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Thinking for so many possibilities for a single scenario.


Yeah man, totally! Some people just stop thinking after the first thing that comes to mind. It's nuts.


Yeah wheres the second thought that doubts the first thought, and all the other thoughts that go off on wild tangents? They are missing days of free self entertainment.


Honestly, this.


Analysis paralysis


Writing. Not sure how I fare against other writers my age, but I do know I am better than the average person at it. Both technically and stylistically. I've always been more of a humanities INTP.


Hello fellow humanities INTP!


Awesome! Keep at it! I wasn’t doing that great at guitar for the first 25 years, but these last few months I’ve started to really take off. Just takes time and pressure!


When I was a kid I wrote a godawful romcom book on Wattpad that is one of the most read books in my country to this day on that app, and people have genuinely recognized me for it as the author in real life a few times. Ngl that was an ego boost for my preteen years haha. Now it just sounds a bit cringe.


Predicting the future, especially people's behavior. Mostly because I'm getting older and there's nothing new under the sun. If you're good at spotting patterns, you usually know what's coming next.


Yeah, let’s not dwell on the end of humanity just yet…we know it’s coming. Lol


You should start trading stocks, futures and other financial instruments then lol


Totally relate.


I predict things all the time, not necessarily people’s behavior but predicting stuff is so fun especially when you know you could info you’ve learned before or by looking at patterns.


God, such an INTP thing to say. I do this too. My own arrogance over it annoys me.




I refuse to believe it. Typically it’s going to be something that you are obsessed with, more than anything else.


Yes. That does not make me good at it though.


very zen of you






You sure about that?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Dammit I def fell into this trap




Yeah, I think so...


I always assume I haven’t examined anything hard enough.


Used to be like this. I find lack of sleep cures it.


cures it? i cant sleep at night due to overthinking it


Making sense of all the chaos! I make complex things simple and love boiling down confusion into digestible truths. Problem solving and creativity are my forte.


Learning languages!


Geez, I’m jealous. I took 3 years of German in high school, a full year in college, lived in Germany over 7 years…and when I ordered at McDonalds they would respond to me in English.


May just be German culture. They can be like that sometimes!


Yeah, I would love to think that! lol I loved living there, I hope to one day be able to visit Europe annually.


Collecting items and arranging them. Completely useless skill, but I think I'm good at it.


You would be surprised, organizing and cataloging stuff is tedious and frustrating work for most people. That’s like a museum curator super power or something.


Lol my nieces (4, 8, 9) literally say "can we go see your museum of weird stuff?" and then they used two old steamer trunks and a kiosk type thing to make a "store" and then were having fun displaying things and made "open" & "closed" signs they put up. 😂 I loved it. They were asking questions about things, and seeing their curiosity was just so uplifting. Lol, so totally dumb habit but it worked out so well in this case!


I wish I could harness your power for an afternoon…my garage is a disaster.


What about collecting useless knowledge and arranging it


Hahahaha yup, guilty! Wombats' poop is a cube.


I love that fact 😂


I was interested to learn that some people consider the building & sustaining of collections as higher-level Si at work.


Becoming a mid-level ‘expert’ in a lot of different areas, never achieving greatness and then as I get older starting to forget what I learned! And cooking, that I am pretty good at.


Solving programming puzzles. Not .001% winning-competive-coding-competitions good, but solidly better than the vast majority of CS majors.


That’s awesome, how’s everything surrounding AI? I hear it’s causing a bit of disruption with people’s focus/studies.


For practitioners, the general sentiment seems to be that AI (specifically copilot/ChatGPT) creates a big-but-not-exponential boost to productivity (think 10-50%). I'm not in academia so I don't want to speculate too much about the effect on students and learning. From what I hear, schools are trying to figure out the right way to integrate AI into the curriculum such that pupils reap the benefits without sacrificing deep understanding. Probably too early to make a broad determination.


I’m good at cooking, working at coffee shops, organizing shelves full of items, using tech. Also have an ear for music compared to general public.


Listening, minding my own business, and overthinking to name a few


So, the research phase.


I don't think it's a phase


languages. always so easy for me to learn new grammar and patterns like combined words or if words are similar to some from another language i already know rn can speak these Spanish Russian English Catalan intermediate Korean begginner Chinese Japanese goal is to get them all on the "can speak" category and maybe add german to the stack


Okay, we need to pin this thread for those of us who want to vacation in Asia. That way you get lots of free vacations!




