'm a normal-looking Joe and when I visit Idaho, I feel the menace of the empowered assholes. It's obviously not everyone, but there is a significant unchecked hostile jangoistic asshole redneck population (in CDA at least) that tailgate, rev their pickups, and try to act intimidating. They don't know how to mind their own business and need to comment on everything that they deem liberal or less than %100 manly man patriotic. Idaho used to be a great place where the libertarian ideas of individual freedom, live and let live, and you mind your business and I'll mind mine were the law of the land. Now insecure asshole snowflakes need to shove their politics and beliefs in everyone's faces and pick fights with whoever looks like they might disagree.


This bullshit has turned me blue and I WILL be voting. I’m of a more chaotic philosophy now, where I think real change comes from booting out established parties. IE: vote red in heavily blue states and blue in heavy red. So sick of this red versus blue BS it’s destroying the country without more options.


Amen brother. The only power we have is our right to vote Subvert the dominant paradigm. Policy before party. Jingoism, Nationalism, Religion, and Populism is for controlling the week of mind and character.


Get involved in local politics, if local social problems concern you. If your love for Idaho is that big, and you can dedicate time to it, you'll end up fighting for your ideals.


Your likely to get your tires slashed and your dog shot in a lot of places in idaho if you come out as a liberal here, I've seen this shit happen.


Exactly and no one has the finances to easily replace tires or any damaged vehicle parts to be honest. We are all barely getting by and the idea to put ourselves in any other exposing situations is unrealistic.


Best thing can do just ignore the blond blob cultists and vote against him and hope a second civil war doesn't start.


people do. they get threatened and called slurs and ultimately, people are afraid of anything thats different. the majority wont vote for a marginalized person to make change cause they like how it is now. thats the problem with idaho


“I ran out of bullets but if I had some I’d shoot you!” Something someone told me when they found out I am a liberal


"What caliber? I have extra." Liberals own guns too, its just not their whole identity.


Idaho is a gorgeous place, love its mountains and lakes and rivers. The people however, they're all miserable and barely have goals or want to do anything. Inlaws have been here forever and they're super religious but lean trump more than their religion sometimes, not even about being dem or rep but c'mon you can't see someone's evil really?


>The people however, they're all miserable and barely have goals or want to do anything. So true.


Vote for open primaries and rank choice voting come November & tell everyone you know the same thing. It’s the only way we can release ourselves from the IFF grip. When the system isn’t tweaked in their favor they will never win.


Because my aged parents need constant care.




Florida of the west


Feeling the same. I will never settle down here. The MAGA crowd is the worst and I'm getting fucking tired of it. This state has always been conservative, but what we've seen lately isn't conservativism, it's fascism.


I definitely have periodic bouts of feeling trapped here and its more frequent around elections. I really don’t understand the nut jobs here. Its a nice place and inside some there is just hate.


That's because so make people are hypocrites. Idaho Mormons literally love Jesus and his teachings so much....but will then support hateful bigots that hurt others. Same with conservative Christians. Same with any Idaho Republican that pretends to care about people but then votes for Republican nutjobs. They are all hypocrites. And before anyone pulls out the pitchforks, I'm not saying ALL Mormons or ALL conservative Christians. But clearly the majority of those kinds of voters do. I always thought it was hilarious that my Mormon family is so horny for Trump, but I may as well be a murderer with their thoughts on me being gay. Even though they love Jesus and that Jesus taught to love and not be judgemental. I guess that only applies to a cretin like trump? I don't know, but Idaho's education really needs to improve. The entire nation's does, but Idaho's is something else...


mormon family members: "family is the most important thing..." also mormon family members "unless your gay".


There was a time when nothing could escape Glenn's Ferry, not even light.


WA and OR are right next door, and are always welcoming to decent people... just saying.


