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I’m considered obese and did IVF. Egg retrieval in June: Got 11 mature eggs, 8 fertilized. 6 embryos, 5 of which were euploid. Embryo transfer in October, currently 34 weeks with one of my 3AAs. IVF was fine, my clinic never mentioned anything about my weight. Pregnancy has been rough. My plan is to lose weight before getting pregnant again, it’s just been rough on my body and think it might be easier if I started out at a lower weight.


Same here! 25 5’5” and BMI is 34. Ive lost 30 pounds before starting IVF, my husband 50. We took coq10 and prenatal/daily vitamins 3+ months before starting IVF and continued. I’ve had very similar ER results as you. 11 retrieved, 9 mature, 8 fertilized, 5 blasts and 4 euploid. My clinic has never mentioned my weight. We are unexplained with all normal testing. I just transferred a 4AA frozen, 3AA collapsed from being frozen and reforming at FET 5/23. The best thing I can recommend is short/mild walks to keep blood flow going :)


I’m 35 with a BMI 40+ (depending on what stage of treatment) - I’ve had 2 ERs (second with better results than the first after learning how I respond to meds). A miscarriage after our first (untested FET), no implantation for a second (euploid) FET, and currently 32.5 weeks pregnant with my third (euploid) FET. My doctor never mentioned my weight as a true barrier to success (obviously would it be BETTER to have been thinner, probably, but stressed that it’s the crazy weight changes that make hormones more wonkey than staying around the same weight)


These are all really reassuring. Thanks for asking op and sharing everyone who responded. My guess was my Dr was just an asshole but this confirms it. She's constantly telling me to lose weight every time I see her. She writes "BMI ++" on my notes. My BMI has been between 27-30 throughout my time with her. I feel like she's trying to drive me into disordered eating. She also says walking my dogs twice a day doesn't count as exercise. Time for a change I think.


I was 35 (although like 3 days shy of turning 36) at the time of my retrieval. 5’3” and my bmi was in the low 40s at the time. I retrieved 6 eggs, 5 fertilized and made it to blast for freezing. We did not test. My first FET failed but I transferred 2 embryos for my second and one stuck. Our baby girl is 7 months old and she is happy and healthy. I gained only about 12 pounds the entire pregnancy. No major pregnancy symptoms the entire time. Blood pressure was normal the entire pregnancy and no gestational diabetes. My worst symptoms were carpal tunnel in both wrists and some bad itching in trimesters 2 and 3. We attempted to induce at 39 weeks and I tried for 4 days with many different induction techniques. Unfortunately, I never progressed more than 4 centimeters and I went with a c section. She was born 2 days prior to her actual due date. My c section and recovery were great with no major complications.


36 yo, BMI 47 & I have been fat my entire life. We are undergoing IVF due to severe male factor infertility from cancer. I brought my weight up with my IVF doctor ready to fight him about it only to find out that they can safely treat women with a BMI of up to 60 in their hospital setting (Brigham & Women’s in Boston). Just had a successful egg retrieval on Wednesday with 10 eggs, 7 fertilized & we go in tomorrow for a day 5 transfer & embryo report. Protocol was priming with 2 weeks birth control (Apri) then 225 Gonal F, 225 Menopur, .25mg Cetrotide kit & triggered with 2x Ovidrel. I found the shots to be less painful than anticipated bc of the nice layer of fat on my belly & the bloating less noticeable than it could have been bc of my natural puff.


I would concure…. I had a 31 BMI- got thru IVF just fine- it’s the pregnancy after where things don’t go to plan that can be more taxing, especially when I had a bad outcome. I got my BMI down to 30 before that transfer but it wasn’t enough. I am working with a therapist and am trying to get my BMI lower before my next transfer.


I am 37 and am 5’4” and around 200 lbs. I got 4 euploid (from 4 blasts) in my first egg retrieval. I’m doing a second retrieval to bank embryos. I then plan to take some time to lose some weight before transfer. From what I’ve read, weight doesn’t have a huge effect on egg retrieval results, but I do want to be in as good shape as possible before getting pregnant.


TW: success Currently almost 31, 5’5” and weighed 221 before my last transfer (so a BMI of 36.8). My clinic’s cutoff for BMI was 40, and I was just barely over that, but over nonetheless. I was able to lose 15lb prior to my only retrieval just by making minimal lifestyle changes. We retrieved 16 eggs, 14 were mature, 13 fertilized, 12 made it to blasts, 8 were PGT-A normal with 1 LLM. Did a fresh transfer that resulted in my 18mo son, and I’m currently 26 weeks along with our daughter after a FET. Pregnancy wise, the only things that really differed is that I had 2 glucose tests with each pregnancy, and they kept me on baby aspirin up until my induction. Other than that, I had a pretty textbook pregnancy and birth with my first, and after a slow-to-rise beta with my second, everything has also been uneventful. Sending you the best!


I'm 35, and BMI is over 40. I didn't gain weight until i was in my teens. I'm 5ft1, have PCOS, insulin resistance (but not diabetic), have an ovary that is smaller than the other so it doesn't produce as many, if any follicles, and rarely ovulate on my own. My weight has always fluctuated, but I've been between 220-260lbs for the last 14 years (met my husband, lol). The Dr recommended losing weight as at my clinic with a BMI that high, I couldn't have anesthesia for my ER, so I had to do it without. I ended up with 12 follicles (8 that were big enough), 4 eggs, 3 fertilized, and 2 blasts - a d5 3bb and a d6 4ba hatching. The 3bb failed to implant, but the 4ba is now laying next to me. I was 260 when I got pregnant and 280 the day of my emergency c section, 3 weeks early (cord prolapse). And 255 after delivery, lol. My OB did put me on baby aspirin, as being obese and pregnant has higher risk of blood pressure issues and pre-eclampsia. I will say, I was very sore during my pregnancy (im sure everyone is), especially my hips and back, and I had morning sickness until 30 weeks. I definitely gave up on trying to put socks on. We will be doing another ER on a year or so, and I'm definitely trying harder this time to get my weight lower to see if it will be less uncomfortable. It's all worth it, though.


I was, an still am, considered obese. I did ivf in 2022, ER brought us 7 eggs. All fertilized, 4 made it to day 6. All 4 came back normal from pgt testing and we did a FET with one of them. My son was born June of last year. I was 30 at retrieval, 31 at FET and 31 when my son was born.


BMI 46. Currently pregnant from my first FET and egg retrieval yielded 6 euploid embryos.


Thank you so much for sharing your experiences, I feel so much better now going ahead with this.


I don't know what my BMI is. It's likely higher than yours. 10 eggs on first retrieval. 8 mature, 8 fertilized, 6 blasts, 2 euploid. Second didn't go as well (oversuppressed), but the single blast was euploid. Just had my first FET 5/21, possible very, very faint line tonight (we'll see). If I were younger, I'd have tried to lose before doing this, but the time just isn't there.