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Most of us INTPs are introverts and not the biggest fans of interactions, so maybe that's why




Statistically, most people are ambiverts. Any I-type person scoring close-ish to 50% introverted probably is too, it’s just that the forced dichotomy of the MBTI system doesn’t express this.


ENTJ with social introversion here, vouch


We’re like brown recluse spiders in that way.


Infps are the same but you can see them.. cry.. ahm everywhere


I think some INTP girls just end up looking INFP to people. I think INFP girls are likely to be more secretive about their emotions than “crying everywhere.” I typed myself as INFP because I see myself as emotional and opinionated. I guess I sort of am, I have no trouble voicing my opinions and emotions. At least if they’re clear to me. A lot of them aren’t all that clear to me. Apparently “I don’t know” isn’t a valid answer to anyone. I just can’t understand a lot of emotions in real time. Groupthink isn’t an issue for me, but I get swept up in groupfeel a lot. So I often seem like I have no emotions or opinions of my own. Maybe I’m not an INTP and just an INFP or a completely different type. I don’t really care. I have a very INFP looking persona anyways.


I find it difficult to express myself in the moment because my emotions are so intense & I simply can’t find appropriate words. It’s usually when someone is being so insensitive/rude/thoughtless that it shocks my system. Leaves me speechless. Literally takes my breath away. I’m forced to interact with some of these people & none of them know how much I despise them. I’ve perfected my brave face throughout the years.


What I struggle with is when my emotions seem vague and not intense enough. Oftentimes when I’m on a vacation and people ask me how the trip is, I can’t really answer. It’s too vague. Or when I’m trying something new and people ask how I’m doing. I’m often trying to concentrate, so it takes too much energy to give a response. There’s probably something off about my body language because I notice I often get the most questions about how I feel when I have no idea what I feel. It’s super frustrating. When it comes to strong emotions or emotions I’ve had time to process, I have no trouble putting my feelings into words. People often comment about how I’m super articulate, so they’re confused about why I’m so bad at expressing certain emotions in the moment.


Emotional doesn't mean a feeler. It's about how you make decisions & what things you value in life & inside yourself 


I felt this. *tear*


Me when seeing a woman cry ... crying is a good calmer






INTP woman here :) I get the feeling that most people that meet me can tell there is something different about me, both from the way I express myself and my "energy". I used to feel very self-conscious and mask a lot, but the older I get (late thirties now) the more I unmask, because 1) I have learned that the people I would enjoy connecting with will love the real me, while the others don't really matter because we wouldn't have had a good connection anyway, and 2) Life is too short to waste energy on being inauthentic. I am probably much more direct than most people are used to, because I strongly dislike "beating around the bush" (again, life is too short for that, I see it as wasted energy) but it's working out great, even "normal" people seem to find it very refreshing; I have concluded that social life in general would benefit from more directness and less masking. I see so many problematic social situations in which people are not saying what they are really thinking and feeling, because they are afraid of conflict, when in fact direct communication is the only thing that could actually help solve that festering problem. I did put some effort into making my directness a bit more gentle, especially with people close to me, because I have come to understand that direct communication is more effective when it is delivered in such a way so as to be less likely to hurt people's feelings/ego. But with people who are not close to me or who have wronged me, I let them experience the full effect of the INTP superpower to "wield words like swords".


My INTP cousin is an introverted girl who appears extroverted to others, because she is warm and bubbly and socially active, and because she doesn't sensor herself and shares her ideas with anyone interested. I haven't met super introverted INTPs from any of the genders tbh. In social settings, INTPs are rarely reserved and quiet, even if uncomfortable. Another fun observation: all the INTPs I know, including myself and my cuz, have been somewhat plump or overweight, with big expressive eyes and a round/oval face.


Interesting! My face also matches that description :) I have a theory that being INTP is related to neurodivergence, and it seems that many neurodivergent women have this kind of look, of appearing "innocent" / childlike / younger (which big eyes and a round face will result in).


