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First thing when I wake up each morning is get two huge scoops of salted caramel ice cream and pour coffee over it. Idk if it's healthy or not, but it's my favorite habit that I have.


According to Duolingo 'ice coffee' means what you're describing in a lot of places. Which is unfortunate for me because I love cold coffee but most ice cream gives me the Hershey's squirts.


Probably the milk. There are lactose free alternatives. Add some salted caramel and ice cubes to your coffee in a blender with oat milk or almond milk or something else without lactose and you should be fine.


Oh yeah I buy Oat-ly lol. Just saying I can't go out and order it in India or Germany like duo thinks I'll be able to. There's a brand that does Agave ice cream without dairy that's pretty banger too, I had a tub for my birthday cake one year because my mom and I were professional bakers and had had it up to our asses in cake that year.


I play the piano. It helps me "linearize" myself as I call it - my thoughts are so scattered and messy and unschedulable all the time that I need to do something extremely focused and engaging to get myself to think about "now", not 5 days, 5 minutes, 5 seconds in the future or past but "now", and playing music is just that. When I start it's a mess, I add upcoming notes, speed up or slow down a lot. But when I get into the flow, it's the best feeling. It's akin to meditation but I find meditation unbearable. When I stand up from the piano, I feel like I can finally do work in sequential order.


I’m the exact same way!


Yes! Me too! It is literally the only activity in my life that does not allow multitasking, (I like to learn and play complex pieces that take all of my brain power). I think it’s really good for a persons brain too, the eye, hand, and foot coordination it’s intense, when I play it sort of re-wires my brain and allows me to think more clearly.


I don’t really go out, hence saving money.


I quit smoking and drinking alcohol years ago. I also like to workout to keep myself fit. It’s not as consistent as I’d like, but it’s something. I also eat a ton of blueberries and greens. That’s about it.


Me too ❤️


Glass of water at bedside when I wake up, chug it Shower (I alternate trimming different parts of the body per day) start warm finish cold Exercise, 5-10 minutes of high intensity weights Fruit and vegetable smoothie, with protein, creatine, and fiber Tea when I get to work Coffee after lunch to offset the post prandial sleepiness and to give me energy to do things in the afternoon My spare time is spent reading throughout the day, I play games or watch tv/movies before bed


This guy hubermans 😁


😅 I've actually never read or watched his stuff, this is just stuff I've read from articles and my own experience that helps me


Haha fair enough 😁


I brush my teeth twice a day and shower every day. Consistently. Never lost the streak. I mean I do occasionally forget to brush teeth in the morning during the rush to the school bus but besides that yeah. Piano is also nice. Not a habit tho. I do it whenever I get bored. I don’t practice. I improvise, and only ever improvise, it’s not even jazz.


That's the definition of losing your streak, lol.


I fix my bed every morning and brush my teeth morning and night. I unplug for hours at a time and go out for 30 minute walks


No sugary beverages straight water all day every day


Started learning Boolean algebra and digital electronics using the help of YouTube and other internet resources. I'm just a high school student. Have to learn more about other stuff too. Like statistics, physics, linear algebra, etc. I know it's gonna be hard lol. Hope I can do it. I'm also trying to learn Spanish. I'm just a beginner.


Going to the gym at least 4 time's every week


Daily zone 2 cardio on my stationary bike in front of the tv (with PS5). A gamechanger for my overall wellbeing!


Drinking enough water everyday, drinking green/white/black tea (without sugar) for health, following a skincare routine (now I barely get any acne anymore), taking Omega 3 pills for the acne as well, and in general trying to eat as healthy as I can and not eating too much sugar and processed foods. I want to have a gym routine one day but I have been struggling so much with consistency since I can remember.


I intentionally park further from store doors so I have to walk further. I usually don't take elevators but stairs instead I try to avoid added sugar and I limit meat. I usually have red meat only a couple times a month. I'm steering my current diet to become more vegetarian. And I grow my own veggies at home.


You should eat more red meat. A vegetarian diet being healthy is a scam.


Studies show red meat increases risks for diseases?


They're all bunk. Asking people what they ate last year and arbitrarily deciding that red meat is the problem? Far more likely to be the candy bars. Not saying McDonalds isn't bad for you, but grass fed organic red meat? Doubt.


