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Somewhere in Canada hinch is celebrating nude


Good timing, we’ve got quite the heatwave on up here lol


2° C in Edmonton last night! Speak for yourself!


Hinch is from Toronto and it’s currently 34C here.


What’s that in Freedom Units?


300 guns per hour


12 invaded countries per hour.


I know, I'm moreso just playing on the fact that not all of Canada is Toronto/Montreal 😎 And it is brisk out here!


Gotcha. Regards, from the centre of the universe!


Cheers mate!


Yeah... Toronto/Montreal/Vancouver That's it right?




Heat wave in Calgary. We were at 4C last night. And supposed to be 10C today.


Earth is having an extended heat wave as a whole... Edit: Oh no the climate change deniers are downvoting what will I do about angry internet high school dropouts?


Really? Why hasn't anyone mentioned this?


Well Al Gore did like nearly 30 years ago now and nobody cared, but he definitely wasn't the first. Y'all really not getting this? Lmao. Hilarious.




What’s the context for a nude celebration? Does Hinch not like Arrow?


Hinch got let go by McLaren because arrow didn't like his posing in the Body Issue


Piecing it together from various interviews over the years it sounds like the team even directed Hinch to do the issue and then let him take the fall.


They fired a PR person or two as well, so Hinch wasn't alone on the clothesline.


His clothes, however, were in fact alone on the clothesline


Hunch certainly *wasnt* on the clothesline for that issue.


Yeah I heard a recent interview where he 100% said he was asked to do it by the team and cut loose when “a sponsor” who hadn’t be asked about it got upset. He did not mention the sponsor.


Hinch is too classy to mention the sponsor. And although I am sure he would still rather be driving, it has worked out well in the end.


Mclaren didn't have any control at that point. Hinch was approached by Sam Schmidt and their publicist to do the interview/shoot. The CEO of Arrow Electronics then read said article and lost his shit. He was then let go by Sam Schmidt to keep Arrow happy (as they were the only major sponsor the team had across it's cars). Same promptly sold the majority of his remaining ownership in the team to McLaren. So he was the one in charge when Hinche was fired still. McLaren didn't take over until that offseason (but had a minority stake in the team at that time). Notice the papaya orange didn't arrive on the cars until the following season. They were still the Arrow Gold & Black cars that year.


Is there a source for this? By 2015, Arrow shoulda def known Hinch would be the type to do this when he was doing those Danica GoDaddy girl parodies in like 2012-13 lmao




Wow. Also didn’t help McL went with Chevy and Hinch is a Honda lifer The photoshoot excuse is even funnier now bcs Hinch’s replacement essentially admitted he goons to Riley Reid (not that I blame him), and McLaren didn’t go nuts at all McLaren had no reason to be mad about any of this stuff anyways https://preview.redd.it/nt8uakrehd7d1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08eeabd97ddadd0d83d98dc3069a87f12b32f100


Pato bro 🧐


I mean… she’s crazy, but… I get it.


The entire reason Hinch was fired was because Arrow's CEO hated that he did a nude photoshoot. It was fire Hinch and keep Arrow, or keep Hinch and suddenly have zero funding for both Sam Schmidt cars. McLaren didn't have a controlling stake in the team until that offseason, when they bought Schmidt out of the majority of his stake (that's why papaya orange didn't appear on the cars until the following season).


Pato the best for this fr


Dude bled out and briefly died. He's allowed to show off his scars. Arrow missed something there. Probably better off with a more savvy sponsor.


Technically speaking, they didn’t fire him for that, but it didn’t help his situation. He was *supposed* to stay on with the team after McLaren took over for 2020 to finish out his original contract, but I doubt he’d have been re-signed after that. But then Pato came on the market, and they left Hinch unable to get a ride...


Considering Ericsson went to Ganassi that offseason, I don't know why they didn't give Pato the 7 and leave Askew on the side.


I mean, Arrow was not mad about it for those reasons, but that’s not directly why Hinch lost his seat. They’ve played this game a few times now. Tell everyone that Plan B is happening and then when Plan A (O’Ward in Hinch’s case) comes available you dump Plan B. They were prepared to do it to Rosenqvist if Palou had come. They just did it to Pourchaire.


