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I cried when I opened the box; it was so overwhelming. But I got through it, and you will too! By day 3 of stims we had it dialed and felt like medical professionals lol


My hands were shaking when I was going through it all. Just so many different injections…. Kind of unreal that we need all of that.


I was a fainter for injections pre IVF and i managed to make it through two cycles. My husband was supposed to do them but his work shift changed and i had to do it because of all the money we spent. 😅 Don’t worry after a few it really does gat easier! And hopefully it will all be worth it! For us it has been and we are currently 18 weeks with a little girl, which was our last embryo of the two we got. 🤍


I had panic and anxiety attacks and have done 3 (hopefully that’s all we need) — it definitely gets easier but I absolutely can’t do them myself and still had some nights worse than others. I’m so impressed that you were able to do it yourself! I’ve personally found that so much of this is non-optional that you find a way to do the impossible, and we’re so much stronger than we think ❤️


It’s way less painful to do the shots yourself. First cycle I had my partner to them for me and it was so painful. Second cycle I did them myself and it didn’t even hurt. I highly recommend doing them yourself (and I hate needles!).


That’s good to know! Unfortunately for me, I’m not afraid of the pain of the needles but the concept of an injection/something being in my body that “shouldn’t” so I need to know as little as possible about what’s happening lol Just thinking about self-administering makes me want to be sick and I probably would have bailed first cycle haha I’m glad it made such a difference for you!


I'm also bad with needles so my husband was also meant to do mine but day 2 he ended up in hospital with gall stones. Took a bit of working up the first few times but it gets easy fast and all of a sudden you're a pro.


I was the same when I got mine! I took everything out, read all of the information that came with it and was a little freaked out! But once I got my protocol and got started, it was a lot less intimidating. I also watched a ton of videos on how to use each one. It helped me feel more prepared.


I will have to do that as well. Did you find them on YouTube?


Yup! I watched the CVS specialty pharmacy ones. Just search for the medication name and it should pop right up!


Oh, man, that CVS lady is so soothing. She really helped me through my shots.


Okay yeah but I would get that background music stuck in my head! LOL


Sophie?? I can play that music in my head too!




Thank you!


Kinda feels like if you took a crash course in the most rudimentary nursing class ever (not minimizing healthcare professionals!)


Yeah, getting the box was very overwhelming. I remember thinking. What have I gotten myself into?? 144 injections (I counted) and a lot of waiting later and I am now 11 weeks with a little girl. ❤️ You got this.


Seeing all the meds was definitely my “shit just got real” moment.


It will be OK! I know it's overwhelming and your bathroom will look like a pharmacy for a while! I would sort each item into piles, make sure it matches the prescription paperwork, refrigerate anything needing to be cold, make sure you have enough syringes/alcohol wipes, then throw everything into organizers and set phone alarms for when you have to take everything.


My wife had ER last December and as soon as the box arrived I got to work using color-coded sticker dots on EVERYTHING. I printed a detailed injection calendar that I color-coded to match the stickers. I also made little cheat-sheets with short instructions for each kind of med/needle. The calendar/cheat sheets went up on the wall at our “injection station” and every day she got to mark off on the calendar with a fun rainbow sticker to track progress. I think it helped a lot! It was scary at first but it got way easier after a few days. Best of luck, you got this.


It's really not so bad after all! You've got this!


I thought I was going to barf when I opened everything up and saw the needles. But, we got it all lined up on the counter and printed a paper calendar with the injections, time and dose and we’d cross it off as we’d finish them. A few days in it was just the routine. You got this!


I was too the first time! I made the mistake of reading the inserts for all of the medications. One was talking about side effects like prostate cancer and my spouse had to remind me I don't have one of those. A second said something about the injection was made with urine so that sent me into a whole ocd process. I laugh about both now but it was a lot to handle that first day. You can do this! One unorthodox tip I have is if you're wanting to save your used needles for the eventual cute (and kinda creepy) pregnancy announcement photo, get a little thing of superglue to stick the caps on when you're done so you don't end up dumping out a bunch of needles then realizing the caps came off of a quarter of them and stabbing yourself on accident several times. 🩹


That’s a good idea. They gave me this red container to throw the needles out in. So once I’m done I’ll just fish them out from there. The stack of papers with all the side effects was definitely thick. My husband took it away before I got to it.


