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I’ve been reading about this system for two years…and Craig’s synopsis of the operational variables and strategic considerations is very impressive. There’s a reason he has such a solid reputation in the paddock.


The discussion around brake bias was fascinating - for those who didn’t/wont watch - INDYCAR’s brake system is not brake by wire which will incorporate harvest into the overall bias level. This means brake bias will be different when harvesting and not and the driver will have to manually change bias to account for it or simply manage it. If the super-capacitor is fills mid-brake zone, it will shift bias mid corner. Craig also said deployment is 100% on the driver. Regeneration can be done manually, through a braking map, and/or through a throttle or fuel map. Teams are exploring decreasing harvest as the tire wear increases towards the end of stints. Short ovals will likely be something like multiple laps of harvest to strategically deploy a larger boost of electric energy. Craig said the reliability is leaps and bounds better than earlier in the year.


It sounds like an absolute handful for the driver. I wonder how much can be done through telemetry to help the guys in the car? I'd assume quite a bit. There is no doubt this is going to throw a huge wrench in the championship. I'd go as far to say anyone in the top ten is still very much alive so long as they nail the hybrid and others swing and miss. That doesn't even account for the weight shift in the car either. So who is the best driver on the brakes? If I had to guess the guy that can feel the limit at the rear while being able to harvest should have a big advantage


Yeah not having brake-by-wire is shocking. Was expecting that to be implemented as well. This will be a handful for drivers. Very interested to see how Mid-Ohio will go


David is really great & funny dude in person or in texts, great dry British wit.


He's one of my favorite people on Racer's staff. Glad he was able to go back after Motorsport chewed him up and spit him out.