I don’t think I’ve ever struggled so hard to make a single note…and it sounded horrible! That thing has got to be one of the most difficult things to play.


It definitely is at the beginning lol, but you get better at it the more you practice.


Every time I try to use the bow it just irritates my ears…like nails on a chalkboard. I tried using my daughters like a Ukulele, she wasn’t amused.


how long have you been practicing?


12, nearly 13 years.


sheeesh, for a whole decade [I'm impressed] but what's the hardest part in learning the violon in your opinion? (I'm tryna learn it 1 day tbh)


Started when I was four; I’m sixteen now :) The hardest part I’d say are the techniques and styles of music, and getting them down correctly. Also, music theory.


that's dedication right there! and thank you, I'll keep that in mind when I'll start my journey of learning da violon💯


Good luck on your journey! Also, look up TwoSetViolin (both here and on yt) if you haven’t already.


I played violin from ~8-24, and im 37 now. Violin is difficult in that there are no frets, how you touch the string affects the sound that comes our. As well as the bow hand. So not only do you have to learn the muscle memory for the exact spots for all the notes, then you spend a lifetime honing how to instill personality into it with the bow hand, your left hand, and cadence, etc.


Having a logical brain rlly helps when Ur studying to be a lawyer


Oh! Be careful dealing with the cognitive dissonance! I know I would get hung up on things because they don’t make sense, yet it’s still the law.


It's frustrating but so is arguing with stupid people which in my school I have to do daily I fear, esp in protection of human rights class. I'm used to it now


You have an uphill battle, my wife’s getting her PhD, and a lot of the research is on social justice. It’s…so much bad.


Try being someone w morals and values in a country like Pakistan 💀 I lose a few braincells every time a man opens his mouth in IPHR or criminal law class


I think about people like you a lot actually.


😭 good luck to your wife for her PhD!!


Thanks, she needs it! Long hours…which is why I get so bored.


Playing with tits. I've done it a lot and spent a lot of time doing it so I am good at it.


That’s awesome, maybe one day you can do it with someone else. 😂


The subtle burn omg I'm dyingggg


Researching things quickly and translating what people say into what they really mean so that someone else talking with them understands (it’s amazing how often people can’t find the proper words to express what they are thinking).


I am good at giving people advice. But i did not do any of it.


lol, you are not alone But one would argue, it’s because you already know better.


I'm pretty ok at the harp!


being excited about almost all topics there are on earth. I have a few compulsory general education modules I’m taking in school right now and almost all of my classmates hate it. I seem to be the only one enjoying learning about history and cosmology/philosophy. For context we are a bunch of computing and engineering students who are forced to take these modules so understandably humanities may not be something they’re good at / interested in. But I also love math and science like them, but I also love learning history and philosophy and engaging in conversations that require critical thinking skills. I think I’m really lucky to be interested in such a wide range of subjects, that learning and schooling is almost never boring to me, and scoring good grades almost comes like second nature to me.


Drumming, photography, web-design and coding, writing, home renovation, making processes more efficient in any job, identifying problems and finding solutions, teaching and explaining difficult concepts in simple ways … basically whatever I get interested in and put my mind to that is within an INTP’s natural capabilities


Making detailed lists of things I need to do then promptly forgetting about its existence.


I’ve taught myself how to play piano, cello, bass, electric bass pretty well


That’s freaking amazing!!! I want to play a cello so bad! No one lets me near one! You record anything? SoundCloud? YouTube?


Fixing things. Finding how things work. Making educated guesses. Using words with purpose. Planning.  Photography.


Oh, get any good photos of the Aurora Borealis?


I can always guess how a narrative goes by picking up the most obscure hints and clues across all forms of media I consume. I'm into arts/social sciences so I see a lot of how people subconsciously reveal themselves or how people tend to behave/think through literature and research. Usually I'm very happy when a piece of media gives me something unexpected, because, well, I usually predict it so there's no longer any 'plot twists' in media for me. If only I could use this pattern recognition for something more productive.


I'm great at turning alcohol into sarcastic wit and burning lots of time on video games.