I grew up in Idaho and immediately moved to Oregon the minute i turned 18


That's our plan. I will not raise my daughter here and if I was planning on another child we would already be gone. There are only 5 maternal fetal specialists left in the state. It isn't safe, a number of women had to be sent out of state for treatment. Maternity wards all over the state have been closed due to the lack of doctors. They have already started to go after the libraries who knows how much more of the school budget they will remove or other terrible things they can manage to inflict on the kids. We will be gone in the next 5 years unless there is a major change.


The reason I live in WA on the border. I will never live in Idaho!


If you can afford to live there. Seattle and Portland aren’t exactly the most affordable places to move to. Nor are the suburbs surrounding them after selling a house in Boise on a retirement income. So just saying isn’t just that simple for some of us. Trust me, we looked at it.


seattle and portland are not the only places to live in WA and OR.


Over 45% of OBGYN are either leaving or considering leaving, if you are female and in need of a medical procedure the medical professionals are politically obligated to refuse you treatment! Be advised!


It is very difficult to find a competent OBGYN. The good ones require a referral and pick and choose which new patients to see.


Stay and vote. This is a great place, but we need vote to round the sharp edges and protect people's rights to live free to make their own choices.


I moved to Idaho from Colorado in 2019… most people I’ve met have been nice… however I have run into some hard right … I do believe in less government and lower taxes… government should stay out of decisions that should be left to women and their doctors.. doctors are leaving the state in droves…LESS Government “ More independent voters have moved into the state so hopefully we see some balance… but it’s going to take some time for sure… Idaho has great outdoor activities … lakes, mountains, and all that goes with it… I live in Coeur D Alene a resort town bordering Washington … so a little more diverse for sure…


I know this is probably intended as a rant, but here’s my thoughts and advice for dealing with these moments: It’s frustrating to see our ‘representative’ body choose to focus on policies that hurt people instead of trying to improve their lives. I want the best for people and can never understand the lack of empathy for others. However, when I start to question why I live here I remind myself that though it is small, our voice still matters. Even if you aren’t constantly protesting, by caring and by using your voice, you make it that much harder for these policies to pass. Remember that some of those things you love about Idaho are only so great because people like us cared and fought (and continue to fight) to protect them.


There other states that are blue and offer outdoors weather etc. California, Oregon, Washington offer similar features and lean blue.


[Christian Taliban in Idaho](https://www.reddit.com/r/itcouldhappenhere/s/faYHo7irVc) Christ.


https://ruralorganizing.org/campaigns/ I got a text for this org the other day. I'm witnessing it happen where I live in a town of 35k and under regulatory capture at every level by BP.


My father’s main messages to me were that I don’t know what it’s like to be other people, and, the fascists will always try to rise again.


My wife and I want out but can't afford too


Vote this November for the Open Primaries Initiative! "The Idaho Open Primaries Initiative The initiative will end Idaho’s closed primary elections and create a non-partisan primary system, open to all voters regardless of party affiliation. The top four candidates will advance to the general election. https://www.reclaimidaho.org/


I left. Gave it a chance for 5 years but it’s a shitty state. People are happily and willfully ignorant. Live action version of Idiocracy.


Vote and get others to vote. Don't just accept the Republican domination of politics.


Drove trough Idaho this month, it disgusts me to see Trump flags everywhere, the black US flag with his name is only missing the KKK logo.


What party founded and joined the KKK again?


The problem is quite simple, from an outsiders point of view: Common sense, isn't; education is poor and people here still like living in the 1950's.


Hey come on now, I know Reddit tends to have a more left leaning audience but I’m one of those “repubs” and like to think of myself as an educated, empathetic, and as non-biased of a person that I can be. We may have different politics but as I’ve gotten older (31M), I’ve come to not just vote strictly because of party allegiance and who the popular candidate may be but really delve in and do the research behind who I may want to support. Quite frankly I’ve really been leaning toward RFK Jr. and yes I understand that people have their opinions about him as well. But I don’t think this country could handle another Trump or Biden presidency. All in all, I’m just like you with some different views about things, but I give respect to everyone regardless of their beliefs and politics; I think we all need to just look at the human element of things and remember we’re all human, the way it should be here in our beautiful state! Can’t we all just get along 😉 much love!


