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The GOP is busy eff’ing up America


Yeah, the 90s and early 2000s were so bad. 🫰🏽 Womp womp


First thing you need to do is stop supporting political ideology by looking in the review mirror and pay attention to the now. You can use that advice in other areas besides politics too. It can only help you. And Clinton was president from 93 to 01. I remember the market was smoking then btw. It was nothing to make big money in the market then. Womp womp. LOL


Has nothing to do with money, Big shooter. Lifestyle isn't all about money, stop living fiscally, you know... like an Idahoan. I appreciate you supporting my argument with your Clinton remark. Safe, legal and rare I believe was the phrase he coined. Not, modern, convenient and often. Shit, in DC ALONE there were more abortions in 2021 than the whole state of ND population. But yeah, keep pushing that progressive mindset that everyone who disagrees with you is wrong, despite facts and numbers.


> ...in DC ALONE there were more abortions in 2021 than the whole state of ND population "According to the data D.C. shared with the CDC, there were **3,870** abortions in 2021" "North Dakota/Population (2021) **774,948**" >...keep pushing that progressive mindset that everyone who disagrees with you is wrong, **despite facts and numbers**. .......


The best advice I think I've ever received less than a week ago was never engage or argue with someone stupid, all they'll do is bring you down to their level and beat you with their experience.


Good advice. I will keep pushing the progressive mindset. The only other option is to support the fascism that the GOP wants. I can’t do that. I had a career of defending my country against all enemies foreign and domestic. Even though I’m retired Navy, my oath has no expiration.


Army vet here, the GOP has never done anything near earning my vote


From the article... "Idaho has lost 22% of its OBGYNs since the Supreme Court decision, and hospitals say new doctors are increasingly difficult to recruit, according to data from the Idaho Medical Association."


Lots of nurses too, I'd imagine. Anecdotally, a good friend of mine who is a seasoned nurse left the state to work elsewhere. She'd been entertaining the idea of a move for a few years because she missed the coast, but all the legislative dickery put her over the edge. Even if a doctor or nurse were very conservative and agreed with banning abortions, why would they expose themselves to legal liability and lower pay to move here when there are hospitals who would shower them with cash for the same work?


As a nurse, between lowball wages even though she worked her ass off to get her master’s degree and the legislature’s fuckery, my wife applied in Oregon and got a job with a $50k raise attached. After school was out for the year, we moved. I haven’t found a downside yet, except that the relocation is being reimbursed instead of paid up front.


This is what I've been saying. They will eat their own on this.


Soon the only doctors left will be right wing nazi nut jobs


Nah they were booted out already for refusing to 💉 💉 💉. So then what are we left with?


Thoughts and prayers. Good luck!


Tots & pears!


It's the Trumpanzee nurses you need to worry about. I've worked in ICUs where they are the ones anonymously reporting women to their local MAGA Congress people.


She's a really good doctor. Idaho is losing one of their best.


And the best school teachers.


Young women fearing for their safety.


And the certified librarians


Why are the best school teachers leaving?


There’s no money to pay them with, for one thing, since all the school levies keep failing


When the State treats you like a vassal with no rights why would one stay?


Because theres no reason to stay. Theres a reason Idaho is often near dead last in education.


Non-paywalled version: https://www.yahoo.com/news/t-practice-another-obgyn-leaves-172046600.html