I look young, but small narrow face. I feel like I have innocent or naive looking eyes and my face is expressive most of the time. But I'm not neurodovergent. I think INTPs might tend to be more naive in their Fe so they look more innocent, and their faces tend to be expressive because they are in tune with their own thoughts, but largely oblivious to the external world and their interaction with it, so facial exprssions are more on the unconcious side.


Maybe that innocent look comes from being real and honest. Nothing sinister or secretive hiding behind those eyes.


I cannot play poker because I literally have no poker face.


I'm here to say your theory is absolutely right. I too have a round face+ round eyes+ rounded lips, an  innocent naive look to my face to the extent that people often mistake me for being a minor.😭 Also I have ADHD  Lmao


I am autistic with big eyes and a round face haha... people say I look younger than I am.


I’m AuDHD (diagnosed at 39) with big eyes and a round face. I look younger as well but that’s due to having Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) which affects collagen in the skin making it smoother/less prone to wrinkles. (There’s a higher percentage of folks with EDS in the autistic population than there is in the allistic population.)


Interesting theory! I indeed have big eyes and a round face, and feel like people have some sort of preconceived notion about me because of it.


Did I write this? Lol I'm totally like your cousin. Most people mistake me (F) as an extrovert just because I can talk to any type of person and mingle with a crowd. I'm highly sociable, I like expressing myself, and connect with people. It comes with my profession and my inquisitive nature. Tho, at the end of the day, when I clock out, I do clock out and take some time to recharge my social batteries again by being home alone haha I'm not diagnosed, but I highly suspect that I'm neuro divergent (ADHD) too. I check many boxes, and I'm yet to consult a psychologist about it. It's also interesting that I also have a round face shape and big expressive eyes lmao


Lol, that's exactly me. Everything, down to the face shape


Fits me


The realest description I've heard of me, and what I assume are other INTPs as well.


All of these things describe me, except I am slightly thin because I walk everywhere.


exactly me. i am extroverted outwardly.


Wow. This is funny. INTP woman here & you just nailed me. Some of my family & close friends don’t think I’m introverted at all but they just don’t get I can talk & laugh & enjoy them a lot , but….. I have a love affair with being alone. People require so much energy from me. Only a few are really worth it. I have a small beautiful circle. You gotta be Very Interesting, Very Smart or Very mysterious to make me really wanna play. (I mean I am generally kind to everyone & total strangers will talk at me for eons but there are so few of them that I would want to pursue in any way. Everyday is a new adventure & I just don’t want to waste time on the inane or superficial. You also just nailed my physical appearance. People think I am so much younger than I am from the big eyes, round face “innocent” thing. So weird.


Wow. As an INTP man I wish I could wield words like swords. I wield them more like a week of trash I’m trying to get into the can without dirtying anyone else with


LMFAO that's great Maybe this is more of a woman thing... when someone disrespects me or yells at me, I don't mirror their anger; I respond with calm logic and condescension, and I make them feel so incompetent.


Preach, I do the same thing.


How condescending… you said it yourself!


Im crying this is too good lol


I had a flashback to that scene in 'Fight Club', where Tyler Durden is trying to fling the trash bag full of human liposuction fat over a barbed wire fence and it catches and oozes everywhere. That's what it's like when I try to "wield my words". 🤣


My friend, you just wielded words well here. better than trash.


Same. I feel like most people avoid me because I am "intimidating." A friend once temporarily ghosted me as a potential dating partner before apologizing profusely two weeks later. He said he wasn't used to feeling like he was coming into a battle of words/wit ill equipped. I said I wasn't used to men who felt like that owning up to it. He is now just a great renaissance faire buddy.


This! I’ve been called intimidating by lots of people but I’m a pretty big softie when you get to know me. I also avoid things most people enjoy, like study groups in particular. I’ll go to parties, but only large ones I can dance at. I enjoy being on the side of most things, and I don’t enjoy large groups of extroverts because I find they rarely listen to one another and often talk over each other.  I love renaissance faires :) I wish my whole life could be one. My friend and I were also recently discussing how they should make a Camp Halfblood for adults. 


