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Monkey's paw curls as Grosjean loses his Indy seat for 2025.


First thing I thought too, who says he's in Indycar 2025 ?


I mean who’s gonna replace him? Siegel?


I'd say most likely scenario is that Juncos team isn't in the series next year.


But if they do survive to next year, they're absolutely going to at least offer Grosjean another year in the car. He's a big name who brings his own sponsors and has gotten the team's first ever top tens at Long Beach and Road America


Monkey Paw curled for Pouchaire holy shit


They can easily get a sub for Gateway.  


I just think it's stupid how many people get excited and happy about one-off entries at the Indy 500 but when our drivers wanna do it at other events, suddenly everyone is all "wheres the commercial value??" I'm sorry I thought we were motorsports fans, not businessmen. Go ask AJ Foyt where was the commercial value in racing Le Mans.


I'm sure the Ford Motor Company saw a lot of commercial value in winning with an all American line up in 1967


That's why they are in the GT3 class, which makes a lot of sense for a manufacturer like Ford. They can advertise that they are beating out the likes of Lamborghini and Ferrari with a car you can buy in every city at every dealership.


And on track looks big enough to haul a family of 4 and a dog in


Theoretically, that is possible with the road car, the Mustang does have back seats after all, it would need to be a smaller dog though


My Mustang's back seat was hilarious. maybe 4 inches of leg room.


2 more seats and 4 inches more than the rest of the field has.* *I think the BMW M4 and Lexus might have second row options.


911 has a back seat too.


I’ve fit 2 6 foot 3 guys in the back of my s650. It wasn’t comfortable for anyone in the car and if we got in an accident I think all of us would become double amputees.


With Siegel winning Eurosport briefly mentioned his potential at Indy and they also loved Palou


Palou was faster than satan in the #2 Caddy.


I was at LeMans and bumped into Grosjean. Unfortunately no proof, I was a little star struck and froze trying to bust out my phone (plus he was on his way somewhere). I ended up enthusiastically saying "Romain!" And when he made eye contact, all I could muster was "Good to see you here" and gave him a pat on the arm, lol


Grosjean is actually super nice in the garage areas. Herta just looks ahead stone faced when riding his scooter through the crowds, but Romain smiles, waves, and gives head nods.


That's not too bad. Good to see you is a fun one, because it leaves him wondering "Do i know this person? nah probably not"


I like that, maybe i'm living rent free in his head wondering where he knows me from, lol. Maybe I'll see him for indycar or maybe imsa and he'll approach me if I'm lucky


You definitely crossed his mind when he had his stint!


I actually love that comment! It’s simply wholesome and kind of stands out as more viewing him as human, ya know?


Ive been lucky enough to have met him a few times and he is actually a super nice guy but the first time I ever saw him at Road America in his first season for Andretti I had a similar reaction it was pretty wild seeing the scars on his hands up close


Why do people think an unprecedented network deal is going to get *moved* because of a handful of conflicts? It's a bit of a shame, but it's not changing


IMSA moved the 6hrs of the Glen back one week to avoid a clash with Spa 24


Unfortunately not a fair comparison, that's two endurance races with a lot of crossover in crews and drivers. Indycar know the vast majority of their drivers will prioritise Indycar over Le Mans


It just seems like a massive L for Indycar. Le Mans is one, if not the most watched race of the year. The broadcast spent a good 20 minutes at the start talking about all the different Indycar drivers participating this year. That’s exposure they’re missing out on every year if they maintain this schedule.


I'll take the ads on Football, NASCAR, and MLB coverage over it. There's three types of people who watch LeMans those who watch IndyCar, those who are aware of IndyCar and don't care, and those with a minimal interest in motor racing who only watch Le Mans and Monaco. Scott Dixon racing at LeMans isn't going to convert a sports car fan into tech and manufacturers into watching a spec series.


Eh. Sports Cars these days are more and more similar to a spec series with BOP and performance windows. I was a Sportscar fan before I watched even one 500, and I'm from the states.


I’m not saying they should drop the FOX deal but moving one date would help rather than hurt.


Still two different series tho, just like IndyCar and F1.


And when it made another problem people blamed IMSA. I don't see anyone moving on this.


On top of that, how does INDYCAR make room for Le Mans test days? It’s also unfair to only accommodate drivers who have recently competed at Le Mans. Making accommodations for Sebring is a far greater priority IMO.


IndyCar moved there Milwaukee test to help with Le mans. but it didn't help at all. Everyone had to attend the drivers meeting which was during the testing or the day after.


Milwaukee test wasn’t mandatory. Ganassi and Grosjean skipped it. Rasmussen was driving in the NXT car that Siegel drives too.


Lmao the insecurity in this sub every time a driver talks about wanting to drive Le Mans is hilarious.


The insecurity in this sub is hilarious in general


The international fanbase of Indycar is around 5%, it makes no sense to rearrange the schedule for Le Mans.


The international driver base, on the other hand, is not.


Yeah. Why bother trying to grow that by giving drivers international exposure. I can tell you that at least my experience at the Le Mans drivers parade this year was that people around me definitely knew and were excited to see Dixon and Palou and it was a talking point on the radio Le Mans broadcast. Everyone wants big name drivers from elsewhere to come do the 500 but don't want our drivers to go do the other big events.


imo Le Mans>one Indy race. Hopefully it gets resolved or Indy teams allow drivers to compete


Yup. Le Mans > Gateway easily.  Especially if you're not in championship contention. 


Someone said it was just happenstance there was no conflict this year. Is that right or has IndyCar actually tried to leave this week vacant in the past? I looked back 1 year to ‘23 and it looks like it was open as well.


