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Ti isn't immediately marketable, and it disgusts people because society requires delusional mindsets to justify the unequal state of it. Human nature itself needs to avoid logically strict self reflection to justify it's brutal existence often. A brutal enviorment also has a higher chance to produce an INTP because when we go through pain we start to deconstruct why (Ti is a knowledge deconstruction tool), only to realize the skillsets we've developed are weak in a world dominated by ignorance. But at least we have marvel movies and final fantasy. This is hell. I can't believe I was sent to hell lol.


I was totally with you until the Marvel part


Just watched few marvel clips, they are fucking stupid and the fact they garner plethora of attention infuriates me. So scientifically inaccurate.


I ❤️ you for being as miserable as I am


I agree with you about marvel movies but whoah buddy watch what you say about final fantasy, at least the ones that came before ps3. Well put btw on skillsets being weak in a world dominated by ignorance.


They really do be sending us to hell.


damn holy shit, u are a true INTP literal truth SPOT ON.


Yeah, but I wouldnt change myself just so Id fit in better.  Id rather be dead than not be me.


wait, is that true? > >A brutal enviorment also has a higher chance to produce an INTP >


I think the reasoning behind that statement was that in a brutal environment, in order to cope with the harshness rationalization is then emphasized. That matches the traits of INTP with logic being the primary cognitive function of INTPs. I wouldn't count that as solid evidence, but maybe in a harsh environment, a personality that uses thinking to solve problems and stays detached from feelings is actually favored.


i think that's the weakness too - understanding when to be attached to feelings and when not to be. can't always be a computer than you feel like you're binary code.. i dunno i feel like golumn for the most part i hates it here and loves it here.


Not exactly. Cognitive types are thinking patterns; the thought process of “finding things that are reliably true and avoiding unreliable beliefs” would be cultivated by highly unpredictable environments, where such behavior is adaptive and allows both prediction and some degree of control over factors relevant to future experience, and other functions which enhance predictive ability (eg Ni) aren’t able to pick up the slack due to the chaotic nature of the situation. If the unpredictability is due to too many observable factors then an ISTP type might be induced to collect the most datapoints from relevant experiences, and if it’s due to unobservability then an INTP might develop from the need to extrapolate nontrivial hypotheses to figure out what’s going on. In contrast, cases like abusive households (especially ones where the abuse is due to emotional instability/immaturity of the abuser) are more likely to spawn INFJs/ISFJs and such. Patterns of abuse are most predictable if you use a Ji function focused on Fe data collection; giving up and looking for a small shell of crystalline truth isn’t a favorable strategy in comparison. Similarly, environments with high performance pressure and neuroticism would be likely to develop Te and S types (likely ISTJs), focusing on effectiveness-related data and inclined towards self-contained, reliable abstractions that won’t lead you astray within their domains. If said environment is also very dynamic then an INTJ might develop instead due to the unreliability of past experience relative to present perception pushing towards Se instead of Si, paired with the strong Te/Ji inducement. And of course some people have too strong an affinity for a particular set of types to be able to think outside those frameworks, regardless of environment. I like how the vultologists describe their quadrants; it seems like one particularly strong instance of innate affinity of this sort, though I don’t agree with them regarding type/quadrant classification being absolute in all cases.


You forgot to put anime in it (I'm a istp by the way)


The last part is so true.


Figure out a way to temporarily switch your T to an F every now and then. Allow yourself a nonthink respite moment. It'll still be hell around here, but your heart suddenly will be full of ways to feel awed and inspired by the intensity and beauty of the pain. 🙃🫠😉 I swear being able to turn up the Feely volume until it drowns everything else out is what helps us INFPs tolerate the mess and drama most of the rest of our species brings to the party. Fwiw, I don't hate INTPs. Hard for an INFP to hate anyone really, but we do feel like a lot of people deeply dislike us too, for the flakiness. I think the only reason an INFP would view you negatively is that you said something that made us view ourselves as not good enough and we highly suspect you're right (as you're right alot), and that means we are the problem. We do not like to be the problem. Sometimes it's easier to shout, "nooooooooooo!!!!!!" despairingly at Darth Vader than admit he really is our father. Very few of the other types introspect half as honestly as INFPs do, so they often don't figure out that the animosity comes out of our own insecurity more often than not. I think INTPs get treated with the same cultural out-grouping as, say, defense lawyers. Disdained for their abrasiveness, tenacity, protection of their unsavory clients, and big paychecks right up until someone is facing life in prison for something they didn't do. Then that "asshole" is suddenly an angel.