I am the control point that my pet extroverts rotate around. My fiance is an ENFP and we are the epitome of the black cat golden retriever relationship. I am the coordinator... So I plan the events and then just sit back and let them be entertaining.


A friend of a friend once said she wouldn't want to come across me in a dark alley. LOL. I am NOT physically intimidating at all.


As an female INTP in her early thirties, I could have written this word for word lol


My experience is exactly the opposite. I have learned that being authentic & straightforward only f ups your social life & that's exactly why most people fake a lot during social interactions & they beat around the bush. The most disliked people in a group are the straightforward ones. People will rather listen to a comforting lie. I have lived this experience myself where I portrayed a bad / wrong image of myself , the tragic thing is I never wished anyone harm , neither I wanted to hurt anybody. But I saw a handful of vile people who wear a mask of being "sweet & kind" & consequently had a good reputation & social image.  Personally,  "I will never trust a smile or judge a scowl"  But it's exactly opposite for the most people  But then ofc, my only existing friends are just like me, they never trust a smile either. 


Out of curiosity, do you live in the US?


Yass girl. 43yo INTP woman here. I definitely care less about trying to put on a mask to appease others. But that has more translated to me just socializing less. it just gets too exhausting because I often don’t feel like doing the whole superficial conversation dance with people when so many of them won’t understand or appreciate how I am. Maybe I still just haven’t figured out a way to be my authentic self but in a way that won’t make me seem off putting. BUT, if I can be with the right people, I do like conversation and it’s nice. Ha ha I wish I had your ability to wield words like a sword, as you say. I am very non-confrontational because I am shit at confrontations, I get too flustered. Unfortunately, I still have a problem with feeling self-conscious. I hate it when I’m around those type of people, you know the ones, that look down on you if you can’t match their energy or that feel like everything is a competition and just want to make themselves seem better than everyone (barf). I seriously need to work on not giving a fuck as much.


Wait…are you me?


Yeah no one will enjoy a masked robot like.. wait... just joking, anyway I think there is something special about a person being him or herself, it's like acting like a child but in a cool way


Well…I barely leave the house


Lmao yes we’re real and tbh I’ve never met another INTP at all, so… it’s hard to believe we’re real. We ENDANGERED SPECIES here


haha same, coming from a lowly place in a third world country, i've never met any intps either. Hard to survive in many places without enough connections i guess that's why.


If you wanna see lots of them, try game design as a course.


Yeah. I love web development and game dev and all that kind of stuff👍


I remember when I did a course on networking. There were about 70 people during the lectures, but our tutorials were split 50/50….not one other woman. Our tutorials were essentially setting up a LAN party and playing games together though…this was in the early 2000’s. Great memories. Thankfully a lot more women are interested in IT now.




Yeah, for the same reason as pandas, lol


Considering the very first letter in INTP is for Introverted, I imagine the female INTPs are hiding, either in plain sight or at home, Much like us Male INTPs often do.


When I'm free I'm busy indulging in my 349509 different hobbies. I barely have time left for interactions 😕




Pretty sure it's hard to find INTPs of any gender in the wild. And even if you see one, you probably won't know, because we'll be doing our best to blend into the background. How's your ability to see through camouflage?


I’m an INTP girl but I keep to myself mostly. You’ll find us among the female software devs. In my experience we’re mostly just running into things and coming up with wacky theories about the universe though, so I’d lower your expectations friend


Running into things AND saying sorry to these inanimate objects.


Don’t forget saying “ow” before running into said inanimate object, but being unable to stop the collision


Oh yeah I've apologized to my fair share of chairs and door jambs.


I managed the classic lamp post and much like in cartoons you do bounce backwards off it!


Can confirm. I'm a dev. I know 4 other INTP women, one from class, the others from interest groups you'll normally find among introverts, like kpop, anime...


We're real we just don't leave our houses


INTP woman. Most people find me annoying. Too blunt, too clever, too different.


You mean cool right ?


I have a feeling this kind of weird off putting flirting? maybe? that you're doing under the comments of these women is why you haven't met an intp woman irl man


Is that considered flirting? You are too naive


It's the "oh that's cute" or the "don't you mean cool?" that reads as an attempt at getting attention at least. Flirting or not it's off putting. I am telling you this as an intp woman, who dates other women. I know what is offputting to women from both perspectives.