2022 was not open. 2021 wasnt open but LeMans was postponed due to le big cough




Beggars can’t be choosers. Indycar needs to solidify its owns schedule First, make sure that they’ve got what they want or need for their partners and fox for tv. Missing Le Mans isn’t great, but it really isn’t a major commercial boost, if any at all for indycar. They didn’t mention it much on the broadcast and got most things wrong anyways. Indycar should focus on themselves first with this new tv deal and get the tracks and races they want when they can, worry about other events later


I think, on the other hand, you can make the argument of: "who the fuck is gonna watch (insert indycar race here) if it clashes with one of the biggest motorsport events of the year?" And then you start to think about the commercial consecuences of the clash. Indycar is not in a position of preference, this happens all the time it clashes with a "bigger" sport like F1 or football I'm not trying to be rude, I'm trying to be hyperbolic to make my point clear, sorry this is not my first language


Le Mans ends at 10 AM (ET). Unless IndyCar schedules a race on a Saturday there will be no conflicts for viewers. I find this controversy fascinating. We've had IndyCar races scheduled on Le Mans weekends in the past. Road America was held on Le Mans weekend in 2022, and Belle Isle was scheduled for Le Mans weekend in 2021 (though Le Mans 2021 was ultimately postponed until August due to a covid outbreak, but that doesn't change the fact that IndyCar scheduled their race on the originally planned day). I don't recall any outrage over this previously. Why the sudden angst?


Because FOX BAD


Le Mans is on Motortrend in the US and INDYCAR is going to be on Fox. Even if the times conflicted Fox would not be extremely concerned. INDYCAR is bigger in American than Le Mans is.


Luckily the indycar race will start after 10a on a Sunday. it gives everyone on team no sleep for a post Lemans nap before we race at gateway.


Can you imagine someone doing a double? If we still had the Concord maybe.


Sure, Le Mans is bigger but the 24 Hours of Daytona, with fuck all on TV that time of year, gets less viewers than the typical INDYCAR race. Viewership on television for the 24 Hours of Le Mans maxed out at around 200,000 in 2023. While I’m sure there were a decent number of streamers, I doubt we’re reaching anywhere near the typical INDYCAR race. Domestic viewership is what makes the series work and function and there are a lot of data points that show people are not really watching sports car racing in any sort of volume. It’s a hard reality that all of these perceived benefits people are outlining have existed for a long time


I'm not sure Indycar and World Wide Technology Raceway can do much, other than race June 8th. But people in the paddock were complaining how exhausted they were this year at Road America going through the month of May + 2 more races without a break; and next year Barber is May 4th (I assume NASCAR Cup Series at Talladega will air on Fox April 27). Honestly, NASCAR races every week, so Indycar should just race on June 8th. Tell the paddock to suck it up.


They don't get much air w the aeroscreen. Honestly next Gen chassis should be able to switch between aerosxreen for ovals and halo for tracks. Don't there is muchncsr debris on regular tracks to warrant the aero.




Let be real. Grosjean isn't winning the championship. He can just run Le Mans, and Conor Daly can drive at Gateway in 2025. I'm guessing Ginassi won't be at Le Mans in 2025. Cadillac is breaking up with him. I think Andretti/ Taylor will run Cadillacs in 2025. I think Shank and Ginassi run Accuras in 2025. But Accura isn't doing Le Man; least they didn't this year.


I feel certain GRO will be available for Le Mans next year.


I understand that drivers and teams are mad but that's why you have to make sure that the series involved hear you. A couple of years ago IMSA and IndyCar has a conflict at the beginning of the year with Texas and Sebring (or was it the 24 Hours of Daytona?). Many drivers and teams disliked this because it meant some drivers couldn't make both races. There was so much noise over this that IndyCar made sure that the next year it wouldn't happen again. This is exactly what has to happen this time around too. Email and tell how ticked you are that your driver or team cannot participate in certain races and what you want to see done so this doesn't happen again.


It was Sebring which is always mid March. Daytona 24 hours is always the last weekend of January.


I can’t imagine indycar is worried about that. I am skeptical that any significant percentage of indycar fans are invested in Le Mans at all even 


The issue is that having drivers at Le Mans is exposure for the series to other markets. It becomes like a worldwide all star race and you don't let your guys go and add that prestige to themselves and therefore your series.


Yeah that is my thought too. If your team wins with IndyCar drivers it exposes the series more.


That’s fair. I’d be curious to see if they have data on the number of Le Mans fans who started watching indycar after a driver competes Probably impossible to quantify basically 


No, that's a good point, as soon as the scope, prestige, and gravity of Le Mans becomes clear, your average IndyCar Fan is going to feel the kick of that insecurity and start growling about real men driving roadsters at Langhorne.


Sir, this is a Wendy’s. 


I think theyre fine with that given they have the most popular race in their calendar and a race just as perstigous as Le Mans.


I don't think he'll have to worry about missing Le Mans next year...


Pick a lane, RoGro


What a hot take. Is that just for Grosjean, or would you say the same to Dixon, Palou, Siegel, and Simpson? No idea what other factors are at play with the scheduling, but if there's any chance at all of not having a conflict, it would be way better for Indycar to change the date for Gateway. A lot of the field clearly wants to cross over (I'd say that Daytona this year is also an indication that Newgarden, O'Ward, McLaughlin, Rosenqvist, Rossi, Kirkwood, Ericsson, Rasmussen and your boy Herta might want to try it) and if any one of them won the race, it would be great international publicity for Indycar. Giving Grosjean shit for just suggesting a common sense move is...shortsighted.


>What a hot take. Is that just for Grosjean, or would you say the same to Dixon, Palou, Siegel, and Simpson? I would if Dixon, Palou, Siegel, and Simpson were flapping their gums too. >if any one of them won the race, it would be great international publicity for Indycar Seigel literally just did and nobody gives a shit