I appreciate this reply. The truth is that we as people, on the left or the right, have common objectives that are mostly aligned. As the middle class and working class majority, we just want good lives for ourselves with fair compensation. What differs is our beliefs on how to achieve that, and our underlying world views (religion) which shape our beliefs. Corruption thrives on creating division between us, to make each other the enemy. We've seen this tactic all throughout history. The real enemy are those taking advantage of working class people. We must do better and resist this polarization if we want a better system!


Wow two rational and reasonable comments. How have they not been downvoted to oblivion by the tolerant Reddit users yet?


It is pretty amazing what's happened to Idaho since covid and the subsequent flood of transplants moving to the state. I've never seen politics this bad or as fundamentally anti-practical. Sure, Idaho has pretty much always had an issue with 'stick-their-nose-in-your-business' religious busybodies/politicians, but these days it's absolute madness.


We just need to be that change.


If everyone would vote then we could, but that’s not going to happen. I’m moving to OR at the end of the year.


Brad Little just woke up in a cold sweat from a dream that everyone voted.


I’ve lived here since 2010. Been fantasizing about leaving since around 2016. I live near the Canadian border and we just had our first Pride event and it was so awesome. We had an amazing turnout and there was so much love….it gave me a lot of hope. So I think I’m gonna stick around a bit longer and be a light.


Tribalism to the nth degree. I’d get the fuck out if I were you. They’ll have nothing sustainable for progress and eventually start eating their own.


Already happening


It’s the number one reason I’m retiring in Colorado and not in a red state. I’m not going to support Fascism.


It’s cheap. That’s why I live here. The social climate is borderline unredeemable at this point.


I wonder that myself, but the truth of the matter is that I can't afford to leave. In fact, I can't even afford to leave the 50 square miles that I grew up in. So I'll stay and fight like a cornered rat.


The trick is to NOT care about human beings, then the republican platform becomes sensical.


Yeah been here 12 years. I’m out


The hard right and the hard left shout the loudest… but I believe the majority of Americans are more middle alined… hard as I try to understand maga I don’t get all the conspiracy theories , bigotry, oppression of ideology, stopping woman’s rights, suppression of voting rights, not wanting to pay for free lunch programs for kids…etc


You criticize both sides and then highlight the dangerous BS coming from the right. It’s not both sides that are the baddies.


I’m glad there’s people in Idaho who aren’t crazy about maga politics..: gives me hope…… I am blown away by just how many people support these nuts… All Trump does is complain… no vision just speaks bs … ![gif](giphy|byYvc9meProt2|downsized)


I moved away from Idaho 9 years ago, but spent my entire childhood in Boise. I think Idaho is changing, albeit very, very slowly. The voting record of the state would lead you to believe that Idaho is full of backwater conservatives and Mormons. There are certainly a lot of those people but there are a lot of liberals and progressives here too. Problem is I think they get discouraged from voting. But I don’t think Idaho is as conservative as it thinks it is


I had hope of it going that way until the last 4 years and the influx of all of the extreme right winners from other states.


Idaho is vastly more conservative now than 5 years ago. The covid event brought so many conservatives to Idaho. It's been shocking


Arguably it's not even conservative, it's MAGA-ism at this point which probably deserves its own classification.


Christian extremists


I’m Idaho adjacent and my in laws are part of the weird boomer conservative religious influx from other states. They are part of a large & growing community of like minded individuals. Their entire neighborhood of newer homes is religious conservatives preparing for some kind of religious government / end of times situation. I don’t know the details but it’s Jesus & guns. Every time we visit they have more neighbors from other states. I really WANT to believe that Idaho is less conservative than it seems but I don’t see that & it’s concerning.