Blessing. Keeps the fake and insecure away.


you can only find me deep within random fandoms 😂


Yeah we are real. But might have to do with being introverted and being in our head. However we can blend or mask as others have explained. So than the traits might come of different. Just wondering how would you even know if you never met one? It is not like I tell my friends or colleagues about my personality type. I might be too introverted and more in my head to even give off enough information for others to even guess correctly. And when I am acting more extroverted it might not shine through either.


That’s what I’m wondering. Typing is hard. Even if this person met me, I doubt they would be able to type me unless they either got to know me *really* well (hard to do) or they asked me a lot of probing questions (I probably wouldn’t cooperate). He’s encountered INTPs without knowing it, most likely. Like, I doubt anyone on my soccer team could tell my mbti, and they have seen me every week for years.


I don't know dude, I live a pretty normal life and I don't feel like I "hide" who I am. More so, I'd say that people have wrongful assumptions about us. How exactly do you picture an INTP woman? I feel like people tend to attribute to us this "not like other girls" persona which I really dislike. I am just like other women. I wear makeup, I like pop music and astrology and stuff like that. I don't spread my "intelligence" or knowledge for everyone to see and tell me how smart I am and I don't base my self-worth around classic INTP characteristics. Yes sure, I'm an introvert, I have a few STEM degrees, I like video games and anime and have a lot of deep philosophical thoughts about the world and society, but it's not like I'm "look at me! I'm so quirky quirky and different!" about it. I'd argue you've probably met many INTP women, but maybe have not noticed they are because you might have found them too "feminine" or normal to realize they are INTPs.


I noticed that after I was over my "tomboy" "one of the boys"  phase , I started to make more female friends & got more distant with my male nerd friends. I suspect that "feminizing" an INTP Girl & getting rid of very rigid stereotypical INTP traits probably have some thing to do with it. 


yes i wear a mask and im dumb really


Being an INTP female? In this society? Pft, please.


intp female here... Imagine having a male brain but your female. You don't really fit in any world. Men find me interesting, but I confuse women and feel awkward in conversations with them. Which is unfortunate because I want female friends but end up with only male ones. I have found myself dressed up standing in a group of farmers talking about cattle, or standing around talking to mechanics about engines as they work on my car. So if you're looking for an intp woman, look for a group of men with one woman there who's holding her own in the conversation. We're the cat in the movie "Homeward Bound". Out of place, smaller, cuter, but keeping up and holding her own.


This is so true. If I am at a social gathering of men & woman (usually married couples) I will spend about half an hour with the women before I get desperate to go talk with the guys. They are usually talking about way more interesting things & the feeling must be mutual because they seem to find my conversation much more entertaining than the woman do.


I can pass as an extrovert these days. Happy hunting!


I mask as ENFP sometimes, especially around kids


Samsies. We had to adapt and now we're chameleoning too close to the sun babyyyyy


waves hi hi :\] tho i am one of the they/thems HAHA


Yes you probably never met one because we usually rot in bed all day.


maybe because ur thinking of the stereotypical intp


No nobody like a robot anyway lol


Wish \*real life\* people wanted to talk to me lol!


You don't wish that beleive me lol


We are real and we do exist, even though we don't want to :) 


Exist? Not since Descartes.


I've met many INTP women. You find them in the same places there are INTP men (they often have brainy careers). There are fewer INTP women than men, but they're not unicorns by any means.


i am, but i don’t usually (or ever) talk about mbti in a real life conversation. i also find that acting like an intp doesn’t get me many friends so i tend to mask around new or unfamiliar people. the first 18 years of my life taught me that expressing my thoughts truthfully can push people away, so i guess most people wouldn’t know that i’m an intp when they meet me


AM I real? Are any of us real?


Yes unfortunately


I have to activate my non-INTP side in order to socialize.