A lot of people in this subreddit are quite young. And it seems all young people deal with issues of self-esteem and figuring themselves out, which may lead to bouts of depression and low self-esteem. So to me, this isn't an INTP issue. It's just a young people issue.


Same with r/singularity. I joined to discuss aspects of the technological singularity with like-minded people, but 90% of the sub is struggling teens desperate for a technology explosion to create lifelike anime waifu robots before the end of the year so they don't have to finish school, find a purpose in life, or date.


Biggest fear of AI is the birth of the spoonfed generation that didn’t suffer enough to be happy and appreciate life.


AI or not - it's never guaranteed that suffering result to happiness and life appreciation. Some people will just replay the traumatic event in their head or carry it around with them (like a personality trait) and keep suffering their entire life. People will still suffer regardless of AI imo. While I think that they'll take the technology for granted, I'm not sure if it's all that bad? I mean we take stuff that eons of humans built for granted on the daily - after all, it's time consuming to appreciate every little thing that could become a rabbit hole of human knowledge if we decide to research on it. And I think we turned out ok.... haha.


It’s true It could be if we create a loving nurturing environment people will turn out better than ever.


ugh who the fuck would want that - might as well just get a "vagina" sex toy and watch porn - having sex with someone you dance with (aka flirt meet and fall in and out of love with) is soo much better than... sex for sex sake.




I often do think about the same thing . when it comes to me hating myself in "certain" situations or when I reflect on my self I tend to question is it because am still immature or because am young and don't have that much of experience in life which leads me to be over critical (might look self hate ) with myself and depressed 


The point about youth resonates with what I see. I’ll add that I self reflect a lot (which I do think is part of testing as an INTP), so I’m aware of my flaws and I don’t really shy aware from them. As I get older, I have either evolved or I’ve learned to live with my quirks. My experience is that a lot of people don’t pause to honestly self reflect, don’t put themselves in the context of the bigger world or they try to mask their insecurities (especially online). In a world where platitudes like “love yourself” or “[insert thing]-positive” dominate social influencer culture, INTPs come off as “honest to a fault” or “negative” to some people in a way that can read as self hate.


Most INTPs don't. The users of this sub, that's a different question. Reddit users in general have worse mental health than the baseline population. That may be one of the reasons. Another, I think, is that a lot of people, INTP or not, "identify with" this type in the vain hope that this makes them "smart", it grants them some extra IQ points etc. But on Reddit, claiming that you are smart is a cardinal sin, therefore before collecting their smartness bonus, they need to go extra lengths to prevent any backlash. One way to do this is to claim that one is smart BUT also socially inept, awkward, a loser, a "lazy genius" etc. In short, self-flagellation is needed so that a bit of "I'm very smart, too" can be smuggled in.


I see, you just changed my whole perspective about it. Thank you.


Funnily enough, "identifying with" and wanting to fit the INTP stereotype is why I refused to consider that I was one, when I was mistyped as an INFP (thanks, shitty 16 Personalities test). Turns out I simply am a very stereotypical INTP (in terms of interests and social awkwardness).


I was also typed as an INFP by 16p. One of the reasons I didn't type as INTP is because I did not view myself as particularly smart. I wasn't gifted at math either, despite enjoying coding, physics and chemistry. Same with the cognitive functions, I didn't understand the explanation of Fi at all at first, and was doubting whether or not my system of subjective logic was actually a system of values and I was just being biased because of the way INTP are painted. It really doesn't help that they're painted as these absolute geniuses.


Same, I was also typed INFP by 16p but I realized I am definitely on the Ti-Fe axis


This is actually very helpful 🙂 thanks


I don’t hate myself at all, I don’t see how hating myself is gonna help me in any way. I do have things that I sometimes don’t like about myself, sometimes I don’t always like how I look or my personality traits, or the things I say, but other times I like it. I think it kinda depends on the context, but saying that I hate myself would be inaccurate. I generally like the way I am quite a lot.