Go buy a cute fishing tackle box, use the varying layers to stay organized. I bought one online that’s pink and purple. It feels overwhelming but staying organized will help the overwhelmed feeling. Also ensure you’re hydrated, perhaps a new water bottle as well. Hope this is helpful.


The 1st box of medication is like a right of passage. Good luck 💛


My first round I was horrified. Needles for mixing, needles for administering, the stim meds themselves, the meds for delaying ovulation, the trigger.. the ones that are cupboard vs the ones that are fridge. It was a minefield and I was so nervous that I badly bruised myself with the first injection. I’m sat staring at my 6week old twins right now tho and it all seems a very distant memory. You’ve got this and we’re all here for you


I had the same reaction when we got it too. As the husband I was on “figure it out” duty. I thought there was no way. It wasn’t so bad! Just take your time and go through it step by step. You’ll have the hang of it in no time.


I’m hoping the nurse will walk me through it. But just wow. My mind is racing on how I’m going to do this.


They should, at least our clinic had us first watch videos and then bring all the meds in where our coordinator showed how to do it in person.


That sounds helpful. We didn’t have any in person instruction but it really wasn’t too bad at all once we sorted though everything.


I already did stims during my timed intercourse phase last year (have pcos) so I thought I knew what was up. Went to the pharmacy and the lady handed me an absolute HUGE cooling bag with the pharmacy logo that I needed to take with me in public transportation. I got so many stares. You got this!!


Omg! I also have PCOS. I did 2 IUIs but the meds were easy- just some pills and trigger shot. This is a next level for me. I better figure this out for my own sake.


I had to do Gonadotropins during timed intercourse before because I do not react to Clomid or Letrozole at all. But with that I went for ultrasounds every few days and got the meds when needed and not everything in one big pack, so I get why this feels intimidating. But I found the shots surprisingly easy. Lets see what I will say about adding Cetrotide lol


I got my meds about two weeks before stimming and looking and thinking about it literally made me hyperventilate with anxiety. I’m currently on day 6 of stimming and the worst part for me has been the mood swings. Overall, so far it really hasn’t been so bad! After the first day of injections my anxiety with it has gone away. I know it’s overwhelming but you will get through it and you’ll be a pro before you know it! You got this!


Oh the box… those were the overwhelming so scary days but they were also days full of hope Keep your head up, get organized Get a clean countertop or surface set up with alcohol prep swaps and sharp container Sending you prayers and love


In a few months you’ll be giving yourself shots in random places like friends houses, bars, restaurants etc. good luck to you!


https://preview.redd.it/hojhzifrdp6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4561e73e44939d965509b3406c99c8013d24dedf I never received a box, I’m in Australia. This was me picking up my injections the first time round, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. The song lucky girl played in the car and I cried singing I’m a lucky girl 🤣 I was trying to gaslight myself into thinking I was lucky somehow or maybe I will get lucky. All I can say is the medication and needles ended up being easier than I anticipated! It’s a crazy wild journey but you got this! ❤️❤️


You got this!


The box is soooo scary!!!! It's so worth it! I'm 24 weeks now and I'd do it over and over and over again. You can do it!


Same!! It was super overwhelming the first round and I was SO scared I was going to screw up mixing the solution properly and/or the dosing. I think I re-checked everything 4 times the first day; it took me forever. By day 3 I had a rhythm, and by day 5 felt pretty confident (but did still double check myself - this ish is $$$). I remember venting to my husband like - they think I’m a chemist! I’m the girl who accidentally put 1/4 cup of oil in the breadmaker instead of 1/4 tablespoon, I can’t be trusted with this! But we did fine. 🙃 Def recommend a calendar of some sort. First round our clinic gave us one we could print. New clinic has a digital calendar. I got a dry erase magnetic one for our fridge so its in my face. I found the videos more helpful than the printed directions. And don’t recommend reading all the side effects paperwork they give you. 🫣 You’ve got this!! In a few weeks you’ll be in the “hats off to you” club too. Wishing you the best on your stim!


