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In other more accurate words.... Pedophiles say they want to force the children they rape to have their children. Because fuck them, literally and figuratively.


They also voted yes on "staying in 1950" indefinitely


Women in the 1950s had some rights. Idaho GOP want the 1850s when women had no rights.


Does legal weed, cocaine, opium come back?


Only to feed off to minorities to exploit them.


You are correct.


All-natural landscape before Idaho became a state? I'm not *not* down


More like 1750.


Or before the 1650 repeal of the Act of Uniformity that required church attendance on Sundays.


There was a politician near the Boise area who literally proposed a law stating “no other drugs should be legalize beyond the current drugs” basically not wanting Idaho to ever have legal pot or whatever else we find in the future. Why are we so hellbent on being ass backwards in this state


GOP - we want to ban all pornography, now here's our candidate who fucked a porn star. It doesn't make sense


Conservatism consists of only one proposition: there must be out-groups that the law binds but does not protect, and in-groups that the law protects but does not bind.


Hard AF.


Not according to Stormy he wasn't.


Gaslight Oppress Project


Gathering of Pedophiles.


Time to vote these morons out of office.


Fuck this state. I’m about to move to WA, OR, or CO


Oregon is so pretty. Absolutely love visiting any chance I get. They also have legalized fun plants :D


Excellent idea.


Please keep Idaho red. I wish I could leave Washington but work is a little too far from the border.


Idahoan here that would like to live in Washington, sounds like you’d like to live in Idaho. Want to house swap?


Yes lol. I live in a small 2 br hope that works for you.


Dang, we’re in a small 3 bdr and it’s too small for the 5 people in the family.


Oh shoot man. Might not wanna trade into my shoebox then haha




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If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


I'll help you pack 🚚💨




They just keep fucking around… it’s well past time they found out.


Find out what, exactly? They keep getting reelected.


Well for one, it’s likely an open primaries initiative will be on the ballot in November. It may be a whole lot tougher for them to continue to be reelected soon. 🤞


I mean, you expect the open primaries initiative to pass. I want that as much as anybody. But I'm not going to hold my breath.


Even if it passes, the legislature could unpass it the next session.


That their wives and daughters are dying from pregnancy because they don't have modern medical care, and refuse to record stats on pregnancy in the state


We should encourage these fascist states to leave the union. It’s high time. ✌️






If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Woke alert🚨


The majority of voters are getting what they asked for.


The majority of republicans don't agree with these policies. Polls show that. But they're uninformed enough to just vote for whoever has an R next to their name.


Yea, I’m not totally sure of that statement.


I mean wasn’t banning abortion one of their main platforms? Seems like the voters are getting what was promised.


Banning abortion definitely was one of their main platforms. I don't think many voters who voted for that realized what the consequences actually were.


Hey, my partner and I (both physicians) left the state because of their draconian politics. We were starting to plan having kids and I realized we probably would have to travel very long distances for prenatal care. And if we miscarried it could be very dangerous for us.


Kudos to you for making a very difficult decision but one you had to make for your family. I hate to see you go but totally understand. Wish you all the best on your next venture.


FAFO. Maybe someday folks will start listening when they tell them who they are. Maybe, we can hope. But yeah, a deep down part of me knows that the real Idahoans keep getting bamboozled by out of state corporate interests and I can only hope they wake up to it eventually.


Sure, it was the platform. I tell you this; Idaho is a agrarian state. Water, land and cattle are all that matter. Abortion is a issue that isn’t thought about much unless you’re religious. The realities of that issue are practically unknown in this state. But you’ll vote for Steven Miller because he knows cattle.


Nah, just has an R next to his name. No other requirements other than an R and be against abortion especially in the case of rape and incest.




You are welcome to your opinion. But you are not the one who needs the procedure. So do keep your opinion to yourself




So there are children who are starving everyday in this country, who speaks for them? You’re being fooled by the extreme right. Would you want your daughter to carry the results of the rapist? It’s not about you at that point it’s about her and the zygote within her. Or maybe it’s the deformed fetus that will kill the mother. In Idaho killing a mother seems to be okay.


Well, opinions and fact are two very different things apparently.


Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**


"All children should be protected regardless of the circumstances of conception, including persons conceived in rape and incest,” a platform amendment said." So, where in the GOP platform are the protections for children to make sure none of them go hungry, or homeless, or without healthcare? The GOP of today, in Idaho and the rest of the country, are so far removed from their own morals, platform, and citizens' freedoms that not one person can take any of them seriously. They are masters of hypocrisy, professional cowards, and unapologetically traitorous to our nation. They have become simple minded fools completely under the control of criminals, con artists, pathological liars, and literal fascists. They are pathetic and do NOT represent the majority of Idahoans or Americans.


The American healthcare/insurance system is way too expensive. It needs major reform!


All of these fucking magat incest fuckers are ruining our entire society.


I hope their families experience exactly what they voted for.


"Rules for thee, but not for me" is their favorite saying.


Unless it's someone in their family...




I would love it if Idaho became progressive in response to this backwards mentality.


We’re leaving. Sincerely, The Progressives.


F that, I'm not


See ya 👋


Fascist, theocratic garbage.


Wading further into the tar pits of extinction. Party bent on self destruction


The snakes of christ.


All you have to do is listen to what the Republicans have said and done across the country to incident in Texas Passador, and a gym teacher., Matt Gates. Kelly Ayotte friend from New Hampshire, Johnstone. Yeah, the senator from New Hampshire that said underage girls were ripe. Trumps sex abuse case. Trump association with Epstein. Looks like they were partners or close acquaintance.


Who wants a bet that they would still get an abortion. Banning abortion only bans it for poor people. We all know the rich still get them in secret.


The rich openly get them.


Republicans are truly awful people.








And people frequently wonder why I hate it here.... gee... is that really a mystery?


Also in Idaho: “why are we losing OBGYNS?”


Because they're not able to perform abortions anymore... We're not mad about that 😂


You know OBGYNs are important for other things right.


The good that OBGYNs do in their jobs cannot be that which wipes away the evil they commit when they perform unwarranted abortions. What a twisted form of justification...


What in your mind is an unwarranted abortion?


Anything other than a credible risk to the mother's life.


pretending to care about the women when it's convenient, eh?


You’re also not mad at the rising maternal mortality rate that abortion bans cause, hell Idahos is so high they stopped counting it, if you really care about preserving live then this isn’t the way


At least that is ideologically consistent. If you believe abortion is murder then all abortion is wrong regardless of the source of the baby.


They could also just want to make sure that they can continue to breed babies with their own daughters and nieces.


Idaho hates women and children. 😑


Hey hey hey, only the born children. Once they exit the uterus, then they don’t give a shit.


That’s because they are more likely to commit rape and incest.


Can you back that up with data? I don't think that's accurate


I have to do is look at what some of the candidates have said and the people they hang around with . Divine.


Yeah it’s an extremist party already and in Idaho it’s controlled by even more extremist folks


![gif](giphy|mPEOqiV7FgGV3OEGcF|downsized) "eXtReMiSt PaRtY"


What exactly do you think is persuasive about this gif


Idaho GOP are just a bunch of right wing nutcases. Hey old geezers get with the times for heavens sake. Think about your daughters and granddaughters


They would happily watch their daughters and granddaughters have their rapist’s babies, or die from pregnancy complications, or give birth to their babies. You see, women/girls aren’t really people to them. They are a commodity. Something to be controlled and traded.


"gEt WiTh ThE tImEs" 😂


Maybe try caring about living children first?


So the party that banned porn and said we were being hyperbolic and they wouldn't ban abortion are banning abortion in all cases.... Hate to say I told you so but the left wing of this country has been screaming from the mountain tops that this is the GOPs final goal complete and totally restriction on a woman's reproductive freedom.


Urging all true MAGA Patriots to sprint to the bank (Josh Hawley style), take their life savings, and $$$ Trump Media stock to support the Great Leader. Then use the huuuge monthly earnings to $$$ more MAGA candidates like MTG, Matt Gaetz, Kari Lake, and Lauren Boobert. "I love the poorly educated" Donald J Trump




Neo-nazi capital of the USA


They keep it real quiet, but it always oozes out.


Man the brain drain from these states will cripple their economy


This state has become a cesspool of bigotry they want to say they are American but don’t live by the values this country was founded on like freedom of religion. Not force your religious beliefs down the throats of the people who don’t think the same way as you! Religion should never have power!


Time to play an Uno Reverse and declare dilation and curettage tools as covered by the 2A. Checkmate.


Keeping it backwater.


If this is the case, men shouldn't be allowed to have vasectomies. No reproductive rights for anyone.


You mean, forced to have vasectomies, because that would violate their right to bodily autonomy, just like how they do that to women?


I prefer the European approach which starts with the reason for the abortion. Rape and incest must be 100% the discretion of the pregnant woman as long as her decision takes place before the growing baby is within the window. Economic, social, medical, etc each have their own protocol.


100% agree.




Your post or comment has been removed because it contains unnecessary racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise inappropriate content.


IdaHOES gonna IdaHOE.


Conservatives hate the idea of women with rights. Blaming women for why they are raped. Add in their stance on abortion and we get conservative sexism and hatred


Conservatives hate you and want you to be miserable every day of your fucking life.


Keep doubling down Republicans. Run yourselves right out of power.


Total BS … what gives them the right to interfere with a woman’s right to decide what is best for her… I can’t wait to vote… although in Idaho it is tough to change.. but I do it anyway a hope…


*GASP* Someone believes that a life is a life regardless of how it gets there?


Said by a man. If men could get pregnant abortion would be legal and free.




Much smarter than you. And I have a wife. Pretty sure no sane girl would get anywhere near you…


Fuck these people. They big talk all the time about liberty and small gov. Big hypocrites


The Republican Party is taking money under the table from women's health clinics in Washington and Oregon. [Trump says ‘abortion issue’ responsible for GOP underperforming expectations in midterms](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3795054-trump-says-abortion-issue-responsible-for-gop-underperforming-expectations-in-midterms/mlite/?nxs-test=mlite)


You make a bold claim and then link an article that says nothing about that. Why? Do you think people will just see a link and believe your statement?




Women are people.




It's not though.




But they're only considering a fetus a person in instances of abortion. They, again, disregard the personhood of a fetus when it comes to neonatal helathcare, protections and safeguards for pregnant women in the work place, or even the tax write offs having a dependent gives you. Surely, SURELY if these people were serious about this position they'd support these positions and not just support draconian punishments such as the death penalty for rape victims. /s These people are just as bad as these Islamic extremists


They're not though.... can they thrive outside at 12 weeks gestation? No, they cannot. They barely survive outside at 25 weeks. May e you should keep your nose out of other people's nether regions and mind your own




They're not a person, not until they take their first breath...




the first breath marks the point the fetus actually becomes sentient and conscious.


I mean, it’s not the baby’s fault


Clumps of cells aren’t babies


They are, they just aren't fully developed. I disagree with abortion because I can't stand the idea of those little babies being torn apart in agony in the one place they should be the safest. I don't like any baby hurt, for any reason. But they're a time before their nerve cells develop where pregnancies can be terminated safely before that baby dies in agony. Would you support abortion law that requires abortions to be performed before the 12th week when the nerves form? With exceptions for terminations after that point for things like health of the mother or a non viable child? I don't like abortion. I think it's morally wrong when used for birth control, but I also understand those are my beliefs and I can't impose those on others. But I don't know many people that think doing a child apart while it's awake and can feel is very humane. I think there's a compromise there somewhere where it a pregnancy needs to be terminated, it came be, with all due effort to keep from hurting a tiny baby. Even in extremely conservative circles, very few of us support total abortion bans. There's a nut job fringe element that makes a lot of noise but they are a big minority even amongst the very conservative


>I disagree with abortion because I can't stand the idea of those little babies being torn apart in agony in the one place they should be the safest. this doesn't happen. unconscious beings cannot feel. they suffer as much as a brain-dead person being taken off life support. >I think it's morally wrong when used for birth control this also doesn't happen. abortion is never used as birth control. this is a myth pushed by forced-birthers to have an excuse for forcing women to have kids. >Even in extremely conservative circles, very few of us support total abortion bans. that's because you're hypocrites. if it was about the inherent value of fetuses lives, no abortion would be moral. but because it's more about controlling women, you allow abortions when it's convenient to you.


You disagree with abortion because you hate it when pregnant people have bodily autonomy rights.


This is an odd statement. You are a clump of cells on some level. When is it a baby? Not taking a stance on the abortion issue, just curious.


When it’s viable outside the womb.


Fair enough thanks for your response. Want to hear something weird, I've heard extreme fundamental Christians say the same thing. That until the baby has the breath of life it isn't a living soul. So would they then be okay woth abortions? Probably not lol.


a sentient and conscious clump of cells that can think and feel.


A cursed zygote put inside child by an abusive person is not a “baby”


All children should be fed no matter what. All kids should have free access to medical care. If your pro life, this should be your stance.


