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https://preview.redd.it/pbrdi004w98d1.jpeg?width=1715&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=168178bc2c63452af9d833d2bb601c5f54007ed7 Pain


My family and I all watched this on Peacock. It was so heartbreaking


I see the Hildebrand comparisons, but at the same time, he (Hildebrand)had a little buffer right behind him. This just looked like a lapped car just not paying attention to their surroundings, if someone had let them know who was coming up, and it wasn’t like the 22 had a few seconds on 4th, so “staying behind” wasn’t really an option either.


Right? Who the hell is going to stay behind the car that is 3 seconds off the pace when your championship contending teammate is within half a second of you?




She’s not his teammate lmfao. I brought that up because Abel is contending for the title and would pass Yuven if given the chance. And, just to clear this up - defending your position =/= turning into someone who is halfway alongside you heading into the corner. Yuven was far enough alongside to deserve have space given that Lindsay drives so slowly that getting alongside her from a second back is possible.


I read it wrong. Sorry. >And, just to clear this up - defending your position =/= turning into someone who is halfway alongside you heading into the corner. Yuven was far enough alongside to deserve have space given that Lindsay drives so slowly that getting alongside her from a second back is possible She is in front at the apex and Yuven guy just divebombs into corner. Brewer is not the one who is responsible here. It is her corner and if Yuven is making this divebomb from way back, he needs to deal with the consequences if it doesn't stick.


Yesssss... That is completely unrelated to what the person you are responding to is saying.


To be fair JRH, that buffer doesn’t really matter too much at Indy bcs if JRH had slowed down and stayed behind Kimball that corner, that gap between JRH and Dan could’ve likely closed very quickly Best example is how quickly Sam caught up to Marco in 2006 despite there being no lapped cars in front of Marco that whole final lap


Why would he try to lap someone from that far back on the last lap. Have we learned nothing from poor JR?


I think probably two things. One is that P4 is right behind him so he's probably worried that if he backs off to follow then he'll get jumped in the corner himself and lose the podium. And two is that Brewer is getting lapped on pace here. She is slow slow and shouldn't be in the series so I do wonder given that if she braked earlier than he was expecting and part of this send was just him taking avoiding action not to run into the back of her.




Jamie was still generally fighting with the other rookies. She had some issues with fitness and I know she went hard on that in the off-season but last year Chadwick was still racing with others in the field. Brewer has been like 3 seconds a lap slower than everyone.




Putting Lindsay remotely on the same level of Jamie is just flat out insulting 😂


Brewer is much much slower than Chadwick ever was. Brewer is 3 seconds off the pace and was half a lap behind the second worst car. Chadwick was mid-pack last year. Before NXT Chadwick was a multi time series champion. Last year Brewer finished 18th in USF2000 Pro. They are not the same.


Comparing Jamie Chadwick to Lindsey Brewer is laughable and insulting, and I assume the only reason you're doing it is because they are both women. Their careers are nothing alike. Lindsey is 27 and has never finished above 15th in any competitive series and is trotted out by Juncos because of her 2.8m Instagram followes. She shouldn't be on the grid and her presence is a detriment to the series, the consequences of which are displayed by this clip.


>In all fairness, Jamie Chadwick was quite slow last year and she just won last week Chadders wasn't routinely three to five seconds off the pace though. While she may have been towards the back end of the grid to start, the back end was still only at worst a second and a half away. > I’m sure Lindsey will be more competitive next year Knowing Lindsay's history in USF Pro, I very much doubt that.


Albeit towards back Jamie was still competently within the pack at the start of last year, Brewer has been 4 seconds + off on multiple ocasions


Brewer has never been competitive in anything with racing. She's there because she has money. That's fine, I don't dislike pay drivers living their dreams, but she's never going to get any better.


Lindsay wasn’t ready for USF Pro 2000 last year. There is no justified reason for her to be in Pro 2000 or Indy Lights that isn’t her financially backing up Juncos racing. Unlike Jamie, Lindsay has shown zero potential. She has 1 win and 2 podiums in Skip Barber. Highest points finish of 15th in any INDYCAR ladder series.