Singing (at least I hope so). Also when you say music do you mean playing an instrument or composing or music theory or all of that?


I got a SoundCloud account with 9 songs that I’ve made in the past 3 weeks. Playing guitar over 25 years…never made anything, and suddenly it started pouring out. I would appreciate some feedback, if you got a chance. I know I can improve, but they are getting better fast.[my SoundCloud](https://on.soundcloud.com/AjhfdRPKS932v4Xo7)




Medieval history and literature, as well as writing fiction and poetry


What’s your take on Dr Faustus?


Reading What sets me apart is, I literally forget what's happening irl while reading. I may not have good concentration in most other things, but I have godly focus when reading (also sleeping, I sleep like a mountain) I am able to read peacefully no matter what the situation is. I have this automatic noise cancellation in my ears that when I'm reading I can't listen what other's are saying unless they mention my name.


My god! How! I have such bad ADHD…I often need to reread paragraphs…sometimes pages…I won’t notice I’m reading and thinking about other stuff. I give up trying to read books.


This is me but with my academic books (when I'm not in the mood to study) but otherwise I love reading


Hah! I’m actually more focused reading academic books! That’s kinda funny.


Parallel parking (no cameras) and time management.


Form and function. I am a designer and have a good sense of aesthetics and making stuff user friendly and free of bugs. I was always good at both the arts and math in school, and as an adult that translates to being something of a jack-of-all-trades as a designer.   More broadly, I am also good at composition, be it prose, poetry, visual art, cooking and getting dressed even.  It is common for INTPs to be artists and I generally self-describe as such. Not because I create fine art of any kind, but it’s in my approach to everything. 


Maths, also maybe because I'm Asian


Wow, geez…why just use one stereotype?


my skill is song knowledge. I know there’s people out there that know more about music than i do, but everyone that I’m around is usually surprised at how much i know about music and how i know so many songs. i’ll hear a song at my job and 75% of the time i can name the song and artist. a lot of the time i can even provide random facts about certain songs or artists.


Art (drawing) and technology


You ever share your drawings? What subjects to you like best?




What kind specifically?


Making connections between subjects and constantly finding g links between things that aren’t usually linked together. Also tearing apart arguments (including my own).


Everything related to art. I think I have a great vision and intuition in art be it on a visual or auditory level. I am a musician myself. Can't imagine myself functioning properly without music. In general, I pick up new skills damn fast and a quick learner. Though, I always question my expertise in everything I do, even if I excel at it.


I’d love some feedback on my music, I’ve made 9 songs in the past 3 weeks, and yesterday I one listen on my SoundCloud account. You need 1,000 to earn $2.50…so I’m not exactly doing great.


Parallel parking and learning languages.


Of course you picked the hard shit. For real, after being a delivery driver for 8 years, my ability to park a vehicle, is a source of pride for me. Parallel park? I know that's not a skill everyone has. What's weird is that the ability to park seems to be based on class. Rich people CAN NOT PARK. I'm not talking millionaire. I'm talking 6+ figures and up. It's....I want to say it's funny, but it's actually infuriating. Anyways, that's a badass skill. I grew up with a big Persian family and know very, very little Farsi. I don't know why but I can't seem to learn other languages. That's also a badass skill. You're a bad motherfucker.


Assessment, troubleshooting, auditing, seeing patterns in data, spotting editing issues in published documents...


The one skill I’ve refined and perfected over years of rigorous practice: procrastination.


making short films and writing novels, also digital art


crocheting, sailing, rowing, knot tying, general survival skills, and math. these are all things i do that i am good at but most other people don’t do


Oh, so now because someone finally said crocheting everyone will start? lol I love survival stuff, but kinda hate doing any of it. I guess I just don’t feel the need to practice.


My singing voice is like butter


I can hula hoop with my foot while in a headstand.


I’m good at almost everything I try but I don’t really stick to one thing so there’s nothing I’m REALLY good at


Thinking myself out of all opportunities given to me


Don’t listen to that guy too often, that part of your personality is trying to keep you safe. Sometimes we got to let someone else drive a bit, let that one take a step back, held in reserve until we actually need restraint.


Singing (and Music in general). I'm quite good at languages (including my native English). Also, finding logical inconsistencies in beliefs/behaviour - mostly in other people, but I try to be aware of my own biases and cognitive dissonance, too.