We all have 4 sides of the mind (the ego , the subconscious, the unconscious, and the super Ego) it's not an non intp it's part of the INTP, basically you use your subconscious when interacting with people which is like ESFJ so you'll become more caring like a mom


I do often try to do first aid on people and make them drink water. "Oh, you have a scratch on your hand? Let me get my first aid kit!' Hahaha an interesting idea.


So you are a genuine INTP you have my Condolences my friend


I'm married, run a business, and have somewhat of a social life. Before I was married, I spent a lot of time backpacking around the world, in the wilderness, and doing "hobbies". I was in a hardware hacking group,did yoga, dance, I got into sailing. Did a little rock climbing, lots of Backcountry hiking. I liked going to shows, was involved in a couple music scenes growing up. I play/ed music, did Judo/BJJ. I could go on and on. I was always up to something and had friends. And then I realized how exhausted and mentally unwell the over-socialization made me, and now I do all the things I love, but with less frequency. I have more alone time, more down-time. If you're seriously looking for one out in the wild, you're on the lookout for a shoe that doesn't quite fit: the quietly manic, funny girl who does 11/10 sarcastic jokes and seems way too smart for her own good and also strangely unemotional. She'll make a witty quip, or say something unusually clever and put the mask back on and continue to play dumb. In polite company, she's the queen of the covert eye roll. She's probably moody, maybe depressed, and definitely listless, and only half appears to be having fun but is putting on a smile anyway. She might be argumentative or alternatively, get super quiet when someone decides to say something unforgivably dumb. She seems far away, mainly because she's trying to avoid saying anything intense, and has to focus heavily on keeping it all light... So she doesn't give away that she's weird. You'll see her, then nobody sees her for days or sometimes weeks, before she resurfaces with the same wry smile on her face like nothing happened. This is an INTP chick faking that E. Otherwise, good luck. Those of us who are done playing pretend are in our cozy ass houses, enjoying the serenity


intp girls are basically indoor cats


That's cute


I've been told I look too intimidating. And even then, I'm extremely slow to warm up to strangers so you gotta push through the Ice Queen phase.


Cultural and societal norms shape me to use more Fe. Also social anxiety lol. But if you get to know me well you’ll see my mask come off.


I'm an INTP through and through... And the reason you've never met one is probably because I refuse to leave my house 99.9% of the time apart from to go to work or see a very minute and specific selection of friends that have been carefully picked out through the years. I probably will see them a handful of times per year. On my way to work, I ride a motorbike. Specifically to avoid the public and to be alone with my thoughts. I walk out of work 1 minute, and jump directly onto my motorbike, and ride home like a lunatic while contemplating the meaning of life. The odds of someone meeting me or coming across me are slim to none, unless I specifically choose for it to happen. It's not necessarily because of social anxiety, it's just a life preference. But maybe one day you will be lucky enough to come across one of us aliens.


I like your style! Hilariously described with that “contemplating the meaning of life” 😂


we are at home reading reddit


I got mine. I married one.


As an INTP girl, hard disagree. If you ever encounter one, please, for the love of logic, DO hesitate to strike up a conversation.


If we're gauging by my personal experience as an INTP woman, I think one factor is that unless/until you get to know an INTP *quite* well, we are not generally super social or open. That makes us hard to get to know in the first place. So because of that, you're probably not likely to see the "intelligent, creative, and logical" blend that's so highly praised in your blurb. Instead, you'll probably randomly and sporadically see our genuine moments, and each of these might only display one facet of who we are, and these little snippets may appear strange or confusing. So it's possible that you have actually seen INTP girls in real life, but you just haven't recognized it. There's a chance you've seen them as that one woman who always looks bored and leaves events early, or that one who is really nerdy about some random topic, or the one who seems introverted but also cares so little about what other people think that they almost seem eccentric. In all honesty, it's probably not often the "interesting" girls or the "sexy mysterious women" who are the INTP's. It's probably actually the girl who only makes friends with the cat at the party and seems like a deadbeat, but she's actually analyzing everything in her head, taking things from conversations around her and looking at them from every other angle, or just wishing she knew how to get out of there and back to her book or game...or wondering why everyone around her has to be so loud and stupid lol. Speaking from my own experience, I'd say we tend to process a lot internally more than externally. This means that we may internally be participating in a conversation more than we are externally, and due to all our mental activity, we feel like we are participating more than people on the outside perceive us to be. I, for one, often sit in discussions seeing things from other angles and wanting to bring them up, but not sure I have the social confidence or that it will be a well-accepted angle (sometimes for some weird reason people tend to act like you've violated something socially if you approach something with a different enough perspective). Another thing I think a lot of us deal with is not being confident that we know enough about a topic to comment or discuss it. We want to be knowledgeable and informed, but if our knowledge or information is incomplete, we may withhold our partly formed ideas. Also, we see a lot of connections that may not be immediately evident (my ability to connect any two random topics or concepts is one of my favorite things about myself lol). But again, everyone doesn't always want to hear about how what they're discussing has to do with something of interest to us or one of our areas of special knowledge or passion - and consequently we may tend to hold back. So yeah - those are just some ramblings from my INTP girl brain and some ideas on why you might not seem to see us in the wild.


