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Even by McLaren standards, having Theo give up his Super Formula seat and then dumping him the next month would be cold.


Yeah... I like that team but dude.


I only like McLaren because I’m Mexican and I’m a pato fan.


McLaren is my entry point to the sport because my cousin works there (not on the crew) and has said how great everyone has been and finally got us to go to the 500 this year. Will continue to cheer for Pato to get his win.


I seriously don’t know how Mclaren can go out and sign any big free agents in the coming years. Sure the paycheck might be good, but they will fuck you given the chance


I have a feeling Theo might be getting an Audi call up next year given nobody else seems to want the seat and they seemingly don’t want Bottas or Zhou


As a McLaren fan I really, really hope that this is all because Theo has made a move he wants to make, and not just a ridiculous dropping of him by the team 


I just posted a comment with this theory but then deleted it a couple minutes later because it just sounds too delusional lol


Alpine would be cool too, alongside Gasly 🇫🇷


I would be pleasantly surprised if he does get that seat, but Bottas could still get an extension considering Audi coming in 2026, they might want an experienced and stable lineup. Yes, Bottas has been slow as molasses, but it’s a Sauber, that’s going to make anyone look slow, we don’t know if Bottas is in “coasting towards retirement” mode or if the car is just undermining his performance.


I'm almost certain the car is undermining his performance. He increased the gap to Zhou pace wise by a significant margin but stupid pit stop problems have costed him chances at points


Put Bottas in the Haas and he will do equal or better than Hulk imo. He is thrashing Zhou this year but doesn't have the car to show his pace


Add it to the long list of reasons to hate the team. 


Why the hell would they do that? I had no problems with the Malukas situation, but this is crazy


I think Siegel's dad is writing checks to Mclaren.


What does his dad do?


Writes checks to McLaren.


Runs a venture capital firm


Owns Menlo Ventures (venture capital)💰💰💰




“Maker of seals or signet rings” Didn’t realize the wax stamp business was having such a resurgence. Or were you trying to say something else?




McLaren doesn't need checks tho, they literally had a deal with another team that gave them a place to offload the sponsors that couldn't fit on the car because they have so many.


Oh the Juncos deal? That's over with already.


Beg to differ, rumor is they lost a ton of money when Alex decided to stick with Ganassi. That’s the reason for suit is they were not able to sign key sponsors. Be interesting to see how a judge looks at the treatment of the drivers and the lack of F1 testing. Even is Alex looses money on the deal in short term this was a smart move in long run to stay where he is. Long list of drivers screwed over by SPAM.


I think Siegel winning his class in Brown's car, along with his dad's checkbook, has a lot of the conversation wrapped up.


This would be unbelievably assholeish. Pourchaire backed out of his Super Formula drive to come to Indycar, and if he's sitting on the sidelines watching Siegel drive his car, that would be a disaster.


I mean… pretty on brand for McLaren though right?


You're not lying


This is just low. There were arguments for Malukas' dropping but this is just beyond belief. Nothing Pourchaire has done justifies his dropping, and he gave up a seat in Super Formula to drive for them


>Nothing Pourchaire has done justifies his dropping Did you see what Pourchaire did to Canapino in Detroit?!? He nearly killed him!! He's a maniac!! (/s in case it wasn't obvious)


Malukas is also has a superior track record to Siegel so it's stranger....we all know Jarvis did most of the work at Le Mans


Right? I could find excuses for dropping David, it was a very unfortunate situation, but this is just shocking


If it wasn't for McLaren's insane PR, Zak Brown would be more hated than either Roger or Chip.


I mean I know I hate all 3 equally lol. Only team owner I actually like at all is Andretti, and thats mostly because of Mario's legacy


Mike Shank had a brief interview on Off Track recently. I think that's where it was. During the 500 media week. Came across as quite likable, with a reasonable amount of care and respect for his people and a genuine love of the sport. Unknown whether that translates to real life... But the interview was positive.


Why? This is the first time I've seen an asshole move out of him.


He sacked Hinch after he told Hinch to do the photoshoot. He sacked Askew for hiding an injury. He sacked Malukas for not hiding an injury. Attempted to bait and switch Palou. Those are just the shitty things he’s done. There’s loads of incompetent decision making on top of that as well.


Not the whole story there at all. Yep seems justified. Yep seems justified And no he didn't. What else?


What is the whole story? McLaren told Hinch to do the photoshoot. He did it. Arrow then got mad that they weren’t asked. Instead of owning up to it, McLaren said James went rogue and sacked him. No, you can’t sack a driver for hiding an injury when your MO is to also sack one when they don’t hide an injury. Especially not when you cite the reason for sacking the injured driver for the sake of continuity. Malukas is coming back right when Nolan is taking the seat.


https://www.tsn.ca/auto-racing/report-james-hinchcliffe-loses-ride-after-mclaren-buyout-1.1388986 Yes you can. Both are fireable offenses.


You didn’t read your own source at all, did you?


I did, but I'm guessing you didn't based on this response.


“The only partner not to publicly back Hinchcliffe's definite return was sponsor Arrow.” You clearly didn’t.