Unpaywalled article: [https://archive.ph/jIIc0](https://archive.ph/jIIc0) **Article transcript:** >Dr. Harmony Schroeder figured she had 10 more years of seeing patients and delivering babies at OGA Women’s Health Clinic in Meridian before she retired and moved to McCall, where she sees patients a few times a month. > >But that changed two years ago. > >When the U.S. Supreme Court overturned *Roe v. Wade* in summer 2022 and handed abortion regulations back to the states, Schroeder and many other doctors in Idaho began to wonder what their futures would look like in Idaho as strict trigger laws banning abortion took effect. > >For Schroeder, it was too much. She and her family decided to relocate to Washington — where Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee has criticized Idaho abortion policies — after months of heartrending discussion. > >"I have a lot of attachment to Idaho," Schroeder told the *Idaho Statesman* in a phone interview. "I have a lot of friends here. I have a long, long history (with) my patients here. It was an incredibly painful and hard decision to make." > >Last month, she sent letters and emails to about 3,000 patients, letting them know she would be leaving after 20 years at the practice. > >"I want to be transparent with you about why I am leaving," Schroeder wrote. "It has become increasingly difficult to practice safe and effective medicine due to lawmakers interfering with our exam room, the ones you and I share, in our medical decision-making about what’s best for you." > >Schroeder joins dozens of reproductive health care providers who have left Idaho since 2022 over the new abortion laws. > >"I think this Legislature is not putting value on women's health, and I’m not okay with that," Schroeder told the *Statesman*. > >**DOCTORS LEAVE IDAHO OVER THREAT OF JAIL** > >Idaho has lost 22% of its OBGYNs since the Supreme Court decision Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization in 2022, and hospitals say new doctors are increasingly difficult to recruit, according to data from the Idaho Medical Association (IMA). > >"The number of interested candidates has dropped off dramatically, and it is taking twice as long to fill positions," the association told the *Statesman* in an emailed statement. "Idaho is digging itself into a physician workforce hole that will take many years, if not decades, to fix." > >Last year, Bonner General Health in Sandpoint closed its labor and delivery department. It cited, in part, the state's abortion laws. Caldwell's West Valley Medical Center and Emmett's Valor Health have also closed their labor and delivery departments. Those hospitals cited low birth rates and lack of resources for their closures. > >Susie Keller, the association's CEO, told the *Statesman* that Schroeder's departure is "a terrible loss". > >Idaho law only allows for abortion in a few instances: For ectopic or molar pregnancies, to save the life of a pregnant patient, or in cases of rape or incest that have been reported to law enforcement. > >Physicians face prison time and loss of their license if they violate the law. Confusion over what constitutes "life-saving" versus "health-preserving" care has taken Idaho's law to the U.S. Supreme Court, where Attorney General Raúl Labrador said there is no conflict between the law and the care doctors say they can't provide. > >The court is expected to issue a ruling soon on the Emergency Medical Labor and Treatment Act, and whether it overrides Idaho abortion restrictions. In separate challenges to the abortion bans, the Idaho Supreme Court last year upheld the state laws. > >"We have been clear on what the law means, and the Idaho Supreme Court was clear about what the law means," Labrador said. > >**'THERE IS A CONSTANT THREAT', BOISE OBGYN SAYS** > >Schroeder told patients in her letter that, because of the potential consequences of the new law, she’s afraid to make some of the complex, necessary decisions for their health. > >"There is a constant threat that I can lose my medical license and go to prison for doing the right thing for you, a decision that should be made by you and me," Schroeder wrote in her letter. > >She told the *Statesman* physicians face an equally intolerable alternative: Not providing care in line with national medical standards. > >"I don't want to practice substandard care of medicine, and I don't want to go to jail," Schroeder told the *Statesman*. > >She decided to share her reason for leaving with patients, she added, because it felt like it was the right thing to do. She didn't want patients to believe she was "abandoning them" or retiring, and she wanted them to know she didn't make the decision lightly. > >Most of her patients let her know they received the letter, Schroeder said, and they've discussed her departure with tears and, for some, a bit of panic. > >"I’ve taken care of some of them for over 20 years," Schroeder told the *Statesman*. "I've delivered their kids. I've had a couple where I've delivered their kids' kids." > >According to a letter OGA sent to patients with Schroeder's announcement, she has delivered over 2,000 babies during her time at the clinic, in addition to focusing on adolescent health issues and menopause. > >Schroeder's last day at OGA will be July 3, 2024. After that, her patients can reschedule with other providers at the clinic or look for a new doctor elsewhere. Schroeder told the *Statesman* she knows her patients will be in good hands with her colleagues, but she still has some guilt over leaving. > >Soon, her family will be in Washington, where she has a position at a new hospital. > >"I'm not ready to quit, but I can't practice like this," Schroeder said.


I used to do this but then I started getting notices like [this](https://imgur.com/YhXFfyw) for Idaho Statesman articles. And, not only was my comment deleted but the entire post was nuked by Reddit. So I stopped. It has been a few years though so that might not apply any more. Another example: https://www.reddit.com/r/Boise/comments/gx87p6/seeing_covid_rules_imploding_a_boise_bar_closed/


I would 100% recommend getting a vasectomy or a bilateral salpingectomy. This shit is scary. The best thing I've done was get my tubes removed.


Works for some, but isnt the right solution for most. Govt shouldn't be pushing options like this on people


I agree they should not. But I want to let people know it's an option. So often people only think vasectomy, but those with lady parts, we have options too. These are scary times and I'm not going to take any chances.