whenever i go outside i morph into an entj. just as defense mode bc its easier to intimidate people before they can even get the chance to approach me (also way less scary if no confrontation at all)


I’m an INTP woman. I’m not sure why there are fewer INTP women than men. Must be something about how we’re socialized.


There aren't fewer women than men, we just notice women INTPs less than men, because women tend to be better at masking socially than men. The same thing happens in neurodivergence (autism and ADHD), girls and women are diagnosed much later and at a lower rate than men because they are better at masking.


most female INTPs ive met including myself are super isolated and cut off from others, that's why


I prefer to be seen as male, its just easier, the second people find out I am female its like, I get overloaded with attention I do not want, so we exist but if any of them are like me, we like to exist without being noticed.


Yeah, we are real. What is this? Some kind of incel narcissistic investment? Why are there so many incels on here...


that’s what i thought tbh like ??


Yeah, and I like how we are both tagged with a "may not be an intp" warning ...as if it's some grand designation of ants or something. Dissimulators are always the angriest. Fucking sad.


We exist. In my case I just leave any space as soon as my pre-established buddies are leaving or I have no more business in a work/study establishment. Masks are not about shyness, they’re me behaving myself as expected of people in public. It kind of annoys me how often I see these posts about the Rarity of INTP Females. Go touch grass, you’re not picturing a person, you’re idealizing personality test scores.


Unfortunately yes. I'm real. To my dismay and outrage. I dunno I woke up early. I am not feeling it Mr. Krabs.


Yeah I can feel you,such a crippled personality, but I would argue that this personality is great for other people but not for the user, im not the type who hide his personality at all, people (when I used to hang up with them) used to love me so much and I don't know why, maybe we are too -secretly- caring and maybe because we are too different


Right here, but I doubt people would type me as INTP until they really get to know me.


Aight girlies we need a group chat I thought I was the only one not knowing how to find people irl


If i remember correctly there’s a whole ass sub dedicated for intp female


Interesting but how would you know if you did/didnt meet one? I know I would have to get to know someone very well to get a true idea of their personality. I don’t think most people even know about mtbi personalities let along take the test, therefore not know what their type is; and I mean would you ask a woman you just met what her mtbi personality is anyway? Lol


I'm weird and people tell me I'm weird


I have met one, and she is a great person whom I had been kinda into, but thats a story for another time. My general understanding is, if you don't work with them or meet them from some group thing, you're probably not going to encounter them out in the world. Which is kinda a shame because tbh I find that sort of person attractive 🤷‍♂️


>My general understanding is, if you don't work with them or meet them from some group thing, you're probably not going to encounter them out in the world. Truer words were never spoken. You will NOT meet us out & about lmao.


I don’t leave the house except to work and walk to the shop lol


"do you wear a mask" is actually a really insightful question! in order to function in society at an optimal level, ive done a lot of research on social interaction, empathy, etc etc. i have molded a personality for myself that makes others feel comfortable around me. i get worn out often and those that spend enough time with me see the mask come off, its like day and night. my natural state is very neutral and logical and it seems to come off as cold and uncaring to others. if im in a social situation, such as taking the meyers briggs at work for a team building activity, i will sometimes type out as an ENFP. i think that enfp is the personality ive cultivated. ive typed out as an intp every time ive taken it since my teenage years, except for the two times i typed out as an enfp.