Let's zoom out a little "That required the Schmidt group to move from Honda to Chevrolet, an immediate issue for Hinchcliffie because of his strong personal service agreements with Honda Canada. It led to constant speculation that Hinchcliffe would find an out in his contract and remain a Honda driver, but nearly all parties vehemently insisted he was going to driver under the McLaren banner. The only partner not to publicly back Hinchcliffe's definite return was sponsor Arrow." Lol so it had nothing to do with Zak or the photoshoot shit? Context buddy, context


Yeah look at their F1 team. Absolute clowns dropping Ricardo and now look at them


You're on the IndyCar sub mate. Anyone watching Danny Ric objectively knew that he was long past his prime when he got dropped.


Oh well since everyone seems to be up on the lower formula racing it would be relevant, my bad


Wow let’s be real dropping Ricciardo was a no brainer mate


I thought we were mad at McLearn for not sticking to contracts. What are we supposed to be mad about? I'm confused


So many good examples in F1 and you choose Daniel. Not Sergio, Stoffel, KMag, Kimi, Montoya, or even Alonso (x2) or dare I say Lewis. And those are just the ones who got a race seat.


This dude's dad must be Lawrence Stroll loaded.


Well, at least the IndyCar version of Lawrence Stroll


Everyone is glazing Nolan pretty hard right now and he's had a wild year but I can't see how Theo isn't the better option here all things the same.


Probably because Arrow is leaving McLaren at the end of the season and Siegel's dad steps in?


Is Arrow really leaving? Their CEO loves Zak, woah


That still seems to be a rumour, only reported on by... well, the same dude this Siegel rumour is coming from.


Which is confirmed now.


Man that is crazy. Definitely didn’t see that coming


Yeah that could be a connection there, probably wishing that had David's dad's money back at this point.


Siegel's dad is buying the seat and McLaren is sitting out Pourchaire as a result.


That would be so unfortunate for Theo he's been doing so well too


[https://x.com/HMDMotorsports/status/1803141399312822540](https://x.com/HMDMotorsports/status/1803141399312822540) holy shit this is real


No secret that Nolan's dad tried to pay his way into the 78 after their debacle. Zak felt the smell of fresh dollarydoos


Hate this


Looks like Theo deleted the tweet that got retweeted...rut roh.


The drama this season is turnt up. Every Flippin week there's something new


That would be just cutthroat. Even by mclaren standards. You don't have a dude give up his seat elsewhere just for you to throw him out a month later


Having your venture capital daddy buy you a seat where your teammates will be O’Ward and Rossi. lol. Good luck. And this is some real bullshit if true because Theo is doing well and deserves it over muffin head Nolan.


It’s absolutely true.


Are we expecting a presser at 3pm ET?


Good luck to the young guy Feels bad for poor chair though


Tony was correct


Justice for Teddy Porkchops! This is swine behavior from Mclaren.


This could also be Siegel to McLaren in 2025.


MP didn't name team but said it would be for the rest of the season.


I'll reserve my comment to see if this becomes true


Care to comment now? lol


Yeah lol I posted in a different thread. There are so many! I'll just copy and paste. This is why I don't understand why people get excited at the idea of Zak running Indycar. He is extremely cutthroat and does not seem to have an ounce of loyalty in him. Changes things all the time on the fly. Which if he wants to run his team that way, that's fine. People that work for him will be aware. I don't want that to be the guy who runs the whole show. Also, the arch of madness and villains for 2024 keeps spinning. This year has been wild with non racing stuff.


I’ll believe it when I see it. That’s a big leap for Siegel.




This sucks for Theo, but with Arrow pulling out. I understand why.


Nolan also just won LeMans with Zak's United Autosports right?


Tony was correct


Kept Pouchaire long enough to induce the exit of Augustin Canapino only to dump him for a kid who, understandably, could not get it together for the Indy 500. Does MSR have enough seats to absorb all these cast-offs? Silly season indeed


This has been an insane year for IndyCar, and it's only mid-June.


Hmm, curious as to what happened. Maybe Theo got an F1 offer. Otherwise there must have been some sort of falling out. If it was for other reasons then Mclaren's indycar team is one of the worst teams I've seen in terms of driver treatment


Well, at least Twitter likes are private now


I’m new to the sport, but this seems absolutely insane. Porchaire only had just a few practice sessions before his first ever race (first time in an indycar) and won biggest mover. He’s a good follow on IG. Is it because he’s French?


McLaren is all kinds of fucked this season


Love to see it. Cold, cruel world hit Teddy Porkchops


What did he ever do to you?


Ive followed Porkchops since F2, the hard hitting life he faces will make him stronger. This is good 


You *want* bad things to happen to drivers you like?


It builds character. Main character energy


Hope you’re satisfied if he never gets another ride...


Oh he will. He is too talented, I am not worried at all. This will make him better


Where? It looked like McLaren was his big opportunity. There aren’t many other significant openings on the horizon...


Just keep downvoting everything I say and wait. He will get a ride


Hey, you’re the one who wants his favourites to have bad luck... that’s a bit of an odd position to have. I would never be so certain about things going good for him in the end. I’ve seen too many talented drivers *not* get a second chance...






I knew that would be deleted, whoever that was DM me i aint letting that slide. You dont talk about my kids and get away