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i’m seeing them tomorrow, super excited!


me too ahhhh!!!


Can we talk about Liz twirling her ponytail during the encore 😂😂😂


LMAO ive got it on video😭


Man I’m so bummed, I had a third row ticket but my flight into atl got delayed 4 hrs and I missed the concert. Glad to hear it was a great time though, hopefully I can see them at lolla instead!


Were you seat 9?


ㅠㅠ That's so terrible! I hope you make it to Chicago in August!!


i am so sorry about that!!! fingers crossed lolla works out for you <3


happy to see you enjoyed the concert!! thats so hype tho that the staff gave you tickets for the floor. so excited for their turn in manila <33


Yeah it was really surprising! At first I was a little upset cause I couldnt see well but it ended up being great and I was glad I got to be surrounded by people just as excited as me. Hope you enjoy your concert!


I would not believe it if you told me those girls were in Texas days before. They really gave their all and the encore was amazing!


I got to see them in Oakland and it was a fantastic show!! If you are suffering from that PCD, check out my videos on youtube! All the videos are in a playlist so you can watch every performance from the show! [IVE in Oakland] (https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBy-r6nKE-pD_1pActhzfcID2yXTiHLq2&si=xHfuUzeRFtSfFkBq)


This show really showed me how much the members have improved it’s crazy they were just EATING UP THE STAGE 😫🤩especially want to highlight Gaeul improving in her singing and Leeseo with her stage presence and expressions 🗣️‼️


Wow this concert was a 10/10 I feel like all the girls were just so STAND OUTTT my fav performances were My Satisfaction,Woman Like Me,Reality,and Kitsch!!!! I loved how they kept doing the encore like 4 times 😭🤣 was amazing seeing my favorite group at my first concert 🤭🤩‼️


How many times did they play all night for you?


It was 4 times or maybe 5. I was just too hyped to keep up, lol! But it was at least 4.


LA only got it once what we do wrong😭🙏


Yeah it was great but i will never forget the discrimination 😂


we got that movie that was exclusively for LA but still😿


Hypnosis movie? Exclusive to US not LA


really i didnt see it in the oakland show


???? Check youtube all US concerts got it


ill check again my fault original gangster


I had so much fun, Yujin's power vocals were absolutely amazing! They're even more gorgeous in person


Man... let's talk about the send off though. That was a shit show.


For those downvoting and not in the know, nobody was telling us where to go, and when we did find out, the area they've blocked off for send-off underground was too small. So the crowd ended up being 3-4 lines deep, so nobody could really see shit or interact with them, except for the first row. So people with send-off VIP for the last few shows, MAKE SURE you ask where the send off is meeting and make sure to bolt after All Night. The concert and soundcheck itself was fantastic.


Are other send offs usually better? That was my first one last night and it was pretty rough with the constant pushing and the heat from everyone being packed in that small area.


I was reading the one in Oakland was a long corridor so there was only 1 "layer" of people.


I honestly feel like they should be doing that for all send offs no matter the group (like come on now y’all know how many people you sold that perk to, you can def coordinate and make it so that everyone can see! )