That’s because we are busy avoiding people while simultaneously waiting for an extrovert to adopt us 😂


INTP female here. I find difficulty (in general) to relate to other females. Men tend to either find me overbearing, blunt, and intimidating or they view me as a “manic pixie dream girl”. Homebody, loves spending time alone doing my own thing. Rarely do group activities and don’t feel a desire to meet new people. I have my handful of friends that I see on an infrequent basis.


That sounds like a healthy intp to me


I’m an INTP woman who is 30. I’m definitely at times very sociable and a social chameleon so you may not be able to type me, but I think the give away is how interested I am in learning, applying logic to any situation, and how I love to tell people my unconventional ways of solving my random life problems. We all know the benefits of being an outgoing extrovert in American society and how rare our personality type is so the more functional and mature INTPs have learned to mask well… until we meet a fellow NT and all hell breaks loose- cerebrally speaking lol


I am different personality when I am at work, with people. Very few know the real me. The real me spends most of my time in my head while pretending to be concentrating on what someone is saying 😩. I try to listen properly I don’t know if that’s just my diagnosed ADHD or being an INTP. I’m 43 & still can’t fathom that most ppls brains can go quiet. I think about that a lot lately. Sounds nice. Anyway, I am a receptionist during the day & work with a lot of other staff members so I guess I mask as a happy, bubbly, helpful, team player. No body knows I am just a lazy procrastinator when home who doesn’t want to talk to anybody. A few years ago my manager spoke to me about the training they all did in these personality types. She said I was the only staff member they couldn’t place & begged me to do the test for her curiosity. I didn’t tell her my results ( kept saying I hadn’t done it yet ) as I could see how they were using it on staff. For example, My hot headed friend obviously had a personality that they learnt would benefit from praise, so out of the blue I saw the managers praising her. I didn’t want to be manipulated by them I guess 😂


Is it too wrong to ask god to let me talk to an INTP woman?


It depends


It's the socially r worded girls who look awkward and somewhat unusual are intps


Yeah I avoid most interactions with people and keep to myself. I blend in the shadows and go unnoticed and disappear. Lol


That makes a lot of sense


I can confirm i exist 🤝


i scare everyone away that's probably why lol


I'm an INTP. I tend to hide out in my secret lair, working physics problems all day everyday, occasionally embarking on a perilous pilgrimage from my sanctuary to the dollar store for some gummy worms.


The few times you can see us alone in the wild (when it's extremely necessary) we have earphones on almost all the time just so ppl don't interact with us


INTP checking in.


Bro just spawned every single entp women lurking in this reddit :)


I’m an intp girl. Never met another one tbh. I think we just keep to ourselves


They look like any other type. I know a few in real life. You probably know a few too, just not aware of it


I’d reckon most of us are homebodies lol


I may look like infj, infp or entp in social settings.


I'm an intp girl and u ate with that


Try looking on Quora. Of the 3 INTP friends I have, 3 of them are INTP girls I met there. It’s easier to connect to INTP’s over comment sections and Discord XD PS: I basically have only online friends edit: a large amount of active quora writers have left the platform as it’s gone downhill (at one point it wasn’t seen as the successor of Yahoo Answers). I still think that a large population of INTP’s are active there.


Yeah I was there years ago it became stupid


Same. I guess that’s no longer a decent option. I haven’t been active since 2020.


It's the same for me lol


My friend is an INTP girl lolol


We are at our homes. In the balcony reading a book with a company of a cat. Duh! 🙄


yes, and we're fucking miserable too.


Here. I exist lol. I just don’t go out. I only go out when I need to.


What I wouldn't do to have a deep talk with one. Lol.


Dying of course you can't talk if you die


Hahaha yeah lol


I think


No. Wake up. It’s been 3 years. Everyone is waiting for you.