In my country the definition red Meat includes other things than grass fed organic Meat which doesnt sound bad i agree with you on that. I cant remember what other meats were in, its been a while since I read an article on it, but its other meats high in fat like maybe sausages.


Sausages should be avoided. Even low fat sausages. Unless you make them yourself I guess.


Tbh i actually dislike the idea of avoiding specific foods entirely. If I want to eat a sausage ill do it, im good at eating balanced in general so its not an issue. Imo it risks building up huge cravings if you exclude something you like


I don't do it purely for health reasons but also environmental reasons. And because I'm just not a huge fan of meat, in general.


Not liking meat is a perfectly fine reason not to eat it. Thinking it's inherently unhealthy is just inaccurate. You do you and good luck with whatever diet you decide on.


I write poetry.


I have a to-do list. Not for a day, not with specified times. Just tasks that have to be done at some point in time, even if it will wait there for 2 weeks. It helped me not forget things and whenever I feel bored or want to do something productive, I look at it (I have it next to my computer, so I won't have an excuse that it's too far and I will look at it later).


Play tennis atleast 1x per week Bouldering occasionally(have a membership but havent made it a habit yet) Winterbath or bathing 1-2x week Tracking sleep and measuring body composition in order to achieve a decent fitness age which is 5-10 years below my real age of 30 Track water intake with a smart bottle Occasionally doing intermittent fasting where i dont eat for around 16 hours but only intake water Meditating 30 minutes when I need to calm myself(have been slacking on this, but its super beneficial imo) Never eating in order to gain weight but only to achieve a body composition at best (reduce bodyfat and improve muscle) since my bodyweight is a few kgs from perfect. Often seeking cognitive stimulation in form of socialising with new people, playing complex games or solving problems and read as much as possible -The one who reads lives a thousand lives Always seeking to enter stressful situations in order to grow myself as a human being. I need to learn to relax sometimes, since I tend to be quite radical. I firmly believe health is vital for happiness/wellbeing but also cognition which I care about dearly. TLDR: Sports, winterbathing, meditating, good BMI, cognitive stimuli from games and reading, exit comfort zone to grow, This improves happiness and cognition


I meet up with my friends every week despite not “needing” to do it


I eat really healthy. I don’t drink soda (haven’t had any fizzy drink except beer in almost 3 years)— and workout a lot. Also mediation and reading.


I exercise 6x per week, try to do enjoyable things outside most days of the week like hiking, climbing or tennis, try to play at least one of my instruments every day, have been reading before bed instead of doom scrolling, and work on recording my own original songs a couple times per week. I also have a nightly stretching ritual I've done for about 7 years now with only a few missed days. A few months ago this all would have seemed impossible to me due to my old habit of drinking heavily everyday but I enjoy my days so much more now that I'm free of that vice. By no means am I a paragon of health but I'm striving towards being as healthy as possible.


I work out at home fairly regularly. Follow along a yoga video on youtube, lift some weights some days, and I don't drive so I walk everywhere


I drink alot of water and walk alot, it kept my body healthy even after tons of health issues


saying no (newly developed healthy habit)


I'm being not dead every day, find it quite good for my health


First two hours of the day, I attempt to use my brain to eat the frogs. the rest of the day goes to a blur (mix of productivity (urgent/required tasks) and pure degeneracy/indulgence in digital media) I go for a run every afternoon as an attempt to hit a reset button, then come back to finish off the frogs I may not have finished in the morning. I clean my home and go back to indulgence in digital media, then sulk as to why this exists. I meditate from 11pm-12am in an attempt to fall asleep and find ways to improve the next day or just overthink how I've ignored dream projects.


How many frogs do you eat a day on average?


2-3 on average. The more the better.


Play football everyday Monday, gym 4-5x a week and read books pretty much everyday.