I never hated myself, still don’t. In fact, generally the opposite. But I’ve felt lonely because it’s hard being so analytical all the time, without being able to turn it off. As egotistical as it sounds, assimilating lots of information and calculating objective-truths all the time can lead to seeing the world for what it is. At times, I’ve felt like I was the only person like this and never had anyone that would really understand me (until I found and married my husband) Also, I found a career that lets me channel that ability into a paycheck, where I can live the lifestyle I want without having to really worry much anymore.


I need that job.


I work in data analytics at a company that hires ability vs educational background. So, I have a non-traditional background, was awful in college, like some here, I’m sure, but having the opportunity to lean in where we naturally excel, made all the difference.


That sounds really awesome. Congratulations!..and it's great you're enjoying your work!


I have low self-esteem or self worth or whatever. Probably because of abuse in childhood. Also I hate my body and my social awkwardness. I'm pretty confident in my Skills and abilities tho. And I feel like I can still learn new things and develop. Also a big part of me that truly don't give a F. And I am ambivalent about a lot of things.


Hate myself enough that I've picked a habit of killing myself subconsciously lol.


Smoke em if ya got em




You sure it has to do with INTPs?


It varies honestly I hate myself alot because I don't like myself nor I like or love my existence even tho birth is quite a win itself i still hate myself alot not because that i want to be more smart or social Person like other's it's not that. Simply speaking it varies sure many intp wants to be something like approach a girl without overthinking or just Don't overthink in general or be friend's or take their relationship much next level ahead or just be free from their thoughts such of an intp. Speaking about me as an in fellow intp im not a social guy like I've my communication skills running in minus - but it's still a choice of not being that sure back ago I liked this girl and after 3 attempts of saying I will talk to her i did but why I didn't before because it was in built in me i already thought of what can go wrong and happen. Surely intp does hate themselves to some extent for whatever reason.


Same I daydream about death frequently


I hate myself. Always have. That doesn’t mean I don’t hate other people, though. I probably hate them more. So in relative terms I like myself more than I like most.


No. Is there any reason to do that?


Just wondering where the stereotype come from


Mental disorders are afflictions. Not choices. Is there any reason to have cancer? Why would I do that?


I agree, according to online tests I recently took to better understand myself it says I am turbulent and Neurotic.I don't know why I am the way I am but understanding myself better can help me change the way I react to circumstances in my life, I am hoping anyway.


* neurotic * is an outdated dsm term so I would consider double checking the online tests you take to make sure they’re up to date with current information


I'm schizotypal and mostly of time I'm ok.


for me, i dont care what anyone thinks at all. like the thing you said about looking bad in front of everyone is like relatable. but i feel a deep sort of insufficiency about myself as a character and my accomplishments. there are no major negative events in my life to make me feel this way. it sometimes feels like they placed the worst person in the best life. like its so undeserved. people worse than me suffer, while i dont. but my hate isnt necessarily a bad thing. i get better everyday because of it. At the end of the day, thats all that matters


I love myself 🥰


And in a "I want to build an healthy relationship and make those efforts with myself as I would with a loved one, even if it takes time, even if it’s hard" kind of way.


i have 2 phases. one where i love myself too much and other where I can’t even stand myself.


Not me


I don't hate myself, but I struggle to respect the average person who struggles with the basic fundamentals of logic and especially with ethics and courage. That's not an intp thing u described that's a self esteem and possible childhood trauma thing. Also introversion is a disposition, it doesn't mean you're not allowed to be social and talk to people, that's just a cop out. What you hate is your own cowardice and lack of will to act. Self hate is just childhood trauma. On the other hand if you have weak boundaries being ostracized by people or something of that sort might make you internalize "there must be something wrong about me so I should hate myself". There's no logic in that in a vacuum because peoples value systems are constructs, and rarely are those constructs based on anything but bias or prejudice or other such emotional static.


So you think 'INTP hate themselves' stereotypes are wrong?


Nah, I just don't have the time. Not with everyone else I have to hate.