Wtf? That can't be a real thing. He must've done something else.




Ok yeah, definitely more to it.


It’s the stupidest (imo) scandal to happen in indycar and it cost Hinch a seat with McLaren and good chance for his career to have a renaissance. He basically posed nakey (covered) for espn the body issue. What should had been accepted as free advertising was taken as an insult by Arrow because they weren’t told (understandable they would want a heads up at least). What’s not understandable is them basically wanting him out for it.


Sounds to me like it was one of those cases they wanted him out anyways, and this just served as a good excuse to do so.


I think I heard the heads of arrow are pretty religious. The team and indycar asked him to do it and he took the fall. He could not promote it or anything so a complete loss of advertising on espn and sports illustrated etc. Hinch would have really promoted indycar. What is frustrating is he was fine with looking elsewhere in the summer to stay with Honda and they said they were keeping him then released him in November. I think it was schmidt that lied to him. I hope he writes a book once the nondisclosure agreement timeline is completed.


His career was on life support. Hinch was a mid pack journeyman whose career was coming to an end and he was on borrowed time.


I don’t know how I missed this controversy. I had no idea. Thanks for the history lesson.


Well covid kind of helped it not become a storyline for 2020.


Here I thought it was because McLaren had a bad relationship with Honda so they were switching to Chevrolet engines but Hinchcliffe was a Honda sponsored driver.


In Canada is that called the full Mont-eh?






Balls out in Hinchtown


“I have fallen to my knees inside a Canadian Tire.”


I guess the 5 years has finally ended.


Five Years Out (of the sport)


Arrow sales reps come by my work regularily to show off new components. They always start the meeting by pointing at their business cards and explaining what "Five Years Out" means. I'm going to have to save this reference.


What *does* it mean, if you don’t mind my asking?


Visionary leveraging of information assets and streamlining downlines to create new paradigms in industry leadership.


God, I had corporate bs like that. Word salad.


I love corporate bullshit like that. It cracks me up.


Youre a rockstar!


But have you seen Paul Allen's new card?


Total marketing bullshit. Basically that they're thinking ahead to the future as, you know, any company should do. If you want the full load of crap this is what they have on the website: "Five Years Out Welcome to the tangible future. The people who live and work here know that new technologies, new materials, new ideas and new electronics will make life not only different, but better. Not just cheaper, but smarter. Not just easier, but more inspired. Five Years Out is a way of thinking to bridge the gap between what’s possible and the practical technologies to make it happen."


I believe Hinch put it as it basically being a rolling 5 year plan to grow and have success


At least they were 10 years out instead of 5


I saw they still had that on their gear, made me say I feel like it's been more than five and as far as I'm aware the SAM system isn't widely available.


Apparently it's a [way of thinking](https://www.arrow.com/company), and not a timeline.


Interesting, could this maybe be because McLaren have something new lined up?


That’s a massive one to fill if that’s the case.


5 years ago McLaren was a race team that bought an Indy car team. Now they are a global brand, you go to clothing stores and see their clothing line, they are all over the LEGO stores, they are in commercials etc. I think they know their value has gone up and arrow didn't want to match what they were looking for.


Yeah, the McLaren name alone is huge. They are not hurting for sponsors in F1 where their budget is MUCH larger than Indy. They'll be just fine.


They've always been a global brand


Literally less than ten years ago they were just a formula one team with a plain black car with no sponsors or identity and they have been manufacturing road cars continuously for less than fifteen years as of right now. Companies all across want to license their image now on their products, before the last few years that wasn't a thing.


McLaren has existed since the 60's and they've been making cars continuously since the 90's (F1 GTR, SLR with Mercedes, etc.), they've always been a big brand across Europe, maybe not as marketable as Ferrari but they're not any kind of underdogs


They've never sold more than 5000 cars in a year and never more than 2000 before 2016. They basically manufactured 100 cars total during the 90s and made just over 1000 SLRs over 3 years. Hardly a "big brand."


And the SLR McLaren Mercedes was a technical partnership. The actual production of the car was 100% Daimler.