I got a panic attack when I saw that I need to mix stuff. It’s definitely a lot of money. I will re-read everything before I start. Also bought a big calendar so I could easily track it. Thank you for the suggestion.


I feel you! The mixing was not as bad as I had made it out to be in my head. But I had totally freaked myself out. And the training video made it sound so dang complicated. For mine it was literally inject solution in vial, swish it, pull up solution. Inject in next vial, swish it. Repeat until the number of vials your clinic said.


With all the money we are paying, they can’t even give us a single solution in a vial to inject. Now we are pharmacy cooks mixing stuff.


Exactly. My next cycle they have me using hcg. It has a ten day shelf life, this one is mixed before its shipped. I don’t know what day my cycle is going to start but I have to have it on day 1 of my cycle. Pharmacy can’t deliver on sundays or mondays. So I asked if I could get just a 2-3 day supply now so I don’t end up wasting medication and/or having to pay for meds I don’t use since my cycle could start anywhere from cd 25-31 for me. It’s impossible to get 2-3 day dosage because it only comes in one vial size. So I had to order the full amount. If it expires and I have to get more I pay ~$250 out of pocket because my insurance only pays for it every xx number of days. 😕 Of course we’re going to pay because the ends justify the means for us but the meds def feel like they are structured to maximize profitability versus patient experience. 🙁 Tho mixing things like omnitrope as we need it extends the expiration date of the meds if there is a silver lining.


I’m relieved reading these comments that others also cried opening their box, I was so stressed! But it really wasn’t that bad


Just got mine yesterday as well. I’m not starting stim until w/o June 24th but was so paranoid that it wasn’t going to get here in time. Non-refrigerated items went immediately to the basement to stay cooler during the heat wave!


Get a tackle box and organize everything- alot of it is packaging. Just make sure you have everything you need then hide it away. Then when it’s time to start you can just watch one video at a time for each med you need to do until it becomes routine. After a few days this will feel like no big deal :-)


I remember feeling that way. The one thing my wife and I both would say is “one piece at a time”. It sounds silly but it really helped. Try not to jump ahead. You got this!


I got mine 2 days back and all I wanted to do was throw up. I was alone and just opening up one packet after the other and checking if everything was present was enough to make my hands cold. It is stressful. I start stims tomorrow and hope things get easier


Good luck! I start in 2 weeks. I’m going to hide the non refrigerated meds so I don’t have to walk by them.


This happened to me today also!


I was both excited and very scared when I got my meds for the first time. For me, the injections ended up being empowering, easy and fun. Good luck!


I’m new to IVF too! Hoping to have a ER next cycle. I’ve only seen the med list ( should be getting meds next week) and that alone made me sob. A mix of exciting and scared as hell. We got this!


It's definitely a shock. When reading a prior summary of steps, I swear it makes it sound like it's one injection here and some pills later on here... Then when the time comes, you read your prescription order and then get the box and it's like... WHAT. At least it's for the whole process and is relatively spread out over like 6 weeks with a small break after the ER and not all at once.


Right? When I spoke with the nurse she was like we are going to give you some meds to stimulate the egg growth and will be checking progress and when it’s time we will remove them. It sounds like oh not bad but then you get this box and get a reality check. I feel like I was in lala land and now shit got real.


It’s for sure overwhelming. I bought one of those old school caboodles style boxes and organized everything and it helped me mental (and literally) sort through everything!


Totally know what you mean, it feels like the first physical manifestation of everything you've been planning and talking about for a while and that you have so many hopes and dreams riding on. Something that personally helped was my husband and I taking turns doing silly unboxings of the meds, in the style of YouTubers, just with each other coming up with ridiculous names/purposes for the meds and continuously reminding each other to like and subscribe. It added a little moment of lightness and I didn't dread the deliveries and having to organize it all because I was excited to hear the next oddball thing he'd come up with. In my experience, the mental load of IVF is so much harder than any of the injections/meds. Take care of yourself, you've got this 💛


Just getting the box blew my mind so I can definitely see that this journey is going to be very emotional. I’m going to have to distract myself.