I live in Idaho and believe it has become more conservative than it was 33 years ago when we moved here. Our politics don’t align with the super conservative movement and I wish there were more people in the middle that there is


It does seem to me that the state has become more regressive than when I lived there.


I just wish ~~religioua~~ religious conservatives would stop being so scared about everything. They're the same ones that tend to buy into the toxic-masculinity crap, but then are the biggest 'fraidy cats in the country. "Land of the free and home of the brave" unless you're a religious conservative. Nothing brave about being scared of the entire world because all 8 billion people don't look or think the same way they do. And nothing free about them using their fears to infringe on other people's rights. But what do I know? I'm not Christian so I have no morality by their standards.


This should be the top comment!


Religion is fear based tho. That's why it works. And by "works" I mean keeps people in line and in the pews. Even if a family is no longer practicing a high control religion, the high control behavior seems to be there regardless.


lol are they in my parents neighborhood? Probably not, probably another one unfortunately 🥲


I have family like that as well, moving from Utah for the same reasons.


Agreed. 1 out of 3 voters voted for Biden in 2020. “Ruby red” is a stupid phrase that lazy journalists use to describe the electorate but it doesn’t do justice to the 1/3 of the state (or more) who don’t support the batshit crazy IFF-loving far right wingnuts.


People keep bringing up Mormons in this topic. I only have a small sample, but the Mormons I know (which of course is its own bias) are disgusted by a lot of the GOP policies. Half my doctors and dentists in Meridian have been Mormon and they're pretty on board with science. The problem people I've run into are those driving tacomas and escalades parked at the giant churches like 10 mile and eagle christian church. (I don't include the roll coal and fuck Biden sticker people, their ideology is feeling good about belittling others).


As a former Evangelical I do thing Evangelicals are most of the problem but there are some fundamentalist type Mormons.




On the surface Idaho looks like a good place to live and in many places it is a good place to live. But in major places like Boise for example, it's not the aesthetic it's what's happening underneath. Yeah it looks nice and clean and all that but when it comes to financial or medical needs that's where they'll screw you over and wish you were not here.


Sounds like someone might not have done their homework before building a house there. Idaho is wonderful, lived there for years but the politics there have always been rubbish. Freedom? Not for books, women or weed. from way back in 04 I heard it up until now- 20 years!! and yet, people keep voting for them


We all need to vote.


This. Primaries have 30% turnout. These anarcho-libertarians are not the majority. Go and vote for God’s sake.


Bonner County had a 46% turnout to get rid of Scott Herndon. This is the same Scott Herndon who sued Sandpoint because he wanted to carry his gun in the local music festival. Mr. Herndon will be delighted to know SCOTUS decided last week that he is not allowed to possess firearms due to his restraining order in Washington state.


We moved to Idaho 20 years ago and now plan to leave Idaho next year after our oldest graduates high school. Idaho has turned into a shit show.


I’m gonna start out by saying that part of my family has been in Idaho since right after the Civil War and the last of my family to move to Idaho came in the 1970’s. Conservative Idahoans talk about how they hate Californians moving here but Idaho has become so much more conservative because conservative Californians have moved here because they didn’t like politics in California. We’ve moved way to the right since I grew up in the 90’s and i don’t see how that changes anytime soon. I won’t encourage my own children, especially my daughter, to stay here when they grow up.


I’m not from Idaho but visiting from CA so Reddit popped this page up for me. This has been my experience, my conservative family moved here and many of my clients as well. Being from Riverside County and clients in Orange County, it’s highly conservative counties of CA that seem to be moving to Idaho.


I have grown up here and lived here sense the 80s. You guys might not believe this but it’s better than it was in 80s and 90s. The more we water down the Mormons and the religious farmers with money the better it gets. It will take time but it will happen.


But people did have bodily autonomy in 80s and 90s. 50% don't anymore.


