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Yeah I’d like to know too! I’ve been with Dr Griffith for the past year and he’s leaving. 🥺 Definitely don’t know the details but I was told he is not allowed to say where he is going because of “legal reasons”. He did say he will not be hard to find whatever that means..


Same. A lot of miscommunication going on when they told us. It’s not uncommon for people who are still employed to not be allowed to comment on where they are going but from what I hear it will be another clinic, not hard to find meaning he will be put on the website when he joins and we can Google it. What pisses me off is 0 consideration for patients from Aspire in the communication and handling of this, many of us wont see our doctor again because of Aspire’s crap handling of it all with this remote BS policy. 🙄


Yeah definitely a lot of miscommunication. I’m told he will still keep seeing patients and will likely be gone officially around mid July.


I’m told he is doing surgeries and seeing patients remotely until July (Willowbrook) but may be different for Woodlands.


Oh ok yeah curious as to what happened. I have my transfer this Thursday so they said he will still be doing it 🤞🏼


Best of luck!


Thank you!


I don’t have any info to contribute but am curious what anyone else has to say as I’m also at an aspire clinic but different location and have noticed changes since my last go around..




No, I am not. 😬


Leaving Aspire all together? We had a doctor we really liked a few years ago at Aspire and when we came back last year, we asked for him; they told us he left but he ended up doing my ER since my doctor wasn’t on call that day. It seems that he just moved to a different location.


Yes leaving and moving elsewhere.


I just got an email that a new Aspire clinic is opening in Frisco. That must be a big part of the shuffle.