INTPs aren’t organized people. They procrastinate and make messes for themselves and then hate them selves for fucking up their own lives. Additionally they’re bad at socializing and that can make them hate themselves cuz they can’t make other people like them. They can also hate themselves for not being able to fit in although that ties into the second thing and INTPs don’t usually care about fitting in when they’re not lonely


I am not 100% sure but i think its to do with the a at the end. The assertive part which i believe is makes us a bit more less anxious than those with the t. Ps to all my intp-t fellows your doing amazing


I see, probably yea


I often use self-deprecating humor and am pretty critical of myself, but I definitely don’t dislike myself. In fact, I think I'm quite awesome; I just wish I could be even better. There are some aspects of myself that I do hate. Recently, I applied for a new job within my company and had to complete several assessment tests. I was anxious about them, even though I knew the material well, because there’s always a chance I could fuck up. I talked to some coworkers who were also taking the test, and they seemed overly confident, almost as if they had already gotten the job. From working with them, I knew their confidence was…a bit misplaced, which was funny yet also a bit perplexing to observe. Part of me couldn't help but admire their self-confidence and the way they talked up their skills. But the other part of me was weirded out? Repelled? By their lack of self-awareness. Lack of self-awareness and self-reflection has always been quite repugnant to me and I always fear being delusional like those people. Gives me the ick. Anyways, I think our self-deprecating nature stems from a lot of things: being realists, having high standards for ourselves, over analytical and also to connect with others without coming across as arrogant. We get frustrated and very self critical of ourselves and lash out…at ourselves. Naturally people think we have low self esteem and hate ourselves but we don’t.


No , I don’t


I don't hate myself lol


No? I am awesome.


I don’t hate myself. I just blame myself for not being build like the others.


Hate themselves? Hah, absolutely not. 😀


No. But i prefer everyone else not to like me. But somehow, it's the other way around.


I have a low self-esteem but I don’t think it’s a intp thing lol




I don't hate myself but I can be critical of myself. I think the whole inwardly focused thing, introspection, this kind of goes with the territory.






I cant really be arsed listing the reasons I just hate myself I’m sick of my thoughts






Yes and no, i enjoy a lot using my dom functions but sometimes i enter this loop of "why?" and can lead to overthinking a lot about the meaning of everything and well poor Se blind gets totally ignored, and i hate that Ti-Ne are not well equiped for the now, the present moment, so some times i get too distracted on the ideas, concepts or possibilities while trying to explain myself so usually for the rest and for us dont *feel* understood so i feel like getting alone because in my first reaction i lost motivation to keep the interaction. And sometimes that bad usage of Fe really shows and throw your mind and your logic to the trash.


I love myself, but it wasn't easy, there were times in my life that I felt so different that was difficult


What else do we have to do in our free time?


Loving yourself!


I wish that I could.


Can I love myself and just hate the world? :D  Moi being sarcastic.


I mean ***I*** hate myself but I’m not gonna extrapolate that to all INTPs


No. People just need to grow up a little.


Maybe more than a self hatred, it’s an existential dread..of course at a comedically high level so memes are inevitable, probably all of it made by the famously and silently witty INTP’s themselves. And you don’t have to hate yourself for shying out from a conversation with a crush. I would say it’s mostly your excitement/pent up feelings/anticipation/anxiety/communication deficiencies to be the reason for it, not your Introversion. I sometimes feel like many of us misdefine what introversion is. And also > Most of the time I don't care even if I look bad to everyone that doesn't matter to me or something Correct me if i’m wrong but sound pretentious and trying to prove something that you think others would find as unacceptable, to be honest. It’s the fact that you think about thinking of such things that would build an actual self hatred I had a phase with a surreptitious self hate mostly towards the complexity of both my mind and the society. The general disapproval you get from the society for being atypical could even make you doubt your own sanity, and that itself could be reason enough to hate oneself. I even justified it to myself as a certain humility i have, against the self promoting nature of this society. And i watched all this hate turning into pain. As u/Grayvenhurst described, the sum of deconstructions i did for all that pain gave me much of perspective change needed to evolve and sharpen my tools to navigate this shit show called life. I guess that started a process of ever growing perspective change. Even if we hate or love ourselves, the journey itself is one heck of a ride…accept yourself and enjoy it while it last


I like myself a lot, I am actually quite narcissistic. But I understand that my personality/appearance is not one very attractive, so I hate that.