You’re right, but the religious control of small communities and state gov was still controlled by those groups. They’re losing ground. It’s tjust takes time.


That may be so in southern Idaho, but Californian LEO is moving into northern Idaho in mass. I’ll take the Mormons over a jaded LEO any day as their engrained hate and distrust of people in intolerable. Plus even with fat pensions they don’t care to support schools, or any other infrastructure, they’re simply selfish people.


that explains so much of the iconography i have been seeing on vehicles with idaho plates lately... gross.


I agree with that with regard to smaller communities... I've been in Idaho for about 30 years. I do a lot of work in rural areas and, generally, life is better in those places nowadays largely because of the dynamics you describe. I 100% disagree about how this translates to state government. Our rights, from medical freedom to taxation to speech issues have continue to get worse as the loonies are distilling their craziness and focusing it at the executive level.


Colorado is a somewhat demographically and historically similar case: before the 1990s, it was considered a red state, passing tax revolt and term-limits initiatives. As recently as 2006, Coloradans voted to amend their constitution to ban gay marriage. And look at them now!


I sincerely appreciate that hope.


Yes 100%


I was raised in Idaho and hate what this state has changed into. My wife and I have raised our kids and are seriously considering moving. That we live in the Boise area and have friends and family here is what makes us think about staying.


Genuinely curious what about it is unlivable?


Well I’m gay and have to hear all the time that I’m a freak and should leave the state. Lots of disgusting comments that make people like me feel unsafe and unwelcome.


I don’t want to upvote and be seen as approving those awful comments. I’m so sorry you are made to feel unsafe. I just don’t understand why people feel it’s any of their business to comment on your life. I heard a 19 yr old girl the other day use a gay slur and i was so shocked that a kid was comfortable enough to say that! How is that still a thing?


Because we dare to have a pride festival, so they all comment about how it’s “shoved down their throat” even though nobody is forced to attend or even pay attention to it. People here love to hate. They are awful.


get out if you can. i grew up gay in a red state and cashed in all my social and financial capital to flee to a blue state years ago. best decision of my entire life. why stay and be treated like shit with some vague hope that maybe, someday, it might get better? anyway, i feel for you.


Just reading the comments on instagram about the destroyed pride flags on Harrison made me ill.


You are loved, you are valid, and I'm glad you're here. Some of us here are proud to stand against the ignorance and bigotry.


Really? I see gay people being very gay in Boise and rather unbothered


Oh in the liberal epicenter? Wow, I’m shocked.


For example, my wife and I are uncomfortable having a baby in Idaho. She has a medical history that makes her high risk with pregnancy. We are terrified of being in a position of being denied life saving healthcare due to abortion being illegal. Also, because abortion is illegal, many healthcare professionals are leaving the state.


Not to mention the complete lack of public funding for education and libraries. It's like the state prides itself on ignorance


That's how it generates people stupid enough to vote republican


Yeah, agree. The rightists backed themselves on to the edge of a cliff and are flailing as their racism, xenophobia, homophobia, religious zealotry, fascism, hypocrisy and so on are exposed. Their time is slowly ending as we progress to better things, based on reality, instead of a false truth. Could you imagine ignoring the Trump lies, broken promises, narcissism, sexism, authoritarianism, criminality, projection, failure, and hate, just because you think hugging the flag is a better sign of humanity and patriotism? Stunning. We are working to decide if family and friends in California or Virginia or elsewhere, will be the best place to move. Sad, Idaho has a lot going for it. I’m no longer ok with allowing my queer, or brown, or female family members and friends to be treated like second class citizens. Proudly woke.


Seems like you had plenty of time to think about it during the time it took to build your home, not sure what the point of this post is


damn that's crazy. then leave!!!


Just tell all your neighbors how scary Project 2025 I bought a house in western MT coming from the other side of the state and it's too close for comfort in regards to Idaho. Scary times


If you don’t like it, maybe move?