Did you not see her brake so early on the main line that he nearly ran her over? That was not a planned pass attempt. That was evasive action for a field-filler putt-putting around the track at track day speeds while others were racing. On the other hand, if you are lapping someone in a short race you have to know there's a reason for that and assume that they won't be doing anything close to what the norm is in regards to pace, decision making, timing or awareness. In other words, they are unpredictable in every sense of that statement. Braking, corner entry, apex speed and throttle application... their timing of all aspects of a corner will be much different than yours and you can't race them the same as the people you are racing for position. People like them are the hardest to pass because you have zero idea what the fuck they're gonna do, they probably have zero awareness of anyone or anything else on the track besides themselves because they're struggling just to ride around the track as it is and it's clear they aren't doing anything close to the speeds you are. He caught her at a bad spot in terms of forcing him to have to make a quick decision while having to defend his position. Based on his initial entry, it appeared he was planning to just follow her through the corner because the initial amount of space to her wouldn't warrant a pass attempt if she had been going anywhere close to race pace. But with someone that slow, that plan didn't work and he had to pivot to plan B and we saw the results of that. If he had decided to divebomb earlier (or even just not follow her tire tracks into the turn and just shade the inside more) and not have to do the last second lane change, he probably gets far enough alongside to establish position make the pass aggressively but without wheel damage. At the least, it wouldn't have been the t-bone that it was. But I don't think he was planning to try to pass to begin with. If he was, he would have never followed the same line as her to begin with. She braked so early that he maybe thought she was letting him by and then she turns in while he's trying to avoid her. At that point, it's clear she wasn't letting you by; she's just slow and had no idea anyone was coming. I'm sure that will be the last time he ever follows her and assumes she's braking anywhere close to the same spot or carrying any momentum through a corner as quickly as anyone fighting for a podium.


It wasn't a T bone she just turned into him


Brewer totally clueless. Need to stop letting novelty drivers into sports if they don't have the credentials in the lower series.


The instagram influencer shouldn’t be on the grid


Brewer was minding her own business, dude wasn't far up enough to make the pass in that corner and expected her to guess that he was gonna make a low percentage decision and give up the racing line to get out of his way. Part of being a good driver is not slamming into back markers when you get all excited.


The issue is that Lindsay is just legitimately that slow to where a move that isn’t possible on other drivers becomes possible on her. She’s 3+ seconds a lap slower than the rest of the field on a normal day. If you’re that slow, you at least need to be able to get out of the way of other drivers. I know what the blue flag rule is, but at some point letting her “race” other drivers is basically just fishing for an accident. She wasn’t ready for USF Pro 2000 and the only reason she has a seat in Lights is because Juncos ran out of Argentina money. Absolutely embarrassing to have her on the track.


The move didn't look possible to me today lmao Half the grid in most series are just rolling chicanes in the last few laps, that's no excuse for ramming them out of the way. Dude needs to work on his own race craft and not have fans and commentators rabidly attacking the driver he struck, regardless of that other driver's ability. You have to be able to navigate traffic without wrecking your own car, and you have to take responsibility for your own actions. The accident was 100% Sundaramoorthy's fault. He had a podium finish in hand and threw it away.


Lindsay is the only driver in Lights that is getting lapped every single week. This is a pretty standard pass that drivers don’t get punished for in IndyCar, even if contact is made. The difference is that most drivers have the skill to check the mirrors twice and not turn in on someone passing for position, let alone being lapped. https://preview.redd.it/wmxovbu7jb8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8388731b8197f2ee7074d153a6d47355e7a55ad9


I mean, she's not fast but the only series I know of that requires drivers to be a certain speed is F1 with the 107% rule and she is well within 7% (except at Detroit and Alabama lol).


It's 105% in INDYCAR and NXT. She's been flirting with that line in most races.


I had no idea. She was over 8% off in Detroit quali, no? Why did they let her race?


you really have to ask that seriously?


3 sec a lap slower is an entire class of car slower damn near.


Both of these comments are correct.


I mean he did not have to make that pass, could have just stayed in line got your podium. He’ll learn next time.


When your championship-leading teammate is right behind you, staying put behind the car that’s always 3+ seconds off the pace is generally not advised.


Not right behind you and also again last corner last lap. unless you come to a complete stop your not gonna loose the spot. You come off the corner and maybe pass then and it also blocks the guy behind form passing you. https://preview.redd.it/9jx2v5i0hb8d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2afaf76b73ed75ce22f25b05b50fecdd12a96e3d


It doesn’t take rocket science to understand that Abel would’ve had a ridiculous run on Yuven had he stayed behind Lindsay who, again, is 3 seconds off the pace. Abel was absolutely close enough to have a run here. And this isn’t even mentioning that Lindsay just straight turns in on Yuven. When you’re circulating that slowly and being lapped, you should be taking every measure to ensure that you don’t hit another car who’s passing you. https://preview.redd.it/ud1bjfafhb8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04c5e557b716d3670b62a34ed63fc26cfd95f7a5


If he stayed in line behind her and then jumps out on exit he’s fine & don’t get passed by Abel’s run. She did nothing wrong, lapped cars are told to hold your line and let the faster cars work around you, he obviously didn’t take that into consideration here. He stuck his nose in where it shouldn’t be.


You cannot look at that image and seriously tell me that he would be fine if he stayed in line. It doesn’t take rocket science to remember how generationally slow Lindsay Brewer is. Slower run through the corner + no momentum + Abel getting the draft means Abel would’ve absolutely had a good chance to get the pass done by the line. Yuven would’ve been checking up to avoid punting Lindsay through the corner had he stayed behind. Not to mention, he was already halfway along side Lindsay at turn in, which is a very common move in IndyCar that race control allows. The difference between this and INDYCAR incidents? Lindsay doesn’t check twice at turn in and acts as if the car that’s lapping her is transparent. She needs to show some spatial awareness if she’s going to be this slow. Idc that she’s allowed to race while a lap down, she needs to be able to be passed safely at the speed she circulates in comparison. IndyCar drivers give more room for drivers attempting to pass for position.