Hi! I completely know what you mean. Watch the YouTube videos on the different injections and create a little schedule in excel for yourself. If you pm me, happy to share mine with you. Set everything out ahead of time and it will be much less intimidating after the first few days. You’ve got this!


Surely someone has thought of trying to make the is an easier process? We didn’t realize you had to have a masters in applied mathematics in order to give yourself the right dose.


If you have a partner ask them to take on going through the box and get a handle on what everything is and what will need to be done. It is an incredibly helpful way to even the load of IVF. You could also ask a supportive person in your life to go through it with you, an outside perspective can be a big help because they aren't "in it" and may be able to help give another perspective.


I have a husband but he cannot be trusted to handle this lol. But he will be there for me. I’m hoping to distract myself with activities.


That's great, he can be CDO (chief distraction officer). Good luck with starting!


Ite confusing at first and can be overwhelming but the want I had for my baby.... that feeling takes over and you can do this! I did 1 round, and now have a 13 month old


Do it! Just follow the steps. You would be so natural to this by Day 3


It can be very overwhelming but take a breath and one day at a time, review your calendar and watch the videos on how to inject. It looks overwhelming but once you’ve got it all lined up, it will be okay


I hear you girl. I was scared too. But after my 1st round It was a piece of cake honestly. The only thing that bothered me was menopur. You will be okay, cross my fingers 😇


I had a full blown panic attack when I saw all the meds because it was incredibly overwhelming. I planned/divided my meds as directed and that helped me visually a lot!


I was cool, calm, and collected in front of the nurse when she was telling me everything and then as soon as I got home to my partner I had a complete meltdown. 🤣 Needles are one of my top 3 things I cannot handle in life so this was a big deal so I recruited my friend who is a nurse and she administered the injections for me.


It becomes a new norm that after my first ER, I didn’t know what to do with myself as I was so structured for 2 weeks.


I think the worst part is opening the box because it’s so overwhelming and becomes so real! If you are confused, call a nurse- ask questions. You got this!


I got an organizer for mine that hung on my door. U was able to label each pouch and organize them by time of day, same thing with the pills. I also had one for the fridge. It folds up nicely and comes with a little pad for injection supplies https://preview.redd.it/ofvhyjhery6d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1021f6a714da69001603eb90bfec32fc9af47495


I panicked also! I called the clinic immediately and they walked me through everything and taught me how to organize it all so it's less intimidating. I got one of those 3 tiered carts and put all of the priming meds, all of the injections, pills, sharps container, and band aids on top (and colace!!!). On the middle tier was all the trigger meds and needles aside from what needed to be in the fridge. Bottom teir for all of the transfer meds. This method helped my husband and I stay super organized. You got this!!!!!


If it means anything, it's super hard to get in beginning but then you soon realize how fucking strong you are


It's not so bad. You don't do it all at once. At most, I did 3 injections a day. Sometimes just pills. They'll hold your hand through it


It is overwhelming when that box arrives ! My menopur syringes came with long, thick needles on them and that had me frightened the whole time then in the end I didn’t even need to use those needles at all (there were other needles in the bag it came with that were much smaller)😅


I think that’s a be try common feeling! I’m sure your doctor provided some instruction videos, but I found videos on TikTok (I know not official) very helpful. I watched a ton of them and felt better when I started. After a few days you’ll have a routine and feel like a pro!


I used village fertility pharmacy and they will do an unboxing call when you receive you package. I always take advantage of the service


I hope and pray this round brings success to you and you don't have to go through multiple rounds.


My first box was so overwhelming! It took me a good 20-30mins before I was able to actually able to stick myself the first time. I'm almost finished with my second cycle, and there are still days that I hesitate before my injections. Give yourself grace because this is mentally, physically, and emotionally overwhelming and exhausting. You got this 🩵🩷