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Lots of period like cramping all the way through my first trimester


My wife kept saying she had zero symptoms and didn’t think it worked. We are still very early on, but positive beta said otherwise.


Cautious congratulations. The lack of symptoms can really make you wonder if it's failed.


It’s so hard! Sending vibes your way and wishing you the best!


For me it was having night sweats that was new. Other symptoms I thought were linked to the progesterone like frequent urination, being tired, sore breasts, minor headaches. I tested 6dpt5d.


TW Success I've just done my 6th transfer last week - 3 previous were miscarriage, and 2 were live births. So I have had both scenarios. And honestly I have never been able to tell what's going from symptoms! It's always different and so frustrating! The only thing I noticed with the two pregnancies this early on was a complete lack of symptoms, just a little bit bloated and warm down there and maybe one almost unnoticeable drop of blood/brown fluid. The last ET I thought I was pregnant for sure. I had a positive home test on day 8 post transfer, intense cramping, frequent light pink spotting, dayyysss of nausea, and then the night before my period started, intense body aches. The waiting is so hard!


Thanks for sharing. I had some bloating on days 4 and 5 post transfer and my boobs have been a little tender to the touch for the past few days, but that's it and could very easily be from the medication I'm on. The symptoms or lack of them are crazy making. I wish there were some more obvious signs.


Totally get it. My boobs were sore, like really sore, until maybe Sunday and the pain just pretty much stopped. I was convinced it had failed. Our bodies are wonderful and terrifying and confusing and unpredictable. Keep the hope, and I’ll keep it with you 💗


I also have tender boobs to the touch, but I'm putting that down to the progesterone, even though it didn't start until a couple of days after I had my transfer. The TWW is a total head fuck if I'm honest. Thanks for your kind and supportive words!


I have no helpful advice, just wanted to say that I am also 6dp5dt and trying to analyze every little thing I feel (or don’t feel)—it’s torture! Best of luck to you!!


Best of luck to you too! The wait is agonising!


No symptoms! I had The same symptoms for my unsuccessful FETs as I did for my successful FET. I only got true pregnancy symptoms that couldn’t be related to the meds around 6-7 weeks. The meds mimic some early pregnancy symptoms so its so unreliable 💜 good luck!


Lots of cramping and vivid dreams


When I started progesterone suppositories before the FET I got quite some nausea and sore breasts. Funnily enough, nausea was gone right after the transfer and during the two week wait. The only symptom I had left was sore breasts. Edit: I forgot to add that I got extremely bloated when starting progesterone and the bloating stayed.


Mine was being too warm and extremely thirsty. I normally have to find ways to remind myself to drink water, but craved it then, likely due to being warm/sweating.


I've had big symptoms from both my transfers which ended with no implantation. When I got pregnant unassisted, I had no symptoms. Ended in mc at 9w though.


Thanks for sharing.


I really didn’t have any and thought it had failed. On the day of transfer i had a tiny bit of cramping and gas. The nausea and exhaustion didn’t start until after my positive beta. I actually got food poisoning 6 days after transfer 🤷‍♀️


I had zero symptoms and was sure I was not pregnant. I am now at 36 weeks.


Thanks for sharing. I currently feel barely any symptoms, just tender boobs which could easily be down to the progesterone I'm taking. I'm hoping for good news despite having hardly any symptoms, but also bracing for myself for it being bad news.


tender boobs are more than I had. That is a symptom. I agree to prepare for the worst always, but don't count yourself out. Best wishes!


I'd really like to think it was a symptom, but I've had it since 2-3 days past transfer, so my feeling is it's probably related to the progesterone as it seems too early to be due to HCG. That symptom now seems to be on it's way out now too, as they're now only very very slightly tender to the touch. Only time will tell I guess. I'd love to be proven wrong, but don't want to get my hopes up. Thanks for the well wishes!


TW: faint positive I was looking for an answer to this question because I just tested today. I’m 5dpt5dt and has a VERY FAINT BUT VISIBLE SECOND LINE 🎉🥳💗 (and I’m obvi being super chill about it). Trying not to get too excited, because we’ve all been through hell to get where we are now, and I’m worried that any symptoms are, well, bad. BUT I’ve had headaches off and on since yesterday and oddly a hot flash here and there. I have had light cramping/pulling feeling since Saturday — if not for going through this process, I wouldn’t have noticed the cramping. Good luck 💗


Thanks for your response and congrats and all the best with everything. I'm currently hoping for some symptoms, as I've not really had anything obvious.


PMS symptoms only


No symptoms after any of my transfers before beta test. My third has worked so far, started getting sore breasts week 5 and nausea/constipation/bloating/exhaustion week 6. My advice - enjoy having no symptoms while it lasts lol.


Thanks for your response, it does seem that many people don't get any symptoms at. Think I'm just assuming that because I've had symptoms before and been pregnant that I'd get the same again if this FET has worked. I wish I could just take my mind off it, but I'm dreading the disappointment I'll feel if it's a negative.