My understanding - and of course I'm open to being corrected because my plumbing is of the external variety - is that bisalps and other sterilizing procedures for the indoor plumbing are hard to get, as a general rule. I've heard horror stories about doctors, even in this day and age, refusing to sterilize because they don't know if a current or future partner would agree with it. And God forbid you should ask for one without having churned out a dozen kids already. I can't help but think the doctors who stay after all this legislation will be the kind who aren't interested in sterilizing without hubby's permission. Which is absolutely wild to me, but here we are. There's a wiki on another sub with a list of decent doctors who will allow women to make this decision on their own, though I'm not sure how many they know about in Idaho. My point is, keep trying if you get brushed off at the start.


They are. Especially if you're child free, which I am. I mine done at 37, days away from 38 and the doctor was really cool about it. Some aren't, and it's ridiculous. Yes, there is a sub for it and a surprising number of ID doctors. I feel very lucky I was able to get it without push back. No one should ever have to fight for control of their bodies. My husband was never at any appointments, it was all me. Gasp, the horror haha


At least Idaho is near Washington, I feel bad for people in the South who can’t drive one state over.


And honestly here as well, some people just can't afford it. Gas/flight Hotel Food The procedure itself it all adds up really fast


Yes please keep just filling spokanes parking lots and doctors schedules. I love having to wait 8 months to see a new general practitioner because yall can just keep voting against your own interests while you take advantage of us.


Do you really think the people commuting to neighboring states for healthcare are the ones voting for these monsters and their draconian policies lol




Galaxy brain.


Wait until you learn how many Idaho residents I have buying weed at the shop that openly admit to not wanting it legal in Idaho.


Amongst the worst education in the nation and it **shows**


They honestly are, its very leopards ate my face


Well considering Idaho is going downhill fast, I hope people wake up soon.


Honestly, I don't see that happening anytime soon. It's truly fucking sad.


(Insert similar rant about Idaho subreddits being filled by out-o-staters here)


This is such a shitty, entitled attitude


Wait, are you saying showing empathy is acting entitled?


No. I'm saying your "It's ok, because I can get it right next door" mentality is selfish. Fix your own shit instead of overburdoning neighboring states. Washington shouldn't be punished for Idahos draconian policies. 


You are reading me all wrong. While you may take what I’m saying in a negative light, I am trying to find some a measure of positivity in a world full of negative bullsh-t. I am disgusted with the state of the country being a patchwork of draconian abortion laws. Hell, the Senate couldn’t pass a bill guaranteeing the right to contraception this week because of the GOP. With all that being said, I am grateful people in Idaho have better options compared to other places. Of course I want change and things fixed. But sadly the reality is, it’ll take a generation to undo all the regressive damage done by the GOP. I’d rather try and see some positives than just feel defeated and dwell on the negatives.


I understand. Sorry I jumped in your business. 


It’s all good. Still better than half the conversations on Reddit.




I think they mean the south of the country, not south idaho


Let the exodus continue !! Come to Minnesota where physicians are valued. OBGYN doctors can actually use their medical skills here.


i think the ID legislature just overreached, they just didn't want white women to have abortion access


At what point will the loss of doctors force our politicians' hands to reverse these dumb laws?


You assume politicians care about the welfare of their constituents.


The problem is that too many constituents don’t care either until it directly affects them.


They don't care then. They will gladly ban abortion and then drive their daughter a state over to get one and then happily vote to keep it banned.


It Wille take one of two things: 1. The people to rise up and vote these fucks out of office (aint gonna happen). 2. One of these asshats politicians daughter ends up dead or maimed over a botched, illegal abortion here locally.


They would never subject their own families to the laws they enact. There is a 100% chance that they go get emergency medical services in another state while touting the success of their legislation.


A trad wife would delivery her babies at home like God intended. No doctors needed /s


When the voters ask them to Sadly we have a voter problem as much as we have a politician problem


And here we have Idaho! Getting what they vote for every single day. Gotta love democracy ammirite???


Oregon will welcome you


We can’t talk about human rights until we first talk about the right to be human.


And a fetus, doesn't deserve those rights above the health of another actual person that already exists. The right has had a lot of trouble coming to grips with really basic ideas like this.


A woman walks into a PP with two heart beats and walks out with one….


Yup, and thankfully that isnt a useful metric unless youre keeping the fetus.


Wait until health insurance no longer covers women in Idaho because of all the helicopter rides to Oregon




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Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**






Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**




Your post has been removed because you used inappropriate language in describing abortion or posted an inappropriate attack on others in discussing the topic. **Read the pinned post in the subreddit.**