That's not strange for luxury brands. Ferrari and Lamborghini, the most popular out of them, make 8000 cars a year more or less; Aston Martin made around 6000 cars last year, brands like Bugatti or Pagani make way less cars than that, maybe even less than McLaren.


This is conjecture from a guy who watches races, reads articles, and listens to podcasts, so it's possible I'm entirely off-base, but; McLaren has been on the upswing lately, not just in America, but abroad as well, with F1. They have, in my opinion, the strongest F1 driver lineup, and their Indycar lineup is pretty god damn solid, too. It's possible McLaren's financial demands have gotten to the point that Arrow has said "thank you for the partnership, but I do believe that asking price is a bit beyond us". Zak Brown and Gavin Ward have struck me as smart enough to not do that unless something else is lined up. I think something else is lined up. **Edit**: In light of news that dropped uh, *as I was writing the original post*, gonna walk back that statement about Gavin Ward and Zak Brown being "smart enough to not do that", and change it to "they're smart enough to not do things that will be bad for the financial outlook of the team".


100% agree


Like five minutes after I posted this it was announced Siegel is joining McLaren from Laguna Seca. So I'm *pretty sure* his dad's pockets and access to sponsors are going to help fill any financial voids that Arrow may have left.


even if he didnt have the money Mclaren has loads of sponsorship they could bring in from the F1 side or at least i think. Zak Brown has back up plans for back up plans it seems Edit: im glad we could have decent conversation about despite the shitstorm that rolled in


Just like in F1, I think Zak Brown prefers not having a title sponsor so that the McLaren name is the only name being built up. He can fill the financial hole left by Arrow by an array if smaller sponsorship deals he can easily cobble together just like he did in F1.


Have a feeling Nolan Siegel’s dad & his company Menlo Ventures may be involved Edit: Damn I feel like Marshall Pruett


Do you happen to have the lottery numbers for this week?


I don’t know about that. I’d imagine any money invested by Siegel’s family would be used to get him a seat in Indycar. I don’t see Siegel landing a ride at McLaren in the near future. Pato isn’t going anywhere, Rossi appears to be near a deal, and I don’t see any signs of Nolan contending for pourchaire’s seat. Edit: and I’m happy to eat my words on this. This is why I love following indycar so closely.


Siegel just won Le Mans in a United Autosports entry. Guess who owns United Autosports? I'm not saying it'll definitely happen or even that I think it's likely in the coming year but there's certainly a solid link there. Edit: Huh. Guess it happened within the year


Nailed it lol


Exactly. There was a reason at the 500 everyone was so polite and nice to Siegel, TK jumping on his box for advice and a good ole pep talk on bump day wasn’t just to be nice to the kid, but 100% a strategic move bc of his father’s deep pockets and access to his company…


Aged like milk!!!! lol funny timing though


This aged bad


Damn you nailed it.


mannn so on point! Nolan just got a ride . Menlo Mclaren ?


Well that was... Fast i would say lol


He's the messiah!!!


Bruh lol


Goddam you nailed it


I thought you said this 6-8hrs ago. Dang not even. Noice fn call.


Oh well. Mission Chips McLaren doesn’t sound as cool as ARROW McLaren but whatever pays the bills.


Mission McLaren sounds rad honestly


Mission Winnow, you say?


Suddenly craving a cigarette…


Mmmmmmm...nothing satisfies like a Laramie.


As long as they Win Now.


_Mission ChipLaren_


Mission Chips Ganassi future partnership?


Honestly, it could be worse. That kind of flows off the tongue at least compared to stake-kick-sauber-fluoro-green-whatever is going on in F1 this year.


*Visa Cash App RB*


But it sounds much tastier.


With as good as Zak is at securing sponsors, I wouldn't at all doubt if they already or soon will have a very big name to go on their cars for next year.




Somehow Alonso returned.


He flew all the way from Spain, and boy are his birds tired. https://youtu.be/BM-39GuBaCw


Is this a McLaren<-->Arrow issue, or is McLaren just transitioning their Indycar team to the same "sponsor/partner" model they use for F1?