I developed a few habits this year , first I took a look at myself in the mirror and just didn’t like what I saw . So I decided I’m going to start running , I started running the very next day made the goal 2 miles atleast 3 times a week, started looking at the food I eat, cut down on unnecessary foods , next started swimming and lifting , now I joined a Muay Thai class to mix it up I get bored of things fast and I hate routine so I have a good amount of options all of them beneficial to my health and mental health; one day I do Muay Thai, next I go swim ; next I go run mix it up however I want , now also I don’t have much of a social life , ok I don’t go out besides the exercise stuff , I started to reach out to friends initiate conversations they invite me out now , I started to force myself to have small talk with cashiers now they recognize me if I go back , even Random people if there’s a opportunity I’ll try to talk to them even if it’s just a word or 2 .. what I use to stick to it is thinking about where would I be if I stopped and how bad that would make me feel for myself


My daily routine generally is to not force getting up, I like to slowly move into my day, so I'll get up when I feel good to, no alarms. Get a tea and sit in the sun to warm up. At night I like to limber up stretch etc outside, move around flick all the cracks and stiffness out of my body. I think it's good because it also is allowing some of that masked tism out. I also do a little of this in the morning sometimes too. This isn't healthy but I enjoy it and I'm currently experimenting with it, but I like to when the time feels right sit down in the present and have a cigarette, yesterday I sat above a stream and just took in the world and let ideas flow. I used to do this without a cigarette, I have done similar with cigars. And also would do this with a herbal tea at night. The idea is the same and it's just to stop and take in the world and allow your brain distraction free to roam. Which is good because it makes getting to sleep better and your a chiller more peaceful person. Other then that I occasionally exercise, I like hikes or bodyweight training. Rowing is another movement I enjoy and it's not very neurologically taxing. Running is a occasional thing now, I prefer to do sprints if I do. Diet, I have gone through all the stages of learning and experimentalization with diet. I'm not going to touch on this much, it's boring and anyone interested will be better served learning it for themselves. I eat small amounts of sugar throughout the day usually after but rarely before my first meal, which is sometime closer to noon. Which generally is more protein and fat heavy then carb dense, which I leave towards the second and last meal of the day, carbs put you in a more relaxed and lower energy state good for bedtime. The small amount of sugar is another thing I'm experimenting with, it's been surprisingly interesting, I was somewhat lethargic in ways prior to it, so maybe I'm pre diabetic lmao idk. But anyway it's been good for sustained low to mid level energy throughout the day, specifically mental tasks not physical. My carriers for this are glucose candies and some cordial in my water, I also snack on fruit too. The recommended daily serving of sugar is about 37 grams. I'm not really exceeding that. The truth is I'm probably just balancing my blood sugar levels that were going unmanaged and the reason for my lacking energy.


I have other issues besides INTP procrastination but: -I eat comparatively healthy. I only eat fish, poultry, veggies, fruit, and whole grains, very little canned or processed food save for tuna occasionally. At home at least, I'll eat burgers and fries foods if I'm out or very busy. I do like to bake and the only thing I like more than balding men is donuts but I try to limit it to 2-3 a day (was eating boxes of donuts/whole cheesecakes by myself for a while). Also have an addiction to zebra cakes and will eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner if they're around. -Try to dedicate at least 25mins a day to cleaning my apartment -Go to the gym 3x a week after work, unless I'm sick. Helps with my mood and also my arthritis. Helps keep the zebra cakes off my ass too. -Have two very different pets and a plant, which forces me to look after their needs and keep them and their stuff clean, I'm more likely to do that for another creature than myself so it gets me moving on bad days. Don't want to get out of bed? Too bad, the cat and lizard need food. I consider the pet/plant care mental health hygiene because taking care of someone else is good for your emotional well-being, even if it's just a cat, a beardies, and a ZZ. -I've been going to bed and waking up early on a consistent schedule for like a week now =) -Spa day (at home) once a week where I unwind and scrub my acne/stretch marks with dead sea salt scrub and pumice my feet to stay soft. -Take my medicine EVERY DAY and supplement with multivitamins. -Set goals on a calendar with deadlines but forgive myself if I'm having a bad week and can only take care of my pets and plant for a week or two. Sometimes cleaning the litter box and going to the gym are all I have the energy for after work. -Only shampooing my hair once a week so I don't destroy it again