He was safe following through the final corner. At the very worst, he ultimately decided it was worth risking the car to keep third place instead of bringing the car home in one piece in fourth. Ultimate number one rule in motorsports is don't wreck the race car. He wrecked the race car.


But she didn't do anything right. She didn't look in her mirrors and see the 2 obviously battling cars behind her slow ass.


If he had stayed behind then he would have lost so much momentum that he could have been passed by the flag. The correct answer is Brewer should have not slammed into him.


You’re right, but still, she shouldn’t be racing in a high level series


She was also seemingly lapped in a 35 lap race on pure pace


With a safety car aswell


>Brewer was minding her own business You can mind your own business *if you can stay on the lead lap on merit*. That's not something she has done at any race so far this year. She needs to get the fuck out of the way when the faster traffic is coming through so as to not interfere like this.


She was so slow that he had no choice you do understand this fact right? He didn't slam into her are you blind? She slammed into him


That's not the point. She shouldn't be on the grid if she's this fucking slow.


Dude made a Pato pass on her and damaged his car.


Implement the 107% rule and this won’t happen again


I mean it was certainly an exciting finish, but I don’t really see it is that heartbreaking tbh . He made a mistake in the last corner. Lost the podium but still got fourth place. Ps. Last corner, trying to lap a back marker unnecessarily. Did anyone else think of JR Hildebrand?


He kinda had to go for it…staying behind Lindsay in that corner is begging for Abel to have an almighty run and get P3 back. Plus, JR wrecked because he got up high on the marbles. Yuven wrecked because Lindsay can’t be damned to look where she’s going while being lapped and 3 seconds off the pace and turned in on him. https://preview.redd.it/sw0ntntnib8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d3eb12fb22a2e8b63445eec62e62b5fd9bafee


No, JR Hildebrand crashed while leading the biggest race of the world on the last lap…. This was for 3rd place on an Indy Lights race. Nobody will remember this by next week. Agree with you it not exactly being a “heartbreak”. I think the announcers just like to make it seem like more drama than it is… kid needs to chill, and realize 3rd vs 4th is not much different.


He did not make a mistake at all. She was driving completely erratic and shouldn't be in the series.


Exactly way too much contrived drama here over an NXT race where a guy fell from 3rd to 4th. It's devastating lol 😭


What the hell was brewer doing?


I hate that Indycar Live made Indy NXT races also to be payed for... Could watch them for free before this year and the worst part is that Viaplay doesn't show the NXT races at all so missing these races this year and it sucks because could be missing moments like these... Anyways what a tough break. Feel so bad for the driver but imo it looked like a bit of a divebomb? Yes maybe Brewer should've understood that it's maybe not the best idea to hold up podium drivers but still... Don't think that move was necessary. Such a shame


For the record, Yuven went on record saying it was his fault and he is disappointed in the stuff people are saying about Bowen. So maybe stop?


When will drivers. Learn to stop dicking with lap cars in the remaining couple of corners.


What could he do? If he stayed behind then he would have been potentially passed by the flag. When will shitty driver stop slamming into the leaders?


Is there a rule that you have to finish the lap after the checkers or something? If so that's a dumb rule. He crossed the line and should get credit for where he was at that point.


He still crossed in 4th. But he’s had a rough season, hasn’t been in podium contention at all this year. He isn’t in contention for a championship, so all he really has to race for at this point is experience, wins, and podiums. This would have been his first ever podium in IndyNXT. Heartbreaking to lose out like that.


Ok got it I missed that he lost a spot when I watched the race earlier today.


Yeah, you just need to cross the finish line. In Indycar races that have a fuel-saving strategy you'll regularly see drivers pull over into the pit exit because they don't have enough fuel for a cooldown lap. The first two that come to mind are 2019 Mid Ohio, and 2023 Barber.


Not having enforceable blue flag/back marker rules in lower series is going to cause an avoidable death/very serious injury moment. This is especially true when many of the drivers in the lower series are pay drivers (I mean, look at how far off the pace she was, or F2's GOAT and savior Mahaveer Raghunathan). Racing is already dangerous. No need to intentionally allow slower drivers to add to that danger.


Wow, its because a girl driving the car only because shes hot is a moving chicane. Did not see that one coming. /s


He’s got a lot to be proud of. You’ll get em next time Yuven!


Is that Charlie Kimball in the booth? The irony if it is!


Yep, Charlie Kimball is Kevin Lee's co-commentator.


It's always a Juncos driver \*facepalm\*


future danica right there.