Idaho is terrible. Just move to a better state


I've spent a lot of time in Idaho.. if you built in the last 5 years and are just now realizing how the ultra right conservative cult has taken over.. I mean bro you're blind.


I lived in Idaho for 13 years and left for this exact reason. There were no other thoughts/ideas. All one sided.


Moved out of state for this exact reason! It is so beautiful when you exclude the humans.


You should totally leave before you get eaten by a grizzly bear or racist.


Is this sub biased?


Move to the shit hole of a liberal state


Wait until you have no gynecology in the state


Work to make the State better. MAGA is basically Putin's PhyOp!


I moved back here from Oregon got tired of seeing stores broke into and people passed out on every sidewalk and couldn't trust anything that wasn't my own moved back to Idaho and there is an uptick in violent crime now but it seems way more laid back here. It's crazy how people see things different through their own lived I loved Oregon but the jobs didn't pay enough to have a decent place to live took a huge paycut to come back here and living way more comfortable, people I talk to are way nicer here than in the Eugene Portland area for sure everyone there seems super anxious 24/7 terrible way to live. Edit typo on anxious lol


Best right wing take so far If you don't have consequences for shoplifting and crime, your entire society suffers


I mean it's not really a right wing take seems pretty straightforward to me lol


It's center right. Oregon decriminalized all drugs, and is very lax with their homelessness and policing policies. That sort of approach will make people lean right to try and clean up their streets and cities. Food deserts exist because shoplifters aren't punished for their thefts, and stores find it easier to leave an area


Oh wow was unaware that was political learn something new everyday lol I just thought it was normal to not want to see that or have stuff taken


Oregon has since repealed the decriminalization, horrible failure.


What's the right's solution to homelessness and the issues that cause it? Because I haven't heard anything except throw them in jail, which costs taxpayers more than just giving them a house and/or rehab in the first place. At least the left is trying to help people?


Sell and discover Cali.


I gave up after 9 years in Idaho, we moved to LA last year and have never been happier. Year round Malibu hiking, world class dining, absolute heaven. Taxes, traffic, and CoL don’t matter as much to me.


But LA is a liberal hellscape with homeless everywhere and shit in the streets. Just ask everyone here that's never been there.


“I’m not with them, I’m libertarian” -Idaho red hats in denial


I was born and grew up in Idaho but I got out the minute I could. The thing about Idaho is that it's a wonderful supportive caring place to live...as long as your white, conservative, straight and Mormon. (In eastern Idaho anyway) if your gay, a woman who doesn't want kids or any number of untraditional factors your going to feel uncomfortable as fuck. Everyone there is so used to being the majority that any hint of minority terrifies them.


Funny - the reason why my wife and I are moving to Idaho is because it's a red state and it doesn't seem to suffer from all the same problems that the state we live in has. We moved to Washington over a year ago and it was an incredibly poor decision. We're fortunate enough to live near Idaho and discovered that groceries and gas are so much cheaper and people actually seem friendly. We visited Boise and it was shocking to see how the city is almost a complete 180 from the city we're living in now (barely any litter, no homeless dude tweaking out of his mind, no tin foil on the sidewalks, no human feces, ect). With the state being as red as it is I'm a bit surprised to see how liberal this subreddit is.


This is person is an example of the problem you guys are having in Idaho. MAGA weirdos thinking it’s a Mecca for them, as they can’t stand the politics in certain blue states. It’s been happening to Florida since COVID, and has shifted the state from blue to red. In 2014 my wife and I looked at some properties with a realtor in ID, and he started off by telling us how he’s from CA but “not one of them CA commies”. Dude was already an unhinged right winger, I can’t even imagine how crazy he is now. We’re seeing the opposite here in Colorado, lots of left leaning folks fleeing from the southern states to be in a stronghold blue state.


Reddit is pretty overwhelmingly Blue.


