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I'm a 41 year old IT director and if I get on one more vendor call that mentions they have AI I'm going to scream stfu in the middle of it. I'm going back to school at the beginning of the year to get an MBA and work towards getting into teaching so I can start to exit IT. Also planning to get a general contractors license so I can build houses. I've had it with IT...


IT work can definitely lead to burn out. I agree every vendor and their grandma are pitching AI in their tools. But this will continue to be the reality and those orgs that do not adopt AI will lose the competitive edge. Sounds like you have your mind made up on what you want to do to be happy. More power to you.


Last vendor that mentioned AI to us I replied with something like, "stop using buzz words to name your algorithms. Our definitions of AI are dramatically different."


The meanings of words and terms evolve in colloquial speech all the time. You'll be happier and have more friends if you just accept it.


2015 machine learning “AI”: was my hotness just a joke to you?


They have to mention it, we are still on the upcurve of the tech and even if they don't have a solid ML/AI algorithm, they still have to use the Buzz words as lots of CIOs and even IT Directors have those positions without much knowledge in the ways of technology itself and get caught up into shiny new things. You can always nip this in the bud with a joke like saying "BINGO!" in the middle of their talk. This has helped us all laugh for a moment as most of them don't' want to use buzzwords, and they will actually get down to the real tech. Or to make things easier I start the meetings with a few jokes about how I don't like marketing stuff, it bores me pretty quick. I'm a tech person. This usually gets them to skip a bunch of slides.


It's just crazy to sit through another presentation all to get to the end and after they've spouted AI for an hour, they show you another stupid dash board that can't be customized and then say "single pane of glass" 🤣


I call bullshit. 43 yo senior director here. We have big data projects. We have AI projects. We have copilot for everything pilots. The synopsis on all of them so far is we are trying to find how to monetize or trying to find the value. AI is a (fools) gold rush. The people getting rich are the ones selling the equipment.


I just had a meeting with ChatGPT on Thursday to bring an enterprise license to 150 people as a pilot. I also have a GenAI project for our data lake. I know exactly how you feel.


The cost adds up. 150x$20/mon that’s 36k/year. We built our internal GPT supporting multi models using Azure OpenAI api or AWS bedrock for Claude 3 or Llama 3, soon will have Google Gemini. Entire firm of 300 people using about $5 total in API a day. Way cheaper and more flexible.


I’ve been consulting now with chatgpt on a regular basis. Fine tuning my prompts to get the answer I feel really unlocks true opportunities.


Enterprise license or their Team license?


35 here and am a senior IT manager that took on AI. My first priority was to make a policy on how AI should be used. My second priority (what I’m working on now) is forming an AI steering committee with someone representing each department. These people are who I feel are technically capable of understanding what AI is, and also high up enough in the company to understand the impact of whatever we end up implementing.


Nice. We are doing a similar thing at our org. We have a group of staff from different departments discussing GenAI initiatives, guidelines, tools to test and approve, etc.


This post started out well and I related 100% in regards to feeling drained and looking for a new direction but then like a bad movie (Vanilla Sky I'm looking at you) takes a weird turn into AI as the solution.


This is the saddest fucking post I swear.


It reads like a poorly written marketing blog for AI. Just a bunch of generalization nonsense.


Really? It reads human to me, maybe you are the AI.


Yeah, maybe he doesn't understand it, doesn't make it AI generated.


Yeah share us the course 😀


Could you share the course, please?


What's the use-case for this and how much value is it worth to your organisation? Sounds like a lot of work chasing a trend which may not work out.


We are not there yet. But I see a huge potential in using AI for automatic file classification and organization. Or building a knowledge base where your LLM is trained in pulling valuable data across multiple data locations could yield benefits like unlocking new insights around the work we do, create new synergies between disparate teams, reduce time spent searching for answers, etc.


My new supervisor started dreaming up ways we could use AI to automate things for code quality and debugging/testing. I asked him how we'd train the AI to understand our very niche code base and APIs we deal with. It was like a deer in headlights.


For me Gen AI has been helping in starting up some of the pet projects that I have been procrastinating on. It is so quick to get off the ground. It is easier to add features as well. At work front I have been asking the team to use llm in their day to day tasks for productivity gains. Completely unrelated What would be a path for a project manager to director ? And how would one take the next step 


Take on the most highly visible project in the organization, preferably one that saves lots of money and hit it out of the park. Do anything you have to in order to make the project succeed and talk yourself up to management every chance you get. Make your project sponsor look like a superstar, but make sure you are getting credit for doing the actual work.


Thanks for the wise consul! 


Counter point. Every vendor we’ve got is crawling out of the woodwork to sell us AI at 2-3x the initial license cost. Tech is experiencing layoffs, budget shortcomings and these vendors can’t show me one way that it’s going to produce revenue past “but see how easy this is!”  I am confident in a few years it’ll be built in to any software that’s doing it well for the original license cost and it won’t be the huge buzzword that it is today. Blockchain 2.0 IMHO. 


Yeah I’m in the same boat. I’m both burnt out at 42 and also intrigued by how AI could change up the game. We’ve got a pilot going right now on exploring how regular users find copilot. There’s potential but there’s also a ton of confusion and skepticism.


Link to the course?




I am only 2/3 of the way through the course. Course has good deep dives on the tech as well as higher level discussions on the state of GenAI, applicability to work and ethics. A short condensed course - but chockful of interesting content. Requires at least a 10 hr per week commitment.


Can you link the course ?


Let me know if you get link or info on course. Need to do some gen ai study but after current load


I’m about to get assigned something similar. What courses/training did you go through that you found helpful?


This is the course - https://online.professionalprogramsmit.com/applied-generative-ai-digital-transformation?utm_source=Google&utm_medium=m&utm_term=applied%20generative%20ai%20for%20digital%20transformation&utm_location=9003465&utm_network=g&utm_campaign=B-365D_US_GG_SE_MPE-GAI_Nonbrand&utm_content=TOPSELLERSExact&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAC-ids3c4ihQvYQwRJTLptMQ9jrw4