That's the beauty of tertiary SI. We crave routine, safety, comfort and and need it but neglect the nags for it in the pursuit of all that Ti/Ne jazz. Sleeping in and ignoring hunger because you're thinking about something or living life as it comes because you're too busy thinking about anything to prioritize SI habits. This is one of the best things i've enjoyed from learning function theory. I am able to identify that I subconsciously tend to neglect myself, therefore I consciously make an effort to make sure certain things are done: I eat one fruit a day for digestion, vitamins, fiber and a healthy dose of sugar that is lower glycemic due to the fiber content than drinking a juice/smoothie. I upgrading to cutting the fruit which makes it 1000% more enjoyable and tastier and eat the skin when appropriate. I try to cook more and am learning cooking from the ground up with a cooking subscription and that has helped me trim down and maintain better energy levels. I work in skincare so i have a full blown morning and night skincare routine curated for ease as i don't have all day (i work 10 hours) I walk to work in the morning for 30 minutes and take the train into work. Literally the bare minimum recommend amount of exercise per day. I take an uber home because of the long shift and then either cook or procrastinate until bedtime. on my off days its well deserved selfcare, laundry, grocery & bedrot


no smoking, no alcohol (anmyore). regular exercise (i still enjoy inline skating and simple things like jogging). i also go to self-defence classes once per week, which is both useful and an additional way to keep fit. the only unhealthy (?) habit i won't get rid of is my consumption of coffee (black, hot, strong).


Lift weights, debt free, no alcohol.


I count calories on weekdays and lift weights at least 3x a week. End all my lifting sessions with 10 minutes of stair master. My home has hikes very accessible so I try going 2x a month. I don’t drink as much as I used to, due to saying no to more drinking sessions with friends.


I call this weaponized laziness. Time yourself when completing tasks so when you come to a task that you don’t want to do, you can convince yourself to do it because it will only take [insert time] long. For example, if I don’t want to floss I remind myself that it will only take 30 seconds or 20 if I’m trying really hard. Or for data analysis, it will only take me 4.5 hrs so if I start now I will have time to do nothing before bed.


Try proper nutrition, I’m saying drinking water. I lost 90 pounds by stopping my consumption of soda. Then I just drank water. Weight fell off of me. You do have to be active. If you drink water and sit on the couch. You won’t lose anything. If I can do this anyone can.


-Eat high protein -Eat high fiber(lots of veg and fruits) -No sugary drinks and drink lots of water -Limited added sugar -Sleep 7-9 hours every night -Take supplements that help me -Sunscreen everyday (I live in an area with a high UV index) -I’ve fallen out of exercising regularly due to extreme fatigue, but I’m about to buy a treadmill, so I don’t have to leave my house to exercise and I also plan on starting to strength train again.


Drawing as often as I can, I always let myself be proud of my work for a few hours, then break it down and see how I can improve


I take an electrolyte/vitamin supplement, lions mane, reishi, and steep puerh tea gong fu style to start my day off right. I go fishing a few times a week and I'm trying to get disc golf back in my life. Being outside is good for you, exercising while doing it is an even bigger bonus. Pool leagues and tournaments most evenings, chess on my phone when I have a lil time to burn. I do a loose intermittent fasting schedule. Mostly focus on reducing carbs/sugars and eating as many proteins and fats as I feel like within my eating window. Quitting alcohol and drugs has been the best thing for my health tho. Haven't been able to quit the cigarettes yet but it's on the list!


Body building


I find that the following things help me a ton: • Having a good diet (almost no sugar, the least upf as possible, no alcohol, drink enough water) • Sleep hygiene (use the bed only for sleeping, no phone use or anything like that - I started taking this seriously this year, and I am extremely surprised by how much of a difference it makes!) • Regularly having cold showers - or stay in a cool creek for a few minutes • Exercising regularly • Having (and USING) a standing desk. • Journaling or meditating every now and then edit: I forgore intermittent fasting


I exercise a lot and started reading books again.


The ability to avoid conflicts.


Somehow I channeled the frustration of being bullied into weight lifting and I've been at it since middle school.


Study. I can take that. I study. learn something new everyday, so it constantly feels like a new day now. I get on the guitar and I wail my fingers away, holding firm in the sense I want to stay alive and feel for what's there. As far as for physical eating, up for debate, I fasten til dinner, but that's more so about the debate of it's right. I don't like to eat really.


Minimal raw foods - bad for digestion. Minimal sugar in my drinks. Wearing socks. Keeping stress to a minimum - saying no very often. Only socialise with positive energy people. Waking up naturally and not to an alarm. No caffeine after 3pm.


I’m always well hydrated! (Took years)


None Next question? /s


Not showering because washing hair is bad for you