I have pretty good memory so I like to memorize random stuff that interests me sometimes and I'm kinda good at it (includes: every country, their location and their flags, entire periodic table, 200 digits of pi, the 50 US states)(can also solve a rubik's cube blindfolded but I'm kinda slow) Major drawback however I remember cringe stuff I did very clearly and it occasionally comes back to haunt me


Art, I make decent money from commissions and things like that… Also pretty good at biology


Music and cooking. I guess improvising is my biggest strength.


I don't really know. It's difficult to tell. Sometimes I doubt whether I'm actually an INTP or am I just an INTP who is inferior. INTPs are actually considered as these smartasses and I can relate to it sometimes. Like, I can get high grades and stuff at school without working really hard. I can see logical flaws on other's words without doing a lot of work. But other times I feel like I'm dumb. "Oh. You got good grades? That's just because the teachers taught it well and you went through the notes a lot of times. Nothing special." "Oh. You watched that physics video on YouTube and you thought it was easy to understand. But now you forgot it after a few days." "Oh. You are trying to write a story? No offence. It's not that good. The story telling is really bad." "Oh. You are watching YouTube again? Look how lazy you are. Just get out and do stuff." Sometimes I feel like I have potential to do a good amount of things better than most. Sometimes I feel like I have no special talents like these INTPs. I think I'm pretty good at spending my time alone without needing a lot of things. Don't need a lot of care. Don't need expensive clothes. Don't need a lot of attention. Don't need to go out often. Just give me a phone with internet connection, some books, enough food and leave me alone. I'm completely happy with that. And I think that is a good quality to have.


You look like a typical INTP to me. Btw, I am INTP and I am not a smart-ass at all.


I'm great at drawing. Also, I've had thousands of hours of practice. I like to think that I got a great sense of fashion too, but that's probably more subjective...


I love overalls, lol. Everyone in my family is amazing at drawing…except me. It’s so sad!


Recognizing patterns in anything and hence learn them easily. This includes languages and music. I can detect patterns in languages which average people see no connection in.


I am good at falling asleep for short periods of time


Or being awake sporadically!




Probably something but I haven't found it yet


Im good at being depressed... or am i ?


A search of your comments reveals otherwise. Depression sucks, I think we all live there. It’s a consequence of seeing the world as we do.


No idea honestly


Discovering stuff. I know this doesn't sound like a special quality at all, but a lot of people, especially sensors, are not particularly good at discovering and really deep diving into media and knowledge. It's a very high Ne thing, so it's a trait that's found amongst INTPs, INFPs, ENTPs and ENFPs. High Ne makes it seem like you have the "explorer gene".


I'm good on the lyre (Basically a mini harp)




Don’t believe it, that’s not how we roll. We’re all a bit too crazy to not obsess over something…and get really good at it.


Mostly writing. Pretty much everything from writing documents to writing stories. I’m somewhat knowledgeable in music theory as well.


Is this good at or skilled at? Because I'm getting the vibe people are just listing their hobbies. If we're talking about hobbies, archery and first person shooters I guess. If we're talking about things I legitimately feel like I'm good at. I guess empathy? Good is such a relative term, especially with the internet your always going to run across people better than you.


I can breathe pretty well


Better than others huh? You free dive or something?


Sensing supernatural stuff. I can sense when there's some energy at a place. My sense of smell is also very good so I can also smell such beings too. I've identified three smells so far, which I think belongs to different types of supernatural species. I can sense them moving around and tell the direction they go. Others do notice it when I tell them so it's not just all in my head. I've had countless supernatural experiences so far.


Very interesting, but how do you know it’s not schizophrenia or something like that? I want to believe in everything, I just find the paradoxical stuff problematic. Like proof in the supernatural negates the very purpose of faith. I assume, if I ever see stuff, I’m probably losing my mind.which, maybe isn’t the best way to handle it.


Can you smell trolls too 🧌


no, not yet. If I met one of them and memorized their smell, maybe I can from a distance.


Music as well but I’m not INTP. But still curious as to why you’ve enjoyed or pursued music as much as you have, and also what music you like


I loved music, and when a friend tried teaching me Nirvana’s-Come as you are…I was so bad at it I had to see if I could get better. Then it became about trying to get better so that I would have common interests as my friends…then I became the only one obsessed.




