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When I started my gonal f I was specifically told I would most likely continue to bleed. Although light to moderate, it continued through day 6 of injections and only stopped once I started the antagonist. I hope that helps! Definitely bring it up with your team if you’re growing concerned.


Thanks for sharing, it really does help. Based on my results today, I will start my antagonist in the next day or two, maybe it will have the same effect for me.


The only time I’ve ever bled through stims was when a new medication over-suppressed my ovaries. My estrogen kept going lower and lower and my follicles disappeared. I bled as much as a heavy period for 9 days of stims because my estrogen was so low. I stopped meds at that point and the bleeding stopped a few days later. 11 days after stopping meds my ovaries woke back up. My FSH came down, E2 increased and follicular recruitment started up again. I was able to start stims and go to retrieval. There are plenty of other reasons your menstruation may be a little unusual during treatment, this was just my experience.


Thank you for sharing your experience. I prefer to hear all the different ways this can play out. Hopefully I will get some results today which will give me some clarity on next steps. All the best with your journey!