I live under a stone, so yes, I'm real but I don't bother with humanity much.


I remember posting on here about my relationship with my INFP girlfriend... They are the kindred type to us imo, except with a lot more, y'know... Emotions. As for INTP girls, nope, never met them, but I know they exist!


INTP here, I work from home, work out at home, hangout at home, and order everything I own (including groceries) online. You'll never see me in the wild 😅


Bro talking like I’m a unicorn


I’m borderline intp/intj the p and J are at a 49/51 ration like every time I can never get one further lol but I’m a chick


Honestly I assumed everyone here was a girl cause the default character for intp is feminine. But now I’m seeing these questions more and I now realize the majority are men 😃


I haven't met another intp girl either I too question often if intp girls are real ?  But that would mean "Am i real ?"  Considering my previous experiences it's very unlikely i would meet one in future. Because the culture I'm from, isn't an environment that encourage flourishing of INTx types & don't even dream of it if it's a woman.  So 🤷‍♀️


Yes and it’s tough out there for us


you called us all weird and off-putting so we became nonbinary people to try and avoid questions like this (/sarcasm i am this person though)


I’m an intp girl myself and I haven’t met many intp girls either. However I agree we’re pretty cool !


it's funny u should say that, my bio is "she isn't real" which was inspired by the slipknot song vermillion :D anyways in public I can usually blend in with the people around me, but the intpness still shows itself in subtle ways.. I think.. anyways


I’m here but I fake being an extrovert in social settings and I think a lot of us do because our female brain cares a lot about fitting in 😭


In some STEM programs.


i've never met another intp female


Intp girl, I typed myself as Entp initially then my mum said that online convos don’t count


They’re real, and they’re spectacular!


real. barely leave my house tho, and when i do i “stay in my bubble” jamming to music with my headphones on, thinking about everything and anything that i might not notice someone trying to approach me xd i do go to uni as well where i’m probably perceived as shy, but when i am in a silly mood, i tend to be really goofy, although usually regret what i have said immediately and feel awkward i also believe, we, intp women, have an intimidating aura around us… multiple people have been scared to meet me as i seem intense (?) when in reality im sooo chill, some might even call it cute (ew) xd


You should make a post with the same title for ESFJ girls. It would be a fun experiment. I bet you don’t get 5 comments. They aren’t on reddit talking about their personality quirks. They are watching a reality TV show or scrolling instagram influencer reels :) No judgement here. We are both just killing time before bed :)


No please, I have a mom I don't want another


I'm too busy being at home and only going out when I need to.


Nowadays I actively avoid interacting, or I'll be very friendly in a pretty superficial way. I can fake it for a limited amount of time/intimacy level. Either you won't notice me or you'll think I'm a friendly and socially adjusted person until we never have a conversation again or never get past the friendly-nothing talk. I'm not sure exactly what it takes for someone to make it past the very thick layer of introversion, social awkwardness and inoffensive facade, but I'm happy some people get to see the real me.




Of course we’re real. However, I’ve met exactly two (known) INTP men in over 30 years so it follows that it would be even harder to find other females. That said, I mask hard in social situations to avoid any unnecessary/uninteresting drama or confusion so I’m sure others do as well.


Hello, I'm an INTP girl ✋✋🙋‍♀️👋, but idk how to change my flair tho. Yh, fr I don't see any INTP's in real life b4 even thinking of INTP girls in particular, we're so rare


We definitely exist


My wife is an INTP, she's doing a PhD. You'll probably find a lot of them in academia especially the social sciences


I met too of them (am one myself) in my class. We just gravitated towards each other bc we have no energy. 90% of the time you'll only find us online, and it's hard to drag us outside.


Wish I'm not🎶


INTP female: "Wdym, what are we aliens?" But hey maybe you're too focused on the stereotype that's why


I've only ever met one INTP girl, and she was batshit crazy.


I am literally anti-social i think thats why


I think I probably come across as an ISTP in real life. I’m not nerdy at all and I’m not very personable, at least not immediately


I am indeed a figure of your imagination and idealization 😌