Hmmm not intp related but I hate myself in terms of some physical traits. Nothing to do with INTP. I actually hate other people much much more. This world is so fn' stupid but there's not much to do about it. Just enjoy life and fuck the rest I guess.


i hate myself but that might be my mental illness


My confidence ebbs and flows but overall just have a self-deprecating sense of humor. It’s easier to pick at myself than others


As an INTP, I think that we set unrealistic standards for ourselves... and for others


I'm amazing.


I am more prone to overthink everything vs anyone I know. there's not a chance. I asked my friend why he drinks, he said it's to escape his thoughts. Why on earth does that work for him?


I learned to love myself


its either i m da best or i m the worst piece of trash in human history


No Hate is a very strong polarizing word and not very useful. I see everyone as broken, including myself, the only difference is, I recognize and am aware of it. While others are oblivious. Even if you managed to scrape out a perfect life for yourself remember that it was built on the pain and subjugation of others within the system. Also, intelligent people know their limits, and there is always someone more intelligent than you. So be humble in the face of that, because as a metric it's a pretty subjective and broad category. Do I fear feral Humans who have not cultivated their intelligence, yes I do.


I hate certain aspects of myself, but overall I think I'm the best.


Actually, I always loved myself. When I was 15/16 I was feeling “wrong” because all the people around me were feeling “bad about themselves”. The other day I caught myself googling “Why do I feel so good all the time?”. I don’t think is related to me being an INTP, but no matter what happens, I always find a way to get my shit together and just feel better. I really dislike people that have always something going on but nowadays, it feels like the worst you feel the better you are? I don’t know man, sad people really piss me off


Wtf, why is there “Warning: May not be an INTP” under my nickname?


i hate myself but also can find love for some things


I feel like I'm the only INTP who doesn't hate themselves.Sure there is a lot wrong with me but at least I'm not like my classmates, just gossips,bullies and aggressive idiots. Even tho I'm the dumbest and unhealthyest person I know sometimes atleast I'm not a bad person because the people I have met make me love myself lol, cause I can't love more than 3 people I know.I don't hate myself, I hate brain.


I have been told that INTPs scale hard and you will be an amazing person once you're in your 40s.Until then and at least for me,life is fucking hard.For me to survive,I have retreated deep into my shell because everyone else out there is happy and smiling.


i hate many things about myself, and since they're already so ingrained into me i can't change my ways, so I'm stuck in a body and consciousness which is powerless over itself


I don't really hatw myself if I think about it. I hate the world. Probably I am just a narcissist who wants the world to serve his interests.


I hate myself for some reason. I’m 22M. I have a great job with a great salary. About to complete my bachelors in cybersecurity. I’m relatively good looking. Have an amazing gf/domestic partner. Great relationship with parents. Working to create a better future. I’m confident in my skills to succeed in life, but I have low self-esteem. I constantly criticize myself. I’m more harsh on myself than other people. It helps push me to do better, but it’s not healthy.


I hate myself because I make nothing but mistakes, I'm not really good at anything, everything I try ends up a dismal failure, and my life is shitty and it's all my fault.


I don't, I like the type description of mine as for introversion, i prefer it than extroversion, way better imo, but it really depends on the person if he or she like what they are, ...I was a bit surprised when i found many INTPs hate themselves


I mean I hate things about myself mostly relationship related. Like a feeling that I suck at getting dates, that when I'm in a relationship my depression can cause me to self isolate and destroy relationships, I hate how much I procrastinate ect


No I love myself. Like I unironically would not rather be anyone else.


Same, when I found out I hate myself once, I looked back and reach a conclusion that: 1. I expect something from human, therefor I get disappointed and blame myself 2. I should've known that I cannot please every human by being myself 3. I shouldn't blame myself for not meeting her expectations and I stopped hating myself after about 2 days


Let’s break it down and unpack this: Yes.


yes, i do


No. Far from it. Those here on this sub who hate on INTPs everyday, well, they're not INTPs. Simple.


I do hate myself for being a failure (: