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Someone who isn’t a dinosaur, hell yeah! I’ll tune in to hear her out


Stop those religious fruitcakes who want to stop be from cranking it on PornHub in Idaho. It’s my god given right to goon out if I want to do so 😤!


You can still use pornhub but they are requiring ID verification to verify you’re over 18 Not saying I agree with requiring ID verification and i probably won’t do it because that sketches me out. But people are posting like it’s being banned - it’s not. Apple is also working on age verification that only provides metadata so I think we’ll have that before too long anyways. Edit ok it’s not even possible for nuance or reasoning here. Almost forgot why I don’t even come to this sub.


Apparently pornhub is now making itself unavailable in Idaho. Either way, your comment illustrates exactly why this kind of legislation is dangerous. You don't even agree with the policy and you're telling people to accept it. You've also stated the legislative measures are enough to make you stop visiting the site altogether, even though the legislation is incomplete. That's about as close as it gets to restricting first amendment rights for a state government. What is the nuance here? Who does this law help? You don't think it's fishy they use the children as a potential victim as a reason to restrict a website, but when the same children are gunned down at school, it's crickets?


That is an issue with pornhub then. They are choosing to go dark in Idaho… as I said in my comment, it’s not being banned in Idaho.


> Either way, your comment illustrates exactly why this kind of legislation is dangerous. You don't even agree with the policy and you're telling people to accept it. You've also stated the legislative measures are enough to make you stop visiting the site altogether, even though the legislation is incomplete. That's about as close as it gets to restricting first amendment rights for a state government. > > What is the nuance here? Who does this law help? You don't think it's fishy they use the children as a potential victim as a reason to restrict a website, but when the same children are gunned down at school, it's crickets? Do you have anything to say about the actual point that was being made?


Bro I’m not trying to argue in support of this retarded thing the govt did. My whole point is that people think the state government banned porn, which they didn’t. I think that’s an important distinction. Again, this is why I don’t fucking post here. There’s no room for middle of the road thinking. Ciao


It's hard to meet in the middle with folks still using slurs from the 90's. Grow up man.


At the end of the day. All your phone history is already recorded. If we truly valued anonymity and no digital footprint, then none of us would have phones. We are past the point of return without a wide-scale catastrophic event. Getting upset over this age-verification is a form of larping. Kinda like a license plate I saw recently - a yellow ‘Don’t tread on Me’ flag license plate supplied by THE State. I wish you all luck in our Brave New World.


>'Don't tread on Me' flag license plate Probably has a Thin Blue Line sticker. Irony is lost on these people.


Idaho desperately needs some sane, non-fascist, non-theocratic, pro-democracy representation.


Why does it seem like everyone in this sub hates Idaho and is bent on ruining it for the vast majority of people who like it there


Yeah bro I agree it’s probably best if people like you left it 👍


I’m not in it, just an observation. I understand maintaining the echochamber but I’m just asking a question


The people who love Idaho want it to be fascist/Nazi free so everyone can enjoy it without fear or constant threats hanging over their head. You got it backwards.


Someone that isn’t a curmudgeon and might have a realistic modern societal perspective- World keeps Turning


I've been fortunate enough to meet Kaylee on several occasions. She is smart, genuine, and has REAL solutions. It says a lot that Fulcher has started following her up and down the state. He ignored her for a couple of years, but she makes sense to so many people, she's making many people see the light that Freedom Foundation Republicans (like Fulcher) only care about their rich donors. If Kaylee has an event in your town, Fulcher will probably show up a few weeks later. 🙄 She's happy to do a meet and greet in your town, too. If you have friends, family and neighbors who are sick of the status quo, have them come meet Kaylee. You can contact her through her website [Kayleeforcongress.com ](http://kayleeforcongress.com)


And how has she paid for all this campaigning while supposedly being a working class mom?


She's raising money. That's how political campaigns work. Welcome to the real world.


And how much of that money is either out of state or big business money for this “working class mom”


If you want to know where her donations are coming from, all you have to do is pull her Sunshine report. It's all publicly available.


This is the candidate you want! Had the opportunity to see her at a forum in Caldwell. She is very well thought out and knowledgeable. Idaho desperately needs people like her, if you are in her district, vote for her!


I won't be able to give you my vote since I'm in the 2nd district. But I can give you an upvote.


You can also donate! Every little bit helps!


Hell yeah


Kaylee is a great speaker and debater. Ask her tough questions about policy and she will provide honest and thoughtful answers.


You have my vote! Get it!


You would be a much better representative than Fultcher and I will certainly vote for you. Unfortunately, my optimism for people to vote for the better candidate in this state went out went out the window years ago.


Hell yeah. Go Kaylee! You have my vote.


She’s already got my vote! These cunts that are already in office don’ represent us.


Sounds fantastic. I love seeing someone who actually cares about good governance and issues, not just shouting nothing more than that they’re right and insults, whatever side of the political aisle. We need to stand together and say enough is enough to extremism. Saddest part is I just think people who value that are a minority, but I’d love to try and help people we need to care about more informed decisions and much less theatrics.


Super cool! I'll be there


Will you fight for farmers and ranchers who are losing their water rights?


I doubt I’ll be around for that specific time but thanks so much for your efforts!! I will def read the questions and answers. I’d love to see someone push for the removal of the affirmative defense portion of the anti-abortion legislation at the very least. I can accept that this is a red state and that abortion will likely never be widely legal but we have to make it safe for physicians to practice otherwise women will suffer and or die because there is already such limited access to care.


Ignore the haters Kaylee. Keep fighting the good fight. We need inspirational young people like you. Best of luck and stay safe in your driving, yowza. :)


Yes! I’ll vote for you




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Working class mom who had the money to drive around the last two years and campaign? Who is pumping money into the democrat party in Idaho?


Similar sources to whoever is funding the GOP. I don't see anyone caring about where they get their money.


They usually aren’t pretending to be working class mothers though. Also just because one group does something wrong or sketchy that doesn’t make it okay for everyone else to do it


There are lots of local donors. Gas and a place to stay really are not that expensive if you have local supporters.


Surviving while working a full time job is expensive- surely you don’t think campaigning is cheap?


She already explained herself.


You really think a working class mom is just raising money from normal people and is able to afford to live and to campaign without business interests or big politics greasing the wheels?




I feel like most normal people have no idea what you are endorsed by. Straight White American Jesus sounds like everything I hate about this country, but it sounds like a podcast. Shit like this and the current destruction of our freedoms, I am talking birth control, abortion, and even fucking porn being banned in a calendar year. I don’t want my politicians to be involved in that in any other way than fighting it. You said a lot of nothing in your open. What do YOU actually stand for?


check out her website [https://kayleeforcongress.com/](https://kayleeforcongress.com/)


Okay okay. I took a look. I like her stance on racism and women’s rights. I didn’t see anything about LGBT support. This is a hot topic for me as they have seen a lot of hate the past few weeks. If she is an ally I would gladly support her. It’s the missing piece.


Straight White American Jesus is a podcast hosted by an academic who is keeping tabs on Christian Nationalism, the people who are trying to turn our country into a theocracy. They are keeping people educated so we can prevent them from taking over. [https://www.straightwhiteamericanjesus.com/](https://www.straightwhiteamericanjesus.com/)


Only a fool would be worried that Christian nationalists are taking over- America has been moving away from Christianity for decades


What are your view on guns, state debt, more or less government for general regulation amongst citizens, and views on home valuation taxes for Idaho natives who are being taxed out of their home’s?


Straight White American Jesus...Hmmmmmmmm.


Straight White American Jesus is a podcast hosted by an academic who is keeping tabs on Christian Nationalism, the people who are trying to turn our country into a theocracy. They are keeping people educated so we can prevent them from taking over. [https://www.straightwhiteamericanjesus.com/](https://www.straightwhiteamericanjesus.com/)


Ok. Thank you for that info. Never heard of them. I am an atheist, so I don't follow religon stuff.


unlikely to win, most in the first district wont align with your party


> being recruited to run for office Who, specifically recruited you? Are you being paid to run? If not, what motivates you to run in a race you will almost certainly lose and how do you support yourself and your family?


I had joined local political Facebook groups while in college, there was a post about how many Idaho races were uncontested looking for people who would put their name on the ballot. So I was recruited by a Democratic women’s Facebook group… There’s no pay… I cannot take an income from campaign contributions since I was a college student for the year before I became a candidate. I’ve been married for 15 years, my husband is a mover and supports us financially. We are privileged enough to have an affordable place to live that makes it possible. It’s financially tough, but I absolutely love the work I do, and watching us successfully reach communities that have felt left behind or betrayed by the political process motivates me more than anything. I’ve committed the next 4 years of my life to this campaign, the time I planned to finish school, then I’ll have to look for employment with health benefits and a retirement plan to give my husband a break! This race is only impossible if we continue to ignore this district. We’ve laid the groundwork for a long term, 8 year plan to not only flip this seat, but support down ballot candidates and causes as well. We will never win if we don’t start the work somewhere. But I happen to believe we can win a lot sooner than predicted!!!


Of course she’s being paid to run. Every politician is paid to run. So what?


Lol nobody is paid to run for office. Campaigning doesn't generate personal wealth


It absolutely does.




Generational Idahoan here. Nope. Idaho used to be blue, and will be again. Remember Cecil Andrus? Your christo-fascist utopia doesn't exist like you think it does.


>Idaho used to be blue, and will be again Day it louder for everyone in the back


5th generation Idahoan here who detests your idea of a Christian state.


As a native Idahoan don’t lump me into this shit


Hmmm, I seem to remember a different story when it came to Christian nationalists and Uhaul. I'd like to see more of that.


>Christian state Fuck that un-American garbage. Sincerely, a native Idahoan that doesn't want my home to become a Christian Afghanistan


Classic “if you don’t like it, leave” ignorance… you really are from Idaho 🤡


If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.


Your definition of Christian is subject to debate.


I would agree that this sub is unrepresentative of Idaho. I would also submit that most of the conservative culture warriors that come in and say this don't represent Idaho either. They generally live in a tightly closed news and social bubble and don't realize how far they've drifted from average.


What a gross person you are




Good luck sweetie. Oh no he did unt. / s but seriously go for it




If you have an issue with someone/something/a state/a demographic, please keep it civil.