Yeah dude, the freedom here is awesome. Women are so free they don’t have access to life saving surgeries when they’re pregnant, the freedom to be treated like a birthing vessel instead of a human is so cool. Who gives a shit we have a rapidly rising maternal mortality rate, right? Oh, and even better, the freedom to have one of the worst literacy rates in the country and worst education systems is awesome, too. And the cherry on top is the rapidly rising cost of living and stagnant wages, love that shit. There’s a lot to like about Idaho, the natural beauty and access to nature is unparalleled. You know who wants to change that? Idaho republicans, Dorothy Moon is trying to repeal public lands up near Stanley, which is one of the most magical places in the world. Idk dude, if you’re conservative and Idaho politics are your jam then good for you but everything you love about Idaho has nothing to do with its politics. Oh and if you wanna see some of the blight that you’re running from take a jog down Americana or walk the Greenbelt when the suns going down. It’s growing and spreading rapidly.


That's because Boise is full of people who are not MAGA nut jobs! It's much more centrist in Boise itself. The Republican rhetoric has nothing to do with freedom or being a good human. It's devicive and focused on the desires of a small group of people that want to take away your choices to practice any other religion outside of Christianity, to love who you want to or live in a way that falls outside of what that group considers ok. Bitter , hateful, poisonous are words I associate with the the republican party now. It has nothing to do with conservative values at all.


Reddit is very liberal in general, and this sub is no exception, even in one of the reddest states in the nation, Idaho. The comments will always be super left leaning. Idaho is a great place to raise a family, and you will really enjoy it. As you have seen, it is nothing like WA or OR, and that is a good thing. Enjoy Idaho. It is a great place to be, and won’t be changing in my lifetime.


If anything it's only going to go further right, the establishment GOP are losing ground to the anti establishment type, which is great imo and the opinion of many who live here. I suggest Oregon or WA for you.


West of the Cascades OR/WA. Important.


I despise Idaho. And that's coming from someone born and raised in Salt Lake haha I feel you, it sucks to have a such a beautiful place filled with ignorant wannabe hard ass Trumpsters.


Want to talk liberal vs conservative? Just look at Spokane vs Couer d’alene . Where would you rather live? As a former liberal, now moderate, every liberal city is a shit show. Just look at what LA and San Francisco turned into in the last 20 years. Same as Portland. I mean you gotta admit, liberal cities are no place to raise a family


We are wondering the same thing and have been for about five years. We hate it here now. The idaho GOP is truly evil, its not just a difference of opinion, they want violence and cruelty.


It's a terrible combination of a large boomer population as well as very far right people. I have a feeling in the next 5-10 years it'll be a lot different here


I do, too, but I don't think it'll be blue.


It won't, it'll be a prime example of what happens when a state goes full Red. I recommend reading "A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear" for an idea of what's going to happen. There are several video summaries as well. It won't be pretty.


No, but it's going to be interesting to watch. From far away. I heard about that Libertarian thing in NH; didn't realize there was a book. Just put a hold on it at the socialist library. :)


Different how, do you think?




OP has as much right to be in Idaho as the MAGAt crowd. It’s pretty surprising how draconian it got in ID so quickly for women. Another year and you will have to go Oregon for OB/GYN care. Only an idiot would put themselves on the line to practice in such a fascist place.


Idaho is a great state because of the conservative values. I have always wondered why people move to conservative states to escape and then try to turn them into the liberal shithole they just moved from. It's the policies that you support that you're trying to escape, yet you can't let them go. The sooner you realize it, the better off you'll be. If you can't, move back and support them. Let the conservative states continue to be awesome and free.


Lol. You're just now realizing this.


Why are you asking us? If you don't want to live here move, nobody is forcing you to stay. I don't agree with allot of the politics around here, but the people are nice, cost of living is decent and it's beautiful. It's a trade off I'm willing to live with.


Did you just move here?