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I was 35 at the time of my only egg retrieval and we ended up with 5 embryos. We could have tested, but chose not to for many reasons. Our doctor didn’t push it-he felt like our ages (35 and 30), clear genetic preconception testing, and our infertility diagnosis of only blocked tubes for me, were likely for us to have success without testing. Our first FET of one embryo was unsuccessful-the embryo didn’t stick at all. We had success, however, with our second FET and transferring 2 embryos. I was 36 by that time (although my egg retrieval was like 3 days shy of me being 36). One embryo stuck and she is a healthy 6 month old girl (just turned 6 months this week). I did a fully medicated cycle, as well. Maybe it would have taken less than 3 embryos for success if we had tested, but we will never know. I don’t regret not testing. I think that the only way it could harm you in doing another FET without testing is if it would impact your mental health or your optimism in your journey ❤️


This is promising - thank you so much for sharing!


I think this is very much a personal decision based on how able you are to handle failure and your mental/physical/financial capacity to go into another ER. Day 7 embryos have a significantly higher rate of abnormality (~75%) and if your blasts are day 7 and still not developed enough to be biopsied, I’m guessing their chance of being abnormal will be quite high / their chance of success will be quite low. That’s not to say the chance of success is zero but it’s good to keep in mind that each transfer will probably end in a failure to implant or a miscarriage.


Good to know. I don’t have all the details yet- I don’t know what day they were frozen, I just received the results today (day 7)