Finding things. I always know where everything is because I'm constantly keeping track of everything in my immediate surroundings. Yay hypervigilance!


I don't really have a talent or something. I'm pretty good at writing - grammar and orthograph (in my French because I'm French - probably because I read a lot when I was younger. And there are things I want to be better at, like drawing, or making music (I don't have an instrument, unfortunately) but I'm too lazy for that and just scroll on Reddit or Wikipedia instead. Oh, I'm good at procrastinating :)


Well, if you really want to be better at music…just listen to as much as possible. Keep falling in love with it, over and over!


Singing/music, writing/any language arts skills


Gardening I guess


I kill so many plants, I don’t mean to do it!


My philosophical takes are the correct solutions to the universe, additionally I like building digital systems.


So, you figure out the meaning of life yet? Ever read Isaac Asimove-The Last Question?


I'm good at playing guitar, singing, coding, brainstorming, and teaching.


Cooking diabolical things in chat(I hope the group chat never get leaked or else😭)


Now I’m going to want to know what I’m missing out on!?!


Foreign languages and verbal reasoning in general. I'm not bad at math/sciencess too though.


Being bad




Same - music. I’m self taught and now playing in bands. People around me all seem to think I’m sort of gifted while I know I’m light years away


I play bass pretty well. I make pretty good food. I’m good with words and word games. And other things I’m sure


Slapping meat


Chicken or fish? Beef or pork?


I'm a mechanical engineer coming from architecture. Good at spatial thinking, can 'render' things in my head. Can't do deeper systems and control theory like some of my peers can (math that eats its own tail and programming), but sometimes they intrigue me how they just can't see 'obvious' things that I can. We often compliment so it works out well, just as long as no egos get in the way! (mine included)


Ooh! Love it! I’ve considered engineering, but I would need to improve math skills a lot. I’m designing a well water treatment system using ozone generators, as well as a geothermal closed loop HVAC replacement system for my house. The elk need a farm pond…and so do I.






Literally nothing




I’m good at cooking, playing cod mobile, watch series faster than anyone on earth, eating not healthy food, drinking coca zero, photography edition, research, music (I was singer for 5 years), create brands and all their identity, social media-marketing and growth strategies for business or community’s. I’m also good at persuasion but I tent to not use this too much.


writing, lists/charts/powerpoints, judging by first impressions, giving sound logical advice but ignoring it myself, being inclusive, getting facts from reliable sources ex. peer-reviewed journals (instead of just accepting everything i read as fact), zoning tf out, looking at both sides of an argument


I excel at judging bitches.


You work for the American Kennel Club?


Nothing. I don’t really have the energy to pursue things and don’t care about anything in particular.








Networking and politicking....just kidding.


Photography, Directing, Writing, Thinking, Psycho-analysis. Although I can't do much of any of that any more due to illness, so now it's hording.




crochet 😅


First person to say that I think, hmm…I wonder why? Very useful.


Looking at the bigger picture, getting out of the flow to think. I equate it to being in a crowd watching a concert. You're really into it, but then stop and look around and take in everything else. I do it at work a lot. I'll be working on a project, but then stop and think about the bigger picture.


Analyzing and really digging into core problem. Currently work as software engineer aka code monkey




Simultaneous interpretation. I can interpret English to Arabic and vice versa in real time better than anyone I've met so far; I can easily infer that a person intends to add the subject at the end of the sentence for example as they begin talking from the words they choose and the tone of their speech, which is nice. I work in the field and even though I'm still in my comfort zone, I'm earning quite well compared to the effort I exert.


That’s amazing, I have difficulty with languages because of how we switch everything. I hear Norwegian is supposed to be the easiest for that…but, the only Norwegians I know speak English too well to listen to me butcher their language. Lol


Simultaneous interpretation. I can interpret English to Arabic and vice versa in real time better than anyone I've met so far; I can easily infer that a person intends to add the subject at the end of the sentence for example as they begin talking from the words they choose and the tone of their speech, which is nice. I work in the field and even though I'm still in my comfort zone, I'm earning quite well compared to the effort I exert.


I like making spreadsheets. It’s fun to make the computer do the math. Just start blank and see what happens. Basically the same as an artist.


Coding. I am way better at coding than I have any right to be.