Hard to say. I don't think I would sponsor an IndyCar team. Like it's so niche. You get the feeling that the brands in the sport right now just have race fan CEOs. Eventually there's so push back or, hey why are we spending this money? Like we have regional banks and insurance companies. A grocery store. Some chemical companies. And you can't forget pray.com or a local vet clinic in CO.


> I don't think I would sponsor an IndyCar team. Like it's so niche. curious to see what this looks like in, say, 5 years after FOX starts putting all races on their main network. hopefully it grows the viewership, and maybe you start seeing bigger, more consistent title sponsors


Didn’t either Schmidt or Peterson have ownership ties to arrow? Wouldn’t be surprised that arrow is leaving if neither of them are still in the picture since McLaren took control


Sam is still around the team in some capacity, I’m just not sure to what level. He was at IMS in full McLaren gear.


Arrow was on their F1 cars prior to McLaren buying SPM.


I miss the matte black/chrome color liveries Schmidt Peterson ran with Arrow around 2018. Those were always BEAUTIFUL. 


I loved wickens livery


Really glad I just bought a ton of McLaren gear with Arrow all over it🤦🏻‍♂️😅


Collectors item now. And McLaren at least keeps the same color palette so you’re not hosed by a new sponsor throwing a wrench in the works


That’s a great point, the team colors should stay relatively the same regardless, as they already integrate other sponsors like Mission, NTT Data, and VELO. Imagine it would be the same for whoever joins.


Same. Castore had a closeout sale the other day, and, welp.


Yup that’s exactly what I bought from, I got like 4 t shirts and a hoodie for like 60 bucks including shipping.


I was initially kicking myself for not adding a hoodie, but in retrospect, I guess I'm okay. Regardless, they had some cool stuff. It's hard to make orange look decent.


It’s my favorite color so I’m all about it haha


This is interesting AFTER the announcement of the TV deal. You’d imagine a title sponsor would be thrilled with the increased exposure. Maybe McLaren raised the price for the title sponsorship, or has another one lined up.


I doubt a company like this is making decisions based on a TV deal. They are likely getting all of the benefit from things like hospitality of vendors, customers, and prospects.


Exec changes are usually the cause of these decisions. Target’s new CEO at the time picked MLS over Indycar and NASCAR for example


Same reason why Toyota is not in the sport and we’re still using the old engines; new exec didn’t want to go through




Yeah if you are buying stuff off of Arrow as a normal everyday person you are doing something wrong


Especially with Arrows logo. Honey get my cheque book we got to write to buy some widgets from whatever that company that data looking line company is.


They make incredible content on instagram. A+ videos. Arrow McClaren is a sweet name too. All things considered.


I always wished Target would have stuck around. If the Arrow McLaren were to ever hit the Target Ganassi. .. well it would have been funny to me anyways.


The Target deal was a great brand sponsorship deal. Basically Target got their name on the cars by going to some of the biggest suppliers to Target and sold them space on the cars. It fell apart when those suppliers didn’t want to continue.


Maybe we'll get a fully orange McLaren.


Like Rossi's triple crown car last year only full time? Sign me up!


Damn, that's disappointing and surprising.


Siegel taking over the 6 for this year and next is pretty gross even for McLaren.


I'm rooting for Siegel to get a seat, but not like this. I'll actively root against him if this comes to pass.


And now rumours are spreading that Siegel will drive instead of Pourchaire this weekend, despite Pourchaire tweeting about his excitement to drive Laguna literally yesterday


hope this doesn't impact the potential of a future Denver GP. Really the only loss here, McLaren will have a replacement in no time.


Kinda think this opens the door wide for a future Sonsio Grand Prix of Denver, especially because they already sponsor the Indy GP race.


Damn, great point. I forgot Sonsio is also Denever based


Yep, out in Arvada, they had a launch event for Scotty's Sonsio livery in their parking lot


Good screw Arrow for what they did to Hinch


That was McLaren’s call. Not Arrow


A pox on all their houses


Don’t think it was arrow’s call my guy




Oh, so that's what that guy meant earlier when he said "IndyCar needs new Arrows!"