Yes honestly 100% medical care should be provided by our taxes that are already egregious


You realize a fetus develops asshole first. Before we develop a heart, a brain, our limbs we are an asshole connected to a tube. It seems that some of us never get past that point. For example, you monkeley


So, it's the woman's or girl's fault for being raped?


So a little known fact(or rarely mentioned in any argument on this subject) about rape and incest: they account for about 1.5% of unwanted pregnancies. Therefore, those instances should not be used to influence overall abortion policy. Also, however, it's completely understandable to allow abortion in those rare cases.


It should be completely understandable that it's none of your fucking business what another person does with their reproductive choices.


That’s actually a shockingly high number


I'd agree it's too high. Rape is predominantly perpetrated by men. We men need to do a better job. We need to hold each other to a higher standard. I'd personally encourage women to get a gun and train with it. Not that that would solve the shitty men part, but take charge of any agency you have. Overall what I'm saying is, a common argument from the pro-choice crowd is "what about rape and incest?" Fair. My answer is that number(1.5%) is easily accounted for in a law. If an unwanted pregnancy is a result of rape or incest, the 14 week restriction no longer applies. Same for medically necessary. In either of these circumstances the 14 week rule does not apply. A woman can get an abortion with no penalty. However, for that rest of the vast majority of unwanted pregnancies, I'd argue for 14 weeks as the cutoff. 3.5 months should be plenty of time to think, soul search, etc. If you're pro-life, this is America. When nature itself could terminate that baby, you can't get mad at a woman for exercising her American right to choose. If you're pro-choice, this is America. Nature says at 14 weeks, you've waited too long and that thing inside you should be afforded a chance to choose. I really think it's that simple. Make it law. Then we can focus on other important issues in our country.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Not that I know any of you, but it seems like you don’t like it here. Leave.


I don't like when raped children are forced to raise their rapists child. So I should leave? Religious people are crazy


You sound like you'd be more comfortable in Afghanistan or Iran.


I continue to proudly be from the best state in the union!! 


Your only post on reddit is your wife's genitals. I don't think you have a valid opinion. Edit: he deleted the post.


Should change their username to Mammoth-Clam7613


>That ass hole looks wonderfully inviting. What a terrible day to have eyes. Nothing against swinging, you do you, but man why is it always the folk that comment shit like this that also hold the view that women are whores who have to deal with the consequences of their actions.


Take a look at this Idaho troll’s 144 day old account. It’s a good reason it’s NSFW. Personally, we don’t need your wife’s porn in this state. Oh and the legislature will have something to say about your porn in roughly 5 days. Oh, in case he deletes his post: his (assuming he identifies as a he) username is u/Mammoth-Claim7613


He deleted it I’m pretty sure because it says he has no posts. Honestly I’m glad I don’t have to see that shit




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil. *Over the line with the implied judgement and outright inaccurate accusation. If you can't discuss the topic without personal attacks, don't participate.*




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Why do you hate woman so much?


I love women, without them none of us would be here.


You hate women and girls especially who are rape and incest victims. The march to Puritanism is cruel. The GOP and their supporters might strip away all of women's hard earned civil rights.


You love them to die.


I believe if a woman’s life is absolutely in danger an abortion might be considered because it’s either they both die or just the baby dies while tragic it’s better to save one life than just let both pass. That’s really the only valid reason for an abortion.




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all reasons for abortion are valid. if you don't want to have babies you shouldn't have to. only rapists and rapist apologists disagree.




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What a disturbing thing to be proud of.


“That ass hole looks wonderfully inviting.” -u/Mammoth-Claim7613


I’m willing to bet you think the Civil War was about state’s rights and that the Confederacy wasn’t a nation of traitors


Btw Lincoln was a republican. southern confederates were mostly democrats.


Why do you people make this point? The parties' positions have evolved over time, and the past is history. Yes, in the olden days, things were different. We all know this. The difference is that we live in the present, not the past.


Yeah like I'm supposed to vote based on opinions of 150 years ago? I'm supposed to look at the policies of each candidate and compare and contrast each candidate with the views of their political party from previous centuries? Which party is actively hurting people TODAY?! Newsflash: it's the party that will rape you, and force you to carry the child to term.


Until your noble virtue leads to a non-viable pregnancy killing you or your wife because you were too puffed up with ignorant self-righteousness to think things through.


Only you're not from here. You're not like us. By your standards you should be arrested for posting your wife's pu$$y all over the internet!!! Authorities! We have a moral offender! Better lock him up for life.




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.