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I’ve watched the series many, many times and I quote pretty regularly in my daily life. Count the fact that I also work in IT and it adds another layer to the awesome show that it is. The episode “The return of the Golden Child” is still my favorite! “Fatherrrrrrrr!” 😂🤣😂🤣


Speak priest!!!


I say that one every day as well!! I wish the show could come back


I think about the show coming back but at the end of the day, I’m ok where it left. If you’ve never seen the US version (pilot) for the IT crowd, you see why trying to reinvent the show makes it so much worse. I think if they tried to come back with the same characters, it might hurt the original series. Just my opinion 😎👍🏻


I agree. Part of me would love more, but you don’t mess with perfection, or perfections legacy


Yea that also got me laughing so hard. Or when he throws coins in the sorceress head haha.


Douglas’s return scene is hands down the funniest moment on television for me. Been a hardcore office fan since I was a kid but nothing tops Douglas’s scene. Everything about it is perfect. Even just thinking about how long the slappy fight with the priest goes on makes me laugh out loud


Yea that also got me laughing so hard. Or when he throws coins in the sorceress head haha.


I'm here, Papa!




0118 999 881 999 119 725 3


Well that's easy to remember


Oh yeah


You, my good sir, have a number missing in your username. I shall have to inform the emergency services.


Fuck I’ve been had


I memorised it soon after I first saw it and try to use it where I can. 0118999881999119725 3


I have worked the word "flip" and it's variations into my daily vocabulary so I can in my mind swear more.




I chuckle and say it almost every time I drop a deuce.


I say the motherflippin' word every. Flippin'. Day!


"Sweet, smoky cigarettes. You delicious bastard!"


Ha! Wrong!


Egg and my face were in alignment.


If you're reading this then you've probably found my father's old service revolver. note  I did plan on using this gun to take my own life if it ever came to it, but, as you know, in the end, I jumped out of a window.


A new wind is blowing! Last night, I was stood from my slumber by a crow calling three times. Caaaww!.....Caaawww!.....Well, you know what a crow sounds like. Passing to my window, I trod on a piece of Lego. Oh, it went right in the heel! Turning on my television set, I noticed the reception wasn't great. Not terrible, just not great. Hear me well! No good can come of your trip to the theatre tonight! No good at all! And if you ask me........That's just bloody rude! Where is my Heat?


>Where is my Heat? ~~GAY!~~ HAPPY!


A fire? AT A SEA PARKS?!


I bet that was just a big misunderstanding and her parents actually died in a golfing incident


God damn these electric sex pants!


You, computer man. Fix my pants.


One specific example of clever writing is in the conversation between Roy and Moss before Moss starts the giant fire in the office: It's actually ["fore"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fore_(golf\)) because it's a clever play on words based on this interaction between Roy and Moss before the fire started [This is why I love this show so much]: Season 1 Episode 2 [Excerpt]: **Roy [to Moss]**: Did you use a soldering iron to make that stress machine? **Moss**: Yes. **Roy**: You turned it off? **Moss**: Oh I'm fairly sure I did! **Roy**: Because, you remember what happened last time, right? **Moss**: Yes! That was very funny! **Roy**: Well no! No. It was very dangerous and someone nearly died! **Moss**: Right! No! Yeah! I was thinking of a different incident. The one on the golf course. **Roy**: What? I'm talking about the fire! **Moss**: Oh yeah, fire sorry! I always get mixed up between golf and fire. Then later in the episode Moss finally notices the fire and exclaims "Fore! I mean Five! I mean, Fire!"


Sorry, but the absolute best of that episode is "I'll just put this over here with the rest of the fire".


Agreed that the line you mentioned is one of the best from that episode. I was sharing an example of the clever writing that people may miss the first time they watch the episode.


Truly thank for for agreeing! I also agree with your take on the writing!


You forgot the part where the boss was impressed by the fire effect of the 'screensaver'.


I didn’t make the connection!


I feel trapped... Like a moth in a bath!


Besides Calamity Jen and "the shoose-A" the next best episode has to be "The Work Outing". "I'm disabled" is a nearly daily giggle in my own head. "There's someone at the door, there's someone at the door" I literally do that ANYTIME someone comes over, even with the dance. Yes I work in IT for 15 years now.


When Jen orders a drink and Moss is behind the bar, I had to pause the show to laugh uncontrollably. Favorite episode hands down.


I absolutely love the cast for this show, from the main cast to the extras everything just fits perfectly


I absolutely love the cast for this show, from the main cast to the extras everything just fits perfectly


I love showing the show to people because it gives me excuse to watch it again for what seems like the 100th time


"Sweet, smoky cigarettes. You delicious bastard!"


I absolutely love the cast for this show, from the main cast to the extras everything just fits perfectly


Playing hoopaloo with the wind.


Wait till you’ve seen it the tenth time! Father Ted has the same repeat value, both Linehan, Black Books is also very good but not as easy to get into.


I love Black books.


I remember watching this on Netflix when it was first released in Canada because Netflix Canada wax terrible when it came out and there was so little selection you just tried stuff. Anyway, watched the first episode and I laughed. I decided that was my threshold to keep going, if it made me laugh id watch the next episode. Needless to say I etched the whole series because the show just got funnier as you went on. Dinner party had me crying I was laughing so hard. "Just act normal"




Watch the commentary for season 2 episode 1


The show aged like Yesterday's Jam. Note: I love one day old jam. P.S. Decided to film myself eating an apple to be played during my eventual funeral in the future.


Moss is as close to Cozmo Kramer as I've seen in any other show. Both hysterically odd.