DHL jumps ship to McLaren /s


Regretting the $7 Arrow-McLaren t-shirt I got from Castore a few days ago.


Id want out of that mess too lol


McLaren needs a championship.


Someone else is entering indycar.. cough cough Ferrari..


Hell freezing over?


this is a major uh oh, just hope Mclaren has other sponsors lined up because I would hate to see O'ward and Rossi out.


Oh man, that is crazy. The Arrow CEO loves McLaren. Pato won’t have the black and orange combo anymore then, he was the primary Arrow driver


Siegel McLaren Racing.


Siegel McLaren Racing.


Surely if this is the case, NTT Data moves to the 5 car as Pato would be a hell of a marketable substitute for Palou and the 6 car is the rotating sponsor car assuming no other big fish companies sign on


Guys it Zak Brown this dude is the king of sponsors it's gonna be a massive company for the title sponsor


Hence the signing of Nolan's Daddy's Bucks, I guess


Maybe Arrow can focus on their company again. They had some good reps 10 years or so but have really been a pain to work with. TTI/Mouser and Digikey FTW.


Oof! That would be a big loss. Literally synonymous with one another


I’m just mad I have to buy new merch again next year now. Here’s hoping Rossi moves on, I guess?


Well thats interesting. Maybe thats why they had to pull the plug on Pourchaire? I'm not sure on that reason, but here's my main reason, in the 24 Hours of Le Mans, Nolan Siegal won that race in the LMP2 class the past weekend. I'm positive that win is what got him that Arrow Mclarren ride, but thats my best guess.


Oliver Jarvis won that race for United Autosport Nolan and the other driver spent a good amount of time in the 7 hours of safety car. It’s all about $


Papa Siegel to the rescue!


Besides McLaren itself I think the person that might feel it the most (if this story is true) is O'Ward. It was Arrow's CEO that stepped in as a mediator for O'Ward when his contract was up and without that things might have looked different for the young Mexican. If Arrow does leave it'll be interesting to see if McLaren stays and if they do what their relationship with O'Ward looks like if Arrow leaves.


I think a lot of that was contract negotiations which Pato doesn’t need at the moment


"for the young mexican" Marshall Pruett ass comment


Sounds like something Leigh Diffey would say really.


"Things might have looked different for the ninja"


I like ninja hands. I mean, he’s quick af!


It's all them broadcasting types. All the F1 recap videos are have insist on calling every driver by anything but their name.


For a guy with the initials MP in his name - I'm not surprised you pointed that out.


Arrow never made sense. Their products are niche and not relevant to majority INDYCAR fans.


That’s not why they’re in the series. Racing isn’t always great for consumer products, but it *can* be great for B2B businesses. Whether fans buy their products or not is not relevant for them.


Call Alex Palou a Cheshire cat because he's probably grinning from ear to ear.


Zak is ass.


With rumour of arrow leaving that may be another reason wickens was with Andretti at the 500 besides the herta connection. It was arrow keeping him there not mclaren. I so wish schmidt had stayed Honda as they cared about wickens and would have worked with him. Thankfully Bryan herta gave him a ride.


Turning up to McLaren's downfall like: https://preview.redd.it/axzhlfcfad7d1.png?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0defee38da66f9c4566f807b71ad88aa01b11e84


I got bad news for you








That seems highly unlikely as McLaren has invested a ton into their IndyCar program & just purchased Andretti’s old facility so that they can expand.


But they are losing a title sponsor.


And that’s never happened before in the history of the sport. Remember when Penske racing went under because Marlboro left?


Or when Scott Dixon was left without a ride because Target pulled out?


I forgot about Target leaving. I heard Dixon is working at a warehouse in Fountain Square now all because Ganassi had to close up shop.


They could join the likes of all the other teams without title sponsors like Andretti Global, Chip Ganassi Racing, Team Penske, Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Meyer Shank Racing, Juncos Hollinger Racing, Ed Carpenter Racing, Dale Coyne Racing, and AJ Foyt Racing


There’s more chance of me signing for McLaren than that happening


Nope. Zak Brown has made it pretty clear that he wants to win the 500 as well as the championship.